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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. @TotallyOz Has the hotel been recently renovated?
  2. It's not clear to me why I would ever use cameraprive.
  3. Daddy didn't care what happened to the site once he was gone. I am glad it is back up, but I hope that the guys who joined here this week will keep posting here. You just have to ignore Rockie.
  4. The advantage there is that the organizer, Oliver, has kept a list of the email addresses of the attendees over the years.
  5. One wishes that @readerand @z909could find a way to stop the bickering here. We coexist with others on the site, and that doesn't necessarily mean liking everyone.
  6. Here's something I never anticipated reading about!
  7. This morning the message-forum.net went offline. All I get when I go there is a blank page. If this is good-bye, well, it did come as a bit of a sudden surprise. But with the death of founder Bill, things were looking doubtful. I have had a lot of good experiences there. (A friend has written that he, too, cannot get the site to appear.)
  8. Given the lack of Brazil reports lately, this one by @floridarobis a masterpiece!
  9. @Rockhard says: "I would think the domain names have the least value. It seems they were created to distract from attention. Most of those queens never have to worry about finding the site if the name changes. Too many wannabe Nancy Drews among them. " Those people. Why must you insist on insulting others?
  10. With so many pictures, it would have been nice if they were numbered. That would allow easy referencing for comment purposes. Just a suggestion, Oz!
  11. @fedssocr Thanks for sharing the video. I was disappointed to see the makeup on these guys. The look all too feminine.
  12. Where can one find this show? Netflix?
  13. Is that all of the pics? I want more, more, more!!! Thanks, Oz, for sharing!
  14. A belated Merry Christmas @numazu
  15. Yes, veryhotjake! But now you have them!
  16. Glad you are vaccinated! Can you now post a pic of your very hot self? (As imagined by your name!)
  17. That contradicts recent information that I have read. Perhaps you can, but it is quite unlikely. Nonetheless, I don't take chances. Here's a test one can take after vaccination to decide what is safe: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/30/opinion/coronavirus-vaccine-risks.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
  18. @numazu Despite the very serious COVID problems in Brazil, I am glad that you wrote of your experience as it provides me a vicarious experience. I want to go there, but I can wait. This helps. Besides, you had already had these experiences, so why not tell them? And, again, thanks for the liberal use of white space! I am glad that you remembered!
  19. So, it's not "today in Ipabema?"
  20. You Neanderthals are behind the times! I posted this at message-forum.net on Saturday morning. Not that you would notice if you didn't post at both sites! Oh, you do?
  21. I thought they were rioting over the change in name to Ipabema!
  22. www.muddan.com is a nice website. The guys pictured would all be a pleasure to see.
  23. Daddy eventually died of heart failure. He had many medical issues, but this is the one that finally did him in. It's a reminder to all of us, not only to take care of our health, but have the papers ready for someone to step in while you are not able to act on your medical and legal decisions. Since no one could access Daddy's apartments, we don't know if he had these papers, or a will directing the future of his website.
  24. Realizing that for some there is no love lost between Daddy's forums and Oz's forums, I submit that we can recognize Daddy for creating a very popular forum which has a multitude of participants and offered many of us a place to post our thoughts and interact with like-minded posters. Many of us left that site and came here. I did too. But I have learned to like both sites. The future of Daddy's site remains unclear. It may be an opportunity for this site to gain members. I suggest we be supportive of those wishing to join here, and not begrudge those who don't. At any rate, I met Daddy several times, some good, some not so good. But I sure hate to see how he suffered in his last month. RIP, Daddy.
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