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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. I guess I'll have to check out Dexter. Right now I have my hands full with WEEDS and the new HBO series, Boardwalk Empire. For some reason I'm hooked on both. What I find alarming about Weeds is that after the second cocktail/nightcap the show actually starts to make perfect sense...
  2. eeyore

    Wet Wednesdays

    Number 3 is awesome.
  3. eeyore


    I agree it was a great episode. I sure hope that the producers do more with Harry Shum this season. I'd like to see his character developed, and it would be a real treat to see him do a solo...preferably shirtless OK so I'm an incurable rice queen.
  4. OMG!!! I'm making a separate favorites folder on my youtube account just for him
  5. I guess I need to go shopping for some new underwear.
  6. eeyore

    Sunny Sundays

    Love the Andrew Christian videos! I need to set up an Brazil folder in my youtube favorites.
  7. That's expensive soup!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw_9nitAF7U
  9. Well we ought to be able to come up with something...
  10. Some time ago Lucky et al. recommended the Bangkok mystery/thriller series of novels by Timothy Hallinan over at the other site. I just finished reading his latest novel in the series, The Queen of Patpong. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The middle part of the novel flashes back to Rose's life as a village girl in Isaan and her subsequent migration to Bangkok where she takes on life as a bar girl and later meets her future husband, Poke Raferty. It's a captivating and riveting tale. I'm no literary critic but I think it beats his previous novels hands down. It's available in ebook formats from several vendors. Highly recommended for Thailand enthusiasts.
  11. eeyore

    Sexy Saturdays

    The last one is quite tasty
  12. A friend gave me the novel. I set it aside, but you have now given me the motivation to read it.
  13. Thursday are getting quite pleasant
  14. He's wonderful. I've saved the first episode of season 2 on my DVR so I can replay his shirtless scene They've also given him more lines in the first episode than he had in the entire first season. I hope they continue to develop his character more and that bare skin tease continues. I'm sure they will do a lot more with the new blond cutie too. If anyone finds more videos or photos on line PLEASE SHARE!
  15. eeyore

    Twinky Tuesdays

    Carlos and Edilson are truly AWESOME!
  16. eeyore

    Remember when??

    When I did calculations with a slide rule.
  17. Here's his latest youtube video. I never get tired of looking at him. Anyone ever find out if he's 'workin it'? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRc-CI7hLRU
  18. eeyore

    Mario Lopez

    VERY TASTY! Another one for my favorites folder
  19. Here's some more follow-up from today's WSJ: By JOE BARRETT ROSEMONT, Ill.—Bedbugs are getting to be big business, judging by the swarm of vendors, housing officials, entomologists, television-news crews and bug-sniffing dogs that crammed into a hotel convention center here Tuesday. Organizers of the first Bedbug University North American Summit said nearly 400 people had officially registered for the event, while an additional 250 wound up on a waiting list. Packed sessions offered tips on the latest fumigation techniques; how to freeze, fry or suffocate bedbugs; and handling lawsuits filed by customers driven buggy by the tiny insects. Bed Moat's booth showed off its signature product: a series of plastic cups designed to trap bedbugs creeping up bedposts. Heat Assault of Winnipeg, Manitoba, offered a $75,000 system that promises to rid tall buildings of bugs using "100% environmentally friendly heat transfer fluid." Visitors toted off free samples of BugZip Luggage Encasement, a clear plastic case its maker says "greatly reduces the likelihood of bringing bed bugs home." Once nearly wiped out in U.S. homes by the use of DDT after World War II, bedbugs have made a comeback in the past decade due to a number of factors, especially increased international travel that has imported more bugs. Itchy bites from bedbugs can become problematic for people who are allergic to them. Typically, the pests roost in beds, mattresses and sofas. They can be picked up anywhere where large numbers of people congregate, such as movie theaters, restaurants, offices and hotels. Treating infestations can cost thousands of dollars and force people to quarantine their clothes inside plastic bags for weeks. Attention to outbreaks this summer—especially to an infestation in New York City—has reached a fevered pitch. Just this week, the Niketown store in Manhattan was temporarily closed to battle the bugs. The uproar has been welcome for entrepreneurs pitching their wares at Tuesday's session. "It's been crazy," said Susan McKnight, an entomologist who two years ago invented the ClimbUp Insect Interceptor, a bowl-shaped device for snagging bedbugs as they assault bedposts. The past month's sales of the product—which she dreamed up one day while feeding her beagle—matched sales for the first eight months of the year. Exterminator David James was responding to a bedbug call at a Denver hotel two years ago when he came up with the idea for the PackTite, a heat treatment for luggage and other items that may transport bedbugs from one place to another. Travelers stuff a suitcase or other bag inside the foot-locker-sized device, which costs about $300. It heats items to 120 degrees for about an hour, killing any bugs or insect eggs that might have been picked up. Sales have taken off this summer, leaving Mr. James struggling to keep up with demand.
  20. eeyore

