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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. eeyore


    Showtime has launched a new reality series about male escorts in Las Vegas. It follows five real guys earning their living as high-end male escorts in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, they are all straight male escorts catering only to women clientele. It's kind of lame but I'm enjoying it anyway. I guess it helps that I'm usually into the second glass of wine when I tune in. Here's a link to further info if you are interested: Gigolos
  2. eeyore

    MIssing Posters

    Thanks for thinking of me Lurker. I'm alive and well. I've just been lazy about posting lately. I hope to get up to Montreal more this summer. If any posters are traveling there this summer feel free to drop me a note. I'm always looking for an excuse to drive up there and enjoy all the wonderful sights
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRvPrP8axs8
  4. eeyore

    This week's Glee

    I think we should throw Michael Chang (Harry Shum, Jr.) into the mix!
  5. Ditto! Great clip! I wish I could translate Thai.
  6. Please keep your posts coming! I enjoy learning all I can about Thailand and its culture.
  7. Watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My mother passed away two years ago. She made it to 89. My thoughts are with you.
  9. eeyore

    FFF in HD

    I see that FFF has some chats in HD. AWESOME. I'm finding difficult to get any work done on my computer lately, although it's good for practicing my multitasking.
  10. Thanks so much for your travel report. I hope to get to Thailand maybe in December, or January of next year. I always enjoy reading travel updates from posters traveling in Thailand. In the meantime I will have to settle for John Burdett and Timothy Hallinan novels. I'm sorry that you had so many airline snafus.
  11. I putting it into my queue. Thanks for the recommendation.
  12. Vermont is getting innovative about this problem: Pity the bedbug when Buster’s on the case. The mid-sized beagle bears no malice against the diminutive bloodsuckers: for Buster, sniffing through Vermonters’ sofas, mattresses and easy chairs is what brings home the biscuits. Here's a link to the the full article in today's local paper. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/article/20101230/NEWS02/101229032/Burlington-beagle-busts-bedbugs
  13. I read today in the WSJ that the Bellagio is discontinuing the $25,000 chip because of this robbery. Players have until April, I think, to cash them in. After that they will be worthless. Won't be a problem for me though..
  14. Here's some trailers I found on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx2uOh_Z3cc
  15. I watched 'Watercolors' tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not trained in the arts but I highly recommend it. I have not seen it on any of the cable channels but it's available on Netflix. Here's a link to the NF page. You can peruse the reviews there. http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Watercolors/70131770?trkid=2361637#height1613
  16. eeyore

    A fantasy poll

    This is my vote for the best song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTnwv2NN-DI
  17. eeyore

    A fantasy poll

    Yes. Definitely Harry Shum, followed by Chord. It's a shame we have to pick just one.
  18. I think this thread is fascinating. I wish I had some suggestions to add. I think Charlie's suggestion is great!
  19. I watched this film tonight and was quite impressed. I'm certainly no film critic but I think it is well done on many levels. I went into it quite skeptical and came away very impressed. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Lucky for recommending it. Warning: It gets quite violent and intense at times so it helps take the edge off if you pour a glass of wine and start sipping beforehand. And yes, there is plenty of pleasant eye candy which also helps take some of the edge off. Definitely worth adding to your NF queue.
  20. OK. You convinced me. Into the NFqueue it goes.
  21. And he's in bed with Davey Wavey..lol.
  22. Looks like upscale properties in Las Vegas have them too. Yikes! Even a few hotels in Palm Springs
  23. Funny, I had the same problem...
  24. Do we get bonus miles for the correct guess?
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