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    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Great One Liners   
    I'll start:
    Raisin Cookies That Look Like Chocolate Chip Cookies Are The Main Reason I Have Trust Issues.
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    eeyore got a reaction from MsGuy in Has anyone heard from Eeyore lately?   
    I'm here boys. Thanks for your concern and I apologize for not checking in. I've been traveling and find it awkward to post here from mobil devices. I'll be a better boy when I get home.
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    eeyore got a reaction from lookin in Has anyone heard from Eeyore lately?   
    I'm here boys. Thanks for your concern and I apologize for not checking in. I've been traveling and find it awkward to post here from mobil devices. I'll be a better boy when I get home.
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    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in A Monk's Life   
    A Monk's Life
    As you travel through Thailand you will be amazed at the number of orange robed men and boys who seem to be everywhere. With their well-shorn hair and constant smiles, the Buddhist monks are an iconic image of Thailand.
    Yet, while monks are an integral part of the local landscape, many westerners know very little about their lives or what makes them tick.
    How are they different from Christian monks? What goes on in their day-to-day lives?
    The answer is that Thailand monks live a very different lifestyle than their western counterparts.
    Buddhism is a much less restrictive religion than Christianity and this reflects a monk's life. Unlike Western monks, the brothers of Thailand do not necessarily sign up for life, do not do penance and are often an integral part of the community.
    The monks of Thailand are encouraged to find joy and happiness in their lives while Christian monks live a life of pain and sacrifice.
    While Western monks are seen as solitary dour men, in Thailand they are seen as normal joyful members of the community.
    Part of this sense of community stems from the fact that the people see Thai monks nearly every day. When was the last time you actually saw a monk in America?
    Overall there are roughly 300,000 monks in Thailand that come from all walks of life rich and poor, urban and villagers.
    The Way
    Buddhism is not only one of the world's oldest religions it is also one of the most widely followed.
    Nearly 1/5th of the world's population follows Buddhism in one-way shape or form yet nearly all of them live in the East.
    The purpose of Buddhism is to find The Way and that is the goal of every monk, whether novice or elder.
    The Way is a mental and physical outlook on life designed to eliminate sadness and misery and create a sense of joy and calm.
    This view of life celebrates education, compassion and a rejection of personal possessions.
    A monk's true ambition is not physical assets, but true emotional happiness and acceptance of the irony inherent in every life.
    At the nations roughly 32,000 Buddhist monasteries the monks follow the teaching of the Buddha to find The Way.
    This is why you will often see monk's smiling, laughing or simply sitting at peace with themselves and the people around them.
    Because the monks never require a lifetime commitment from any of their members, many adults will join the monastery when they face a particularly difficult part of their lives more often than not for a period of three to six months.
    The idea is that they can use this time to realize their mistakes, plot a new path in life and get closer to finding The Way.
    The Young Boys In Orange
    One of the most striking things about Thailand is the sheer number of young boys who wear the orange robes that signify monastery membership.
    Many tourists seem shocked at the idea that boys this young may be pressured into dedicating their lives to a religion they may be too young to really understand.
    Don't worry.
    Most of these boys will not spend their lives as monks. They will grow up to live completely normal lives in society as doctors and lawyers and laborers.
    Most of these boys are Novices sent to the monastery in search of a better life than can be found in their families' villages or inner city ghettos.
    Unlike in America it costs money for a child to be educated in Thailand. Many Thai families can not afford the costs of the local schools. In fact, Thailand faces such poverty that many families can barely afford to keep food on the table for their children.
    That is why the monasteries are popular. A child sent to a Buddhist monastery will be taught to read and write and gain the education skills he will need to live a happy productive life as an adult.
    A child in a monastery will also never go hungry. So, sending your child to wear the orange robes is often the best thing a loving family can do for their young boys.
    While some of these boys will choose to become an elder and stay in the monastery their entire life, most will not.
    All that have spent the dawn of their lives in the monasteries will carry the experience with them forever and have an understanding of The Way that will help them through life's inevitable challenges.
    There is a saying in Thailand that means "A boy does not become a man until he has been a monk."
    The Shaved Heads
    Other than the bright orange robes which cover the entire body except for the right shoulder the shaved heads are one of the most striking visual representations of Thailand's monks.
    While all of the monks do shave their heads the sheering is done with as much reverence and care as any other part of their lives.
    Once the hair has been cut from their heads it is placed on a lotus leave and then put in a river to float off in honor of the Buddha and nature itself.
    A Day In The Life
    As you would expect, Thailand's monks follow a remarkably regimented life.
    Every day is much like the other and every monastery follows about the same schedule as all of the others.
    These schedules are literally thousands of years old and are not likely to change in our lifetimes.
    Most monks wake up around 4 or 4:30 in the morning to the alarm of the temple bell. They rise quickly because it can take up to a half hour to properly arrange the orange robe in any of the four ways that have been prescribed by Buddha through the ages.
    Around 5 a.m. the monks fully robed gather in a central temple area and begin their morning chants. Immediately following the chants, the monks elders and novices alike then engage in group meditation until the sun rises signally the beginning of their day.
    As the light of day starts to spread around the village it is time for the monks to begin walking through the town seeking alms.
    The monks need these offerings because they are permitted no worldly possessions of their own and are at the mercy of the kindness of the villagers.
    While there is no obligation for anyone to give offerings to the monks most people are proud to offer what they can to these robed men.
    The monks walk barefoot with a tray over their heads. When they get to a home where a family is ready to make an offering, there will be someone typically the oldest woman in the household on her knees awaiting the monk's arrival.
    Most villagers will offer food, flowers, cake and fruit. It should be noticed that the monks make their rounds in silence and never ask for the offerings. Even the poorest villagers are happy to show that they can contribute, as it is part of their long local traditions.
    After the rounds, around 7 in the morning, the monks return to the monastery to eat breakfast.
    The next few hours are spent doing the work that needs to be done to keep the monastery running, including washing of robes, cleaning and physical maintenance.
    When a monk is done with his chores he will then begin reading and studying until 11 a.m. when the temple bell rings to announce the second meal of the day.
    As the monks prepare for their meal, peasants will again come to the monastery with offerings of simple items the monks might need like toothpaste or soap.
    This meal is eaten with care, because it will be the last time they are allowed to eat until breakfast the next day.
