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    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    Today is new year's eve. I planned to visit the lookout point and gran buddha today. Ideally, i shouldve gone in the morning to skip the heat, but i woke up noonish, and have nothing else in mind to fill the time during the day. I take the seongthaw and take roght after the under bridge traffic light, had lunch at one of the restaurant there. Then i started to walk towards the lookout point. While the beginning of the walk along the street was scorching hot, i soon arrived at a park with trails that is completely under shades, so i just stroll along the trail, and see some locals are there as wells. The first guy i saw was definitely a drug addict, saw syringe and he just sit on the stairs trail not doing anything. I just walked passed him, hoping he wont bother me and he didnt. The trail doesnt really goes up to the lookout point, but just underneath it, so i have to to to the entrance road, which is accessible from the trail but its a bit of detour but having a rest from the sun makes the detour a preferred route for me anyway. 
    The lookout point itself is definitely worth visiting. The view is awesome, almost like looking at ipanema beach from sugar loaf. The crowd is less during midday too, and its very windy, so i stay here for quite a while before heading down and moved towards a different road for the gran buddha. Another place worth visiting.

    There is a nice temple garden before you reach the gran buddha stairs. When i visit the garden, locals in motorcycles stopped to ask me something in thai. When i explained i am not thai, they switch to english and ask me direction to a phratamnak village, and all i know is phratamnak mountain lol. The temple itself its also very unique, with big golden buddha on top, nice view and windy as well. It does feels very peaceful even with many people around.

    All is done, i went down and head back and walk to second road toward the school to take seongthaw back to hotel. But i saw similar thing as yesterday, a long queue and no seongthaw queueing. I decided to cross the road and head to chivarome, where i see kinda cute masseur sitting outside, so i told him id like to have a foot massage. Great cheap massage by great masseur who told me about NAB being the gay clubs local goes to, about the free concert at balihai oier that starts at 9pm but people will start gather around 7pm. He also says he has a muscular friend who work in BBB, he told ne the guys name, but not his nicknamr he used in the club but told me he is cambodian. He also told me he and his masseurs friend will go to the concert and countdown a little after 11pm, after the shop closed.
    After the massage, i head back to hotel by seongthaw. Reached hotel for a bit of rest from the hear and the walk, and had dinner (just left over from my lunch) and clean up before heading to BT again. A little update on my request for a setup with the other masseur from copa. It turns out this other masseur also already have a customer tonight. I asked if he has other muscular masseur friends, he show me a picture, and asked if i want to book his friend. Face and body wise, not bad, but i said i want to meet him in person first as i am heading to boyztown anyway. He says ok, up to me lol. I also checked up with Z909 on his plan for the new years eve. He told me we can meet for a coffee, he is in jomtien, but i was having my foot massage at that time lol so we decided to meet for the countdown later after trying to get a boy for the night. I head out to BT, and this time its only me, so i have no issues getting a seongthaw heading to BT, but still have to wait for a few full ones to pass by first before getting one.
    Reached at BT and parked myself at castro bar. The whole street has been transform today. Red carpet were laid down across the road from boys music to BBB end on the other side. There is free food for anyone in front of BBB, but i just ate so i parked myself at Castro outside bar, just looking at BBB boys and mamasan and maybe owners and their friend sitting on the table outside. Its definitely a party is about to start. There is a table set up for gifts, there is a backdrop for picture taking, and decorations geared up for the new year. The theme is white, and all boys and mamasans/waiter wears whites. Some wears for the occasions and even do their hair. While i sitting at castro, one of the waiter sit next to me and strike a conversation with me. We chat a bit before i went to toyboy to hang out there, and see if there's anyone id like. As i passed copa, i didnt see anyone outside to ask about the other masseurs my guy recommended, so i message my guy, and he called me (a first phone call from boys, who is confident enough to talk by phone in english!) And i told him i want to take him instead, for tomorrow night and he was elated! 

    At toyboy, similar number of boys as yesterday but i dont see the hunk that i bought the drink yesterday. Maybe he didnt come yet. Again, at least 3-4 guys are definitely not twink, with 2 are muscular but face wise, not really my type. I stay there quite a while, maybe until close to 10pm, and while sitting there, a chinese women from taiwan sat next to me, and started to chat with me. Its her first day and she wants to know whats what. She said she didnt want to take any boys but wants to have fun in the bar. So i told her a bit about buying drinks etc. I asked what kind of boys she is into, she said nerdy lol. And i told her not many boys can converse well, and she said, if they cant chat, its a such a waste. I told her that i might go to see BBB new year show after this and its always full, she said isnt that bar where guys wear shirts instead of in underwear like in toyboys? I said yes, then she said whats the point lol. I totally agrees with her hahaha. Anyway, another group of chinese gays comes in and sit next to her and they were having conversations too, in chinese. I left her there to go to BBB, and who do i see outside on the high table standing alone, the first guy i took short time my first night here.
    So without wasting anytime, i went to him and start chatting. He said this year party isnt as good as last year. Last year, there was free drinks as well. Anyway, i told him i want to take him long time today. He hesitate a bit but says ok, but asked me if i can wait until bar close at 2am. Since its new years eve and i do plan to hang out at balihai piers for countdown anyway, i said sure. I can come back for him later. Now that i have find a boy, i checked my messages and z909 asked me if i managed to find a boy, and i told him i had just make a deal with a repeat. I am free to go to balihai and invited him to join me. He told me he had just went for a massage and free to go there as well, so we decided to meet there at 11pm or so. I went toward walking street and found that there is just too many people, mostly tourists, that makes walking there is almost impossible. Maybe they should change the street to standing street instead lol. So i decides to took a longer path along second road instead, and advice z909 to do the same. I took the road that leads to the end of walking street towards balihai, crowd is still thick but at least its moving lol. I went all the way to the pier, passing a bit and hear the concert, but i saw people has already settled down near the pier and along the walkway near the beach to eat/drink and nap. So i decided i need to find a place for me and z909 to sit/stand to enjoy the fireworks before the place is taken up and no space for us anymore. So i didnt go towars the concert and find a spot at the rock next to the beach instead and wait there, taking in the scene and people watching. I texted z909 my location and gave some description to my whereabout, hoping itll be enough for him to find me among the thousands of people already here.

    Z909 manage to find me without much trouble, and i waved him when he is near. He had trouble to cross over the many people who already laid down their mats but no issues with them letting him get through. We sat on the rock and chat. He said last year he watch the fireworks from hotels, and makes remarks that there used to be tonnes of latern flying as well before, but tonight i can only see 3-4 of them from the distance. When its about time, somehow the firework when of earlier, and at exactly 12, the fireworks gets a mini finale like, before the firework gets much more dynamic. It lasted around 10min, took a video but the eye sore of a building really blocked our view a bit. Still a great show for me, not as grand as in other big cities but good enough. We walked back towards BT using second road, and andy said goodbye when we reach beach road. I made my way to BT again and i saw him, the toyboy hunk outside the bar, and he recognized me and smile as i also smile and says and wave. But i already have a deal with a different boy so i go to boys music, where all BBB boys will move after midnight.

    I order a drink and watch the show here to pass time until 2am. The show today have some similarity with BBB show but without any of the obscene part (no penis is showing). The callisthenic shows got a raving shriek from customers at the front, and people are tipping them lavishly. Some of the popular ones mustve gotten much more than a long time fee in tips alone. And i also sees mamasan throwing bunch of 20s/100s baht and the boys will rush to collect them. Its a really happening days for the boys and the performers. There is also one show, where one of the femal customer being serenade by the muscular callinsthenic performers on stage, and i wonder how much did the girl pay to be there. At the back, there are 3 vips, who open bottles on three different tables, and many boys comes and sit with them for the drinks and tips. Probably the 3 owners? Or high rollers customers of the year? Haha. There is also now a ladyboy/drag lipsync shows, and a bollywood choreograph number as well, and coincendently there are some indians customers there too. I saw one guy i recalled being reviewed in this forum, and called him for a drink with me, and asked if he can come to me tomorrow afternoon, he said yes he can. Im set up for boys for the rest of my trip now lol.
    At close to 2am, i went out to find the boy i had deal with, and saw he is sitting at the table outside. I wave at him and he came to me, bearing a really bad news. He said he already have a customer. He told me i was late (i wasnt) then switch to he didnt know the time and his handphone isnt with him (not my fault). Anyway, long story short, the guy wants him short time, and he rather do that instead of long time, but didnt or couldnt give me a better reason why not especially when he already promised me earlier. Needless to say i was not happy, and i told him that, he even offered if i go short time, he can take me, and nope, u did enough damage, i wont still pay you lol. Alas, its past 2am now and i dont have a boy.
    I get mamasan to call the other guy who i already made a deal to come to me in the afternoon, trying to see if he can go with me tonight instead. He explains to me why he cant, mamasan told me to take him ST using the room upstairs. I rather have him tomorrow since i am still a bit mad and frankly tired as well from a very full day. But after hearing the explanation of why he dont want to do LT,  i am no longer mad at the guy who stood me up. Yes he made a deal and yes he broke it, but he did offered me ST too, but due to his limited english, he cant explain why. The other customer is really easier alternative explanation since if i say yes to ST, he'd with me anyway. So basically, for new year, the boss apparently open the bar until 5-6am. And at 4-5am, there will be lucky draws for boys. All of them who is there, will get a present, just that some prize are more expensive than others. It is for this reason, the boys wont do LT at all tonight. So now i blame my misfortune to miscommunitation and bad timing. Its the worse time to try and get a long time from this bar. And i wouldve known if the boy can speak better english. And i do believe he doesnt know about this when he says yes to me earlier. 
    Anyway, even though i didnt have any boys tonight, i have two boys coming to my hotel tomorrow, so balance has returned to the world again lol. I did try to push my luck to get long time tonight, afternoon boy and a other long time again but i guess the universe is telling me to slow down lol. I went to second road to get a seongthaw, had to wait a bit but managed to get one, and returned to my hotel, feeling very sleepy and tired that i dozed off not long after. Maybe i dont need a long time boy after all for tonight.
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    BL8gPt reacted to Boy69 in Recommendations for areas around Pattaya   
    In Jomtien beach Zing and Agate are not luxurious hotels but have luxurious rooms besides their standard room in very reasonable price , they have pool , gay freindly and located at the gay complex in Jomtien. 
    Traveling in soroundings near Pattaya is very limited but you can take a short sailing to the beutiful island Kho Larn and plenty activities you can choose from in Pattaya.
    Pattaya can be a nice place to enjoy your 4 days vacation.
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    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    It's time...
    When I wake up it's mid-morning (10am-ish) and it's my last day.  I make some tea and start sorting through my receipts, then checking email.  Van wakes shortly afterwards and from the comfort of the bed watches me pack.  This is a fairly easy pack as my only purchases were some shirts in Pattaya and some more in Bangkok.  I leave room for some workout shirts from a vendor on Silom near Nakarat.  I've been bargaining for two nights now as I walk by.  The price last night was acceptable but I didn't wanl to carry anything.
    I talk with Van about today.  He is off - actually, I'm offing him.  He tells me how much to give him, which is less than if I went into the club and paid the fee.  I ask if there's anything he'd like to do and get the programmed "it's up to you".  I suggest we go out in a couple of hours and ask him to trust me.
    I shave and get into the shower, he joins me.  It's a gentle way to begin to say goodbye.   
    Around two we head out and walk to Sathorn...Van is surprised as we haven't walked this way before.  He asks if we are going to the BTS and I answer "yes, but, no".  
    I'm using he station walkways to cross over the traffic.  Once across, we are at the MahaNakhon plaza...the King Power Tower plaza.  Last night, Reader and I speculated on what it would be like to bring some of the guys we like up to the rooftop...speculation inspired by DivineMadman's  doing just that.
