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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. Would it be too obvious to point out that your post was clearly intended to deflect attention from your obsession?
  2. AS, bless your heart, you are seriously obsessed with 2001.
  3. If it involves Nekkid Nazi Youth leaders spurting their strong German spunk all over each other for the good of the Fatherland, I'm sure a way can be found.
  4. He told me that I would have been a Nazi! LOL I think what he was trying to get at is that young people can easily get caught up in great exciting idealistic crusades. And that hard men with cynical old hearts can be quite skilled in making use of that weakness.
  5. I'm glad enough for him. It's just that somehow it doesn't come as any great surprise.
  6. World shocked! I really enjoyed this when it first came out https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1422411861&x-yt-cl=84924572&feature=player_detailpage&v=rkRIbUT6u7Q And this last clip always makes my eyes tear up. It did again tonight. When I was a young un and all wrapped up in Civil Rights and Anti-war stuff, my father told me that if I had grown up in Germany in the 1930's I would have been a Nazi. Took me years to understand what he was trying to tell me.
  7. And if I didn't have some affection for you too, Callipygian, I probably wouldn't bother to tease you. Probably.
  8. OMG I didn't even notice that was a wheel chair the guy was sitting in. My bad, I apologize. Here, I'll get you a nice new hat...and you get to choose the color all on your own! Feel better now?
  9. Doesn't look too tasty. Have you tried earmarking some of your fees for kickbacks? That has a way of loosing up the faucet.
  10. Well bless your heart, Callipygian, you know we'll always make room for you here.
  11. Glad to be of service, AS. You should register and make some astute comments on some of its articles. Who knows, maybe you'll catch a project manager's attention and weasel a consult or two. Just don't forget who steered you there when the big checks start rolling in. Hmmm...how much is a consultant's cut on a multi billion dollar build? Inclusive of cost over-runs, I mean.
  12. Here's an article on the impact of the new Panama Canal with a sidebar on Nicaragua's proposed sea level project.
  13. LOL, AS, I don't think the electorate is all that different. It's only back then they didn't have anything more interesting to do. No TV, no internet, no I-Pod, no cute kittens on YouTube. Even within my lifetime folks gathered from surrounding counties just to see a hanging at our courthouse. Brought a picnic basket, made a day of it. Life was boring in the good old days. You had to take your fun where you found it. ---- My point was that pols tailor their policies to the audience that they figure can help them achieve the ambitions but what they truly crave in the darkest crannies of their souls is to be top dog. Everything else is contingent and subject to change without notice.
  14. I don't know why but I've been reading 'Loretta Lynch' as 'Loretta Lynn' all week. (LOL, I just had to correct Ms. Lynch's last name; I typed 'Lynn' the first time.)
  15. AS, I think the craving is the same whether in the USA or China or the Islamic State. Only the policy crap part differs. And please don't tell me that our guys are any more squeamish about whacking off heads. Remember when Rick Perry went to some considerable lengths to speed the execution of a man he knew to be in all likelihood innocent just to avoid a minor political embarrassment.
  16. I know it's hopelessly naive but that's what bothers me the most about political types. It's like, "I crave the power and position. Now let's cook up some policy crap that will help me get it." I truly believe that's its this consuming passion to be alpha dog (or in Hillary's case, alpha bitch) that is the fatal weakness of the human species. Folks really would rather rule in Hell than bow the knee in Heaven. PS I'm not one of those who especially fault Clinton for her ambition; she's no worse than any of her competitors. They just have a better press.
  17. "If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time." Sucky, who knew you were a student of Churchill? You're a sly devil.
  18. Lookin, even the Brewer twins have their disagreements on occasion.
  19. Tomcal, your posts brighten the days of this old shut-in. You are a hero to us all. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back and May the sun shine warm upon your face. (Irish Blessing)
  20. Might have known those Frenchies would be the ones. They'll eat anything.
  21. I know. To this day I don't know how I managed to keep my mouth shut. But Auntie was a redhead with a fierce temper and Moma didn't want a war with her sister (unless Moma started it ), so...
  22. Is 'beans and cabbage' really a dish that people eat?
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