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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. I'm almost as bad as the patron who left his book on how to improve your memory. They say first the memory goes. I can't remember what goes after that...
  2. Lurker, here's something to keep you occupied until your Rio trip in November...
  3. Here's a couple more tastier clips of him. G-rated but the price is right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4PUmi_LZJ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC2ILMdb-d4
  4. If you forget to pack your mobil device charger(s) don't go out and buy a new one. Hotels have them by the bin full. Read the full article in todays WSJ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052748704532204575398002385885596.html
  5. When I was a young boy (oh so long ago…) I valued the dollar in terms of things that were relevant to my perspective on life. So, for example, one dollar would equal one ice cream cone. Two dollars represented a hot dog and French fries, and for three dollars you could add a milk shake. Although not relevant to my bankroll at the time, twenty thousand dollars…. well I could buy the Good Humor truck. I think you get the idea. Well now that I’m older (a lot) my perspective on things has changed. So, for example, twenty dollars equals one lap dance at a Montreal club. Twenty thousand, well… I rent the whole club for the night as my private harem. When I see the Canadian exchange rate posted every evening on the Nightly Business Report I automatically recalculate in terms of lap dance ratios, e.g. at 1CAD = 1.20USD (remember when?) if you budget for five dances then you get the sixth one free. I saved thirty dollars on my monthly phone bill by switching to Comcast digital voice. So now two months = three dances. Am I the only one who constantly thinks in these terms? I guess I may have issues, but I’m Ok with them. Sipping a Merlot while watching a beautiful twink perform a pole dance during the glory days of Taboo -- priceless… For everything else I have Master Card…
  6. He has several health/fitness videos on youtube. Apparently he was recently recently slapped on the wrist by the youtube police for posting one that was too explicit. Here is a link to his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdgwTmFzEiM I had no idea that he had his own erotic site. It looks totally awesome! I'm thinking of signing up for it. Thanks for sharing this! (However, you are not helping me with my rice addiction... )
  7. Video 2 contains some tasty morsels. TY!
  8. I like twink Tuesdays ....
  9. I usually have to fix a strong cocktail before I watch it, else it doesn't make any sense. I love looking at Hunter Parish.
  10. I thinks Asians are such nice swimmers!!
  11. eeyore

    Did You Know?

    According to the Nightly Business Report, the two most favorite toys of all time are SLINKY and ETCH A SKETCH.
  12. eeyore

    Saturday Treat

    Is Saturday for stretchers?
  13. eeyore

    Friday's Treat

    mmm...HUNKALICIOUS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG3J8ouF8nI
  14. Community volunteers picking up litter in May on our local Green Up Day reported that more than half of their efforts went toward ridding the streets and sidewalks of cigarette butts. Enough said.
  15. Is this wet Wednesday?
  16. eeyore

    Tuesday's Treat

    If it's Tuesday it must be twink day!
  17. eeyore

    Kindle or Nook

    One problem - no flash support for the ipad, which means some videos are not viewable on it, including many porn vids, such as FFF.
  18. eeyore

    Kindle or Nook

    I'm enjoying the iPad. You pay a premium of course, but it's so versatile (hmmm..). It's backlit, so that makes it easier to read in poor lighting conditions. It's OK in bright light, but if you plan on reading a lot outside then the kindle or nook would be easier on the eyes. As OZ stated, you can use it for so many other things besides reading books. And it's so very portable and easy to pack or tote with you. No poker app though...lol.
  19. Very nice. I'm looking forward to your real time posts in November!
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