    The answer to the speculation - surprise, joy, excitement, amazement...we did go out on the glass floor once the blue booties had been attached to out feet.  It was no where near as crowded as the night before.  Yes, it was hot under the mid day sun but it had it's own charms.  We stayed somewhat more than an hour and then did the trip through the multi-level duty free shopping.
    We walked back via Silom to the hotel where we hung out.  Around 6:30 we headed over to Twilight so that Van could pay his off fee.  This gave me an opportunity to say good bye to Pau and the other waiters at Maxi's.  The Asian gentleman with a fondness for the massage staff across from Maxi's was already in place , tonight with 4 of the guys.  Good for him, good for them, and great business for Maxi's.  Everyone wins!
    Van and I have a drink (he has lemon tea) at Maxi's.  I leave goodly tips for the waiters and the bartender, give a 100 baht to the Hot Male grabbers - and we head out.  I pick up the workout shirts from the street vendor, I mentioned.  Back at the hotel, I finish packing, giving all the remaining toiletries to Van, I give him some baht for his time.  The baht are in an envelope.  He doesn't open it, just puts it in his wallet and that goes into his backpack.  It's now about midnight and time to go to the airport.  When I booked my ticket, I was most interested in when I'd arrive so I could get to Pattaya in time for some interpersonal interaction (!) and as to a return, I need to be back on Saturday, December 1st.
    My return isn't through Tokyo - my usual routing, but via Hong Kong and Hong Kong Airlines from BKK to HK.  It's always a mess at the Hong Kong Kong Airlines checkin...so in addition to the flight being earlier than ANA, I do need extra time...sort of a long explanation for why I'm heading out from the city as the clock strikes 12. 
    Saying goodbye..we've done this a dozen times, but, this time is a bit more difficult...
    Van waves goodbye as the taxi pulls out and passes him.
    I make the airport, long wait to check in...Hong Kong Airlines is not a Star Alliance partner so no priority line.  Bags checked through to San Francisco.  Security and Immigrations go quickly, I board the plane, and fall asleep before boarding is complete, and wake up when the plane touches down in Hong Kong.  Good thing I slept then as my United flight to California was 100% full and I slept very little.  While in Hong Kong, I "Lined" to Max, Sophy, and Nuguyen and chatted with each.  Van and I use We Chat and he had messaged me while was asleep on the plane.  Clearly, I'm struggling with saying goodbye to so many good guys. (that may also be why this report has taken so long to publish).
    Home...and six weeks later I'm still thinking about the trip, the highs, the lows, the guys stay in touch, Max changing his screen name every week (Max, Maximum, Maxx...!),  Van still working to pay off his debts, etc. etc.
    Me...I'm reading Spoon's report which is incredibly good and reminding me that I should be beginning to plan another visit to the Land of Smiles
    Thanks for reading, commenting, pm-ing, and all that sort of thing.
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    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    Tonight is my first official bar hopping lol. I told z909 that i wanted to see bars that ive not visited yet, that means other than BBB and Xboys. So after we pay our bill, we proceed to take a walk along the sois where kawaii boys, xboys, dreamboys and abomb are. In front of cupidol, we saw a small stage being set up and some boys in crazy costumes were chatting there too. We peek into kawaii boys, and only see 4 boys, all slim, had a little chat with z909 and we decided to move along first. We look in dreamboys, and saw they have maybe 8-10 boys and decided to enter and buy a drink and have a seat. Face wise, id probably like 1-2 guys there but body wise, none piqued my interest. We stay there maybe 20min or so then decided to hit a different bar. We passed Abomb and i decided to see inside and saw again similar number and quality like previous day, 2-3 boys no hunky ones in presence. 
    We then walk back to boyztown, passing through second road and enter toy boy. There is around 10 boys on stage and few more waiting to go into rotation, probably 15-20 boys. At least 4-5 bigger frame guy with 2 that is muscular and totally my type body wise although one guy is definitely offing material to me, muscular, fair skin, handsome. He is definitely the star of the bar in my opinion lol. Didnt take long before i called him to sit next to me and buy him a drink. He went backstage to put on jeans but remain shirtless when sitting with me. So we start talking, and i start asking few things as usual and then we end up talking about possible off, he told me his rate, i asked for long time, he says his rate, i said what ill pay. He insist with his rate, and say he wont go for less. I paused for a moment, didnt give him my respond. I asked again if he will go long tine with me, he suddenly said he have customer after this so today cannot. I asked for tomorrow or the day after and he said he has customer take him for whole day the day after, and a regular will come from new year and take him for 4 days. 
    So i am practically left with two choice now, to take him short time, or move on. I decided to move on, told him i wont be offing him unless its long time and excuse him. He asked for tips, i said i already buy you drink and say thank you. I dont know where i get the strength to refuse such a gorgeous specimen lol maybe i wasnt super horny, and we dont really have good chemistry when sitting together (he dont really initiate touching me and keep looking at the stage when talking). Anyway, he wai and goes back on stage and sometimes i saw him go outside. During our conversation, he did told me that he used to work in BBB before. Z909 didnt call any boy and just observed the boy at the stage. I asked him if he is ready to hit a different bar and he said yes. So we go outside, and when in front of copa, i asked the boy there about the muscular masseur i saw yesterday morning, and they say he didnt work today. Owh well. 
    We then walk towards cupidol. I asked z909 about castro bar show, and he says its mainly ladyboy show, which i dont like either so we skipped it. As we get near to cupidol, the music is getting louder and louder, that i have to close my ears. We saw that the stage is now occupied with a lady/ladyboy singer and 4 dancers in a really fancy costumes singing thai songs. There's also tables and chais setup outside on the road spilling from cupidol. We enter cupidol and were given seats close to the door, not prime to have full views of the boys on stage but boys do rotate. As expected, boys here are 100% slim twink and fem type. But there are some good looking one and they are having fun. One particular guy was so perky and jumpy, flirting with one korean guy which i thought  was funng lol. We stay here quite a bit, observing the stage and the boys. I see many more farangs here than other bars, and one who looks like the owner, entertaining some customers, probably his friends. Drinks here is the cheapest amongst other bars in BT, and z909 said to me this is how a bar should be hehe. Full house and relaxing time, mamasan leave u alone, and boys all in underwear. Id say one guy do have more of a really fit 6packs body but i dont really fancy his looks, as he is more toward fem, but that body is golden hehe. Its now close to midnight, the music outside is still full blast and we can hear the vibration of the base from inside the bar, particularly bad each time the door is opened. 
    The time is almost midnight now, I asked Z909 if he sees any boy he wanted to off, and he asked me the same. We both dont find anyone we would take that night. Z909 says he is ready to call it a day, and go back to his hotel, and i agree, but was thinking to go back to toy boy for the hunk before, and see if he is still around or be more flexible now. Along the way, i was stopped by one copa masseur, who is muscular and a bit tall, not a bad look and defnitely offing material in my eyes. I stopped and z909 waited for me while i asked him few questions of the usual. He passed my screening agree to long time until 6am, he said his price, i said mine. Cant come to a price id like, so i leave with z909 towards the mouth of the soi and say my goodbye. I dont see the toyboy hunk as i passed toyboy going back into the soi, and passed the copa masseur again, where i just smile. Now i think maybe i should go to xboys, or check abomb again, but then the copa masseur comes to me and gave a slightly reduced price, and i immediately agree to it.
    I told him my hotel is in jomtien, and he says not to worry, he has a motorcycle and can drive me back to hotel. I think i just hit jackpot hahaha, a tiny one. I finally get to ride a motorcycle with a hunk lol. Its one of the joy id want to experience in thailand and today itll happened. Only caveat is he doesnt have a helmet for me, but i go against my judgement and still ride the bike, hoping he will ride safely, and happy to report he does ride very safely with me. I am still in one piece and able to write this report. We also talk a bit during the ride, since we dont really chat much before. My legs are firmly squeezing his body and from time to time he will carress my legs with his left hand lol. He asked me if he can make a stop to buy fruits. Half a small watermelon, which is cheap. At the room, he asked if we can sit outside first to eat the fruit and chat. The weather is cool at night in jomtien so we sat and chat and eat the fruits together. I mentioned to him about the masseur i met yesterday morning and he said that the masseur is a good friend of his and even suggested me to have a threesome. Ive never done that but i told him if they can fuck each other, i might be willing lol. Anyway, i asked him if he can set me up with that masseur for tomorrow. And he said he will text him.
    Once done, we move inside. He commented the room is big. We chaf a bit more inside, and then proceed to clean up. He prefer to shower alone, so i go clean up first. And then he goes next. As he undress, i can see all his naked body and boy, i am glad i proceeded to take him. He is probably mid 30s, from thai, issan. Skin light brown, handsome face. The session was hot and he is very passionate and caring about what i want. After the session, we clean up and get on bed, and more chatting. He shows me he used to work as actor for karaoke video clips, and showed me some of the clips, when he was younger lol. His younger self is much more good looking but not muscular, more lean toned. We end up cuddling whole night, and he managed to catch some sleep but i didnt want the night to end, but fell asleep as well for a bit before he woke up close to six, go to toilet to clean up a bit and "woke me up" (i am already awake when he woke up but in lazy mode lol). We say good bye and i paid the tips and went back to bed. I woke up noonish, missing another breakfast lol.
  5. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Wynter11 in First Impressions   
    Day 4 & 5
    For my last night I ventured into Twilight again briefly but didn’t end up staying anywhere. I decided instead to return to Moonlight as it had been my favorite bar and I wasn’t feeling up to dealing with anymore grabbers who lie about shows that never happen. 
    I was greeted knowingly by both the barker out front and the mamasan when I arrived. I was running slightly late and the show had recently started. Babe was already on stage and I was seated on a stool in a row closer to the stage than my last visit and close to the center. Given the improved view of Babe’s abs I was quite pleased with the development. He was in at least 2 but possibly 3 acts that I can recall though I may be blending the Tuesday and Thursday together. One of his numbers involved dancing with a headless mannequin in women’s clothes that was saved from cringeyness by the fact that Babe seemed well aware of how ridiculous he looked and sent knowing smiles out to the audience throughout. I think the song was ‘She Bangs’ by Ricky Martin.  The beach themed towel routine featured again but this time round it would seem Babe had folded his towel a little clumsily and shortly after starting he suffered a major wardrobe malfunction that saw his towel drop suddenly exposing quite a bit more than he had intended. He reacted quickly snapping it back in place and folding it tighter but there were a few more slips throughout and combined with my much closer seat, I got a view that certainly felt worth the entry fee. 
    If I hadn’t already been smitten then this performance would definitely have won me over. Babe’s complete lack of ego and open laughter whenever he suffered a mishap was hilarious to watch and I found myself grinning back up at him when he shot glances out into the audience to gauge our reaction. None of the other guys seemed to react or show any expression though. I’m not sure if it was fear of looking unprofessional or just a lack of humour in them but none seemed to react at all even when Babe missed steps trying to tie his towel and dance at the same time. This show was a highlight of my stay and I’d definitely be making my way to Moonlight again if I returned.
    The twink crew had become a foursome and did a routine I hadn’t seen before on the previous night. It was well choreographed and performed by the crew. You can see a photo of it on their FB page or in the moonlight thread where Hank has copied it over. For anyone curious, 24 is the one standing above the others. 
    The next day I left the Raya just before noon as my flight was late and I was definitely not in a hurry to sit around the airport. I taxi’d back with no incident and relatively light traffic though the traffic coming the other way appeared to be in complete gridlock and the driver pointed it out and laughed as we went by. 
    On the Raya, the hotel was perfectly positioned and the rooms large. I mentioned the flooding bathroom in my first post and that was an issue throughout despite my best efforts to mitigate it. There was also a lot of noise during the day due to renovations so late sleepers or those simply wanting to relax in their room during the day may want to avoid it until they have finished. I found the staff all very polite and my room was made up even when I had dawdled in the room until mid afternoon. 
