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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. As we continue...Mr. Muscle God (aka Mekhin) and I reached Red Planet @ last. I really, really want to jump on him when we're already in the elevator but I control myself bcoz there is a CCTV camera. When we entered my room, I want to slam the door and kiss him, hug him to touch his muscles and lick every part of his body, haa haa. Of course, again, I control myself since he said he needs to shower. I let him go first and I'll shower after him. Can't wait for those muscles, lol. He only wears a towel on his waist when he finished. I think I was trembling with lust when I saw his shirtless body. I just said "you got a lot of tattoos, but my fave is Superman since I'm a big fan". Aside from the Superman logo tattoo on his arm, he also got a Superman tattoo on his chest. I touched those tattoos, wow, and said "I also got Superman, I'm wearing it now"...and stripped my clothes. He laughed when he saw my Superman undies (even Nicky liked it before and said Superman while smiling, but its a boxers, with Mekhin I'm wearing briefs). I hurriedly showered and gargled with mouthwash. I'm sooo excited. He was already in bed still with towel on him. I was already half-*r*ct at that time. I jumped to the bed and hold his hand urging him to go up and face in front of the mirror. WOW!!! I love looking on his reflection in the mirror. The huge muscles, the gym-fit body, the manly face, even the sexy tattoos...I like them all!!! On his back, I started kissing and licking his neck while running my hand to his muscles, particularly his chest and abs. I got a full *r*ct**n while doing this. I asked him to flex his arms, 1-@-a-time, WOW, I love those big biceps. I run my hands on it, gently squeeze it, and then kiss and lick it. He also flexed his triceps for me which I did the same, 1-@-a-time again. I even like the veins, he was so muscular, as a result of pumping in the gym. I love to hear that, haa haa. Then I started kissing and licking his huge shoulders and then his hard back as I go down. I run my hands on his legs and thigh, then also kiss and lick it gently. Every part of his body is really, really hard!!! Then I asked him to turn around and face me. I said to him I'm already hard by just doing that. He touched my bulge in the towel and gave me a teasing smile. I also touched the bulge on his towel, its sooo big alright, and I think its only semi-hard, wooh!!! I begin to kiss and lick again his neck, then his ears this time. Afterwards, I move to his muscled chest. I touched it again, then the usual kiss and lick leading to his nipples. I think he liked it when I played his nipples since he breathes harder, this is sooo hot. Then asked him to flex both his arms this time. This is my fetish actually...I kiss and lick his armpits...it smell sooo good!!! After a while, I moved to his abdominals doing the same. I wonder how many crunches he can do in the gym, his abs was so hard!!! Then the moment I was waiting for. I kneel down and slowly removed his towel. His m*nh**d was gigantic!!! Good luck to me, ha ha. So sorry guys, the next scenes are censored for the sake of Mekhin. But all I can say is that when we're already in bed, I felt like I was a virgin again being devirginized by a man for the first time (eventhough he is already the 3rd guy who p*n*tr*t*d me). After the hot3x scenes in bed, I asked Mekhin if he can show me his bodybuilder poses, like in a competition to which he agreed with a smile. I m*st*rb*t* while he does his bodybuilder moves, moving my hands faster and faster as he flexes. Then I asked him as my final request if I can see him in a solo act. Its okay with him as I saw him j*rk-*off slowly at first, then faster and faster. He asked me if I could play his nipples which of course I did, anything for him. Then, he c*m afterwards. Its my turn...I ask him to lay in the bed as I lay on top of him feeling his muscles (and c*m, he he) on my back. He also played my nipples and when it was so intense for a climax, my c*m sprayed like a fountain. Again, I let him shower first then I showered after him. Of course, I gave him an additional tip for the memorable experience. Then we said goodbye, then the usual hugs and kisses. Afterwards, I go to sleep to have a good rest as I prepare myself for tomorrow night @ MOONLIGHT!!!
