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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. Great photo of him! Thanks for sharing.
  2. eeyore

    I hate Sundays

    I posted this before but it seems appropriate for a discussion about lazy Sundays...
  3. I just close my eyes and tap my heels together three times. And think to myself, there's no place like home. Works every time.
  4. The guy on the left does it for me hands down.
  5. eeyore

    Gleek News

    I'm still waiting anxiously to see Samuel's debut. He was one of the winners on the Glee Project. Do I have it wrong, or do the producers not owe him write-ins on seven episodes? I really think they need to get going on this. He sang his heart out on the Glee Project (okay...so what if I think he is sex personified…). I'm also glad to see they are expanding Harry Shum, Jr.'s role. I hope we see a lot more of him (preferably shirtless).
  6. eeyore

    Movie Mondays

    Nothing gay about it but I stumbled on to this movie on Comcast a few nights ago and enjoyed it. Here's the Netfix rap sheet on it. The reviews are definitely mixed. Smile 2005 PG-13 108 minutes Sheltered and privileged in sunny California, Katie's (Mika Boorem) perspective on life changes when she travels to China and meets Lin (Yi Ding), who hides her face because of a severe deformity. Brought together by a volunteer medical program, the young girls learn they share a birthday -- and a need to connect despite their divergent cultures. Sean Astin, Beau Bridges and Linda Hamilton co-star in this affecting coming-of-age drama. Cast: Mika Boorem, Luoyong Wang, Yi Ding, Beau Bridges, Linda Hamilton, Sean Astin, Cheri Oteri, Jennifer Hutchins, Essie Shure, Jia Song, Jonathon Trent, Erik von Detten Director: Jeffrey Kramer Genres: Dramas, Independent Movies, Independent Dramas, Tearjerkers This movie is: Emotional, Inspiring, Heartfelt, Sentimental, WittyAvailability:DVD (Streaming coming soon)
  7. My dentist told me I don't need to floss all of my teeth...just the ones I want to keep.
  8. eeyore

    Davey Wavey

    I love his tits.
  9. I got the same error message.
  10. I think I'll keep my legacy account with Merrill Lynch...
  11. Interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing.
  12. eeyore

    The Glee Project

    Yes. That's all I can say now without giving anything away.
  13. eeyore

    The Glee Project

    Is it just me or does Samuel exude sex from every pore.
  14. eeyore

    The Glee Project

    I just started watching this series and I am really enjoying it. I think I'm in love with Samuel.
  15. eeyore

    Book Review

    Thanks for the review(s). I'm putting both on my reading list.
  16. Fresh locally grown blueberries on my morning cereal. Only problem is...they make me horny.
  17. I have Comcast cable. I never thought of looking around on it for gay porn. I'm not sure if they even offer any. Anyone here use their cable subscription to buy pay per view gay porn? Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903885604576488540447354036.html#ixzz1UBK21yRN
  18. High today in Burlington, Vermont of 77. Overnight low tonight is forecasted at 58. Just saying...
  19. Too bad about Chord, but I see that Harry Shum. Jr. has been signed as a regular for the next season. Maybe we'll get to see more of his abs.
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