    Overall it was a fascinating experience and I’m sure I’ll return at some point though it may take a while longer than I’d like. Im thinking that I will try to ensure I’m there for the weekend next time though as I didn’t like being the only one in the bar and the shows seemed to get better later in the week. 
    Thanks for following my waffling
  6. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Wynter11 in First Impressions   
    I’m stuck in another airport, the last transfer before home (thankfully) so I thought I’d add the next day. 
    Day 2 
    My first mission of the day was to find a power adapter to keep my phone running as the room didn’t have any usb ports for charging. The Raya is currently undergoing some renovations (more on that later) so hopefully that’s on the to do list. I searched high and low through convenience stores and local towers hoping for an electronic stores only to eventually find what I needed at street vendor who just happened to have the relevant plug hanging prominently as I walked by. Crossing the streets without dying proved to be an invigorating experience to say the least and I feared death more or less constantly. Although by the time I left on Friday I was blithely carting suitcases into semi moving traffic with all the reckless abandon of a native so it probably wasn’t all that bad. Certainly something to get used to though, I don’t know why they bother with crossings as the taxis don’t seem to acknowledge them anyway.
    After a day of intense real life Frogger I decided I needdd a nap and went back to the hotel until the bars woke up around 10. 
    I’d been following the Moonlight thread and enjoyed the stories about certain notables so I made it a priority to head there for my second bar visit. I was already appreciating The Raya’s location as it made getting to basically everywhere except Jupiter a very short walk. The barker saw me coming and guided me quickly down the lane. Entrance was 450 and came with a first drink which I liked because it meant I didn’t have to deal with receipt bins that I still found a bit bewildering. 
    The captain was a fairly distinguished looking fellow around 50 I’d guess. He guided me to the back row benches which I liked because it felt easier to watch with some level of discretion. He sat himself beside me and proceeded to dispense information about the guys on stage. I was disappointed that many had shirts on but those without made up for it. This was very much twunk territory with a few very toned without being bulky. Some nice faces too. 36 and 24 are pointed out to me and as a side note, 36 keeps his Grindr profile open most of the time with a very simple profile picture and no information. Not sure if he’s moonlighting Moonlight or just up for fun. 36 is tall with a defined body and 24 is a Korean looking twink with a lightly toned body and very cute face but I had to wait for the show to find that out as 24 wears a shirt on stage.
    Around this time an attractive guy wearing a leather jacket and no shirt came sauntering in to chat to my captain. The captain moved on and jacket guy took his place next to me for a chat. You can probably guess who it was but for those who haven’t followed other threads, my new friend was Mr Nicky himself. We chatted but I was pretty clear in my body language that I wasn’t buying what he was selling. Eventually he asked if I wanted to buy him a drink, to which I responded ‘Oh no thank you’ with a smile before turning back to my stage watching. He gave up after that and moved off and I saw him happily ensconced next to another guy a little while later. He doesn’t seem to participate in the shows (I went twice during the week) like the other models, just doing his walk during the show finale. 
    The show itself was my favorite of the bars and that’s probably only half because of Babe, whose gyrating hips and cheeky smile are more or less burned into my brain permanently. He could just stand there doing that towel/beach routine all day and I’d probably just sit there drooling and throwing money at him. He has a natural charisma that’s 50% being a very pretty man and 50% knowing how to point his dimples at every corner of the room to maximum effect. The show also featured some weird slow motion dancing by older guys that was a bit meh and a higher energy number involving some of the twinkier guys waving fans around while a drag queen lip synced. 24 featured in the fan act and captured my attention throughout. He was immediately sent down to sit with a patron post show so I’d say I wasn’t the only one who appreciated his talents. There was a shower show involving two of the slow motion guys who basically did the same routine while soapy. Lots of cock to be seen from this point on but none were the ones I was interested in. Captain was generally easy to deal with throughout, probably second to the dream boys captain in terms of not annoying me. 
    The next night saw me go on a bit of a wander through several bars and was probably the steeper learning curve of the trip. I’ll write something up when my brain is less jet lagged. 
    Thanks for for showing interest
  7. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Wynter11 in First Impressions   
    I’m currently sitting at ‘Swampy’ having just spent 4 nights in Bangkok. This was my first time in Thailand and I thought that there might be some interest in a fresh account? 
    There will likely be details missing that some might be looking for, this is deliberate. Feel free to ask anything you’d like to know though and I’ll decide if it’s something I’m happy to share, but as a youngish person I have some concerns about the longevity of comments made on the internet.
    Day 1
    I arrived in the late afternoon after a very long flight. Thailand was new territory for me so I wasn’t quite sure how anything worked but having spent a lot of time reading these forums I felt at least a little prepared. Immigration was simple though I did have a momentary panic when I saw the signs about visas and saw so many filling out forms. It turned out not to be relevant so I made my way though and joined the hordes looking for a taxi, or at least I thought that was what they were doing. A group of teenage boys were coming through arrivals, however, and they were they seemed to be causing a lot of excitement. A boy band maybe? There was a pretty decent crowd but fortunately they all chased after the apparently famous lads which cleared some space. I should mention at the point that the handle on my bag had broken mid flight so I was left dragging it by the top which would likely have been humorous for any onlookers had they not all been so singularly focused on the aforementioned boy band.
    I found the taxi line and after maybe 15min was on my way. The driver used the meter and didn’t seem to be a scoundrel which was a huge relief. I had the address for the Raya on my phone in Thai and that made things really simple. 
    I was tired and jet lagged but as I pulled up in front of the Raya I could see the lights of Twilight and I quickly decided that sleep was for the weak. It was here that I committed my first faux pas as I had taken out cash at the airport but hadn’t realized I’d need such small change. Fortunately the doorman stepped out, paid the taxi for me and said I could sort the fare with reception. Excellent service and greatly appreciated. 
    My room at The Raya was huge by hotel standards and quite nicely furnished, though the size left it feeling a little bare. My only issue with the room was that the shower/tub combo is badly designed and tends to flood the bathroom when used. 
    A short while later I braved o and made my way into the soi. I was expecting the hot male and xboys guys and managed to brush them off as I made my leisurely  way down, taking in the sights. Unfortunately this was a very clear signal to literally everyone that I was a first timer, faux pas number two. I kept brushing off the grabbers until the classic boys guy pointed out ‘there aren’t any more, that’s the end.’ He was correct so I turned back and headed into Dreamboys which was on my list of places I wanted to see. I was ushered in quickly and given a seat with a promise that the show would start soon. There were roughly two dozen patrons and around 20 guys parading around on stage. A broad range of shapes and sizes though I was left wondering why on earth some of them had been given a job. If you like twinks, twunks or muscular men then you’d have some eye candy to drool over.
    The show started as promised and my excitement turned to disappointment as the guys doing the dancing were amongst the oldest of the group and not the best looking either. A reluctance to be in the shows was a theme I would notice amongst the younger guys across the bars. The show was fine overall but very heavy on drag and frankly that didn’t appeal to me at all. The sudden revealing of large cocks from under dresses had all the subtlety of a footballer on talent night and subsequent acts involving the audience felt a tad cringey. But that may just be my own shyness, the guy they dragged from the audience seemed to be having a great time after all, despite treatment that bordered on molestation.  
    The mamasan or captain at Dreamboys was probably the best of the bars I visited. He was subtle, polite and knew when to piss off and leave me alone, which was most of the time. At no time did I feel under pressure by him to make purchases though he made sure I knew how to ask if I wanted anything. 
    That ended up being a lot longer than I’d expected. If there’s interest, I’ll continue when I have more time. Day 2 features Moonlight and a chance to see some famous/infamous names in the flesh. 
  8. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    By the way, the two days ive stayed in boyztown's Ambiance, the noise level is hard noticeable, though i stay at the top most level. Both time i came back with boys, reception will offer me popper to buy. Apparently there are some unknown straight tourist or even family actually stayed in ambiance too. When i went down for breakfast with my boy, a family of probably 6-7 indians with kids just entered the restaurant as well, but thankfully they went and sit outside, leaving me and my boy alone inside. I woke up maybe around 11 and pack stuff up and head down, check out and left my luggage at counter. Today i wanted to try one of the massage that is a bit unique, the foam massage at helios (formerly known as blue house). I reached there around 12.15pm but saw not many masseur around. The guy said to come in bit later, around 12.45pm, so i went to tuckom and give a bit of a tour around the shopping center. 
    I went back to helios and saw around 4-5 masseur now, from just 3 before. Not willing to wait longer, i chose one that is most appealing to me, fair skin average slightly meaty short guy, quite cute face. We head upstair to a room that have a waterproof bed, and shower inside. The masseur ask me if i want to shower, i do, then he asked me to wait while he clean up the mattress and prepare the foam. Id say its really fun massage. It starts with lathering my body with bubbles from the soap, with the sponge, then he use his hands to do some sensual strokes. From hands, it moves to arms, and then it was full on body to body. Feels so nice and relaxing and sensual too. Especially if u like to shower with you boy and have fun with water running, this is exactly that and then some lol. Finished up with a hj, while the masseur let me play with his body and finger his ass lol Definitely feels more like an elaborate foreplay rather than massage though, but cant complaint either. After massage is done, we shower together and he help me clean up as well. As i was about to leave, i saw there are now 8-10 masseurs now, 2 of them sit outside having lunch. So id say its better to go after 2pm for more choices of masseur. 
    I returned to ambiance to take my luggage and walk a bit to the front of the school to queue for seongthaw, instead of having rows of seongthaw queuing for customers. The wait was minimal though, less than 10min, and im off to jomtien. Kept checking google map to know when to stop the seongthaw and get off, cross the road and make myself to zing. First impression of the hotel, its really a nice hotel, with nice pools in the middle and surrounded by hotel buildings. I got the room on ground floor in front of the pool. Really spacious room, with living rooms and bed. Big but not enough furniture inside so it looks a bit empty. But the bed was comfortable, roomy bahtroom and spacious living room, well worth the money. I arrived at the hotel close to 3pm. 
    I actually managed to contact two forumers and try to arrange for a meet today. Jimmyjoe contacted me first, and told me he would love to meet and have a chat or do bar hopping tonight, but he will have to check again when he is free to meet. Z909 also replied to my thread and i contacted him later in the evening to meet at boystown bars for chat. We agreed to a meeting at 8.30pm at panorama. I then contacted jimmyjoe about the plan to meet z909, and he says he can meet me earlier at 6pm since he is in jomtien too. We met near the dongtan sign, have a really nice chat watching the not so picturesque sunset, as it was a bit cloudy today. We then walked abit down the jomtien beach to one of the  restaurant and have a thai dinner and more chat about bars and boys. It was great to have a conversation with like minded guy lol.
    At around 7pm or so, we went to jomtien complex and choose a seat at @home bar, with a good view of sunbar in front of us. I recalled the masseur i took from blue hatha in siem reap told me he uses to work in sunbar. We order our drinks and watch as customers and boys/waiter we having conversations and then one guy come to jimmyjoe. He told me this is the boy he has been seeing for a while now in pattaya. He is like his quasi boyfriend already. He introduced me to the boy and tell him our plan for tonight. They were really like a couple and i got a bit flustered lol. Anyway, jimmyjoe told me he might have to take a raincheck tonight, because if he go with us, his mind will only think about the boy. I suggested to take the boys with us to the meeting, he told the boy and all three of us started to make our way to the main street to get a seongthaw. We waited quite a long time to get a seongthaw as most that passed by are already full. I remembered seeing a free concert banner for the new year and it starts today, 30th dec, and that explains why most seongthaw is fulled. After a while, we gave up and took taxi. 