    After the meal, the monks return to their primary responsibilities, which include work, study and meditation on The Way. If a monk needs some simple possession he can ask an elder for permission to visit the village again, though this is not very common.
    Around 7 p.m. the monks once again gather together for the evening chant and group meditation celebrating the Buddha. When this is done the monks return to their huts for the rest of the evening.
    Mon's typically share their hut with one other brother and have to maintain a certain level of conduct in the dwelling. Their bare feet can never point towards any book or image of the Buddha.
    It is forbidden for a monk to sleep in an elevated bed or to have any soft material in his sleep quarters. Therefore nearly all monks sleep on the floor.
    Treat The Monks With Respect
    When you visit Thailand it is important to remember that the monks are not tourist attractions. They are dedicated individuals who are revered in their communities.
    The monks will often be friendly towards you and some will allow you to take their pictures. This does not give you license to treat them as simply a fun part of your trip.
    Treat the monks as you would any religious person in the west and you will avoid getting a reputation as an Ugly American.
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    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in A Day at the Beach in Gay Thailand   
    A Day at the Beach in Gay Thailand
    No trip to Thailand is complete without time spent wasting away your days on the beautiful sandy beaches. From bronzed beauties, to towering waves, the beach will be your entrance to happiness.
    Thailand's beaches have a little something for everyone.
    It is easy to find a completely isolated stretch of sand where you can lay out and read a book without ever being bothered by anyone.
    On the other extreme there are huge expanses of beaches filled with bars, hotels, restaurants and shops, so you can be as social as you want when showing off your hot beach body.
    If you don't like to sit directly on the sand, many stretches of beach will allow you to rent out a chez lounge for the day. Then, you can have sexy waiters bring you drinks and food all day long as you let the sun caress your body. In Pattaya and in Phuket, there is an area dedicated to gay visitors. It is a much larger area in Pattaya than it is in Phuket but it is the same general concept.
    You can even arrange to have a massage while you are sitting in the chair. Manicures and Pedicures are easily found for about 200 baht total. Massages normally go for around 100 baht for 30 min or 200 baht for an hour. Most of the time the massage boys have to pay the vendors that own the area you are sitting at so be sure to tip them at least 20 baht for an hour massage.
    Massages and pampering are not all you will find at the beach. Many money boys go there looking for love. You will find that there are a number of boys that do not like to go to the go go bars and beer bars but they love to look for a farange at the beach. You will also find many boys that you will recognize from the bars. Most people who live in Pattaya or in Phuket find that a day at the beach is a wonderful way to relax and enjoy life. Plus, if you pick up the boy of your dreams to bring back to the hotel room with you, well, then you have yet another wonderful thing to write in your journal about!
    For those of you who like to be more active, it's easy to find a volleyball game or body surf the waves.
    Many of the resort areas also offer parasailing, snorkeling and other forms of beach play.
    When looking at a guide book you will notice two types of beaches listed, "Stay Beaches" and "Day Beaches".
    A Stay Beach will have a hotel nearby where you can check in for the night. A Day Beach is more isolated and you will have to travel at the end of the day to get back to civilization.
    Not matter what you choose to do, you will enjoy yourself and understand why in Thailand, life is a beach!
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    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Getting a Massage in Gay Thailand   
    Getting a Massage in Gay Thailand
    Who doesn't like a good massage?
    Whether with or without a happy ending, getting your muscles rub by a hot stud is a great way to relax, feel good and prepare your body for whatever your days and nights may have to offer.
    A massage is a great way to start working off a hangover, or feel better after a long plane ride. If you ever decide to ride third class on a train in Thailand you will definitely want a hot and heavy massage as soon as you reach your destination.
    Unlike in America, massage houses in Thailand are not seedy places and are never raided by the cops, so you can get what you are looking for without ever worrying about getting busted.
    That said, getting a massage in Thailand is not primarily a sexual experience. Instead it is a part of a long Thai tradition, coming from their Buddhist respect for the body.
    While it is of course possible to get a girl to give you a rub down, there are hundreds of gay friendly massage houses where strong young men will run your most important muscles you can even get two men to run you in a tub rub a dub dub!
    Before you go off for a massage, however, you should figure out exactly what you want, because there is a huge difference between the two primary types of massage available.
    Both types of massage are fun and both are available with or without a hand job at the end, yet they offer very different experiences.
    Traditional Thai Massage
    Traditional massage in Thailand began more than 2,500 and is steeped in their Buddhist world view.
    The Thais believe that there are invisible energy lines that run through every human body. Those lines can be harnessed through 10 primary pressure points.
    Using their thumbs, Thai masseurs stimulate these 10 points in order to gain access to your primary energy lines.
    Because the masseur needs to be able to place his own body in traditional positions, traditional Thai massage is performed on a mat on the floor rather than on a raised table as is common in the west.
    In theory stimulating the 10 primary energy lines through your body is designed to stimulate:
    Your Physical Well Being
    Your Spirit In This World And The Next
    Your Perfect Emotional Balance
    Pressing the points is intended to initially lead to a state of relaxation and then meditation.
    Along the way bad energy is released from the body so that good energy can flow in and take its place.
    At the start of your massage the guy will ask you if you have any medical conditions.
    It is very important for you to answer this question honestly!
    If you don't tell your guy about problems, he may touch points that could make the condition worse. On the other hand, depending on your condition, he may now places to rub you that can make the condition feel better.
    Never, ever lie to your masseur!
    What may surprise you about a traditional Thai massage is how often he will touch your hands and feet. These are considered two of the most important parts of your body. For this reason it is very important for you to make sure your hands and feet are squeaky clean before the massage begins!
    In the West, many of our massage therapists simply take courses and are then certified to rub our muscles. This is not so true in Thailand.
    In this culture massage is an honored profession and is almost always passed down through the family. That means that the man who is rubbing your body learned from his father, who learned from his father, and so on sometimes going back thousands of years!
    Before your massage begins your masseur may begin with an ancient chant in order to bring both of you into harmony. At the end of the massage he will again repeat the chant as a way of separating your two souls and sending you out into the world as a new, free man.
    All in all traditional Thai massage can take anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours depending on how much work needs to be done on your body and where you have chosen to get your massage.
