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  1. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Enough Is Enough - Questions Clients And Escorts Wanted To Know (JD Daniels - Press Release)   
    Your rantings here do nothing to convince me that you're a sweet guy with a good heart. At one point I believed that but that's no longer the case.
    You say if someone burns you three times it's bye-bye for them. Yet, you don't seem to let them go. Does your idea of "bye-bye" include verbally or physically harassing them?
    IMHO you need professional help and perhaps some hospitalization. There are professionals out there that can help you deal the pain of the EOY experience and events leading up to it. You owe it to yourself to get this pain out of your life.
  2. Sad
    OneFinger reacted to Riobard in Official ‘glory hole’ endorsement   
    I thought we were being a bit tongue-and-cheek about this recently, but it is becoming all the rage and has drifted up to British Columbia’s infection control playbook.

  3. Like
    OneFinger reacted to Lucky in Lucky's May Suggestions   

    These three Marines helped restrain an unruly passenger on a flight from Japan to Dallas. I know that I would have listened to them.
  4. Haha
    OneFinger reacted to Lucky in Why the Daddy Site Is Dead (to me, at least...)   
    Funny, but true story The website boytoy.com has a section on Latest Escort Reviews. Steven Kesslar is portrayed standing at attention while laying down. but the funny part is that this "latest" review is ten years old! Now that's surviving! The review is by a popular poster extolling Kesslar's virtues, unaware of how time would change their relationship. Maybe reviews should have an expiration date!
  5. Haha
    OneFinger got a reaction from boiworship in Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.   
    I was really pissed off when Flush Limbaugh received the Medal of Freedom. Below sums up my feelings perfectly.

  6. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to RockHardNYC in Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.   
    RE: the medal, Trump did an amazing job feeding red meat to his ignorant, racist base. Only Trump could tell viewers he was protecting pre-existing conditions while he's battling for its death in the courts. His ignoramus followers believe anything this pathological liar says. And they're too fucking fat and lazy to dig deeper. The cult of personality is threatening to destroy this country.
    This piece in the Washington Post by George Conway (Kellyanne's husband) is a must-read: George Conway: I believe the president, and in the president
    My hero, once again, is Nancy Pelosi. It's difficult to believe that several in Congress were once eager to get rid of this powerhouse of a woman. I always had faith in this strong, smart, San Francisco, Catholic, grandmother of nine. Some say her ripping of Trump's speech behind his back was planned. It wouldn't surprise me, and BRAVA to Nancy for playing by the Trump playbook. I get such a gassed ass reading justice warrior tweets from the outraged Republicans. "Shame!" and "Low Class!" LOL. Those motherfuckers with their tongue up Trump's ass have no sense of irony or hypocrisy. Their licking the ass of a tacky mob boss.
    Congressman Sean Maloney said it best when he tweeted: "The Speaker has consistently found a dignified way to make clear she is NOT going to normalize the President's behavior. She walks a line, of respecting the office.....& to say what the President says, is fake, false & rooted in a lie."
    I think it's absolutely wonderful the way Nancy Pelosi gets under Trump's thin skin.
    With 86% of Iowa votes counted, Pete Buttigieg is maintaining his lead. Here's another interesting article:
    Pete Buttigieg’s senior adviser Lis Smith has turned an unknown mayor into a serious contender.
  7. Haha
    OneFinger got a reaction from AdamSmith in Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.   
    I was really pissed off when Flush Limbaugh received the Medal of Freedom. Below sums up my feelings perfectly.

  8. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from floridarob in Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.   
    I was really pissed off when Flush Limbaugh received the Medal of Freedom. Below sums up my feelings perfectly.

  9. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to Avalon1849 in Happy Pink Flamingo Day - 23 June   
    I had a small metal one that sat on a window sill.
  10. Like
    OneFinger reacted to RockHardNYC in "I've never met this person in my life!"   
    And the story finally hits the NY Times' homepage:
    Veteran writer E. Jean Carroll Accuses Trump of Sexual Assault in Her Memoir
  11. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to rgb23 in Travel by air - TSA mistreatment   
    Being a TSA employee has got to be tough. It's high-stress and nobody wants the delay. I'm not surprised by the little abuses I see when I travel, gratuitous acts of rudeness that would cause customer service incidents in a private business. It seems like we're all hardened to the mutual unpleasantness, and some of the passengers deliberately taunt TSA agents. I have a little game I play when I'm in a long line. If there's a hot agent I make sure he sees me checking him out. Once at PHX I got my wish: a sturdy latino led me aside for a very thorough pat down. I really wanted to touch his sexy webbed belt, but I held out my hands as instructed. He took his time and we both smiled. Sometimes a bit of the naughty takes the edge off a hard day at work.
  12. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to numerito in Diabetic Diet   
    Amazing that a nursing home doesn’t have a special diet for diabetics...
  13. Thanks
    OneFinger got a reaction from numerito in Update From Avalon   
    So sorry to hear of your recent challenges. I've missed your posts and wondered what happened.
    Your current situation scares the s**t out of me. We had / have similar mobility issues and I'm not ready for hospital stays or rehab / rest home. I truly hope that your stay is not months but weeks. Hope you are able to post more. I know it's a pain to type from bed. But, hang in there and know we'd love to see you back on this site.
  14. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to nycman in Update From Avalon   
    Glad to hear you’re getting the help you need. 
    Stay strong and check in when you can!
  15. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to numerito in Update From Avalon   
    Sorry about your complications, @Avalon1849  I hope that things will improve in your new living conditions. Keep it up!
  16. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to MsGuy in Update From Avalon   
    I hope you find a resolution to all this that works for you, Avalon.
    Try to stay in touch if you can.
  17. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from Lucky in American Ido & Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon   
    I have so impressed with performances by this gay church janitor. What a voice! What a story! What a great representative to the LGBT community!