    We alight near sunee plaza, jimmyjoe and the boy give me a quick tour of the area which is still dark, and rather empty, and we emerge out of the wat chai market. We walked and saw rows of buses with tourist groups (mainly chinese) making their way to walking streets. We arrived at panorama a bit late, and met with z909 and order our drinks. More chatting about boys and bars with z909, and he agreed to do a bar hopping with me tonight, and jimmyjoe excused himself as he and the boy went back to sunee to the boy's bar. 
    One side note, i actually forgot that i went for a massage on my first full day in pattaya, right after my visit to sanctuary of truth, before lunch. I asked a forum member for a recommendation of a proper massage place similar to prime and he told me one other forumer suggested chivarome. So i went to the shop near walking street, and had a really nice 2 hour body massage. Only 2 masseur available, i chose a rather stocky one who seems to have stronger hand for massage. The massage was great, not the best but very strong. The massage turns a bit sensual when he massage near my upper thigh especially after i turned. And i dont know if its surprising or not since i am not familar with the place, but the masseur offered me a hj. And i can say his hj skills is one of the best lol. He isnt really my type but i always gets horny and turned on by good massage lol. 
  9. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    I went down to boyztown quite early today. It has been raining since my lunch time, in episodes of drizzle that has been an off and on few times. I waited for the rain to calm down before i go down, and its easy to check from ambiance terrace. Even saw tables being removed from the rain, and then set up back again which is a que for me to head down, around 8:40pm. Having thought that i missed the BBB parade yesterday, i should be able to catch it tonight. I set myself down on a table in at panorama, ordered a drink and wait while watching boys arriving to their bars. I waited and waited and 9pm passed by, still no parade. After a bit more of wait, i decided that there wont be any parade. 
    Since its still to early to just head to bar, i made a quick walk around the three sois and made a peak in few of the bars, abomb (only 2 boys not my type), kawaii, 4-5 boys, xboys-again greeted enthusiastically by all boys and mamasan when the door is open, so i have very brief look, and then excuse myself lol. Also looked copa/scandic and ambiance guys, some muscular guys. I actually saw one guy in the morning before my visit to sanctuary of truth, quite muscular guy and someone mentioned is their trip report before about this guy. In the morning, i told the guy i would come back in the evening to take him, but i didnt pay or anything, just in passi ng, which can easily meant as a way to say no. Anyway, i didnt see him tonight, so i asked the copa guy if the masseur is around, amd they say he already went back. Ahh, a missed opportunity. Anyway, since i really like BBB shows, i went to BBB again tonight, both for the shows, and just observing the guy i tool yesterday and maybe look for a different boy to off.
    Shows have similar calistenic and bbboys routines but there are variations to the choreography and boys who perform. I see some familar face and some new ones performing. Other shows have little variation other than some show boys is not the same as yesterday. It is full house again, and i get a better seat today with unobstructed view. The guy i took yesterday didnt really see me, but he was called to sit with a female customer, who are with another female and one gay friend. Three of them each have a boy sitting with them, unfortunately sitting in front of me, giving full view of the guy i lust for yesterday entertaining another customer. Yesterday, he told me he didnt like show. And yet today, he stays with the girl for the whole freaking show lol. Owh well reality sucks when it is presented in front of you haha. While i fully know some or most of the guys i like are usually straight, its still not nice to see the different treatment in front of you lol. I stay focus on the show though and after the show ended, their group left, either to other bar or club or back to their hotel, i couldnt care less lol The other guy i like yesterday and had the opportunity to shake and tip during big cock show didnt come to my side to collect tips this time. But before i left and show boys start to move to boyz music, he walked next to me and i stopped him a bit, to asked him for a potential off, asked his role, and if he do long time and he says he didnt do long time, so i gave him a pass. 
    Anyway, the night is still young, close to midnight and i still didnt have a boy, walked out, scan again the massage area, no guy id take, but saw one good looking masseur at copa, and thought he is the guy that might be reported also here that demanded the high price. While his face is definitely model like, his body isnt as impressive as id like, especially if i am expected to pay high price. And i recalled that xboys have a late show. So i made my way there, peaking one more time at abomb, no improvement, and then to xboys, same treatment but this time i finally stepped in.
    There are already some customer inside, maybe 8-10, and 8-10 boys are on stage, two boys with customers. Mamasan shows me in and i choose my seats in front row. Got my drink and mamasan sit next to me asking if i like any boys. I take a look carefully at the boys on stage, most of them too skinny for me, one twink with muscles, but looks slightly older, one average body hairy guy and one guy who looks beefy, short but have a bit tummy but very good looking face. Out of the whole lot, the last guy is probably the top of my list. Mamasan come to me few more time, and since the night is getting late, i looked again at the beefy guy and saw him smiling at me. Well that smile deserve at least a drink lol. So i told mamasan to call him down, and the boys and bars cheers lol.
    Sitting with me, i started to chat him up and went through my standard questions. Agreed with most of my request, didnt take long for me to off him, and got another cheer lol. Boys on stage are dancing while on rotation and having fun. Some come to me and trying to tease me and my guy of the day/night. One even asked if i am top of bottom using hand signal, and i replied cheekily combining the two signal and got a laugh haha. I asked if the late show will be held, after mamasan checking with boys who do the show, and i guess for my sake for asking, they says show will be on. There are only 3-4 other customer now. Shows was entertaining, my guy sitting next to me, in my embrace. I asked if he kiss and a kiss was planted on my lips. At one point he recorded a show, basically a routine where the guy wears led/neon tubes and dance, solo. My guy said he did the show before i came, and show me the video, where two of them doing the show together. He didnt do the show since i already off him and chose to stay with me. I like this guy more and more, another regular guy i wont even bat an eye if he is in bbb, but being in this bar this late, my standard drops but it also leads to finding a guy who are really a joy to be with, but still as cuddly. The mamasan who toom my order also do one drag lipsync show, which i dont dislike lol. 
    So after show is finished, i told my guy that we should get going. Tip mamasan and on the way out, the other mamasan, one who had been coming to my seat even after i already have a boy, because i am happy with my guy, by no help from her, i give her small tips, and she was very2 happy to get that tip. Maybe i should just not give her anything, but im feeling generous, especially the agreed tip with my guy is actually pattaya standard and not the inflated muscle boy peak season pricing lol back at hotel, my guy said he like the room, we chatted a bit, he got passable english for basic conversation but nothing further. He is thai from chiang mai, and been working in xboy for 7month. Service was good, and very huggable and handsome in bed too, i dont sleep much that night too lol. We had another light session in the morning too. We had lunch at ambiance restaurant downstair in the morning and i only realize he had been talking some chinese phrases in the room which i mistook as thai. Because when we were chatting during breakfast, he tried to google translate something and then show me the translation and its in romanized chinese lol. I told him i dont speak chinese and only speak english. Another successful long time off, and i head back to my room to sleep a bit before checking out today. 
  10. Thanks
    BL8gPt reacted to DivineMadman in Kika Restaurant on Soi Convent   
    Kika is a Mediterranean restaurant on Soi Convent.  Map  There was a good amount of buzz in the Bangkok foodie world before they opened, which turned out to be pretty well-deserved.  They open early at 10:00 for breakfast/brunch and go late - 1:00 am (although I wonder if occasionally they close earlier if no one is around?).  
    I think the food is quite good.  Not as expensive as some places.  More expensive than the street food joints nearby.  Portions are large.  French fries are excellent.  If you have your heart set on one of the specials, get there earlier rather than later, because I believe they do run out.  Now that Vesper has gone all-cocktails, it's a nice convenient neighborhood spot to grab a bite when one of the Silom Complex spots or Hooters just won't do.  
    Best of all it's very gay/gay-friendly.  Last week I took a friend from one of the bars to dinner there for his birthday.  The only looks we got were longing lusftul/jealous looks from some of the other patrons and the usual smiles from the cute male and female staff.  It's not gay all-male as in Balcony or Telephone Bar, but it's very comfortable and fun.  The regular customer crowd is very mixed, and, no surprise, mostly expats..
    Special shoutout to "La Vida Kika", the Sunday "Tea Dance" party every Sunday afternoon/evening.  It's a boisterous fun gay/mixed party crowd that spills out onto the sidewalk.  Is High Tea on Fire Island?  No.  But it might be a nice way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon with friends or to meet people, and kudos to Kika for having it.
    Kika Website   La Vida Kika. Kika Facebook
    Pet peeve:  The menu is only in English, so you will have to translate for local companions.
  11. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    Wednesday - Hanging Out
    When Van returned, I woke up and we sat and talked and looked out of the windows at the light in the Bangkok night.  He talked more about his family and how he had been cheated in his attempt to set up a business back in Vietnam.  I didn't consider this, as some might, as a way to ask me for money to help get him out of his trouble.  We had talked about compensation for his time this visit in advance of out meeting up a week ago.  I believe he needed to talk and my ears were in working order.
    When we finally went to bed, he held me close for a long time.  We woke around noon - unheard of time for me.  After our shower, I was scrapping the plantar calluses that seem to haunt me especially when I am doing a lot of walking which is the case this past week, five to six miles a day.  Van showed me that he had a callus on one of his feet.  As nothing was planned for the day, I suggested lunch and a trip to MBK.
    Lunch was at the Vietnamese restaurant in the Silom Complex.  At MBK, I introduced Van to the Red Nails shop where each visit I get a pedicure that scrape my feet.  Van said he wait, I said he should have one.  After some discussion, he agreed.  When the process began he had a "deer in the headlights look".  By the end - he was happy with the experience.  From there we went bowling upstairs - neither of us is any good at this sport but are good at making fun of our lack of skill.
    On our way out, we headed for the BTS through Tokyu, the Japanese department store.  Several times this trip, I'd offered to buy Van some clothes, but he either declined or didn't see anything he wanted.  In the Tokyu men's department he asked me to look at a gray track suit and could he try it on which he did.  Looks great on him.  Price was reasonable (a little less than 2000 baht).
    From there we went to Siam Paragon.  I checked out Uniqlo for some socks.  From there we went to the Paragon men's store area when I had the opportunity to supply him with his work clothing...i.e. white briefs for his Freshboys on stage time.
    We went back to Bandara, he tried on his new clothes and gave me a version of his work in stage attire.  We decided to go to the hot tub and relax as the sun was setting.  The pool view isn't much- just the next building, but it was refreshing.
    The we hung out in the room as he played video games and I caught up on my accounts, email, and the news.
    We then went out to dinner (MK) and on to Moonlight.  Every visit, I can see small improvements that enhance this top of the line venue.  I let the mamasan know that we are not looking for anything but the show.  This is a night where Van isn't going to recommend anyone - though he introduces me to two boys from the rotation he's work with in other clubs.  The show has been discussed in the Forum and I won't add anything other than to note Babe looked fantastic tonight.
    After the show finished we walked back to Bandara and entertained ourselves.
    Thursday - playing the tourist
    Back at home, folks know that I visit Thailand on a regular basis.  I talk up Thailand and encourage people to visit.  My enthusiasm came back at me as a husband and wife I volunteer with are in Thailand.  Before I left California, I'd sat down with them as made suggestions on the plans they'd made for their trip to Cambodia and Thailand.  I'd promised to meet them today at the Everest Tailor and then go on to the Grand Palace where I'd hand them off to a guide who used to work in the palace.  This guide is one tough cookie - she corrects the Chinese tourists using her voice that is a raspy foghorn.  She's direct about where to stand for the best photo, she guards shoes while in temple spaces, and knows who from the ground crew will see entrance tickets so there's no waiting in line.
    The tailor goes well, my shirts are ready, and the shop will send them to the hotel.  The couple meets me there, the wife wants the husband to get a suit or jacket and slcacks, he doesn't want anything.  They settle on ordering some shirts.  They tell me about their trip and how much they liked Chiang Mai.  We have lunch at Mango Tree and head to the Palace.  The guide is waiting, I say good bye, and they enter...I'll see them this weekend and learn how it went.
