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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. From the catalogue: "Basic Male Doll – starts at $5,900" Unless you're into necrophilia, the body warmer add-on is highly recommended. Heat – $300. The built-in heat is not recommended for inserts. It is easier to warm the insert in hot water. Heat warms the anal entries only. Do not play with the doll or put it in water when plugged in. Normal sized dicks are also available on request. The smallest is 6" (sorry, Hito). ---- Ok, call it $7,000 with body hair (extra) and a few other add-ons. Wouldn't you rather spend that kind of cash in Brazil or Thailand or Prague instead?
  2. OH MY!
  3. "Wellll...." shit. God, AdamSmith, this guy is the gay male equivalent of a Valley girl. Where are your standards?
  4. So no bi-guys, Paragon? Cause that could be very confusing for our gaydars.
  5. I think some the less enlightened alumni of Liberty University have reached for their pitchforks because a gay broadway dancer was hired to choreograph its production of Mary Poppins. And Liberty U. has told them to bug off. Now I ain't saying that this means Liberty U ain't still a cesspool of Xtian evil mindedness, but the parallel offers room for thought. http://www.christianpost.com/news/liberty-university-shrugs-off-concerns-over-openly-gay-choreographer-assisting-in-campus-production-117576/
  6. I just realized that there's a number of ambiguities inherent in the text of that sign. Initially I read it as specifying 2 gay and 3 straight guys, but it doesn't really say that explicitly, does it? It could just as well be read as "3 (bi guys who) don't care (who we fuck)." Or they could be a gay quintet, 2 of whom are out and proud and 3 of whom are party circuit types who just don't care about all that political shit. Anyone got any other readings of the text?
  7. Well, I peeked and we missed at least one, RA1. So much for our gaydar. Unless, maybe, one of the 'straight' boys is just still in the closet?
  8. Have to go with RA1 on this one, one and four (from left) for sure.
  9. Ok apparently this practical joke has had an on-line life of over a decade, but it's taken that long for the meme to penetrate me deep thru the hills and hollers of Mississippi. For me this is damned near the Platonic ideal of a prank. It's mean, painful, humiliating and funny as hell w/o going quite far enough to subject the prankster or his accomplice to criminal sanctions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=iVEKF6YT2Qg And, like a good magic trick, it leaves the prankee frustrated and baffled . Execute it properly and you can whack the poor victim over and over again. (Don't do this at home, kids. )
  10. LOL, I thought you had already it. Boy, I'm getting old.
  11. Smoking is bad for your skin.
  12. Yeah? So why didn't you forward me a copy, RA1?
  13. Fucking hilarious! Better than Laurel & Hardy. Do you have any info on where this happened, Wayout?
  14. Fuck, now you have me worried, Paragon. 4Aces, I hope all is well with you.
  15. Sorry, Hito. Eventually every teen idol gets to where he has to shave everyday and then it's poof!, off to the next boy.
  16. AS, I think you have to know at least a smidgen of computer tech stuff to be a moderator. Remember a few years back when TY kept deleting posts by accident? Me, I'd probably wind up deleting half the underlying software that runs the site if I had admin rights. I remember when I finally broke down and bought a computer for personal use, I hadn't had it for more than a month when I had to get the windows software reinstalled after I managed to screw it so bad it wouldn't even boot.
  17. I think that, at the very least, Oz owes you that trip to Havana you've been pining for for years. How about it, Oz, why not keep TY on as our special correspondent for Havana? The Brothers Castro can't live forever, so it behoves BoyToy to get prepared for the opening up of what will likely be the next Brazil for gay sex tourism. TY, you being so elderly and all, if you find yourself in need of an assistant for the trip, I'll buy myself one of those portable Oxygen machines and toddle along behind you just in case you need a second opinion on some of the boys. Did I mention I speak a little Spanish?
  18. On the other hand, not all of the gay community approved of what they saw as a pogrom against Eich. Here's Andrew Sullivan's take: “The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/04/04/mozilla-exec-out-of-job-for-gay-rights-intolerance-some-think-thats-intolerant/?tid=hp_mm
  19. What a neat idea. They're adding a lot of extra capacity at nominal cost and, at the same time providing a service for the poor (or at least those both poor and agile enough to hang on). That could never happen in the US. Forget that legal and insurance would have a fit; we just don't think that way. Well, maybe in San Francisco. All kinds of strange shit going on there.