    Remember when??

    I remember that what I used to to all night now takes me all night to do..
  21. CHICAGO (MarketWatch) If you use the iPhone you may be likelier to have more sexual partners than users of other popular smart phones, new data suggests. Meanwhile, BlackBerry owners tend to be more business-minded and Android users are bird lovers. Sound like you? As smart phones make inroads into the cell-phone market, a growing number of companies are collecting data that profiles who uses which type of phone or phone operating system. Just as your car, dog or job can offer clues to your personality type, now your phone, in some ways, may help to define you. People who use phones with the Android operating system are younger; a higher proportion of 18- to 24-year-olds use Androids than iPhones, according to Nielsen Co.s Mobile Insights survey. BlackBerry users are mostly in the 37- to 55-year-old range and tend to use their phones more for business purposes than entertainment. BlackBerry (RIMM) has been around longer and has a larger share of the U.S. market 35% to iPhones 28% and Androids 9% though the latter two are starting to gain. IPhone users tend to be more affluent and better educated. As with all smart-phones users, iPhone owners are mostly male. Younger, male, higher income, more education thats along the lines of what you see with a typical early-adopter consumer-products profile, said Don Kellogg, senior manager of research and insights at Nielsen. Apple customers tend to be a little more affluent but then also some of the Apple (AAPL) products tend to be more expensive in the phone world, he said. They also apparently prefer chicken to pork ribs, which is a favorite among Android users, according to Coupons.com. Patrick Crisp, a spokesman for Coupons.com, said he stumbled upon some notable differences between iPhone and Android users based on their digital coupon behavior with the companys Grocery iQ shopping-list application, which isnt available to BlackBerry users. While womens body wash was the top coupon used in the body-wash category among iPhone users, mens body wash topped the list among Android users. Telling, too, of the iPhone profile was that baby products are overwhelmingly more popular with those users nearly 42 times more than Android users, who used pain-relief coupons at double the rate of iPhone users. And who knew? Android users are bird lovers while iPhone owners prefer the serenity of fish for pets, based on which pet-food coupons they download. Also, it turns out iPhone owners may be a bit more promiscuous than other smart-phone users, according to OkCupid.com, an online dating service. OkCupid.com asked its users what kind of phones they use, and then for the 9,785 users who had smart phones, collated that data (on an anonymous basis) with their number of sexual partners. The findings: Women iPhone users had an average of 12.3 partners by the time they turned 30, compared with 8.8 partners for their counterparts who use a BlackBerry, and a mere 6 for those who use Androids. The numbers were similar for 30-year-old men iPhone users. Android users can take comfort in knowing that they are considered more valuable than iPhone users to advertisers, according to Chitika, an online ad network. Thats because they clicked on ads a whopping 81% more often than people on the iPhone. And teenagers are far more receptive to mobile ads than their parents or grandparents, according to a separate study by Nielsen. That makes them a perfect target for mobile advertising. Fifty-eight percent of 13- to 17-year-olds said they always or sometimes look at ads compared with 42% in the 35- to 44-years-old range and 28% of those older than 55. Of course, none of this data has any grounding in social science or human behavior. It could all be pure coincidence, not causality: iPhone users tend to be more affluent, which means they may be apt to spend more lavishly than their business-minded colleagues on Blackberries. Android users are less educated than users of other phones, but theyre much younger too. Of course, they wouldnt have masters and doctoral degrees in their early 20s. In other words, dont try to pick your next mate based on what kind of phone he or she uses.
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