    I head back to Silom and walk to the Pilot Pen store.  I like one of Pilot's brand of pens which I can't get at home.  Alas, the building, which is across SIlom from the hospital,  is being renovated and I don't see that the store is closed until I go into the building.  In August, the store was functioning during the renovation.  One of the women who worked in the shop in working upstairs at the Pilot office was getting out of the elevator and, to my surprise, recognized me, and apologized that the shop was closed but would be open for my next visit.  Lesson:  shoppers are recognized and frequency of shopping is noted.
    I walked back to Bandara and change and walk to the King Power Tower to meet Reader and Divine Madman for our sunset  visit.  I've written this up in my August report and others have also reported on the view, the building, the elevator, and the three level duty free shop so I'll only note than when we left we were ushered out via the restaurant on the courtyard as the main entrance was closed in anticipation of one of the Royal Family (one of the Princesses) arriving.
    Divine Madman, Reader, and I walked to Surawong considering places to have dinner.  We eventually got to Maxi's and settled in and talked part of the night away.  I said my goodbyes to these two very great guys.  We toasted PaulSF who initially brought us together.  Van saw us and waved from the stage.
    At some point out group broke up and I went back to the hotel and had a moonlight swim in the pool.  I then went to bed until Van came in and work me up with an offer that I didn't refuse.  
  12. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    Tourist Tuesday
    Van and I both wake up later than usual (for me).  We shower together and order room service.  I am going with my friend from yesterday to do some more touring.  Van will hang out in the room and then he is planning to head out and get an extra long work out and will see me at Maxi's.  He has the day off tomorrow and we plan to hang out...which translates into enjoying doing nothing.
    My friend arrives and we go to Wat Pho.  There is a light rain but it's the refreshing for walking kind of rain.  We do the tourist thing of trying to photograph the reclining Buddha.  We then headed to Museum Siam (200 baht entrance).  It's arranged to set Thai scenes on a cultural level - April's Songkran has its own moment!  We then take a break for a coffee and snack on the flower market.  From there we head to Lumpini, the weather is cool.  The Thai Armed Forces are having a recruitment day/event/festival.  One can target shoot with the Thai rangers, be chatted up by the Marines, the women's divisions are there encouraging signups.  The officers' wives are selling things they have made to support military charities.  I am fascinated by the internal competition among the services.  After about an hour of wandering around, we leave the park and split up.  I head back to the hotel.
    Van arrives within a few minutes from his workout.  He makes tea for us - this is his way of wanting to take care of me...there is a forum topic on this natural tendency among the guys.  It's taken some time for me to get used to it.  Van tells me he wants to be with me the night I leave for the whole night, so we agree that he'll be off tomorrow (his day off) and I'll off him on Friday.  Thursday, he'll work.  
    A Forum member PM'd me as to whether or not Van and I talk about his work, his offs, his "patrons".  Answer is "not this trip".  When I first knew him, I'd ask but he is very discreet.  This isn't a barrier to the guys talking amongst themselves.  He tells me about some of the other guys, warning me about guys who are reluctant to perform for clients, who sow off their gifts (suspect he's is one of these).  
    We take a bed bread and then a shower  We walk together to Twilight.  He has a drink with me at Maxi's and he and Pau share some information.  Van goes to work, Reader arrives with a young friend (I think I met him on an earlier visit), Reader guides me to understanding this is not the case and I'm thinking of someone else.  His friend doesn't catch on to my  mistake.  DivineMadman arrives and we firm up the plans to meet up at the KingPower tower on Thursday around sunset.  Not sure how it happened, but at some point this trip a lower front tooth has loosened.  On the walk to Twilight from the hotel, I've been passing a multiplicity of clinics for implants and cosmetic dentistry.  I mention this duirng our conversation, DivineMadman is a wealth of knowledge as he has a local dentist and if familiar with what's involved with implants.  If that's what I need, the cost in Thailand would be much less than at home...with the caveat that I'd need to be in Thailand for six weeks of follow up care.  So it's a wash financially.  I've put this into my report - which I doubt anyone is interested in as one of the reasons that this report is so slow in being finished, like having a tooth pulled, is that's exactly what's been going on.  I had a tooth extracted two days ago, now waiting on a temporary, then more work.
    Back to Tuesday night at Maxi's...I mentioned earlier, that I'd observed a Japanese gentleman have a massage at Bangkok Massage, then I observed him with the boy at Maxi's.  Tonight, he is there with two of the Bangkok Massage boys treating them to food and drink, he has also begun entertaining the youngest o Maxi's waiters.  
    Out three some breaks up in time for me to head over to Jupiter.  I arrived only a few minutes before show time and am seated near the wall to the right of the stage.  Show is pretty much the same as in August.  Given the number of women in the audience (20%) and how the performers tend to keep their privates covered, it sort of a big tease show...that's fine as it's not trying to be anything else.  It's actually a candy store as the level of attractive on stage is high.  I'm asked if I want to off anyone, I'm tempted, but just stay to the end of the show, then back to Bandara.  
  13. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    This will be the last chapter in bangkok. My previous trips have always been bangkok only with some sidetracks to kanchanaburi, ayutthaya, maeklong day trip, and overnight trip to hua hin. My decision to go to pattaya is not because ive grown tired of bangkok or have nowhere else to visit but is highly driven by the price and availability of accomodation in silom during this period due to white party. I have been contemplating a phuket or chiang mai visit too. For chiangmai, ive always wanted to try the sleeper train but upon checking, those trains have been fully booked all through new years. Phuket is also a nice alternatives but having read reports here, ill have better chances in pattaya, where sex tourism is their main attraction. Wouldve been different if my regular guy is around, i wouldve pitch in the idea of going to phuket together with him lol. Alas, he isnt around and have stopped working in bar, so one of my mission is to find someone who can replace him, a guy ive taken 5 times within 2 trips. I still hope i can meet him in future trips. 
    Back to trip reporting. Tonight KL told me he wanted to go to Tawan. Ive told him my experience two days ago, and he said he still want to have a look and if he finds no one attractive, we can move on to dreamboys. I also told him i might want to have a rest day tonight, since ill be travelling to pattaya tomorrow, but will go to bars as well since i dont think i can go to sleep early tonight, given that i woke up at 1:30pm today lol. During the day, KL asked me further about the bangkok massage guy i took, his massage skills, service etc and what he can or cannot do. I told him my experience. KL asked me if i have his contact, i didnt, but i did ask him what his new year plan and he said he will be working until new year. I shouldve gotten his contact just in case i want a repeat but i guess i can meet with him later to get it lol. After dinner, i texted KL to let me know if he wants to go to bar, and he replied yes, tawan first and told me to meet him there. Around 10:40pm i started walking to tawan, and at the entrance, they have this sort of mini eggs where u open and inside is a piece of paper. Mine says tawan and they cheers and asked me to choose of of the stuffed toys lol. I enter and choose a seat, tonight is quite full, a thursday night. I try to see if KL is here yet, but he isnt so i save him a seat. After few mins, KL arrived and shows is just about to begin. Similar shows as before, pull up chin bar contest with winners received monetary rewards from bars, though i dont know if its just a gimmick or they really get to keep the money. SM shows with candle, fuck shows, jerk off contest, big cock show. The two twinks who can actually dance are there as well. I didnt noticed phet or tiger, and the rest of the boys didnt interest me or KL, so even before the shows end, we decided to head to dreamboys.
    As my hotel is near, i told KL i want to do a quick visit to my hotel to store the stuff toys. Itll be weird for a guy my age to carry a stuffed toys to bar lol. He told me ok we ca  meet in dreamboys, he will save me a seat. When i arrived, shows is on going, very similar to yesterday. Although today we arrived a bit earlier and i get to see the guy i off yesterday were doing a dance number, probably the most muscular dancer there is lol. After the show, he noticed me and KL and gave us a wai. Similar with yesterday we made our moves down to boys bangkok bar for the free show as all dreamboys boy move downstairs as well. We sit at similar seat as yesterday, second row from stage. Some variation of the dance shows but the last show with the large penis rising and squirting water all over is still the same. We moved to the back seats before this happens lol. During the boys rotation, my guy keep chatting and smiling at us. And during the show he went down amd sit next to me uninvited, which i dont mind, but i did told him i wont be offing anyone tonight and he understand, and still seat with me. Mamasan asked if he wants a drink and he says no. Well, this is a first for me. Boy who dont push on drink, nor an off, just want to sit next to me. Next thing i know, we both were touching each other, and he planted few kisses as well lol That deserve a tip in my opinion so i gave him 100 baht. He stills stay seated with me through out the show and carry our drinks to back seats during the splash zone fiasco. Before he has to go back to boys rotation on stage, i give him another tips. Definitely someone that ill look for on my next visit, and top candidate to replace my previous guy, who is also from dreamboys. Only caveat is his english isnt as good, acceptable but cant hold long conversation. I guess i am asking too much haha. Not long after he leaves me and go on stage, customer next to us, two asian or maybe chinese guy called him down and off him. KL told me these guys have been eyeing my guy for a while already. I didnt even noticed but i am glad that he gets an off, and sitting with me that long didnt take away his chance for an off. In fact i think it mightve help him landing that off. 
    During the show, KL excused himself, as he says he needed to check his messages. He came back 15min after and told me he made a deal with the guy i took from bangkok massage and will meet him at 1am. This guy move fast haha. And i did a good thing for bangkok massage guy too, getting him another customer. I told KL i want to meet the guy as well. Its my chance to get his contact for future trips. Anyway, after seeing my guy in dreamboy getting an off, we made a move out and go bangkok massage. The mamasan saw KL, and told him that the guy is working, and asked us to wait. So we planted ourselves at maxis, ordered hot tea and chat. Then we saw two girls and a guy, look japanese to me, came out of bangkok massage looking happy lol. And not long after, bangkok massage guy appear and saw us, so he joined us on the table. He saw me and wai, and i said hi. KL then asked about tips etc, and off we go, me back to hotel and KL back to his hotel with the off of the day (night?). 
    I slept through and woke up around 9am, had breakfast and then start packing. Thinking that i might be able to land a massage at prime when it opens at 12, i checked out at 11:45 or so, and left my luggage at counter and made my way to prime. When i arrived, asked the counter again if i can choose, same answer as before. Cannot for two week. Asked for massage and being told they are fully book until 6pm lol. Geez. So i make a quick tour of silom and surawong, looking for any masseur that might interest me from some of the parlour that is opened, not much choices this early, so i made my way back to hotel, pickup my luggage and make my way to suvarbhumi airport to purchase my ticket. Arrived around a bit before 15 min before 2pm, but only ticket available is for 3:10pm, so i purchase that ticket, and had a quick lunch at one of the cafe in third floor. Came back to the ticket counter around 15 min before 3pm and asked if the bus is here yet, he said not yet and asked me to wait. Just 5min or so of waiting, a guy comes and yell out pattaya, and i show him my ticket and he nodded and asked all of us to follow him to the bus. Got to my assigned seat and the bus depart on time, and arrived in pattaya about 1 hour and 45mins after.
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    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    Today my adventures continues with BN and also another forumm member here, anddy, who i know from the same forum as BN and KL first, and he is also here. We have been chatting ans sharing about massages, especially in prime as we both love this place. I contacted him on my previous trip but we havent met until now. We agreed to meet at BTS national stadium, at 4pm to try the onsen that both BN and anddy wanted to see, and i just tag along. Ive never been to onsen before so i am up for new experience today. 