    Babylon in Bangkok is my first stop after a long plane ride from the West and a night 1 1/2 hour massage really does help me to adjust to the new time change.
    Traditional Thai massage is almost never rushed!
    Soapy Massage
    Since more and more Americans started visiting the country in the 1960s and 1970s a new form of massage has started to become popular in Thailand.
    These new Thai masseurs use many elements of Western massage and combine them with their own traditions to create what is now called Soapy Massage. In some sections of Bangkok this is also called Body Massage.
    Soapy massage is a much more sexual and sensual experience than traditional Thai massage. When you choose a Soapy massage you are much more likely to get a "happy ending" when your rub down is done.
    When you purchase a soapy massage you can select one or more masseurs often depending on how attractive you find the available men.
    The man or men will then draw a very soapy bath (hence the name) that you will share. Everyone in the bath will help to soap and wash themselves, so that you are always squeaky clean before the massage begins.
    Once you get out of the bath you will again be laid out on a mat on the floor naked.
    Instead of trying to hit pressure points to stimulate energy in your body, the masseur or masseurs will concentrate on rubbing and relaxing your major muscles groups much the same way it would be done in the west.
    At the end of your massage, if you give a tip, many of these men will massage your cock until you hit complete release and relaxation.
    Remember, you will pay the massage house for the massage and the use of their facility. Many places have a minimum tip for the "release" part of the massage. It is suggested that 500 baht minimum at most places. What I tell the guy that is that for 500 baht, I would like a happy ending. For 700 baht, a nice oral job or for 1,000 baht a full service ending and I am content. Most are very happy when things are discussed up front and they know what you want.
    Go Out And Get Your Rub Down!
    Now that you know enough about getting a massage in Thailand to know what kind of massage you want to get, all you have to do is find the right place for your rub down.
    In every city, there are some great places for the massage. In Bangkok, I always have a good time at B & N Massage and at Hero. But, there are tons of other guys who like other places much more. What I find is that at B & N, I found one guy I liked that gave the perfect massage and "perfect release" and each time I go there I have seen him. I probably go there about 30 or so times a year and have never been there when he wasn't there. As soon as I walk in, they know who I want and what kind of cream I want.
    A good place to start looking for a good massage house is in our city guide sections or in our message boards. Still, massage houses come and go, so you might also want to ask the concierge at your hotel to ask about a reputable establishment near you.
    Many hotels also have their own in house masseurs on staff, so you may be able to arrange a good massage then and there.
    Whatever you choose, you will love feeling your troubles rubbed away buy a hot guy!
  7. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Staying Healthy In Thailand   
    Staying Healthy In Thailand
    There is nothing worse than getting sick when you are far away from home. It's even worse if you are in an alien culture like Thailand and don't speak the language or understand the culture.
    When you are in Thailand, your only safe bet is to do everything you can to make sure you stay healthy so don't have to visit the confusing local health care system.
    First and foremost AIDS is very, very common in Thailand. You are at a very high risk of HIV infection if you have unprotected sex with anyone in this country. Bring lots of western condoms with you. You don't want to put your life in the hands of local condom brands you have never heard of.
    Malaria is another huge problem here. In fact, gin and tonics were invented in the region by British soldiers looking for a way to make drinking anti malarial tonic more palpable.
    Drink only bottled water. Don't drink from the faucet or from any other source. Spend 10 baht on a bottle of water and save yourself some headaches in the end! If you eat with a Thai person, you will notice that they too only drink bottled water. When in Rome! You also don't have to worry about Ice when you are out drinking bottled water. It is made from purified water and should cause you no harm.
    While you can get your own doctor to give you a malaria vaccine, this does not offer 100 percent protection and all available malaria vaccines have nasty side effects. Your best bet is to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes which means wearing long sleeves and pants, sleeping under a mosquito net and wearing a hat.
    If you plan to go into the country at all, you should get a rabies vaccine before you go on your trip. There are a lot of wild animals out and about.
    There are several world class hospitals in Thailand. In Pattaya, the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is first rate. In Bangkok, Bumrungrad Hospital is excellent and has a great staff.
    Many foreigners come to Thailand because the medical are is very inexpensive. Take a look at Bumrungrad's website and you will see that they offer many services that you would not be able to afford in most countries. Most doctors and dentists here speak English and many were educated in the USA or Europe. Excellent medical care is easily obtainable. Be sure to check with your insurance carrier as many will even pay for the expense while in Thailand.
    Health Guide
    Thailand's Ministry of Public Health publishes a pamphlet called "Health Guide for Travelers to Thailand". The following is, word-for-word, a copy of the pamphlet (awkward English and all):
    Welcome to Thailand. Every year, more than 5 million tourists visit this country as one of their travel destinations. Many arrive with insufficient health advice which often results in bouts of illnesses that spoil a good part of their journey. The information provided in this brochure will help you come up with appropriate protection against some common illnesses and promote enjoyment of your happy stay in Thailand.
    Bangkok and most provinces in the central region as well as major tourist resorts such as Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hua Hin and Koh Samui have been free from malaria for decades. Now all cities in Thailand are malaria free. However, tourist destinations in rural neighborhoods, especially those in mountainous and border areas are still at certain risks.
    Chloroquine and most other chemoprophylactic drugs have proved to be ineffective against falciparum malaria in Thailand. Tourists visiting these endemic areas are rather recommended to take general precautions against mosquito bite. After sunset, they should stay in screened quarters or mosquito nets, wear long-sleeve shirts and pants, and may apply mosquito repellants. Those who develop fever within two weeks of entry to risk areas should seek prompt medical examination and treatment.
    This viral infection of the brain is contracted through the bite of mosquitoes that prevail in rural agricultural areas. It is found in many Eastern and Southeastern Asian countries, primarily in the rural and suburban areas. Similar to malaria, the disease can be prevented by avoiding mosquito bite during the night time. Travelers who plan to spend their time exposing to rural environment in these regions for over several months are recommended to take Japanese encephalitis vaccination before entry.
    These diseases are endemic in Southeast Asia. They are caused by dengue virus from the bite of aedes mosquito that lives in the houses and their neighborhood. This mosquito bites during the day time. Dengue infection in local people, mostly children, often results in fever with bleeding in the skin and other organs (dengue hemorrhagic fever) which is sometime fatal; but for travelers from non-endemic areas, the infection usually manifests as fever with rash in the skin, severe headache and muscle and pains (dengue fever), which is usually non-fatal.