  2. Yup, you can easily tell it was Mekhin, he is a real muscle God, I also saw his bodybuilder pics and even his vid (2 shy 2 admit it really excites me, lol). Oud was also mentioned to me by Vinapu b4, but it was really Mekhin who makes my knees weak, haa haa. He is truly the best muscle worship I ever had!!! Watch out for it on the next part of my report!!! Yes, Jasper is the expert when it comes to Jupiter boys, I'm 100% sure he knows Boom...
  3. Btw, anyone know Boom from Jupiter2018? Spoon mentioned it to me, got curious, he he
  4. Thank you very much Hank. I'm not supposed to reveal the identity of Mr. Muscle God but I got a typo error and type his name instead, did not even proof read my report, my bad, lol. Yeah, I was so determined to off him on my recent trip that I got there very early, just to be sure. On my 1st visit in Jupiter2018, I also did not have the chance to off him. So now I finally did it!!!
  5. Thanks a lot Jasper for the title Mr. Enthusiastic, lol...yup I was determined to off Mr. Muscle God bcoz on my first visit in Jupiter2018, he was tabled (and I think offed) by another customer and I was still not familiar with him at that time (though his muscles and looks catched my attention), plus he is one of the most recommended...
  6. The boy I offed is famous that's why I need to be sure I'll off him. You can guess who he is, I know you're familiar with the Jupiter Boys, he he. Thank you very much for the name and number of the hot boy I've seen in Jupiter, but just to make clear he is not the one I offed, but seriously considering offing him next time if he is not as most-in demand like Arm. I just hope he's available next time. With Arm, I think it may only be a dream bcoz he's the superstar, ha ha.
  7. Hey there guys!!! I'm back from Bangkok last weekend and I'm very excited to tell you my best muscle worship experience with a musclebound boy and my first ever threesome experience with two hot boys...guess who? Lol...Also, they're all brand new boys and there is NO returning boy to my trip now. I can say unexpected turn of events also leads to the hottest experience I've ever had. So I hope you're all excited to read my report so let's begin... Upon arrival @ Chong Nonsi station on my way to my most fave hotel Red Planet, btw I've stayed here on all my trips @ BKK, I really, really like this hotel. Anyway, I was walking on my way to the hotel when I can't believe who I saw walking towards me. Its Mr. Perfect Guy from Dream Boys!!! I was so surprised that I wasn't able to call him. My heart pounds faster upon seeing him. He also glanced at me but maybe he did not recognize me bcoz I'm wearing a sunglass. He was walking fast and beside him is a young man. I try following them (or stalking? Haa haa) and I then confirmed it was really him based on the very big tattoo on his back, he's wearing an undershirt, not shirtless, just to be clear, he he. They both arrived @ Holiday Inn Express so I can no longer follow them. Oh well...I hurriedly went back to the street leading to Red Planet Surawong, the hotel nearest to the hot spots in BKK. Early night, I decided to go to Jupiter2018 very early so I can have the chance to off one of their famous and hottest boy in there. I asked for him on the staff at the entrance. He told me he does not arrive yet. I told him I will just wait for him. The staffs offered me to seat on a chair beside the entrance but later asked me to transfer to a couch on the other side. The staffs asked me if I want a drink. I just said to them later. They're all wearing Chinese costumes bcoz of the Chinese New Year, even the mamasans. After a couple of minutes and patiently waiting for him, he finally arrived. The staffs immediately told him that someone was waiting for him and when he asked who, one of the staff point at me. There he was, looking at me, and I begin to smile as he walks towards me. He was so good looking in person, so masculine, so manly. I can't believe I was starstrucked by him. I only saw him on pictures and now he's getting near me, in flesh. I'll call him Mr. Muscle God. As he get's closer to me, he said "you're waiting for me?"