    Rewind back to this morning, during breakfast, i checked my messages and saw BN text, saying that his guy thought we were going to have a foursome lol. Ive never had threesome before so a foursome is definitely not in my mind at all, but i can see why the boy might hope for that. We went out of the bar together, and even go buy stuff from family mart together. Only after that i told BN he should order grab and I go with my guy to my hotel. I wonder how would a foursome payment for boys would be. Would it be the same payment as two separate off, me paying only for mine and BN for his or do we also need to pay the other guys as well, hence increasing the tips. If one boy serving two customer expects 2 payment, and 1 customer taking two boys have two pay each separately, foursome kinda blur the line a bit lol. BN told me before he actually like that idea even before, orgy or group fun but i told him i prefer 1-1 session. And as expected he said he dont mind having a 4some with me and my guy lol 
    Anyway, i asked him about his time with his guy and he said not a good experience, no chemistry and basically a dud. He asked me about mine and i told him he was great, and he said he wish he had more money to take my guy when i gave him to make first pick as it is his first time there. He said he will take my guy the next time he comes to bangkok and i told him i can recommend the guy for sure as i would repeat him myself as well hehe. We reconfirm our meeting and i dozed off, waking up at 1:30pm lol. I also texted KL asking about his experience offing a model from moonlight, and again, he said not worth the price and felt a bit rush. And yes, nicky did take KL on a ride in his car, and make him pay for gas, but KL said is only 100 baht and he saved money on taxi, so it all workout good lol. One thing i forgot to mentioned, yesterday when we walked to dreamboy, i noticed the guy i take from bangkok massage was sitting outside, eyes fixed on his phone, and i told KL that is the guy i took yesterday, and recommended him after telling what he will do and not do. I tell it now because we will revisit this again soon. KL also shared with me a good chinese restaurant near a temple in khaosan where he ate his lunch. 
    Anyway, i showered and get ready to have lunch in MBK, and at about 3:15pm, im done with lunch, and texted BN asking his whereabout, he said he is still in terminal 21 and will head to national stadium in a bit. So i go to BACC to kill time until 4pm. Anddy also texted me saying he is otw. We all met at the bts station, with me meeting anddy first, telling him how to recognize me, and when BN show up, we took bts to thonglor. We were chatting and got distracted, forgot to change train at siam, so had to take off at next stop and make a u turn towards siam again lol. On the way to the lets relax onsen, anddy suggested we either take taxi or walk, but near the motorsai stand, we noticed the hotel free shuttle and we took that shuttle instead lol. A detail review of the place is reported by anddy in this forum. For me, its actually very relaxing place, with lots of eye candy, some farang, some local or asians. Not much chatting can be done as nost come here to relax. I did feel refresh and my skin feels better too. We stay until 6pm, when BN told us he wanted to go to massage before he needs to say goodbyes to both of us, as he has other obligation after. We decided to go to Ssense massage, quite a new massage center for men, that have good reviews online. I already added their line and the owner shares with me some of the masseur pictures. Otw the way there, anddy called in to ensure that they have rooms/masseurs for 3 person and they says yes. So we took bts to asok, thingkibg to change to mrt to lumphini, and then take taxi to avoid traffic. But when we went to purchase ticket at mrt sukhumvit, the line to purchae ticket is akin to line for immigration in suvarbhumi airport lol Its super snake like lines, so we decided to take taxi instead. 
    We arrived on time, and we saw there is already 3 masseurs line up while we were served welcome drinks and make our choice of massages. I took 2 hour oil, 990, anddy 90min oil and BN 1 hour oil. I dont recall their massage prices since i were ushered to my room first and didnt see BN nor anddy afterwards lol We says our goodbye by text. At first, i thought i wanted to choose my masseur, but since they assigned one already, and he isnt bad looking, i told myself, it might turn out to be good. Ive never been so wrong lol. Dont get me wrong, this guy is sweet and good looking with good body, but i didnt get 2 hour massage and settles for someone who cant do massage. Itll be a two hour of torture. Ive been getting massages countless of time before, in thailand and back home, so i can tell if the masseur is new or have no idea about massage.
    From the start, he massage me under towel, and it hurts my shoulder. Glad that dry massage doesnt last long, when he started with oil, he pumped up the oil too many times, and yes too much oil was used, until it starts oozing down my sides. Obvious lack of strenght too. I usually dont chat with masseur but this time i need to know about him before i did something i dont usually do. I asked his name and where he comes from, how long have he work here and work as masseur in general. He said he only work 1 month here and its his first massage job. Asked if how he gets his training, he just said here. This confirmed my suspicions, now onto next action. I told him he is using too much oil and asked him to put more strength. And when this doesnt fix his lack of skills, i asked if it is allowed to choose masseur at this place, he said yes i can choose if i book using line. I said i have their line and told the owner but the owner asked to call since he had issues with his phone. At this point i stopped the massage by turning around, and politely asked if it is possibel to change masseur and said sorry to him. He said yes i can change, and said he can recommend strong ones for me. I again said sorry and took out my phone to show him the picture of one of the masseurs and he then told me if the masseur can give strong massage or not. I then made my choice and again says sorry to him and he said no worries and said my masseur will come shortly. I really hope he will improve his skills with proper training since his customer service skills is top notch. 
    Not even five minutes after, my new massuer arrived. I did rinse off the excess oil quickly in the shower before that. The masseur that came in clearly shows he has been doi g this for a while. Apparently my previous masseur didnt even set my table up properly. The massage table have a face hole, but previous masseur just left me with the pillow. This new masseur setup the face hole with towels to cover the edges, which is actually the usual way as in any other place. And yes, the massage skills is definitely top notch too. One of the best strong massage ive had in thailand. His body is good too and quite cute as well, and i soon no longer regret my decision to change masseur. Ive had the most relaxing massage and those 2 hour passed by so quickly. He also offered hj, and i asked him to be naked for that and let me touch him. We agreed on tips and again, great body and it did end happily lol. Definitely will visit this place again, but its location, as anddy point out, is near prince, so its not so close to the bts/mrt but still manageable to walk, or just take motorsai/taxi. 
    I checked messages as i head out and make my way to silom, this time i decided to walk, its a nice neigbourhood and i just feel refresh from the massage and want to walk it of. Anddy said sorry that he had to leave as he felt super hungry and need to grab a bite. Told him no worries and thanked him for meeting me. I ate my dinner in silom before heading back to hotel. Tonight, ill go to bar visit again, this time only with KL. He told me he wanted to visit tawan. 
  15. Thanks
    BL8gPt reacted to vinapu in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    I think we can comment on everything posters see fit to post including idiocy of eating breakfast in Foodland for 65 baht every day before 9 in order to save 16 baht over regular price of 81 and spending 450 for beer in the bar when the same bottle  can be had at 7/11 for 46
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    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    Weekend in Bangkok - continued
    Van texted that he was heading to the hotel and would stop at Foodland to pickup some water.  When he got to the room, we had some tea and talked about the next few days and when he was off, I told him that I would off him on Friday, my last night in town.  He has Wednesday off from Freshboys.  While I dont ask him about work or any offs he mgiht be getting, I did ask about business and he indicate it was just so so but picking up.  He's pretty sure he'll remain in Bangkok over Tet as its a busy time in Twilight and he needed to make money to pay his debts.
    We took a shower together and after a brief bed encounter, Van watched a movie as I went to sleep.  
    Sunday, we both were able to function by 9 and after a quick breakfast in the room headed out to Chatuchak.  We took a taxi there and were let out an entrance further away from the BTS station and it took us a few minutes to reorient ourselves.  I told Van that he was welcome to shop.  I usually take the Chatuchak stop as the opportunity to get souvenirs for holiday giving.  At the end of a couple of hours, I'd managed to spend 200 thb on soaps.  Van found a T-shirt.  Spent time watching people and listening to the bargaining going on.
     We headed back and picked up some street food for lunch.  Van was going to workout in the Lumpini with some of his fellow go go boys.  Their gym time!  I thought about Senso, which was open after its sudden closure...but decided that 2 hours of Thai massage at Prime was a better bet for me.  And it was...
    Tonight, the plan is to meet Reader at Maxi's and hang out a bit with DivineMadman who is back in town.  So, I dead over to Maxi's, chat up the Hot Male grabbers as I see Pau waiting for me at Maxi's.  I tell him DivineMadman will be with us and Pau tells me he will get his wine ready for him.  Van stops by on his way to work, he isn't bringing any sample boy tonight, just himself.  Reader's bar boy friend from X-Boys comes over as he knows Van and I buy both drinks.  DivineMadman arrives - it's good to see him again and we start to catch up.  I mention to Van that I'd like to go to Iconsiam tomorrow; he and the bar boy leave for work.  Reader arrives with a friend and we settle in to share what's been happening in our lives and to be updated on massage places by DivineMadman.  Reader also is an adept in this topic - so I listen, learn, and take mental notes.
    Time flies by and its getting to be show times, Reader is hading out with his friend for their activities and I want to see a show, so the group breaks up to meet again.  Divine Madman mentions before we go out separate ways that MahaNakon - the King Power Tower has opened its skydeck.  I need an explanation of what that was and after being educated that the MahaNakon was the tallest building in Bangkok,  the one that looks it's had sections chewed away, has opened its rooftop viewing area and skybar.  It's called the King Power tower as the duty free monopoly bought the building.  We agree to go Wednesday around sunset.
    I head out of Twilight but am stopped by the Hot Male grabbers who want me to see the HM show.  I'm not very resistant as I usually stop at HM on each visit.  So, I'm escorted upstairs and greeted as a familiar face by the mamsans and seated center in the 3rd row.  One of the boys, I know from last visit, comes over and sits down wrapping himself around me as he does.  There are maybe a dozen or so customers, four of whom are female, the others are mainly Asian, I am one of two farangs.
    Mamsans want to catch up on where I've been, they start filling me in on the boys as the show starts.  More customers arrive, mix of 75% men and 25% women.  Show is better staged than in August, while HM and Moonlight have the same owner, Moonlight has a better choreographer.  HM is a bit more hardcore, lots of nakedness in the room.  I'm aske if I like any of the boys, there are a couple that interest me, one in particular who has a handsome face and a body designed by the Bel-Ami porn studio.
    Once he is off the stage, one of the mamasans has him next to me.  He looks better close up!  Once we start talking, I remember I was interested in him in August but was put off by his voice which is high pitched.  The voice hasn't changed but I appreciate the package and negotiate.  I know what he is willing to do from the boy who had greeted me when I walked into HM who was sitting with me during the show.  I confirmed with my selection, Kye, paid for a lot of drinks, and headed out...he was ok wth walking to Bandara, though I offered to get a tuk tuk.  Once in the room, it was a relaxing experience.  He is a fine specimen of go go boy.  He did use him mouth but not to speak.  Shower afterwards, I offer  to pay for a taxi and so add 100 thb to the short time fee.  
    It's about midnight, I fall asleep watching some television and wake when Van comes in.  He's knows how my Twilight evening went and who came back to the hotel.  No secrets.
    Iconsiam Day
    During the night, Van has mummified himself with the comforter and managed to become a pretzel.  I pushed back all night, so I do have some space this morning.  I get up and shower, he is up shortly after me (!).  We decide to order breakfast from room service, and fairly quickly it arrives.  Van has some congee and additional fruit.  I go full farang and have eggs Benedict.  We are each happy with breakfast.
    A  Thai friend of mine has volunteered to show us Iconsiam and while we wait for him we take a shower together.  Van tells me he doesn't like the hair on my back and wants to shave it.  I say maybe later.
    Friend arrives and we head out by taxi.  The hotel wants its guests to have the doorman radio to the guard the street entrance to get a taxi and asks guest not to get one from the lineup on the street.  This takes a few minutes and my friend doesn't understand, I admit I don't either but go along to go along.  Eventually, one arrives and my friend gives directions to a pier where there is an Iconsiam boat.  He's already checked to see what traffic is like and thinks staying in the taxi would take longer - which is what I was told by others.  All this works...taxi to pier, pier directly across from Iconsiam.  There is a whole string of boats coming and going to the complex's dock.  My friend tells me that one of the buildings in the complex is the tallest building in Bangkok.  I tell him that the King Power Tower was the tallest.  He pulls out his phone - result Iconsiam complex has the tallest - by TWO METERS!