  20. I see that all the time as a reason to artificially restrict the number of minutes conversation in the cockpit is recorded. And it always leaves me wondering what the fuck you guys are doing in your workplace that you need do much privacy?
  21. Eat up, boys, let's put some meat on those bones.
  22. "Letts (not Latts)" oops, my bad. (blush) Not trying to single out the Letts, RA1, I just happened to run across an article about Latvia that touched on many of the issues associated with the presence of large Russian minorities in most of the new post-Soviet nation states. ---- To get a better feel for the situation in Eastern Europe, try the following thought experiment: 1) The USA falls into a cataclysmic political, social and economic convulsion. In the confusion, California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico set themselves up as independent countries with Spanish speaking majorities. Twenty to forty per cent of their populations are English speaking Anglo minorities. 2) OK, 20 years pass and things settle back to normal, more or less, in the USA. 3) Will the Anglo majorities in North and East Texas be real happy being told to get with it and learn Spanish (& a Mexican version of Texas history) before they can vote? Will the Anglos in Cali get cranked about the agreement among the Mexican based parties to exclude any Anglo based party from any coalition government? 4) More importantly will the new government in Washington keep a hands off attitude toward these new statelets? Or will it feel like they're not really legitimate countries. Wouldn't politicians in D.C. be tempted to intervene to stop harassment of Anglos? Wouldn't a large majority in the USA support the notion that cousin Mary Beth and her kids shouldn't be discriminated against just because they moved to San Diego 60 years ago? 5) To put it bluntly, wouldn't an old gay pilot living in MEM get pissed when he saw a Mexican mob in Texas pull a coup against an elected government in Austin that was friendly to the Anglos and the USA and pass laws barring the use of English in schools, courts or legal documents? 6) And if the good folks of East Texas said fuck this shit and asked America to allow them back in the Union, wouldn't that same pilot be inclined to grant them their wishes? Even if it pissed off China and Russia? (Maybe especially if it pissed off China and Russia )?
  23. Lookin, the rule applies not only to Russian 'settlers' but to their Latvian born children and grandchildren also. The reason Russian speaking folks can now take the test (after they're fluent in Latvian) is that the European Union clamped down the Latts for blatant racial discrimination. Initially citizenship was granted strictly on ethnic lines. Hmmm...no path to citizenship. Now where have we heard that before? The problem of stranded Russian speaking minorities runs through all the post-Soviet states. They're almost always discriminated against politically and to some extent socially and economically. It's a damned difficult situation to resolve and the local chauvinists don't make it any easier when they jack the resident Russians around. Remember when the radical nationalists took over in Kiev, the first thing they did was to pass a law repealing Russian as an official language. Yeah, under intense Western pressure, the interim president later vetoed it but what does that bill say about the attitude, good will (hell, or even good sense) of the folks running Kiev? Notice too that opinion polls show intense support for Putin's actions so far in Russia. Russian nationalism is not dead. I read the latest Russian diplomatic initiative as saying Putin will settle (for now) for annexation of the Crimea, considerable autonomy for the eastern provinces and suppression of ultra-nationalists (anti Russians?) in the western provinces. That sounds like the next best thing to a Russian protectorate to me.
  24. Here's a BBC article that nicely illustrates many of the problematic aspects of large minorities of ethnic Russians living in the states carved out of the former Soviet Union. Notice that official Latvian government figures show a 26.2% Russian minority while an unofficial private survey shows around 42%. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-26720549 You can see why Russia might be concerned over the treatment of Russian speaking folks now trapped across the rather arbitrary borders of the new countries. You can also see why Mother Russia's assertion of a right to supervise the welfare of Russians living outside Russia proper sends a chill down the spines of diplomats around Europe. By the way, part of the state ideology of Czarist Russia was the very similar notion that Russia was the protector and guarantor of the welfare of fellow Slavs living in the Balkans (this was a direct cause of WWI).
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