...and I imnediately said "yes" with a smile. Omg, he's so muscular even if he wears a long sleeve and such a hunk and a stud in person. Then I continued "are you available now?". He said he is free after the show...I asked "why not now?" tapping his arm which is intentional so I can I feel a bit of his muscles, he he. A long-haired mamasan stand beside us. He said he needs to perform for the show. He told me to watch the 1st show but I said I need to watch Muay Thai, I can watch the 2nd show. He said just come back and I told him I'll return for the 2nd show while squeezing his arm lightly...mmmmm, those muscles, lol. He left me to the mamasan who told me that I need to pay the off fee now so he will not be taken plus the entrance fee later. I told him if I could just pay the off fee and not watch the show since I've seen it before. He told me its same same, I still need to pay the entrance fee to off Mr. Muscle God so I just told okay, I'll return later to watch the 2nd show and paid the off fee. The mamasan told me to look for him later and said he is the only long haired mamasan there (in pigtails btw to match his Chinese costume). That's a slight difference to Dream Boys and Moonlight where you can immediately off a boy and only pay the off fee, but its fine with me. After watching the Muay Thai, I hurriedly go back to Jupiter2018 and look for the long-haired mamasan. He leads me inside after asking to choose a drink I want and finds me a vacant chair since the place is jampacked. The 2nd show already started. Tbh, I was surprised that the 2nd show was different from the 1st show which I've seen on my 1st visit in Jupiter2018. More exposures or teasing of private parts can be seen, haa haa. Before, its only pubes and butt exposures. But now, you can even have a peek on their m*nh**d if you have a quick vision or you're watching from the VIP area, ha ha. Btw, I don't remember watching the part where Mekhin together with the other hot boys are dancing in towel to the tune of "You Sexy Thing". I'm also very sure I did not watch the part where a gym-fit guy was dancing on a chair exposing his muscles on his movements and two ladyboys was his backup. I don't know his name but he's also hot3x. I know its Arm who I've seen before practicing that part on my 1st visit. But now this hot3x guy is the one who is performing that part and he covers his bulge and pull down his undies as a finale, still covering his m*nh**d. Does anyone knows his name? I'm not that familiar with Jupiter2018 boys. He is also in the part where Arm and him invites a girl from the audience who they pretended to be f*ck*d in various positions and acting they're forcing her to s*ck them. The girl afterwards was so shocked and shy that she forgot where she seats, he he. If anyone know him, just comment here. He is also hot3x. Afterwards, when the show was about to end, I assume, the long-haired mamasan took Mr. Muscle God to me. He said if I'm already okay to which I responded "yes, yes". Then we proceeded to the door where I said to the mamasan that I'll give a tip to him, he was grateful. I heard Mekhin was being asked by the ladyboys backup who off him, they seem really, really excited to know by the sound of it. He pointed to me with a smile and they said thank you to me. I smiled and responded with the Thai hand gesture. Then Mr. Muscle God and I walked to Red Planet Hotel as I try to have a conversation with him. TO BE CONTINUED
  8. As for me, this is how I describe Nicky when I first saw him taken from my report last December... When I turned to my side, I saw a model in jeans who are seated beside a customer. How can I describe him? Well, he is very handsome, good-looking, gor geous, cute, hunky, studly, attractive, charming, adorable, heartthrob, head-turner, eye candy, gym-fit, muscular, sexy, hot3x & a bae. Did I descri be him well you can picture him on your mind ? Ha ha...I'll call him Mr. Handsome Guy. To my surprise, Mr. Handsome Guy is walking near my seat. I froze for a moment seeing his well-defined and toned body and his very appealing and handsome face. He greeted me and my smile was fixed for a moment, I can't believe I can see him this close. Then he seats beside me and he said "You want me?" and then I said "Yes, I'll buy you a drink", afterwards he ordered a drink to the waiter. We had a chat (and also bargain) as his drink arrived, we toast our drinks and I love looking on his handsome face, with an expressive eyes, pointed nose, kissable lips, pearly white teeth and perfect smile. I even put my arms on his shoulder feeling his flawless skin, he he. This is one of the best moment in my life tbh. Then after a couple of minutes, he asked if he can have another drink, but I said "no, nice meeting you" while giving him a handshake. Wow, I like touching his soft hand, ha ha. Reader, I highly recommend you off Nicky next time...it was one of the most memorable moment on my trips @ BKK, really worth it!!!