    It's another very hot day and being on the river was cooling but the expanse of concrete and metal on the plaza radiated the sun and gave a reson to get inside for the air conditioning.  Following the Siam Paragon model, lower level is a food area, next floors are shops - upscale, the museum floor and the movie theatre area area were still under construction.  This is the location of Thailand's first Apple Store that's operated by Apple.  It's somewhat similar to the Apple store overlooking Union Square in San Francisco.  Not that many customers which is a surprise as there were many boats depositing many people.  As we walked around the mall the lack of patrons was noticeable as were the prices.  This is a mall for the Siam Paragon crowd.  But where did all the people go?
    We found them - a crowd of them -when we went down to the lower level to check out the food area...this is one area that is superior to Siam Paragon.  Several separate areas, the most intriguing is a section of Thai eateries designed as a gourmet street food experience in a village along a river, side by side with shops selling traditional (upscale) Thai goods  I was impressed as were my friend and Van.
    It was close to 1pm and Van had a workout scheduled for 2:30, so took a taxi from the complex to M.K. for a quick lunch so that Van would have time to digest his meal.  I say goodbye to him and adjourn to a Starbucks with my friend to catch up.  He teaches dance at a ballet company in Bangkok and lives with one of the ballerinas.  So he's not interested in a visit to Arena or Prime...  So we catch up.  I LINE message N1 to see if he will be working tonight.  Yes.  I'll pick you up by 9.  OK.
    So to be concise...here is a quick report on the rest of the night...Maxi's...drink with Van...Screwboys, - no drink - off N1 who is already dressed...hotel..short time...N1 leaves...Van returns. 
    On to Tuesday....
  17. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to spoon in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    Sorry i havent update my report for a while. Like i mentioned before, two other like-minded guys will join me tonight to go to the bars. One guy is from KL, and will be address as such, which have been in contact with me about a year or so, mainly discussing boys in kl. We both have similar taste in boys, well at least body wise. I am more open to age and face wise, and more picky about body, but he is more picky on face and age, but more tolerable on body lol. But from time to time, we find boys that we both like a lot lol. He has been to bangkok few times and few years before me. He mentioned in one of our chat that he will be heading to bangkok end of year, even before i booked my flight ticket. So when i booked my ticket, i let him know that ill be visiting bangkok as well and he express that he would like to meet me. To which i say yes! After so long of anonymous texting, two KL guys finally meet in bangkok lol 
    The other guy i am meeting is from Brunei (BN). He posted in SG forum that he will be visiting bangkok during my visit so i pmed him for a possibility of meeting and do some things together. We chatted few more times before the flight, trying to plan some thingd to do since he will only be alone for slightly over 22 hour or so, from 10pm tonight until 8pm tomorrow. We even contemplating to go for tourist attraction together as well. And even after the trip is over, we are still in contact. 
    So that night after dinner, both guys updated me when they have landed and making their way to the hotel. KL will arrive earlier and we plan to meet at family mart soi twilight before heading to moonlight, a bar that ive told him about and share their fb, and he is very interested to go and visit this bar. We met around 10pm and waste no time and off to moonlight. I told BN to come to moonlight to join us when he arrived. He said he will take grab from his hotel. 
    So me and KL cross the road and went straight to moonlight counter, pay the entrance (480 - peak season price) and enter and pick our seat, in the center, not too close to the stage nor too far. Boys on stage are not impressive to both of us, and mamasan that served me before recognize me and start taking our drink order. I asked mamasan if they have more boys, and he said some boys are preparing for the shows. Anyway, i noticed one familiar face sitting down with customer in front of us, one of moonlighy model who have been quite the talk of the forum, the famous and infamous nicky lol. I told KL that is one of the model and he says not bad. Also introduce mamasan to KL as my friennd and mamasan asked if he has anyone he like. We said we want to look first and mamasan left us to attend to other customers. Show start a bit after 10:30pm, with few new numbers than my previous visit. Introduction to the model and model parade was as always the highlight of the show. Mamasan was next to us during this time, explaining to us which of the model are available and which wont do sex. KL immediately ask about the first model out, non other than Babe, no surprise that he is his first choice lol. Mamasan says babe dont go for sex with customer, and KL said to me, the one guy i wanted and i cannot have lol. He did mentioned he like two other guys that in the model parade, though he dont think he will pay that much for them, one is Tae if im not mistaken and another is a new model. 
    Around 10-15min after the show start, i go outside to check on BN and he has just messaged me that he is outside, so i say hi, told him how much is the entrance and escort him in, taking over the job of the mamasan lol. We saved him a seat next to me and continue to enjoy the show. One particular show that i really like is the one where babe is the main star, with two other model. Babe is lying on a makeshift bed, under a silk blanket/sheet, wearing a boxer, which he later removed but still under the sheet. Very sexy indeed. There is also dancr number by models, but some of the new model dance move looks a bit awkward, but overall the shows is very entertaining. There is a simulated sex show (no real penetration but clear expose penis), big cock show, and shower show at the end, unfortunately perform by regular boys, not the model. 
    Mamasan approach us again asking in between shows if we would like to buy drink for the boy, ive seen enough and didnt find one i really like, nor model that im willing to pay the high off fee and tips. I did asked mamasan if tam is around, he said he didnt come to work today but he can contact tam and asked for me. Good to know that he can do that for me but i really dont want to do that to the boy. He might already have a customer or too tired or have other things to do, hence he didnt come to work. On the other hand, KL asked mamasan to call nicky, and buy him a drink, and told me he will off nicky. But he wanted to visit his favorite bar first, and pickup nicky after that, so he settles with mamasan and i also tip mamasan, and we three make our way to soi twilight.
    On entering soi twilight, the two hotmale muscular daddy grabber noticed me as well as KL, and try to get us to hot male as usual. Good thing they now focus on KL more than me since he is a veteran here, haha. We head to dreamboy upstairs and greeted by a mamasan that KL know for a long time already, and brought to the sofa seat against the wall. We arrived in the middle of the show after 11pm, probably the third last show with ladyboy lip-sync and some really good dancer. The next number is the boy dance, and ended with the glow in the dark dance number. KL asked mamasan if there is any new muscular guy on offer other than on the stage in between show, mamasan say got but many customer took already. Anyway, after show ends, mamasan usher us to down stair, boys bangkok bar where boys will move down, and there will be another shows as well. No need to buy another drink. We move down, and seat second row from the stage. 
    Now boys from dreamboys also on stage together with boys from this bar. I asked mamasan about my previous off #44, mamasan went and bring a guy that wears that number but not my guy. Actually i already know #44 that i took already quit working in bar, since i texted him before i come. I did asked if we can still meet, and he says not sure since he might be going back home. Close to my departure to bkk, i asked again and he says he is at his hometown, so i wont be seeing him again this trip. Anyway, me asking mamasan about #44 is just me hoping for a miracle that my guy is still around. I dont even think if my guy really appear in front of me, what id do or talk about lol. Itll be one awkward situation for sure hahaha. Anyway, back to boy on stage. KL showed me one guy he always flirt with but never took because the guy didnt go out with guys, only women. I know this guy from previous trip as #44 also told me similar thing. I also saw another guy, that is also muscular, nice face and body, fair skin. He has been mentioned in some other trip reports too (drimvoiz report). KL also knew the guy and recommended him to me as well. BN also seems to like this guy too lol. Anyway, i called mamasan, and asked if i can take him long time, mamasan asked the boy he quoted a price. Too high for me and BN too, so i said to mamasan i have a look again. 
    Noticed another guy, look a bit innocent and shy, not as big as the first guy, but nice chest. BN also seems to like him as well lol so i guess we both have similar taste in boys haha. Since its BN first visit to bar, i let him choose first, but he seems undecided, maybe a bit nervous as well. I called mamasan again, and asked tell the first guy again what i am willing to pay for long time and he told the boy and he agreed, so he come down and sit with me, and i buy him a drink, since i want him to sit with me and watch the show. Show starts around 12.15 or so and it is quite entertaining as well. A good screwboys alternative for late night show. There is lady boy show, which is funny, and some dance number by same dreamboys dancer. And it ended with a big dick costume worn by a guy, who remain under a cover flaccid state. And other boys worshipping/dancing around until it rise up and start squirting water all over the front seats. Before this happened, my guy warned us and asked us to go to the back seats which is empty, and we did. Brownie points for this guy lol I asked if he kisses, and a kiss landed on my lips as answer. Good start, and he is also very handy touchy with me in bar too. Also a good sign lol. By the way, before i took him, i asked BN first and he says what im willing to pay is still too high for him so he says he will choose different guy. After the show finished, KL excuse himself, as he needs to pick up nicky, and me and BN stays. BN asked mamasan about the second guy, long time, agreed on tip and called this guy to sit with him. 
    After all is done, both boys excused themselve to change cloth, mamasan comes to check the bin and we pay the dues and head out to surawong. My guy asked if we can go to family mart, sure. He bought some drinks and food, and so does BN's guy. As we go out, he ask me to wait as he want to buy another food across the road, from street food. We then says goodbye to BN and his guy, where he order grab back to his hotel and me and mine up to raya. In the room, my guy delivers everything agreed and then some. One of the best kisser lol, really strong, really deep kissing. We also shower together before and after and in the morning too. Definitely candidate for repeat, not this trip but future trip. Also no objection to cuddling after. In the morning, he didnt want to stay for breakfast but still leaves around 7-8am, so i went to breakfast after i sent him off. I went back to hotel after breakfast and dozed off again.
  18. Thanks
    BL8gPt got a reaction from jar1999 in “Up to you”, “Take Care” and other Newbie tips   
    In Zing after 11:00 pm they close the gate so you cannot by pass reception. Everytime I had a boy I stoped at reception and they collected id. I don t know about checking when the boy leaves because I always come down with him out of coutesy.
    There was a notice at the reception "only one guest in the room" but when a boy who wanted a 3some with his friend asked at the reception on our way out the receptionist said no problem and did not mention anything about joiner s fee.
  19. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    Weekend in Bangkok
    I'm up early and Van won't be up for a while.  We had sort of thought of going to Chatuchak market but by the time he'll be up and we get going it will be mid-day and the temperature will be in the mid 30s...not going to happen.  I repeat my morning swim and when I return, Van is up.  He suggests a bath together as the tub in the suite is roomy.  I approve of his suggestion and we enjoy ourselves.  Best bath I've had in many a month/year.
    We head out to MBK, once there we eat in the international food area where he indulges in some massive shrimp dish.  Then we go upstairs and go bowling...this is a joint comedy routine as we are each very bad at bowling.  But we have fun.
    The day is wearing on and Nuguyen is due this evening, I show Van his photo in the Screwboys as in Thai Puan.  Van knows him only slightly and approves.  This is a case taht without the approval, I'd still be seeing Nuguyen.  While we're at MBK, I ask Van if there's anything he'd like or needs.  He said wait until we get to Chatuchak tomorrow.  We head back to the hotel, he grabs his stuff for work and heads out.  
    Nuguyen has send me several text to confirm the time and the location of Bandara Suites.  I expect him around 7.  So, let's pause here, and go back two years and a few months to a visit of mine to Bangkok.  I was at the Tarntawan prior to leaving for Laos to visit Vientiane and Luang Prabang.  I'd arranged to see Van when I returned the next week.  As it was late I went off to Screwboys.  Long story shortened, I liked the look of one guy, he sat down, he answered all the questions, we left (after paying all the appropriate fees).  This is one of those times where the mamasan and the guy did not exaggerate when asked about activities.  This was how I met Nuguyen, we had an incredible time and he stayed thguh to breakfast.  While I was in Laos, I received  a daily erotic photo from him.  It was during that trip, that Rama IX died.  All sorts of things went off planned rails and our planned meet up when I returned before Van arrived didn't/couldn't/wouldn't happen. Alas for me.