    Dengue infection is common in the rainy season (approximately May to September in Thailand) when aedes mosquito is abundant. Travelers visiting local households or their vicinity, especially in the rainy season, should be using mosquito repellant even in the day time. Ones who are ill with symptoms suspected of dengue infection should seek medical consultation to establish the cause of the illness.
    Rabies can be found in many animals especially dogs and cats. Although Thailand has been working toward elimination of the disease and the situation is much improved, travelers are recommended to take prevention if their travel itineraries allow possible exposure to animal bites. Those who plan walking sight-seeing in local communities should consider having pre-exposure rabies vaccination before starting off. Three intramuscular injections of cell-culture rabies vaccine are required. In case of exposure to animals without prior vaccination, the post-exposure vaccination is usually effective if initiated without delay. However, for those who have had pre-exposure vaccination, if they are bitten, they should also seek prompt consultation with the physician for evaluation and consideration for booster vaccination.
    Diarrhea is mostly caused by ingestion of food and drinks contaminated with bacteria or viruses. To prevent diarrhea, avoid uncooked food and drink only boiled or bottled or carbonated water. Food served at street vendors should be considered at risk. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be adequately washed with clean water. Fresh salad should be taken only from a salad bar or a restaurant of hygienic standard. Tap water in many Southeast Asian cities is claimed to be safe for drinking, but it is still advisable to stick to safety precautions.
    Danger from diarrhea primarily is the result of the loss of water and electrolytes from your body. If you happen to have diarrhea during your travel, the most helpful remedy is drinking electrolyte solution to replace the loss. Therefore it is always useful to keep some electrolyte solution packets in your first aid kit. If your diarrhea gets worse or does not improve within 12-24 hours, consult the physicians for proper investigation and treatment.
    Typhoid fever has become uncommon among Thai people. However, travelers should not neglect taking prevention against this food and water borne disease. Precaution measures for diarrhea, as mentioned above, are effective for typhoid as well. It is also recommended that the travelers receive typhoid vaccination, in injectable or oral form before start of the journey. However, those who need initiation or booster vaccination can find the service at most hospitals and clinics in Thailand.
    Urethritis remains the most common treatable sexually transmitted disease (STD) among tourist to Asia. Gonorrhea from Southeast Asia is frequently multi-drug resistant. While syphilis become less common, HIV/AIDS is spreading at worrisome speeds in most Asian countries, resulting mostly from unprotected sexual contacts.
    Promiscuous sex anywhere can be dangerous. For travelers, local sex workers, either of explicit or concealed types, are potential sources of STDs and HIV/AIDS. All casual sex should be avoided or strictly protected with the use of condoms. Danger from intravenous drug use with sharing of needles and syringes cannot be overemphasized. However, blood transfusions at all medical centers in Thailand is considered safe as intensive screening of donated blood for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis is implemented nationwide.
    There are two major groups of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis spread by contaminated food and water, hepatitis A and E, are endemic in many parts of Asia. Most local people are immune to these types of hepatitis through natural infection, but travelers from better hygienic environments can be receptive to infection. Therefore, travelers are recommended to practice prevention measures against food and water borne diseases, as suggested for diarrhea. An alternative protection for hepatitis A is the immunization with hyperimmune serum or hepatitis A vaccine. Consult with the physician at an established medical service for the immunization.
    Another group of hepatitis; hepatitis B, C and D; are transmitted through contaminated blood and sexual contacts, or passed from infected mothers to their babies at the time of birth; similar to the ways HIV/AIDS is transmitted. This group of hepatitis can be simultaneously and effectively avoided if precautions against HIV/AIDS are strictly taken. However, for those who require immunization, effective vaccine against hepatitis B is available at most medical services.
    If you are ill during your stay in Thailand, consult the physician at any:
    Community hospital
    Provincial hospital
    Medical center, or
    Private hospital or clinic
    For more information, please contact:
    International Communicable Disease Control Section
    Division of General Communicable Diseases
    Department of Communicable Disease Control
    Ministry of Public Health
    Tel. 286-5114
    Airport Health Office, Tel. 535-1482
    Port Health Office, Tel. 249-4110
    To get the latest up to date information about Thailand Hospitals, check out our City Guide Sections and the Message Boards.
  8. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Dating in Gay Thailand   
    Dating in Gay Thailand
    When you first get to Thailand you will probably be enamored by all of the wonderfully attractive boys you can take home for a fee from the go-go and host bars that populate all of the major cities. Still, you do have a heart (we hope) and after a while you may be looking for something more long term.
    There is nothing wrong with looking for love in Thailand and lots of Thai guys would love to have a western boyfriend. But, you will discover that Thai guys quite simply have a completely different set of customs when it comes to gay relationships than you may be used to in the west.
    Respect Their Culture
    It is very important that you dont try to impose your cultural attitudes on the guys. If thats what you want, stick to the rent boys, who will be glad to indulge your preferences for a fee.
    When it comes to dating a Thai guy, always remember that you are in his country, which means you have to respect Thailands social mores, in public and in private.
    The good news is that most of the customs will work to your advantage once you get used to them. There is a reason that millions of western gay men come to Thailand and why many of them choose to stay forever.
    Socially On Top
    Thai society is based on the idea of different social levels. As a westerner you will be considered to be the social superior of nearly any Thai you date. The reasons for this are many and varied, but one important reason is that even a modest salary by western standards is considered a fortune by the average Thai guy. Quite simply, you are probably richer than any man he has ever known.
    Because of your higher social status many Thai guys will treat you with reverence. Interestingly, this may not translate into the bedroom. Some westerners assume that because their date is docile and submissive to them in public that they are a natural bottom. This is not always the case sometimes the most timid, deferential Thai boy can become a seriously aggressive top once you get under the sheets.
    What it does mean is that most Thai guys will expect you to be the one to take them out on a date and they will expect you to pay for dinner.
    Socially On Top
    Another common mistake is to assume that because you are being treated as the social superior, that your date considers America or those from Europe or other western countries in general to be superior. That leads you to start talking about how much better your country is than Thailand.
    Nothing you could do or say could be ruder. Instead, compliment your date on how great his country is. Your cock will thank you in the morning.
