Apologistas for Rio de Janeiro crime, go f_ _ k yourselves.
#1) I have lived here ten years.
#2) I was assaulted RECENTLY, February 2019 on the sidewalk in front of the beach in Ipanema at about 2pm on a Sunday afternoon. Directly in front of Posto 10. I speak fluent Portuguese. I told the pivette I had nothing for him, as I changed from my tennis shoes to chinos.
#3) No one came to help or chase the pivette
#4) thenowner of the quiosque called me an ambulance, the police and the firefighters. For 20-30 minutes, no one came to help a tourist, and I heard the owner talking on his phone. He gave me two bags of ice. After the bleeding to my eyebrow reduced, I grabbed myself a taxi to Copa D'or in Copacabana, where I received three stitches.
#5) Apologistas for the dangers that can take place in Rio de Janeiro, just stop. If it can happen on a Sunday afternoon, near the Ave. Vieira Souto at 2pm in front of a lifeguard station, in can happen anywhere.
#6) The pivette got nothing from me, except a free escape, no one went after him, no authority ever showed, I took it upon myself to arrange my own care.
#7) So to the apologistas.....stop already.