  9. Here's Nicky's other photos...I think this how he looks when I meetup with him last December...
  10. Cute Twinky Boy (middle front boy) or Nicky? Hhhmmm...I'll go 4 d 1st choice 4 d new experience...
  11. Yup, yup, wait 4 it...coming soon!!! Haa haa
  12. Ur definitely right, that's why I'm really excited 2 meet him nxt month, yum, yum!!!
  13. Oh he's from Myanmar, I thought Korean, my bad, lol, he always give a finger sign of love whenever he's on stage, totally love it!!! I'm really planning to meet him on my next trip. Thank you!!!
  14. Wynter, I think I've mistaken #24 with the cute, twinky boy I'm looking 4...as I said he's on the middle @ the bottom. Not exactly K-Pop look but more of a leading man in a Korean drama, haa haa. But #24 is cute also, thank you also!!!
  15. Many thanks Hank!!! He's the one in the middle at the bottom, omg, he's really cute!!! Huge help really, as always!!! I'm so focused on Nicky that I forgot to remember his number, lol
  16. Oh I c, maybe they've changed their dance, yes I think that's him, the twinky boy I'm looking 4 looks Korean, as in K-Pop style, and he always use a hand gesture for love whenever he walks the stage and wears a shirt (since he is still not gym-fit, but very, very cute). Thanks a lot for the info!!!
  17. Hey there! My question is difficult regarding a Moonlight boy, I'd like to ask 4 ur help if you know him or his number...he is a standard boy and one of the boy who dance in the song Sexbomb, the cutest among the 4 guys (I think) who dance. He is a twink type and wears a shirt (unlike the other guys who are shirtless). Pls pls pls let me know if anyone know him, but if no one knows, I'll just ask the mamasan on my next trip there next month. Many thanks guys and sorry for a very hard question. Peace!
  18. Great report! I really like Nicky. You're so lucky to see Nicky's shower, when I was there last Dec, he never performed on the show, just model. I even asked him why he did not performed, he just said he perform on other nights, but I guess he was already offed at that time that's why we can only able to meetup the next day. Thanks!
  19. https://youtu.be/EBBGdEjriMg another video of the model boys of Moonlight...be careful on the steps of the stairs Nicky!!!
  20. https://youtu.be/ki61caIuzmw in this video, they've got different models, even 1 boy is a European, though Nicky was already here...
  21. my share of videos on Nicky, Babe, Fluke and the rest of the model boys of Moonlight, idk the name of the bday boy...enjoy!
  22. Yup, I'll follow their FB page so I will not miss Nicky, lol, I only checked it but not followed it...even the long haired mamasan asked me when I was there how I get to know Moonlight. I said thru the FB page and good reviews online. He smiled upon hearing it. You're most welcome Hank, and thanks a lot to your shared pics and vids of Nicky, it means a lot to me!!! Yeah I'll follow their FB page from now on, so excited!!!
  23. That's what we called save the best for last, though I admit the best was with Nicky, lol... As always, you're most welcome Vinapu!!! Looking forward on my next trip and my next report! Thank you very much guys for the comments and most especially the shared pics and vids of Nicky!!! If you still got more pics and vids of Nicky, pls (3x) share it here, it brightens my day, haa haa...til next time guys!!!
