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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. Thanks RA. I've been experimenting with different masks. The nasal mask is the most comfortable but I seem to be mouth breathing so I've been trying several full face masks (FFMs). They all hurt the bridge of my nose but I'm still playing around with them. My sleep issues are several: 1) I have delayed sleep phase syndrome - a fancy name for insomnia, which means it takes me a LONG time just to fall asleep, 2) apnea, 3) random/restless leg syndrome. I know this from the sleep study. Unfortunately, it took so long for me to fall asleep during the first study that the doc only has about two hours of 'hard' data to work with. But he said that during the 2 hours I did sleep that apnea was definitely a problem. The second study was for the pressure titration...Well I don't have any titration pressure because I never fell asleep during the titration study, even though I took a prescription sleeping pill (with the approval of the clinic). The technician couldn't send me home with a CPAP machine that morning since, as a technician he was not authorized to release me with a machine without a definitive titration pressure. The next day I saw the doc and he set me up with a CPAP machine with a script pressure to be set anywhere between 8-12. I started at 8 and had the DME tech gradually increase it to 10 since the 8 pressure didn't seem to help my fatigue levels. During this time I did a lot of online research into the different machines and therapies available. I saw the doc about two weeks ago and insisted that he write a script for a state of the art auto titration machine (which monitors your breathing sleep wave patterns and adjusts to give you the correct pressure based on what it is sensing). The sleep MD had no problem with this. I guess he started me on the cheaper machine just to get me use to sleeping with the mask and pressure. No sense in buying a first class ticket if you won't even fly coach. Anyway...the new auto titration machine seems to be helping. The pressure stays low while I'm trying to fall asleep and then ramps up when I finally do. It also stores a wealth of clinical data which I can download and review with proprietary software. (I'm not supposed to do this, but the apnea forum boards tell you how to access the clinician manuals and software. I haven't done this yet but that's my next project). It's frustrating not to be able to get an accurate titration pressure after spending money on a clinical study, but it's really not their fault. If you don't fall asleep then they can't get an accurate pressure. Hence, my insistence on the auto-titrate machine for now. Still trying to get a mask that fits comfortably with minimal leaks and nose pressure pain. As for the other sleep issues, well the doc said the random/rapid leg movement may take care of itself if we can get the apnea under control. As for insomnia, well who knows.? Ambien REALLY helps me fall asleep on nights I just toss and turn, but as we all know taking prescription sleep meds is like making a pact with the devil, so I try to use it sparingly or only on nights when I absolutely, positively HAVE to get some sleep. Stay tuned for more as I progress. P.S. The moderators might want to move this to the health forum. I know there are others here who are apnea sufferers with more experience who might want to weigh in, but this has nothing do do with the chasing cute boys forums. Except, well...Ambien can make for some incredibly vivid erotic dreams. Once I dreamed that I was in a harem of beautiful Montreal boys who just couldn't get enough of me (really!) When I woke up I was so depressed that it wasn't real, so I went back to sleep and incredibly picked up right where I left off. (True Ambien sleep story.)
  2. Whatever be you goal in life, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole...I think I'll go fix a nightcap now...
  3. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in December. I'm using a CPAP machine and still struggling with it.
  4. Let's not forget Captain Christopher Pike, who preceded Kirk as Captain of the Enterprise. He ultimately ended up a disfigured cripple, but finally found peace and happiness as chronicled in what I think was one of the best original early episodes: 'The Glass Menagerie.'
  5. Now if I could just find that missing orphan sock that should have come out of the dryer...
  6. Well I at the end of the day I vote for Jean-Luc. But we have to keep in mind that Jean-Luc was really a peace time captain. Captain Kirk was basically a war time captain (the Klingon empire represented a clear and present danger to the Federation). The two venues require different skill sets and character traits. I grew up in my teens with captain Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scottie, Lieutenant O'Hura ( and her opening up haling frequencies), Ensign Checkov, Zulu, nurse Chapel (I never really liked her), and the rest of the first generation. When the next generation came along I was devastated. I simply could not adjust - I mean a Klingon as a Star Fleet Lieutenant, in charge of the tactical station no less! Oh the horror! After months of therapy I finally accepted the fact that this was a completely new generation and a new paradigm. I learned that I could adapt and change. Once I finally came to terms with this and realized it was the result of my own inner failings I felt much better, and became a better person for it. OK, I have issues but I'm OK with them...
  7. And last night I had to call my iPhone to find it. It was under one of the cushions on the living room sofa. How did it get there....
  8. You think you have problems. The other day I found my car keys in the refrigerator...
  9. I started watching the new series but found the violence too over the top.
  10. Lurker I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Keep us posted on your progress. I hope our paths might cross in Montreal this summer. Take care.
  11. Only three more weeks until new episodes of Glee! I can't wait to see more of Samuel. Sorry...I just couldn't contain myself.
  12. I used to twist them open and lick out the creamy center first which drove my mother crazy. Also, they were much more yummy when stale.
  13. Neat video. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I'm looking forward to season 2 of the Borgias.
  15. Anyway to participate retroactively to Jan. 1? I have no idea what my post count was at that time. Not that big of deal if I can't. Just thought I would throw my name in the hat.
  16. Thanks for the heads up on this. My cholesterol has moved into the borderline area. Like Charlie, my doctor has started me on the red yeast rice pills along with fish oil pill, plus the aspirin a day. We'll see if this works before going the statin route I guess. Interesting about the pain in the calves. I get this intermittently, though I'm not on statins. It sometimes keeps me awake at night. Magnesium pills seems to help (I learned this from my barber...). Below is a companion article the WSJ ran today. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203833004577251773862418082.html
  17. THis could be A LOT of fun on Thai Air!!!
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