    Here is a clip of him performing the Elton John classic “We All Fall in Love Sometimes”. It brought tears to my eyes.

  18. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to Lucky in Record Crowd Expected in Palm Springs   
    Back in 2004, I conceived of the idea to have a get-together with fellow posters and escorts from Hooboy's posters on the message board. The event continued, and gradually the crowd grew.We added a Saturday night theater event after the dinner. Sunday was a pool party, excepting that I didn't have a pool!
    Then the day came when Daddy had taken over from the late Hooboy and banned me from his site in what I recall as extremely under-handed behavior. But the Weekend continued under the wise eye of Oliver. He maintained the rules- only escorts and actual posters were invited. Eventually the Weekend, now known as the Palm Springs Weekend flourished. More people attended, more parties were arranged. Escorts, sex and hungry guys contributed to the event.
    The 16th Annual Palm Springs Weekend is here! April 14th and 15th devoted message board posters descend upon the Coachella Valley for fun and games. Oliver informs me that the tally of attendees is 46- evenly split between escorts and clients. It;s a chance to see the escorts with their hair down, if not their pants!
    Members of this site are invited. Even Oz has attended, and I saw him have a god time. There's no room for animosity, just fun. If you would like to attend, let me know with your information, and I will pass it on to Oliver.
  19. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to AdamSmith in Translation For The Deaf   
    My mother has a fairly significant hearing impairment that hearing aids help, but not perfectly. In her mid-fifties she decided to rejoin the workforce, and sought out a local teacher in lip-reading to prepare. After a six-month course, she said, ‘Why on earth didn’t I do this years ago?’
  20. Thanks
    OneFinger got a reaction from AdamSmith in Translation For The Deaf   
    In an earlier life I was a sign interpreter for the deaf. Actually did court room interpreting in San Diego. About 95% of the time it included hand signing. But, one man grew up hearing and became deaf later in life. Sign language was very difficult for him and he relied on lip reading. So, when he went to court I did NOT use sign language but mouthed the words. It's often difficult to understand lip reading from unfamiliar people (mustaches, fat lips, etc).
    Not at all unusual for a marginally signing deaf person to rely on an interpreter that he / she can easily lip read.
  21. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from RA1 in Translation For The Deaf   
    In an earlier life I was a sign interpreter for the deaf. Actually did court room interpreting in San Diego. About 95% of the time it included hand signing. But, one man grew up hearing and became deaf later in life. Sign language was very difficult for him and he relied on lip reading. So, when he went to court I did NOT use sign language but mouthed the words. It's often difficult to understand lip reading from unfamiliar people (mustaches, fat lips, etc).
    Not at all unusual for a marginally signing deaf person to rely on an interpreter that he / she can easily lip read.
  22. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from MsGuy in Jan-Michael Vincent Dead at 73   
    He was the first guy that I saw with a totally frontal nude shot in a movie from about 1978. I believe the movie was named Buster and Billy. Saw while out to sea on a submarine. It was one of our favorite movies!!!
  23. Like
    OneFinger got a reaction from Lucky in Jan-Michael Vincent Dead at 73   
    He was the first guy that I saw with a totally frontal nude shot in a movie from about 1978. I believe the movie was named Buster and Billy. Saw while out to sea on a submarine. It was one of our favorite movies!!!
  24. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to Lucky in Gay Author A.J. Finn Exposed   
    Some guys tell little lies and some guys tell big lies.  Some guys lie so much you don't know if they ever tell the truth. The author A.J. Finn, of last year's big success The Woman in the Window, appears to be in a category all to himself. His life is such a lie that you couldn't believe a thing he says, at least that's the implication of a New Yorker article this week. He spun lengthy tales of his mother's death to cancer, his father's, his brother's suicide, despite the fact that all three are still alive. He himself claimed a brain tumor and a spinal tumor, neither of which he really had, but he milked the stories at length. Is it no surprise that he can spin a tale into a novel? It is mentioned that he is gay, lives in Chelsea, but it is not a factor in the story.
    Ian Parker's lengthy investigation had my jaw dropping repeatedly. If you want a shorter version, the Washington Post has it:
    The Post article also asks the question "Can we still love his book?" That's a good one. I enjoyed the novel. I don't think I know much about the author of any novel I read. But Finn's story is so intricate that I doubt I would ever read him again. Gay or not!
    Dan Mallory, aka author A.J. Finn:

  25. Thanks
    OneFinger reacted to TotallyOz in The Passage with Mark-Paul Gosselaar   
    OK.  I hate to say I like this show. But, I do.  It is about vampires and the end of the world as we know it. But, the first episode was good. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the storyline.
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