    The Money Honey
    What confuses many Western guys is that after several dates, your new friend may start asking you for small amounts of money. Lots of guys freak out at this point thinking they have started dating a gold digger.
    Dont worry thats not the case. It is normal in Thai culture for someone to ask his social superiors for small favors. In this case, because they consider you so wealthy, it just seems natural for them to ask you for some money.
    Its no different than a heterosexual woman expecting flowers or jewelry from time to time from her man.
    Thai Boys Will Love Your Bad Self!
    When you arrive in Thailand you will suddenly feel like more of a stud than you ever have in your life. Don't be surprised if your score rate suddenly doubles or triples.
    Right off the bat, Thai guys who hang out in gay establishments that cater to Westerners are there because they find Western guys to be hotter than their countrymen. Some of them may even have a fetish for hot American boys. This makes it much easier for you to rock on with your cock on!
    A Golden Gay!
    The other great thing about Thailand is that the gay boys dont put a premium on youth. In fact, many of them find older men more attractive. In other words, you wont have to compete against 21 year old gym bunnies, even if you are in your 40s, 50s or 60s. If anything they will be worried about competing against you.
    If you were still in the closet when you were in your 20s, this is your chance to be the beau of the ball!
    Gay? Straight? Whatever!
    Those of us in the west come from cultures with a deep history of Christian values. These values made people very guilty about their homosexual yearnings which meant that most people ended up identifying as either straight or gay.
    Thailand on the other hand is a culture that is based in Buddhism, which says nothing negative about homosexual behavior. The result is that many Thais identify as neither gay, nor straight, but as simply people who sometimes have sex with men and sometimes have sex with women.
    There is, however, great social pressure for Thais to get married. This means that many Thai men get married, and then continue to live as primarily gay sometimes with the consent and knowledge of their wives. Other men continue to have sex with both men and women throughout their lives.
    The good news is that they do so without much of the guilt that we would find doing the same things in our own culture.
    Discretion And Modesty Are An Obligation!
    While there is almost no prejudice against gays in Thailand, the Thais as a people are much more modest about their romantic liaisons than we are in America.
    It is very rare to see any Thai couple, gay or straight, exchanging kisses or any physical displays of affection in public. If your date doesnt want to make out on the street, that does not mean he is in the closet. It just means that he has been taught from a young age to be discreet in all things.
    In America we spend more time talking about sex than doing it. In Thailand it is the opposite, sex is almost never talked about or physically hinted at it just happens all the time!
    Personally, we are happier to be doing it than bullshitting about it and we hope you are too!
    Fully Dressed Under The Covers?
    Many Thai guys, particularly earlier on in a relationship, extend this modesty into the bedroom. When you first bring a Thai guy back to your hotel room, dont be surprised if he gets under the covers before he takes his clothes off.
    Once you start making out with him, you will find that Thais eventually can become very wild in bed. It just takes them a little while to be comfortable naked with another person unless of course, you have brought a go-go boy home!
    Sniff This!
    There is one major way that Thai guys tend to be less shy than us Western boys. In Thailand it is considered an expression of friendship and affection to sniff the person you are hanging out with.
    We are not making this up.
    So, dont be surprised if your date wont kiss, but will move close to your face or neck and take a whiff.
    Skip The Formalities
    Once you have had sex and are alone together, your date may suddenly become radically informal. It is common for Thai guys to use your toothbrush, leave their clothes on the floor, drip water after the shower or even try on your clothes.
    This is not an example of them getting too pushy. Its just their way of showing that they like you.
    Make Your Intentions Clear
    In Thai culture, exclusive, serious relationships can start very, very quickly by our standards. This means that after two or three dates lots of Thai guys may start considering you their boyfriend.
    Most Western guys are not comfortable with moving things this fast. What you need to do from the start is keep reminding the guy that this is still casual for you, so you dont end up breaking too many hearts.
    As in all cases, upfront honesty is the best policy.
    Live Up To Your Social Status!
    Because Thai guys will consider you their social superior, they will expect you to act like one.
    That means that they will expect you to be dress up on dates (long pants, good shoes) and be generous with your time and money. They will also assume that you have very good manners and behave like a true gentleman at all times in public.
    Do your best to live up to the highest standards of behavior that you can.
    Dont Be A Bitch
    Bitchiness and catty comments are very common in western gay culture, but they dont exist in Thailand.
    You know that little comment you want to make about his shoes dont do it.
    Instead of looking for flaws, Thais look for reasons to make compliments. Find something you like about the guy and talk about that. If you do make bitchy comments you will hurt and confuse your date and probably not get laid.
    Be Prepared To Make The First Move
    Because Thai guys will consider you their more attractive social superior, they are not likely to be the one to ask you out. Instead, they will try to find subtle ways to let you know that they find you attractive.
    They will almost always expect you to be the one to make the first move, so you will have to find a way to be aggressive without upsetting their general sense of modesty.
    No Switch Hitters
    Unlike America, where there are tons of guys who like to give and receive, most Thai guys are either tops or bottoms and not at all in between. This is great for those of you who are versatile, but if you have a strong preference one way or the other you might want to find a way to let your date know this before he agrees to go out with you.
    Be Flexible.
    As you continue to date Thai guys, there will be lots of small social and cultural differences that are bound to come up. The key is to expect small misunderstandings, accept them and try to learn from them.
    Remember, you are the visitor in their country!
  9. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Transportation in Gay Thailand   
    Transportation in Gay Thailand
    Thailand is a beautiful place to visit and you know you'll have fun hitting all the host bars, go-go clubs and smoking hot discos. But, how exactly do you get around town or from city to city?
    Part of the joy of visiting a foreign country is learning the local transportation system, but it can also be very frustrating if you don't know what you are doing. The good news is that many people in Thailand do speak English (with the obvious exception of the cab drivers), so you can always find someone to ask for help.
    Still, it's good to have some basic information at your fingertips before you arrive just so you can feel more comfortable and have some idea what you are doing.
    After all, you don't want to spend your entire trip in your hotel room!
    Here is a brief overview of what you can expect when you are trying to travel around Thailand. Please remember that this guide was written at a given moment in time. Things can change quickly in this part of the world, so it's always a good idea to check with your travel agent to see if there are any important updates:
    Bangkok International Airport
    Bangkok International Airport (code BIA) is one of the busiest in Asia, serving more than 16 million passengers a year. It serves more than 70 airlines 24 hours a day including local and western carriers.