  24. To conclude my recent BKK trip report, I went to Dream Boys to meetup Mr. Perfect Guy. I miss him so much. He was only available on the last day of my trip which is fine by me. As usual, we meet inside the bar and he hug and kiss me as soon as he saw me, so romantic, and he looks more muscular everytime we meet. I think this time we had a lot of pda, lol. Going down the stairs, I let him go first so I can wrap my arms around his neck. Then when we're already walking on the street of Soi Twilight, he put his arms on my shoulder, and I totally miss this. We decided to eat @ W (Welcome) Bar since its not crowded at that place. Most bars beside it are jampacked like Telephone, Banana & Stranger Bar. The first floor is the wine bar with the usual bar counter & bar stools. The second floor is surprisingly a tattoo shop (seriously, I can't believe it myself). The third floor is the dining area with karaoke, woohoo!!! The best thing I can say to this bar is that the karaoke is more high tech unlike the other bars, you just type the song you want in a keyboard and then you can already sing. Of course, while waiting for our food, we cuddle to each other and kiss, and hug, and hold each other's hand, how romantic. The couple (a male & female) don't mind what we're doing which is a good thing! All the songs I sang in the karaoke are love songs (all dedicated to Mr. Perfect Guy). I think that's the feeling of being in-love, wink. Afterwards, we ate our dinner together and having a toast on our drinks. Just like before, his meal is really protein foods, for his muscles, he he. Then, holding hands we walk to my hotel, while chatting and romancing at the same time, I really miss him. Idk but I constantly look on his good-looking face, trying to memorize it. When we arrived to my room, I ask him to come with me in the bed so we can cuddle some more while fully clothed. He's really romantic! I even requested his tongue while we kiss. And he gave me a bear hug so I can feel all his muscles, wow! Then, we stripped our clothes, showered together and soap each other. He's the first one to go to the bed. When I'm about to join him in the bed, he only cover his m*nh**d with the blanket. Its so hot to look on his muscles and his teasing smile. Then, I joined him in the bed, while having a full *r*ct**n while touching his muscles. I asked him to face the mirror in front of our bed while I muscleworship him. I really, really love his muscles, asking him to flex it for me, touching it and then licking it...the biceps, the triceps, the chest, the shoulder and the back, most especially his abs and armpits...even his legs and thighs as I look in the mirror. Then I started stroking his m*nh**d and give him a d**pthr**t. I guess he loves the bj based on his moan & groan. I s*ck him more feeling every inch of his gigantic size. Afterwards, I ask him to f*ck my mouth to which he nods. He placed a pillow on my head and slowly pump it in my mouth. Then, he moved it in and out faster...I started to catch my breath. Tbh my *ssh*l* still hurt bcoz of Nicky that's why I ask Mr. Perfect Guy if we can have romance only, no penetration, which he agreed. Tip: if you're new to b*tt*m*ng, never ever set a back2back schedule with both top. He face me in the mirror in front of our bed. On my back, he started kissing me on the neck while his hands are playing with my n*ppl*s. I love seeing this in the mirror. Then, he lay me on the bed and grab firmly my hands. He started l*ck*ng my n*ppl*s and I this made me moan and groan. This was so intense for me! He pressed my hands firmly while he's doing this. Everytime we kiss he's playing my n*ppl*s that's why I really catch my breath. Then he started stroking my m*nh**d while still giving me a n*ppl*pl*y. His hj starts slowly first then became faster and faster. When I was about to c*m, I said to him "wait". While gasping my breath, I asked him if he can show his muscles. He teasingly smile at me and flex his muscles while I m*st*rb*t*. Wow, I really love his gym-fit body with the veins on his muscles popping out. He really knows how to pose like a pro, I like it!!! He even wink at me while doing so. I also admire looking at his semi-*r*ct gigantic m*nh**d thinking how I manage to let it in before, haa haa. Maybe the feeling was so intense and he's so romantic, I guess. Then, I c*m which sprayed again like a fountain...I still got a load of it, ha ha. After that, we showered and soaped again, dried ourselves and I saw him wears his undies and clothes again while I wrap the towel on my waist. Then he left as if this is goodbye. END OF REPORT
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