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Everything posted by axiom2001

  1. ...LIKEWISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. WOW! This is the kind of girth and length that I can appreciate, admire, and desire! :tongue: Also liked Charlie's choices via his descriptions as well!
  3. I'd give him some hot time, or vice versa! - - -
  4. axiom2001

    Caption This

    "Kiss our asses, NOW before any one of us is elected president!" ...wishful hopes on their part!
  5. I do not like reading a lot on line, so if I find an article or any other material which require much reading, I always print it and read from a page or pages. Thus, I DO NOT read newspapers on line!
  6. Yes, I concur with hitoallusa. But if you do not have the time to keep up posted while you're there, a "detailed update" - would always be in order as well as appreciated when you return! - ...wish I were able to join all of you in your adventures at that time, but unfortunately I am unable to do so! My living vicariously through your reports might suffice this time! -
  7. Enjoy immensely, Lucky!
  8. Personally, I liked and appreciated Simon's suggestion, but after all it's the webmaster's choice as to how he desires his site to be formatted/organized. My suggestion for this website which I have come to almost daily when I am at home is to change those photos of the guys who appear on the "Home Page." We've seen the same ones for a few years now! I always like to see "fresh," new faces. Thanks for my most recent escort review. It looks great and reads rather well if I have to say so myself! :flowers: - - :flowers:
  9. Brasil has had its rain during the past year as well as the beginning of our new one! When my friend and I spent almost 2 weeks in Rio in October of 2011, we saw more overcast skies and rain since we both have been going to that city during its spring!!!
  10. This photo {hot butt] appeared on my Face Book page yesterday or the day before. I'd wanted to write something, but my "Comment" section was, for some unknown and strange reason," was unavailable! :drool:
  11. I've admired and desired Mario ever since he began his career in that high school program on television a very while back; he's developed into one hot hunk and is indeed mouthwatering! Wish this man secretly, if possible, escorted.
  12. Apparently, June, July, and August are hot months in Thailand. I know the July that I went on my second visit to this country was quite hot! 1.5.12
  13. My heart goes out to both of these men. When I heard the news the first time via San Francisco television news--I felt sorry and question the rationale for the Aussie's deportation. Ridiculous! Insane! Inane! Take each case individually and rule in the affirmative if it's warranted.
  14. When I read "sausage"-- you know where my mind instantly ventured, but again, you mentioned "food hall," so the vision immediately dissipated. At any rate I will make sure that I write down the information and go there and savor in the offerings as well as take photos. Thank you!
  15. Or perhaps they're making a lot of contacts now purely via word of mouth!!!! At this juncture "the word is out" about them and their wonderful 3WAYs which they render! Hope this is so! - - -
  16. Is KaDeWe a department store or what?
  17. This thread is interesting and quite encouraging. I like this photo, too! It's quite suggestive as well as titillating! As of my writing right at this moment, I'm undecided regarding my participation in the contest, but I think it is a fantastic idea. :flowers: Could I use $500? Hell, yes, it could be applied to my impending trip to some Eastern European countries in September/October 2012.
  18. It would have been great if the pic of his sons was not blurred, but although it isn't clear--NONE of his sons interests me!!
  19. Lets capitalize Republican, gents! I am not one though!
  20. It's the first day of 2012, and I am at this site before I decide to go out for a film or two. On Friday of last week, I booked a tour which will take me (for part of the time) to Berlin. I'm excited indeed and am elated that I can find some reference materials here! Hot Damn!
  21. :frantics: I like his "blessing!" Might be able to meet him when I am in Prague in September/October of this year [2012]. On last Friday I booked a tour with a reputable company which will take me to some key cities in Eastern Europe, one being Prague. I've been previously, but it was without any of this type of recreation! I'll be making some inquiries as the months proceed! Thanks for this posting!
  22. Feliz Ano Nuevo! Obrigado for your post! :flowers:
  23. Yes, this "fine ass" appeared at two other sites. I'd love to meet him and it!
  24. HAPPY New Year, Lucky! May your requests be honored!
  25. I plan to see it before the new year or on January 1, 2012. My 2nd cousin's wife saw it on Christmas Day, but, unfortunately, she failed to relay anything of substance.
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