    The airport is fully equipped with bars, restaurants, VIP rooms and all of the other modern conveniences you would expect from a major international airport. It is roughly 21 kilometers from downtown Bangkok.
    Bangkok Skytrain
    Bangkok is a very crowded city. It is so crowded, in fact, that you won't want to spend too much time walking from one part of town to the other. Thankfully, in 1999, Bangkok opened the Skytrain, an elevated train system that serves the same function as a subway or metro in other major world cities. The Skytrain has a reputation for being very clean and fast, so it's always a good idea to find out if it is stopping near where you want to go before you decide to walk or take a taxi.
    Unfortunately, Bangkok is the only city in Thailand with an internal rail system, so if you decide to travel to the other metropolises, you will be stuck with more primitive forms of transportation.
    On the other side of the technological spectrum, many Thais, and some tourists travel from village to village on Elephants. While this is not the fastest mode of transportation available, you are bound to get a great view on the back of a pachyderm, and it will give you an interesting story to tell people back home. Recently, Thai officials have banned elephant transportation within the city of Bangkok.
    Taxis are plentiful in Bangkok and in the other major cities. They are usually very clean and air conditioned so they can often be a good alternative to trying to walk from one part of a city to another.
    The downside is that most Thai taxi drivers do not speak, read or vaguely understand even a single word of English. So, if you don't have a Thai speaking guide with you, you could be in trouble. Most hotels have printed cards for both their establishment and popular tourist destinations. What you want to do is hand that card to the taxi driver. He or she will be able to read it and figure out where you need to go.
    By law Thai taxi drivers have to have the meter running at all times. Yet, some try to cheat tourists by leaving the meter off. Make sure that he or she turns the meter on before you get into the taxi. If he or she refuses, do not get in the cab!
    Tuk Tuks
    Tuk Tuks are another interesting travel alternative in major Thai cities. They are similar to taxis, but only have three wheels and only two people can fit inside. On the other hand, they can be much cheaper. Tuk Tuks do not have meters, so you have to negotiate your price in advance to make sure you don't get ripped off. Because they are smaller than taxis they can weave in and out of traffic to help you get where you are going very quickly.
    Samlors are currently banned in Bangkok but can still be found in other Thai cities and villages. Essentially they are slow moving bicycle powered rickshaws. They should be avoided if you need to get somewhere quickly, and you need to negotiate your price in advance. For the most part, you want to use a samlor simply so you can have a cool picture to send back to your family and friends back home.
    The state-run Thailand train system has many things going for it. Speed is not one of them. Compared to the west, these trains go very, very slowly from city to city.
    The good news is they are cheap and can be very comfortable. When picking a train make sure you select one marked "Special Express." The ones marked "Ordinary" move slower than a virgin on a first date.
    Also decide what class you want to ride in. Third Class is a horrible cesspool of wooden benches that you will probably want to avoid if you have any respect for yourself at all.
    Second Class is similar to what you would expect on a modern train system, complete with reclining seats.
    First Class is still reasonably priced and will provide you with a private air conditioned cabin.
    Sleeper trains can be a very good deal and you can get both dinner and breakfast on the train itself.
    Inner City Buses
    Buses in the major cities come in all shapes and sizes. Some are large modern western style buses. Others more closely resemble flat bed pick up trucks. They are all dirt cheap, but if you don't speak Thai it may be nearly impossible for you to figure out where they are going and when. You get what you pay for.
    Intra City Buses
    If you don't mind crowds, city-to-city buses can be a great alternative to the slow moving train system. They will get you where you want to go much more quickly for about the same price as a train. On the other hand, they can be very, very crowded, which can lead to an uncomfortable ride.
    Ferries And Boats
    Within the major cities you can often hire a ferry or boat to take you where you want to go as long as the river is heading in the right direction. They are dirt cheap and very relaxing, but you will need to keep your eyes open to figure out exactly where you need to get off. If you are in Bangkok you can hire chartered boats to explore the nearby canals.
    Rental Transportation
    In most parts of Thailand you can rent bicycles, motorbikes and cars if you want to take charge of your travel experience.
    For the most part, you are probably better off with the cheaper and safer alternatives of public transportation but we understand that sometimes you just want to get out on your own.
    That said, renting a bicycle or motorbike is probably a big mistake. You will have to dodge crazy drivers, potholes, goats and assorted dangers beyond your imagination. There are better ways to take your life in your hands. Many foreigners tend to rent the motorcycles and have no problem. Remember that no matter what the company you rent from says, if you break it, you buy it. True insurance is often not true insurance. If you rent a bike and wreck it, be prepared to pay for the repairs or a new bike. That being said, there is a wonderful feeling in riding around most cities on a bike. You will have total control of your itinerary and the city is at your footsteps waiting for you to explore!
    If you do rent a motorcycle, wear a helmet. It is the law and you will get fined if you don't. Often the fine is 200 baht but if you don't have the cash, they may impound your bike. Also, anyone riding with you is required to wear a helmet. We cannot tell you the number of times we have been stopped because the boy on the back of the motorcycle wanted to hold his helmet and not mess up his hair. J Make sure all that are with you have the helmet on!
    Renting a car is obviously safer, but is apt to be very expensive and if you get lost, it may be hard for you to find someone who speaks English to guide you home.
    If you do rent a car you will need an international driver's license.
  10. Like
    eeyore reacted to Lucky in Thai Toilets   
    All of these topics are ones I have encountered when I went to Thailand 13 times, but I am not up to date, so I really appreciate Oz posting these, I remember well trying to find toilet paper in the small border town of Mae Sa when I got turista. What a shock to see that toilet that was nothing but a hole in the ground with a bucket to flush things away. You rinsed your hand and hoped no one touched it the rest of the day.
    My favorite Thai boy of all time was with me, so we went from store to store looking for toilet paper. He was a big help since I didn't speak Thai and didn't want to mime what I wanted. We finally succeeded just in time to find a western toilet.
  11. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Thai Toilets   
    Thai Toilets
    If this is your first visit to the East, you may be terrified the first time you walk into a toilet in Thailand. Inside you will not find a sink, a stall or anything you would normally expect to find in a bathroom.
