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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. eeyore


    They usually go something like this...
  2. Very nice! It's going right into my favorites folder.
  3. eeyore


    I have them every once in awhile. They usually involve more than one beautiful guy in a harem like setting (really). I'm so sad when I wake up Reality can be a bitch..
  4. I think the men are men and the sheep are nervous!
  5. At This Hotel, Even a Pooch Can Live in the Lap of Luxury http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052748704358904575478101934394026.html
  6. Interesting article today in the WSJ about the water buffalos in Thailand: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052748703882304575465980135496858.html
  7. Wet Wednesdays are almost as much fun as Twink Tuesdays!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLp636CNbXQ
  8. It's my favorite day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY6mFXFiFtA
  9. I'll take these odds any day!
  10. I learned today that dolphins are really just gay sharks...
  11. 1. Lucas, Jr. on FFF 2. A refreshing swim in the lake on this unusually hot New England summer night followed by a cold beer.
  12. Charlie St. Cloud trailer in HD. Lots of Zac shirtless
  13. Pretty easy to tell the bottoms from the tops in THIS section of the armed forces!
  14. Here's another recent nice video of him. G-rated, but the price is right. He is sure easy on the eyes. I could pop a bowl of popcorn, pop open a beer, and watch him all night..lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuuKcJHMAwU
  15. Now if only I could find a cute little medallion to travel with...
  16. eeyore

    Wet Wednesdays

    I like wet wednesday almost as much as twink Tuesdays. I think I need to take a shower...
  17. Take a look at his new replacement...
  18. I luvs Twink Tuesdays!!!!!!! Just a little something, Lurker, to keep you occupied until your November trip to Rio... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwS8-Ma0pgk
  19. If you leave one under your pillow does the fairy godmother leave you a nice looking present?
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