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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. He is truly adorable. Here is a video I shot of him in the Montreal pride parade last summer. He's on the Sky Pub float, third from the left. The other boys on the float aren't bad either...
  2. Here's some stills taken at the PHX Pride festival. Twink lovers look what you missed...
  3. I had a great time in Phoenix with Luker and bakopanda during Pride Weekend. I have finally gotten around to posting some of my iPhone videos of the parade on Youtube: This is the float from Charlie’s Bar: Here’s one from Home Inspections with a cute twink: I’ll post a few stills when I get the rest of my ducks lined up. There are also some videos I took from Montreal Pride 2009 under my same youtube user account so feel free to poke around at those too J Thanks again to Lurker and Bakopanda for coordinating a great weekend.
  4. The WSJ on Saturday ran an article on women's preferences "Why Women Don't Want Macho Men," by Jena Pincott concerning research into women's preferences for men. They were presented with pairs of men's faces. For each set they would need to select the face they considered more attractive and indicate how much they preferred it to the other one: A pair of faces from the Face Research Laboratory study to evaluate women's preferences. The image on the left has more masculine features like thicker eyebrows and a wider jaw. To read the full article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000...le_Lifestyle_5 So I'm taking a poll - which one do you prefer? I'll take the one on the right.
  5. Great videos! Excuse my ignorance, I guess I'm not very with it...but what exactly is a 'flash mob'?
  6. Aquariums and animal parks in Thailand are painting their animals in panda colors to keep up visitor numbers -- as well as educate people about the threats elephants and crocodiles face in the wild. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125996346808177275.html
  7. eeyore


    Wonderful videos. Thanks so much for sharing.
  8. I'm truly flattered. Well if you must...
  9. I had the same problem. I could not open my messages until I accessed my inbox from the MyProfile/Account link. If I click on the InBox link in the top banner (upper right) the inbox page displays but the message links will not open. By the way, I just received three messages stating I need to uploaded a photo in order to keep my client profile. What's going one with that?
  10. I thought I'd try it out for myself. Here's what I got: X = I guess it works!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOW0UdlsT3Y
  12. Works for me as advertised. I use it to help me with the daily crossword. That presents a bit of an ethical problem for me but I'm dealing with it. Unfortunately my new iphone didn't come with a boy like this:
  13. It was a magical weekend in Montreal for Gay Pride. I normally like getting to Montreal several times during the summer but I kept holding off for a stretch of good weather before driving up from Vermont. Well it took a very long time but summer finally arrived in the Northeast just in time for Montreal Pride - four straight days of sunny hot weather with beautiful boys everywhere, and Ste. Catherine Street bursting with energy and fun. Saturday (8/15) was GLBT community festival day on Ste. Catherine featuring vendors, booths, shows and lots of diverse people having good old fashion plain fun. I posted some amateur videos on YouTube that I took with my new iphone that attempt to capture some of the fun and festive atmosphere. Here are the links to what I’ve posted so far. My favorite time was seeing the Montreal Gay Men’s Chorus singing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow.’ It’s hard to make out but there’s a very attractive Asian man singing front row center: Other miscellaneous scenes from Ste. Catherine Street on Saturday afternoon I also have some of the parade on Sunday (8/16) as well as some eye candy stills that I will post later along with a narrative on a few of my club experiences once I get a few more of my ducks in a row.
  14. Can you download and read periodicals and newspapers (specifically the Wall Street Journal) on the Kindle?
  15. I guess being left with an orphan isn’t always so bad. I’m very sleepy now. I think I will sip a glass of Merlot and go to bed – and dream...
  16. eeyore

    James Franco

    I'm partial to the pretty face attributes:
  17. eeyore

    The Tudors

    Anyone else looking forward to season three of The Tudors on Showtime? It premieres this Sunday, April 5 at 9:00PM ET on Showtime. I’ve been watching the reruns of seasons one and two running on Showtime2 and have become decadently wrapped up in the show. Since I am not a student of history I can’t comment on its historical accuracy but frankly all I care about is that Johnathan Rhys Meyrs (King Henry VIII) is easy on the eyes has lots of bedroom scenes…
  18. I thought of another solution. If I lose one from this bunch then I’m left with a quad – or two very nice pairs!. Or is this an example of circular reasoning?
  19. If you combine two pair I think that makes a quad doesn’t it? Or must all the components be identical? Well they aren’t identical but I think they still match up well:
  20. Thank you for your input. I’ve considered each option carefully and have come to the conclusion that option number 4 is really the only acceptable solution. Indeed, after some reflection I’ve decided that in my old age I will really need all three of these pairs: One to cook for me, one to clean, one to handle the gardening and grounds maintenance, one to drive me, one to bathe me, and of course one to manage my socks problem. That makes six (3 pair). Well, now come to think of it I will need to hire a very strict mamasan to manage all of them, otherwise I see things getting out of control. That makes seven – an orphan problem AGAIN. Now if socks came in trios instead of a pairs, then I could lose one and still end up with a beautiful pair. To illustrate: Is any of this making sense? ‘The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.’ A.A. Milne Winnie the Pooh
  21. Life is turning into a frustrating conundrum for me. Today I was folding my laundry only to end up with an orphan sock. This is not a one-off aberrant event. It is becoming increasingly common. How is this possible? I put my socks on two at a time and I take them off two at a time. Two of them go directly from my feet into the washer and dryer. There is no intermediate clothes hamper. Simple mathematics requires that two come out of the dryer. Socks come in pairs. That’s all there is to it. This fact is axiomatic and immutable. Ending up with an orphan sock violates the fundamental nature of things. It defies all principles of logic and reason. This is a totally unacceptable state of affairs. Perhaps some of you can provide constructive counsel on this matter. And this was a nice pair of socks (no holes…). What am I supposed to do with only one sock? Anyway, here’s a few pairs I hope stay together…
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