    Instead you will find a gaping hole in the ground with two ceramic footprints on either side. Your horror will mount when you notice that there is no toilet paper anywhere. It's much worse if you are barefoot and just coming from the beach.
    The good news is that the toilets are clean and functional. They just work differently than ours.
    Over in the corner of the toilet you should see a jug of clean water. Next to the jug should be either access to a stream or else a faucet.
    What you do is squat over the hole and crap.
    If it's your first time you might want to take off your pants completely in order to avoid soiling yourself.
    With practice you will get your aim down.
    Then you ladle water out of the barrel to clean your ass. Next you ladle more water into the toilet to get rid of the evidence.
    Do not let anything dirty get into the jug of water other people will need to use it too!
    If you decide to bring your own toilet paper, do not shove it in the hole. It will clog up.
    Instead put it in the wastebasket.
  12. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Navigating Gay Bars in Thailand   
    Navigating Gay Bars in Thailand
    Throughout this website we are constantly making references to Host Bars and Go Go Bars. Many people who have been to Asia before know the low down on host bars and their hot boys, but we understand that many of you may have no clue what we are talking about!
    While host bars are some of the most exciting gay establishments on Earth, if it is your first time in Thailand they may seem confusing or intimidating when you walk in the door.
    Host bars follow their own unique set of customs and will expect you to as well.
    Host bars are not like any place you are likely to have visited in the west. Most provide some form of entertainment whether it be go go dancers or cabaret shows.
    The entertainment, however, is just the excuse to be there.
    The real attraction to host bars is that they are filled with hot young guys who can make your wildest fantasies come true for a price.
    To put it simply each bar employs a number of young sexy guys called hosts. In a go go bar, nearly all of the dancers will be hosts.
    For the price of a small tip, these hosts will sit at your table and talk to you, while you decide if you want to take them home. If you decide that you want them, you simply pay more money and they become your "special friend" for the evening.
    Please note: Host boys are sex workers, so it's always a requirement to wear a condom during your encounter.
    Getting Ready To Hit The Bar
    At a good host bar you may be competing against a lot of other guys for the attentions of the hottest hosts. Thailand host boys are very conscious of style and status, so it's important that you look as good as you can when you arrive.
    Don't dress sloppy.
    Make sure you are wearing nice clothes, are well groomed and are as put together as you would be for a date in the west.
    Trust us, the Thai boys will notice and you will get a lot more attention if you look good!
    Scoping Your Prospects
    When you first enter the bar you will be greeted by a man who will escort you to a table and take your first drink order. This guy, while obviously male, is called the "Mama San" of the bar.
    Once you have your drink in hand, it's time to sit back, watch the show and check out the hot guys.
    After a while the Mama San will return and ask you if you like any of the guys. If so, just tell him and the boy will be brought right over to your table.
    The good news is that most of the boys wear numbers on their clothes, so it's easy for you to let the Mama San know who you are interested without pointing (which is considered very rude in Thailand.)
    If you hang out for a while and don't invite any guys to your table, you may find that some of the bolder hosts will walk up to you and ask if they can join you. Of course you might not be attracted to those boys and you can always tell them that you are not interested.
    Once a boy you like is sitting at your table he will expect you to buy him a drink and strike up a conversation. He may sometimes be flirtatious, but in a subtle way.
    Don't expect your boy to be fluent in English.
    The vast majority of the boys speak some English, but some have mastered more of our language than others. Remember you are in their country, so it is up to you to find ways to make the conversation work.
    It's possible that even though you found the host exciting when you saw him shaking his ass on stage that once he sits down you he might not seem like that great a catch.
    Don't feel bad it happens.
    All you have to do is tell him you are not interested and give him a small tip for his time and trouble. A hundred Baht will make him more than happy that he decided to spend time with you!
    Sealing The Deal
    Of course the point of going to a host bar is finding a hot stud to go home with. While host bars are not whorehouses, the boys are selling sex and you might as well get it while you can.
    The host bars refer to this practice as taking a boy "off" and many of the host boys will bring this up during their conversations with you.
    If you decide to take a boy off the bar will charge you for it.
    Please note this is not what you are paying to get laid. You will have to still pay the boy himself later. You are paying the bar because they have set you up with the boy and because he won't be able to dance or entertain other guys in the bar while he is off with you!
    Most bars will charge you between 200 and 400 Baht for the privilege of taking a boy off with you. This is less than $10 so it's shouldn't dent your wallet too much.
    Before you agree to take the boy home you should make sure that he is willing to do what you want. Every host boy has different sexual limits. Some will top you, others are committed bottoms.
    Some will let you spank them, some won't. You are always better off making your desires clear before any money has changed hands!
    You will also have to tell the boy and the bar if you are taking him away for a "short time" or a "long time." A short time means you will have him just long enough for you to get your rocks off once. If you want him for a long time, that means you get him for at least several hours and even all night if you want.
    A short time should cost you about 1000 Baht while a long time will run about 1500 Baht. This is the minimum you should pay. I am sure you will go to our forum and see many different exchanges but anything you pay beyond this is a nice gesture and always appreciated. Personally, I always discuss price before I off a boy. Often, they will say "Up to You". While this does mean up to you, they are really saying pay me the minimum plus whatever you can. I will then say, how is 1,500 baht for all night? They can say yes or no. Most will respond up to you again. If you expect them to say beyond the morning, more money SHOULD be paid by you!
    I often find a boy that I like and simply tell them that I want him to stay with me for 10 days. I give him a price for each day that I negotiate in advance and then I pay the bar every few days. If it is a bar I know and trust, I pay in advance. Often many boys will be thrilled to be taken off for 10 days on holiday. Many will not want to go away that long as they may have a girlfriend, boyfriend, ladyboy or family and have other commitments.
    Do not pay the boy until you are done with him! Otherwise you risk getting ripped off!
    As you are leaving you will probably be approached again by the Mama San. That's because he will expect a small tip (about 100 Baht) for helping you find your host boy.
    Coming Back For More
    A lot of people tend to become attached to particular host boys or at least want to spend another night with them. The Thais understand this and will be happy to reserve a boy for you for a repeat performance. All you have to do is remember the boy's number and call the bar in advance.
