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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. OMG! Hostess Brands is liquidating. Where and I going to find my Twinkies and Ding Dongs?
  2. Happy birthday two day later... Or as the boys in Montreal would say: joyeux anniversaire!!!
  3. Oh mon dieu! Ils sont trop grandes pour moi. Ooops, I'm not in Montreal… Let's try this... พวกเขามีขนาดใหญ่เกินไปสำหรับฉัน This is what you get when you try to copy/paste Thai scrip...
  4. This looks like an enjoyable film: http://www.scroogean...arley/HOME.html
  5. eeyore


    Rumor has it that 007 has substituted Heineken for his classic vesper martini. Oh say it isn't so!
  6. I can't see anything in posts one and two???
  7. I heard that those fried grasshoppers tend to scratch your throat on the way down...
  8. Great photos and reports! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to many more (hint). However, after reading all of the John Burdett novels, I think I'll pass on any motor cycle rides in Thailand...lol. Okay, maybe if the driver is really cute
  9. The last one makes me wet...lol.
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