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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. eeyore

    Stripper tip

    I really like this approach. Now I just have to learn how to fold a bill into a ring. I've been working at it all morning.
  2. Virginia closed its fiscal 2010 budget with a $403.2 million budget surplus (CNNMoney.com).
  3. The worlds longest commercial flight is 18 hours and 30 minutes.
  4. Did your gym buddy look like one of these guys?
  5. I'm recommending 'Defying Gravity'. Here's a copy/paste of the synopsis from Netflix: 'Frat boy Griff (Daniel Chilson), who works hard to keep his brothers in the dark about his intimate encounters with Pete (Don Handfield), is forced to come to terms with his sexual identity in this touching drama. Pete, who left the frat house for a more liberating off-campus life, wants a real relationship, while Griff claims he only wants sex. But when gay-bashing thugs beat Pete into a coma, Griff must face his true feelings for him.' Watched it last night and enjoyed it.
  6. Just so long as I don't have to pay sales tax on any lap dances...
  7. I add my wishes for a speedy and safe recovery.
  8. eeyore

    Summer Books

    Currently, I'm lumbering through Tom Clancy's latest: 'Dead or Alive.' It's been a real disappointment. I'm going to check out your recommendations. I wish Timothy Hallinan or John Burdette would get going on some new Bangkok thrillers.
  9. Harry Shum, Jr. hands down, with Taylor Lautner not far behind
  10. I've been enjoying the Borgias series on HBO. Season finale next week. Lucretia's stable boy is to die for.
  11. Thanks Lurker for your informative posts. I'm sorry you aren't having better weather. If it's any consolation, we've had nothing but miserable rain and cold in the northeast, so Montreal would surely have been a bust. I echo MsGuy in wanting to learn more about 'boy bingo'.
  12. 'A.K.A' Sort of a gay themed Mr. Ripley. Not of the same caliber but still enjoyable with an evening glass of Merlot. Pleasant eye candy. See NF for the reviews.
  13. For some reason the Insert Media process doesn't seem to be working like it used to. It just pastes the url address into the forum text box instead of embedding the YouTube video. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this process used to work fine.
  14. Have a great trip Lurker. I hope we can meet up in Montreal again sometime in the future. Until then here's a warm-up. http://youtu.be/m_y_s_5PkY0
  15. E.T. Phones Thailand—and Picks Up the Tab for the Call http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703778104576286712292054004.html http://online.wsj.com/video/space-aliens-love-thailand/750276F9-4CC5-461C-92F4-6126ABB74988.html
  16. From today's WSJ: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704569404576298953365120630.html
  17. Fortunately, I have no reputation to protect
  18. There used to be a dedicated Traveling Members forum which I thought was a good idea for posters who wanted to share their travel plans and meet up with other members if their travel plans happened to be in sync. It was especially useful for Montreal trips in the summer. Whatever happened to it?
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