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Everything posted by JKane

  1. For me, both. The quality and new features keep drawing me towards Chrome, at the same time the Mozilla flap pushes me away.
  2. Everything keeps drawing me towards CHROME. Lots of cool add-ons like Chrome Remote Desktop (just as LogMeIn became fuckers) and soon Google Now cards. The seamless syncing between computers/etc is great too.
  3. Happy b-day!!
  4. The reports about the automated updates are pretty interesting/confusing. I hope hijacking but it'd have been found by now, leaving about the only answers that make sense terrorism/failed hijacking or pilot suicide (it's happened before...).
  5. I wasn't quite shocked, they clearly need total sway over somebody who's going to be watching them 24/7. And the previous security guard ended up pretty warped by the end... Plus I think there were pretty strong references to him having homosexual relations in the episode he spent w/former classmates at the boarding school.
  6. Also put in Joke for the Day thread but wanted to make sure everybody sees it. Maybe it belongs in the citiguide! I live in "struggling actors". Can be quite fun helping them out with a little cash here or there...
  7. I've read several things about it, seems very affordable, shorter/cheaper flight w/easier entry, everything's cheaper. And I've read a couple accounts of the boys there having things for older guys even regardless of earning some cash, happy to accept some but secondary to mutual fun... And if I was going to immerse myself in a foreign language, Spanish would be more useful to me than Portuguese.
  8. I'm thinking Columbia may be the new equivalent of Rio in it's heyday (which I've missed)... much safer than it used to be, and no visa BS to enter...
  9. Torchwood! So pissed Americans ruined it...
  10. FULL ORIENTATION POLICE comic here. Along with some other great stuff-love his bar review comics! I've worked with a couple trans people, and if nothing else that comic helped me to understand there's no qualifier, or hesitation, somebody is the pronoun they've chosen, period. Also, I've hooked up with two FTM (female to male) transsexuals off CL over the years and both were fun/interesting encounters.
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