    If you let them know when you play to arrive the boy will be waiting for you. Please note that these boys are at the bars to make money so if you show up late he may have moved on to someone else and you may have lost your chance to bang him again!
    Don't Feel Guilty Cause You Want It!
    Many of us in the west have a preconceived notion about the boys who work the bars in the Far East. Some people think that the boys are forced to work in the bars and that if they were not there, they could be doing something more productive with their lives.
    Don't feel guilty these boys are not exploited.
    None of the boys are ever forced to work in the bars. They do so, for the most part, because they are gay and can make a lot of money doing so. They are happy to get out and meet interesting guys and learn English.
    That said they are human beings and should be treated as such. When you take them off behave as though you are on a hot date. Host boys have feelings to treat them like you would anyone else!
    Now get ready to come to Thailand and find the boys of your dreams!
  13. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from TotallyOz in So what do you guys think...   
    Honestly, do you think it's a bit too much for me?

  14. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Underage Sex in Gay Thailand   
    Underage Sex in Gay Thailand
    Rightly or wrongly, Thailand has gotten a reputation as being a Mecca for underage sexual activity. While it is true that you can purchase guys of nearly any age in Thailand from sleazy pimps, you should avoid doing so at all costs.
    In the wake of increased international pressure, Thailand has started cracking down on the child sex industry. If you get caught you will get arrested and your government will not want to help you. Even worse, your name and address may become public which means you could ruin your career and your relationship with your family and friends.
    Even worse, the United States has now started enforcing laws against United States citizens traveling abroad to have sex wit minors. That means that even if you don't get in trouble in Thailand, you might get arrested when you step off the plane in America.
    Thailand had hundreds of thousands of guys that you can rent for the evening. Many look young and if you need to live out a sex fantasy, please do so with an 18 year old guy who has an ID that says 18. Don't be a fool and go to jail for dipping under this age!
    We want you to be able to keep coming back to Thailand. We also want you to stay out of prison. We assure you that Thai prison is not like that of most civilized countries and 15 years in jail here could be a death sentence.
    Having sex with children is not only illegal; it is a taboo for most people.
    Don't throw your life away.
    Only have sex with guys who are at least 18. Your life depends on it.
  15. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Life of Pi   
    "A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor ... a fearsome Bengal tiger.
    Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, is a magical adventure story centering on Pi Patel, the precocious son of a zoo keeper. Dwellers in Pondicherry, India, the family decides to move to Canada, hitching a ride on a huge freighter. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean on a 26-foot lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, all fighting for survival."
    Having taken my two guys tonight to see this, I was in love with the beauty of the movie. It was magical and I just adored the movie. The cinematography is amazing. The characters are easy to fall into their story. I was happy to see Gérard Depardieu in the movie as I have not seen him in too much recently and I have great memories of him in earlier films.
    I am a big fan of Ang Lee and have been waiting for this movie to come to Thailand. My sister saw it a few weeks back and told me to be sure to see it. I am so glad I did.
    There is also large chunks of the movie where dialogue is not needed and thus the boys were very interested in the movie as well. They both said they liked it but they did ask lots of questions afterwards.
    I thought the lead character, Suraj Sharma did a great job. I also loved seeing some familiar scenes from India and Montreal.
    The movie is just great. Go and see it if you have a chance.
  16. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Articles and Stories New Forum   
    Welcome to the newest Forum on boytoy.com! Articles and Forums are now here and visible for all to see. Please feel free to post your own stories and articles in them. We will be adding to them on a regular basis.
    To start with, I have added about 30 short stories I have written. Some are hardcore and some are milder but still erotic. I always liked the ones for the Host Boy tales as I tried to capture the way someone who had just come to the gay scene in Thailand and was becoming a "working boy" in the scene.

    I hope you enjoy.
  17. Like
    eeyore reacted to lookin in If you could be Santa's helper...   
    Lapdance. For those who believe it is better to give than to receive.

  18. Like
    eeyore reacted to Lucky in Christmas Sweets   
  19. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from JKane in Best Cum Shot Contest   
  20. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from JKane in Best Cum Shot Contest   
  21. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from numerito in Best Cum Shot Contest   
  22. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from numerito in Best Cum Shot Contest   
    Boy, you guys are tough to please. You want a body AND a cumshot. Let's try this...

  23. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from numerito in Best Cum Shot Contest   
  24. Like
    eeyore got a reaction from TotallyOz in Lilyhammer   
    I'm only into episode 3 but I'm hooked on this original Netflix series. Nothing gay about it, but it's just a lot of fun. Not quite as fucked up as Weeds, but close. If you don't like it at first give it some time. It really grows on you. Great show to watch with a nightcap before bed.

    Lilyhammer2012TV-MA1 Season
    After he testifies against a Mafia boss, ex-gangster Frank Tagliano enters the witness protection program and asks to be sent to Norway. Cast: Steven Van Zandt, Marian Saastad Ottesen, Fridtjov Såheim Genre: TV Shows, Crime TV Shows, TV Comedies, TV Dramas This show is: Quirky, Deadpan
  25. Like
    eeyore reacted to TotallyOz in Greek Madam Rescues Local Soccer Team - Boytoy's of Greece Rejoice   
    I love it when pimps and madams step up and take more of a spotlight. Recently in Nevada, the owner of a big brothel was elected to public office. Now, in Greece, a madam has become the primary sponsor of a local soccer team. I find the entire controversy fascinating. Take a look at this NYT article:
    LARISSA, Greece — Her soccer club looked ragged. Strikers jumped up for headers only to miss the ball entirely. Players tumbled over one another, shouting out accusations that they had been fouled.
    But in the bleachers, Soula Alevridou, or “Madam Soula,” as she is known in these parts, watched intently, a petite woman in a man’s tie smoking ultra thin cigarettes.
    “Keep in mind that the home team is very good,” she said, explaining the difficulties that her team, Voukefalas, was having.
    Madam Soula, a former prostitute and now, at the age of 67, the owner of two luxury brothels here in Larissa, stepped in this fall to sponsor Voukefalas, a small amateur soccer team that like many others in Greece was having trouble coming up with the cash for uniforms, equipment and playing field fees.
    She considers her support a natural thing to do, maybe even a patriotic gesture, because her debt-mired country is in so much trouble that many of life’s extras, like amateur sports, are becoming out of reach.
    Read the full story here:
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