When I was a young boy (oh so long ago…) I valued the dollar in terms of things that were relevant to my perspective on life. So, for example, one dollar would equal one ice cream cone. Two dollars represented a hot dog and French fries, and for three dollars you could add a milk shake. Although not relevant to my bankroll at the time, twenty thousand dollars…. well I could buy the Good Humor truck. I think you get the idea. Well now that I’m older (a lot) my perspective on things has changed. So, for example, twenty dollars equals one lap dance at a Montreal club. Twenty thousand, well… I rent the whole club for the night as my private harem. When I see the Canadian exchange rate posted every evening on the Nightly Business Report I automatically recalculate in terms of lap dance ratios, e.g. at 1CAD = 1.20USD (remember when?) if you budget for five dances then you get the sixth one free. I saved thirty dollars on my monthly phone bill by switching to Comcast digital voice. So now two months = three dances. Am I the only one who constantly thinks in these terms? I guess I may have issues, but I’m Ok with them.
Sipping a Merlot while watching a beautiful twink perform a pole dance during the glory days of Taboo -- priceless…
For everything else I have Master Card…