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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. I think I'll spring for the kindle version. It will be easier to pack.
  2. I always enjoy reading your book and movie reviews/recommendations. I also enjoy reading about what's going on in Palm Springs from the local perspective.
  3. 59 and sunny in Burlington, Vermont, that steamy hotbed of male erotica.
  4. Looks like an interesting read. Thanks.
  5. Great recommendations. Thanks all of you for sharing.
  6. I didn't know he was 29 years old.
  7. I don't think it matters whether I go to heaven or hell. I will have friends in both places...
  8. I might get more posting done here, but for some reason I keep getting distracted by all those cute boys at the top of the page...
  9. eeyore

    Your Type Poll

    I picked fit fratmen, but college jock and tasty twinks are very close runner ups. Life can be so difficult at times...
  10. The science channel recently ran a six part special called 'Rising' that was very interesting. Definitely worth keeping an eye out for reruns. Not sure if it's available in DVD yet. More info here: http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/the-rising/
  11. I was hoping Brent Corrigan would appear in front of it.
  12. Nothing gay about it, but is anyone else enjoying the new Showtime series Homeland as much as I? I went into it very skeptical but now I'm hooked. Good story line, plot, subplots and last minute twists. I'm probably going to get slammed for recommending it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  13. I use milk too. Always makes them nice and fluffy.
  14. New John Burdett novel coming! Amazon says it will be released on January 10, 2012. Available as pre-order only right now. No reviews on Amazon yet. Anyone else (Lucky?) have further info?
  15. Thanks for sharing. It's going on my Amazon list.
  16. eeyore

    Mirror Mirror

    Very nice! It's going quite well with a glass of Dry Sac on the rocks tonight.
  17. Hmmm...maybe I've had too much wine tonight, but none of them really do it for me. Now Lurker's photo of Edilson, that's a different story!
  18. Hmmm...I have been having the same problem..
  19. I just want to lick Davey's nipples
  20. There was an article today in the WSJ with the latest on the flooding there. In case you missed it: 'Floodwaters Take Heavy Toll on Thailand' http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203499704576622552600327010.html
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