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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. My mother used to tell me, two wrongs don't make a right. But I figured out today that three left turns do...
  2. I think this needs some captions...
  3. Matt Mitcham - Olympian, getting ready for the upcoming games. I only posted this because I really love the diving boards and the beautiful blue water...
  4. I really enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I can't decide which one is the handsomest!
  6. Coton Haynes shirtless, buff and bound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pENDU1bXJnk&feature=g-u-u
  7. Just started watching the new season (8) of Weeds. It's more fucked up than ever. I love it. However, I had to fix a cocktail halfway through. Then it all made sense..
  8. eeyore

    Bieber Speeding

    This is awesome Lucky.
  9. eeyore


    Only ONE party chat on Flirt for Free. Oh the horror!!!
  10. I love them all. I've already picked out my winner but I'll hold my opinion in abeyance for now. I don't want to prejudice anyone's judgement...lol. It s heartbreaking to see the elimination at the end of each episode. These kids are singing and acting their hearts out.
  11. Sorry. In Vancouver airport lounge just getting caught up here. Now if I could just figure out what happened to that other sock when I packed my bag this morning....
  12. You can't trust those electrons...
  13. Thanks Lurker for your wonderful reports! It's clear you've put a lot of thought and effort into them. Now...about that subway boy....
  14. I'll defer to Hitoallusa's judgement on this.
  15. Thanks lurker for your colorful reports! I feel like I'm there with you. I hope the weather improves. I LOVE that subway boy. Send him up to Montreal.
  16. Great photos! I feel like I'm right there with you!
  17. I've been having fun with the new CBS series 'Dogs in the City.' It features 'dog guru' Justin Silver as he helps resolve relationship problems between dogs and their owners. Justin Silver is also VERY easy on the eyes. I think he might be a member of the Aunt Dorothy club but I'm not sure yet. I would welcome some second opinions. He sure is cute and the series is a lot of fun if you just want to unwind and watch something different.
  18. ...or maybe those party chats that go on at the top of this forum...
  19. eeyore

    Cold in Seattle

    Close your eyes dear, tap your heels together three times, and keep repeating "There's no place like home!".
  20. Bon voyage!!! Or should I say viagem segura!
  21. A few more guilty photos. Mea culpa...
  22. I bet he makes a wicked Vesper Martini!
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