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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. This is a thing and NOBODY BOTHERED TO TELL ME!??!! Oh, you selfish bitches. Years wasted... DECADES! Fuck all you self centered ass-holes. Well, except BBB...better late than never.
  2. I'm betting a little prostrate massage would rekindle your interest, AS.
  3. The amount of money they will be able to squeeze out of this is truly astounding. Isn't that reason enough to try?
  4. I have been waiting for AdamSmith to lose his shit over these reports but, so far, no joy.
  5. Not if your payroll is funded by the Saudis.
  6. Apparently there are just (barely) enough voters in Alabama who have tired enough of Moore's act to wait 3 years before electing another Republican to the Senate. Yea! I guess.
  7. Don't piss on the Romans.
  8. River, oh yes; Cory, not so much.
  9. Turns out that old dear Bernie didn't know the half of what was going on in the DNC. Also it turns out that Obama never bothered to pay off its huge debt from his 2012 campaign leaving the Dems crippled and stripped of resources in the run up to the 2016 campaign.
  10. MsGuy

    The Organ

    Ain't no way that old dear is doing pistol squats! Fake news.
  11. Yea! No change is good change.
  12. I hate change.
  13. Dude, it's not just a phone, it's an iPhone X!
  14. Well now. let's not fail to give that clapped out old pol the Dems nominated her just due. I mean, my God, Crooked Hilary barely managed to see off our very own version of Jeremy Corbyn in the primaries. LOL, wasn't it her good friend, former senator Dale Bumpers who commented (right after she was nominated) "You can always trust Hilary...to fuck things up."
  15. MsGuy

    Ba-Bye Bannon

    Jog my memory, Sucky, when has Trump even rhetorically entertained the notion that he might have been wrong about anything?
  16. LUCY She makes you laugh, She makes you cry, She hits you in the face With pie. The 24/7 clown show on CNN since January ain't bad either.
  17. I've been trying to explain the significance of Trump's statements on Session's self recusal to my buds down at the coffee shop but I'm getting a lot of blank stares. For all our jawing about it, I don't think most people have any real concept of the meaning of the phrase 'rule of law'.. It's just a nice sounding bit of blah blah blah, at least among my crowd. I'm not sure which bothers me more: that Trump is trying to bend Justice and the FBI to his will or that he has no clue that this is something he should be embarrassed about. The man appears to think all the power of the Federal government is subject to the personal service of POTUS.
  18. +1 His back and face ain't too shabby either. Too bad they can't show us a full monty. AdamSmith would likely jizz his pants.
  19. "There's a good one just up ahead. I can smell him from here."
  20. Makes me think my Facebook page needs a complete re-do.
  21. "His death seems the result of a stupid prank that he and his girl friend wanted to stage for youtube." Well, I would define this as an almost classic exemplar of Darwinian selection in action except he managed to breed twice prior to his demise.
  22. Tyler's not a real medium, Sucky. He just plays one on TV. Or were you implying that he's actually straight?
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