    There is another story related to this that I wrote up in a report last year...but I'll get to that a bit later as its a story where the joke is on me.
    Nuguyen arrives.  As handsome as a remember but now very stylishly dressed.  Last time he wore a Screwboys tee shirt.  We talk in the room for a while and then go to the other bandara building where the restaurant is located.  We both have salmon.  Nothing special about the meal.
    We head back to the room, sit on the sofa and watch the lights of Bangkok.  Nuguyen is one who likes a bit of romance with his off time (note this is understood by both of us to be a money boy moment).  In bed he is less wild than 2 years ago but a very slow and elegant lover.  He tells me that he hasn't cum in three days and as proof his ejaculation covered most of my chest with some splashing on my face and around the bed.  Mine was a piddle compared to his...we embraced and fell asleep for a bit.  Then we cleaned up and took a long shower together.  When he left we agreed to meet again on this visit.
    I was spent physically so I decided just to stay in the room and read, listen to music, think...I sent a test to Van telling him I'd be in the room.
    Now to digress a bit and go back in time to my visit the following February to Bangkok after the death of Rama IX and the missed connection with Nuguyen.  I was staying at The Raya with Van, we had just returned from Pattaya, and I really wanted to find Nuguyen and attempt to recreate my off with him.  So while Van was off with watching videos in the hotel with his freind Peter (they both had the night off from Hot Male), I went out, giving some excuse about dinner with friends...not sure why I said that but I did.  I went to Screwboys looking for Nuguyen.  I asked the mamsan, she said she'd get him, she brought Nuguyen to where I wasn't seated.  This was a different Nuguyen...who could think Vietnamese boys might share a common family name, especially since Nuguyen is akin to Smith in the USA or Li in China.  My Nuguyen was off, not clear on an off , off the for the night, or off at home.  He was definitely not there.  A disappointment but not a loss as Nuguyen (N2)  was a stunner!  He had some English and from the roaming of my hands he was the full package.  Ah but where to go? There are two Hot Male boys at the hotel.  Not to worry, mamasan, closes the deal by conducting us to the 500 baht hotel room next door.  N2 showered with me and introduced me to his body.  At one point, he tells me "I know you, I've seen you photo".  This was a surprise and actually caused me to pause. before getting back to exploring him and thinking how well this had turned out.  I assumed the photo he had seen was from Nuguyen1.
    We finished with another shower, some deep kissing, and we go our separate ways.  I return to The Raya where Van and Paul ask me how my time with friends went and take me to bed...not much action as I'm running on depleted.  
    So, two days later, Van is getting ready to go home for Tet and needs to shop and pack, he tells me he'll be back by dinner time.  I go into the bedroom and fall asleep.  Van returns, laughing, he comes into the bedroom, and says he has a surprise for me...he did...it was N2.  Turns out, he's one of Van's roommates and had seen photos of my from Van's phone.  They'd worked out the surprise together.  He tells me this as he undresses me and himself and reintroduces me to his stunning physicality.  Van shuts the door for our privacy as he wont be part of a threesome with N2.
    Lessons learned: there are no secrets among the guys and this surprise began my understanding the level of Van's taking care of me.  N2 eventually moved back to Vietnam, then to Europe where he was in London once when I visited.  
    Now to return to the current report...
  20. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to DivineMadman in Banana Fitness / Gay Massage Bangkok   
    Thanks for the kind words all, but do note that my site is always a work in progress, or more often than not, lack of progress, and the scene changes so much day to day it's hard to keep it updated or keep track of new spots.   And my favorite spots others my detest.  de gustibus and all that.
  21. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip Report (a bit delayed) Pattaya and Bangkok   
    On to Bangkok - Thursday
    The driver from Mike's Pattaya arrived at The Poseidon right on time...which was a surprise as Mike's drivers are usually early.  Traffic flow was surprisingly light UNTIL we approached Swampy.  The traffic from the airport, the regular city traffic, and it's a road in Bangkok so it's a slow moving parking lot.  The driver was using his map app for directions and I could see where the roads were highlighted in red...it was going to be awhile.
    Eventually, we pulled into the driveway for Bandara Hotel and Suites.  I'd attempted to book both the Raya and Tarntawan but neither was able to confirm my request for nine nights.  Each could confirm a shorter stay toward the time I'd be heading home.  When I was in Bangkok at the end of the summer, I'd checked with the Raya and the staff and the booking agencies showed it would be full.  This was due to some major golf tournament that appealed to Japanese clients.  I asked about other hotels and read up on what other Forum members were mentioning about accommodation.
    Reader and the manager of Maxi's both were positive about Bandara, so before I flew home in September, I visited Bandara which is about a five minute walk from Senso and close to Prince.  It's a two building complex, the first building, which houses an upscale Japanese restaurant and an all purpose hotel dining room is for folks in groups or staying for extended periods.  The second building is for shorter hotel stays.  I was given a guide and together we toured the various options, the higher up one stays in the hotel finds both the price and the view increasing.  There is a large swimming pool as well as an extra large hot tub situation close to a decently equipped gym.  The rooms that I toured all had small but well equipped kitchens, the view from the upper floors was expansive.
    I didn't commit in September as I assumed (bad thing to do) that a room would become available at The Raya.  I kept checking but there was no change. I'll be honest, I like a bit of comfort - so some other places that had vacancies did not appeal, nor did those that had joiner fees for guests.  My "suite" was on the 24th floor, the living room's outer wall was all glass, almost 20 feet in width that provided a view from the Sala Daeng BTS to Lumpini Park and beyond.  Fully equipped bathroom with a Japanese spray and wash toilet, and a large bedroom with a king size bed, a desk, etc.  The safe worked, water was supplied, kitchen had water, dishes cutlery...this will work.
    I headed out to meet up with my favorite masseur at Nakarat only to learn that he was home, bummer.  I hadn't set up anything in advance though we'd been in LINE contact a week ago while I was in Pattaya.  So, on to Prime, where I was told there was a 30 minute wait for a combination foot and Thai massage.  I walked around he neighborhood and noticed that the empty lot where there had been lots of food stalls was now a construction site.  It could be a hotel or it could be something to do with the nearby hospital.  Had my combo bak at Prime and headed back to Bandara to change stopping at the market in the Silom Complex for groceries for breakfast.
    I confirmed with Reader that I was in town and would meet up at Maxi's to celebrate Thanksgiving (US version).  I also let Van know I was in town and that we'd meet up.  For those who haven't followed my past reports, Van was my first successful off when I returned to Thailand after almost two decades.  He has been my long time off for most of my stays.  This relationship has adapted over time to his being a friend with benefits.  He is still an excellent in bed partner but he is also a commentator on what's happening and an evaluator of possible offs, and one who will actively find offs that he believes will appeal to me.
    I'm also in touch with Nuguyen from Screwboys - who I haven't seen in two years.  Our last meeting was the week the late King, Rama IX, died.  He is back in town and we LINE about meeting on Saturday.
    I head out to Maxi's to meet Reader.  We often meet there at what we refer to as PaulSF time...translation, from row seating at Maxi's to watch the boys going to work.  As I entr Twiight, I'm greeted by the touts at Hot Male as an old friend, there is now a third tout, and they all have new Hot Male shirts which they show me.  There are now three not because there is more business but because they help out at Moonlight - both having the same owner. 
    I notice the Cambodian Lao boys, I uaually have a drink with at Hot Male 2 aren't there.  This is another disappointment as I are each fun guys who I have offed on past visits (miss the convenience of The Raya)
    Thursday night is Pau's night off at Maxi's..  Pau is my favorite waiter and keeps me informed of what is happening and he remembers who I've been with and if they are still working, where they are working. One of the other waiters spots me and puts me at a table that easily meets PaulSF's standard with the bonus of being able to see the stage at Freshboys.  Within a few minutes of sitting down, Van, who is working at Freshboys, joins me and we start catching up, I buy him a drink and offer dinner, he has a lemony ice tea drink, and I tell him I'll off him but will give him the baht so I don''t have to go to Freshboys tonight.  He will take care of that and go to his place and get his stuff and come back to Maxi's.  
    Reader arrives and we catch up, he has been in town for a while and won't be leaving until after I'm home, he lets me know that possibly the reason my Nakarat masseur and the Hot Male 2 guys aren't around is that there has been change in the commission structure at both places.  (Reader, when you see this - if i have something wrong, please correct).  We have some food, Reader eats later with one of his many "friends".  He introduces me to one of the bar boys at X-boys, small sized but very cute, who joins us for a drink before the evening's acton starts.  Reader lets me know that Divine Madman is celebrating the Loy Krathong Festival and will be back in Bangkok on Saturday.
    Van returns, he knows the X-Boys bar boy, and he joins us.  I believe Reader and I are both almost ready to leave, but about an hour earlier we watched as two girls with suitcases wandered into Twilight, they were rushed by the boys at Bangkok Massage, they decided to have massages, which made the boys preen like peacocks, two were selected, and the four adjourned upstairs... So Reader and I await for the girls to re-emerge.  The do, one looks happy, one no so much.  After they have gone off, the guys they chose come down after cleaning up the massage rooms and are immediately the center of attention of their co-workers.  Reader puts names to some of the guys, one of whom is a favorite of PaulSF's.
    Van and I say good night, we stop at Foodland for more supplies, then to Bandara Suites where I have him check in as a hotel guest.  He thinks this is the best hotel I've been in over the years.  We spend lots of time talking as he's only back in Bangkok after almost a year of working in VIetnam at a failing business.  He' not happy that the business failing had him return to the gogo clubs but it's better money than at home where there isn't that much work.  He tells me that a mutual friend, Paul who used to be at Hot Male will be back in town while I'm in Bangkok.  We agree that I will consider him a nightly off, but won't pay a fee to the club, he can return to the room when the Freshboys closes about 2am.  I'll text hi if I have offed someone and they are at the hotel.  We've done this before so we have the routine down.  He tells me to avoid one boy who has started to cheat customers (he says he's telling me this as the boy is a type that appeals to me).  
    We had planned to go to Jupiter but decided to just stay in and get comfortable with each other.  He is aware of what I like and activates us both.
  22. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to paborn in “Up to you”, “Take Care” and other Newbie tips   
    A totally straight guy is one whose rent is not due. True indeed.
  23. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to paborn in Suggestions for Michael   
    I have this feeling ( Lord only knows I'm no expert ) that there are very few of these people and they might be clones as some post rarely and a few only seem to come out of the closet when one of them is refuted and then they appear in strong suppoft.
    I personally want to thank Michael for saving the board, and solviong m,y log in issues over the New Year's holiday. I, for one, am very grateful
  24. Like
    BL8gPt reacted to Gaybutton in Suggestions for Michael   
    Yes, I do.  If someone on my board is causing problems I don't play games, give second chances, ask them to stop that kind of behavior, put them on moderated mode, or anything else.  It doesn't work. 
    I learned a long time ago to just solve the problem the easy way.  I don't feel good or bad about it.  How I feel about it is not even a factor when I decide somebody needs to go.  I do it because I think it's best for the board and quite frankly I don't give a damn whether they like it or not.
    Since you ask it, I dumped bkkguy off my board a long time ago.  All he ever does is submit these adversarial posts that he tries to couch in pseudo-politeness.  I have yet to ever see a post from him that indicates he has ever so much as set foot in Thailand and not a single post actually helpful about a thing.  Not exactly a major loss for the board if he, or anyone else causing problems,  no longer has access to the board to continue doing that.
  25. Thanks
    BL8gPt reacted to ggobkk in Trip report Christmas in Bangkok and New Year in Pattaya   
    One rainy night as I was leaving Twilight for Jupiter, Mr Bandana, found an umbrella and walked me over to Jupiter to let them know I was a good customer.  Hot Male and Jupiter have the same owner.  Not sure the recommendation made any difference - though mamasan spent quality  time analyzing possible offs for me.
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