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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Yeah, that's what I heard, I think it was Jasper who said that Arm is always fully booked, thanks a lot to your suggestions Hank, I'll follow them and hopefully I can off or table my 1st crush on Jupiter2018 Arm, but if not, I can settle for Spaii, lol.
  2. That's Mr. Perfect Guy #65 from Dream Boys!!!
  3. Wow, thanks a lot, really good 2 hear you like my report...about your query, pm sent.
  4. Oh ok...judging by his built, its really Mekhin who is the Muscle God, he he
  5. You're definitely right Hank!!! What I've seen with the Moonlight boys was sooo hot3x!!!
  6. Wow, thank you very, very much Dozzie!!! I'm really fulfilled that you like my shared stories, I really planned for a 3some on my last trip, I thought it was with Dream Boys but ended up in Moonlight boys who are both cute and hot...more reports soon since I really want to return to BKK for Baby Twink of Moonlight (again) and Arm of Jupiter2018!!!
  7. Heart skips a beat when I saw Baby Twink in front of Moonlight (love)...heart beats faster when I saw him having s*x with Hot Twink (lust), so yeah its a different thing, haa haa...tnk u Spoon!!!
  8. I really, really wish I can off Arm in my next trip...my 1st crush in Jupiter2018. I just hope it will also work with the gameplan I had with Mekhin where I go early night before he arrives. Any other suggestions?
  9. I I think I missed this part...or I was just starstrucked with Mekhin's towel performance? Haa haa
  10. Who is Boom in here? I assume not the ladyboy diva, lol...left or right boy? The one with the tattoo?
  11. I don't think so bcoz it beats very fast at that time, haa haa
  12. Sorry for the typo error, it should have been my heart beats faster on this, my bad, lol.
  13. I know you're all waiting for the next part of my report, the most exciting one, so let's continue...In the bed, the Moonlight boys seat side-by-side, legs apart so I can have an easy access to their pr*v*t* p*rt, which I m*st*rb*t* both gently...aaahhh, this is so exciting, I thought to myself. I heard they're breathing harder to what I'm doing. Then I moved closer to Baby Twink's hard m*nh**d and teased its h**d with my tongue, l*ck*ng the b*dy before swallowing it fully, moving my head up and down, still m*st*rb*t*ng it at the same time. I love the reaction of Baby Twink as we stare at each other. His hand was busy str*k*ng Hot Twink's m*nh**d who's eyes was closed and still breathing harder. Then I d**pthr**t Baby Twink which made him moan and groan, while I hold now his other hand. He really, really like it with the look on his face while I was gasping for breath. Then I lift-up his m*nh**d and lick his b*lls before sw*ll*w*ng it. Yum! It took me a while s*ck*ng Baby Twink, enjoying its hardness, while his other hand is now touching my *ss. Then I switched to Hot Twink's very hard m*nh**d and d**pthr**t it immediately. Hot Twink moan and groan, while his hand is str*k*ng Baby Twink's pr*v*t* p*rt and his other hand touching my h*l*. Then I move my head up and down still s*ck*ng Hot Twink. Oh I'm so enjoying this!!! I saw Hot Twink already reaching the condom and lube but I said "not yet", he just smiled and put it back. It really took me a while before I ask them to stand-up in the bed still close to each other, both str*k*ng their pr*v*t* p*rt. Then I s*ck Baby Twink again while str*k*ng Hot Twink. When I look up, I saw Hot Twink l*ck*ng Baby Twink's nipple whose eyes was closed and breathing harder. Baby Twink was so hard now and I enjoy moving it in and out my mouth. After a while, I s*ck Hot Twink while str*k*ng Baby Twink. I'm surprised its salty, omg, he already got a precum which I tell him. He just nod while Baby Twink smile and told a horny joke again, I think, in Thai to Hot Twink which made him smile. He is really horny alright!!! I wiped the precum and s*ck Hot Twink again and again while still str*k*ng Baby Twink. Then I also lift-up his m*nh**d to l*ck and sw*ll*w his b*lls. Yummy! This time, I saw Baby Twink l*ck*ng the nipples of Hot Twink. Wow! It surely took a while before I lay to the bed and tell them "its your turn boys". They both played and l*ck my nipples which sends shiver to me. That was so intense!!! Then one of them s*ck me while the other pl*y with my h*l*, teasing it. I begin catching my breath, enjoying what they're both doing to me. After I think forever, lol, one of them who seats on top of me said "c'mon let's f*ck" to which I responded "okay". One immediately took a condom and the other said "he'll f*ck you" and is about to wear it when I said "No, you put it here" pointing at my now really hard pr*v*t* p*rt, I'll f*ck him referring to the boy on top of me, who said "okay, okay". The other boy put the condom to my fully *r*ct m*nh**d while the boy on top of me put a lube on his h*l*. Then slowly he seat on my very h*rd m*nh**d. Of course I don't want the boy to get hurt that's why I hold his b*tt while he gently go down. It slowly ins*rt*d his h*l* and when it's fully inside, he started p*mp*ng in slow pace. I saw the other boy j*rk*ng *ff while watching us. Afterwards the boy on top of me p*mp*d faster and faster, up and down. We both moan and groan. After a while, I gently lay the boy in the bed, my m*nh**d still inserted on his h*l*, and on top of him, I slowly p*mp*d on him, mine going in and out to him. Then I started to go faster and faster which made me catch my breath. He was also gasping for breath. Then, I lift one of his leg slowly and rest it on my shoulder, while still p*mp*ng on him non-stop. Ah ah ah...that's all that can be heard in the room which came from both of us. After a while, I lifted the other leg slowly so both are now resting on my shoulders while p*mp*ng him really hard this time. I can hear his moan and groan on every d**p thrust on him. This is so hot3x!!! Afterwards, I'm positioning him on a doggy style, already targeting his h*l* and putting one of my finger, when the other boy give me a sign that he wants to f*ck him. My heart skips faster on this. This is so unexpected!!! In my sweetest voice I asked the boy if he'll let the other boy f*ck him. He was so surprised and I love the reaction on his face and he said..."Yes, its okay". OMG, this is the hottest scene I ever seen on my entire BKK trips. I need to see this up close. In doggy position, the other boy p*n*tr*t*d the boy, I can even hear their skin slapping to each other. I had no choice but to j*rk-*ff on this very, very hot scene. Then, to my surprise, the other boy moved in missionary position the boy without removing his m*nh**d and still p*mp*ng him in a very fast rythm. I can hear their moan and groan. This is the best moment in BKK for me!!! After that very, very steamy scene, we're all ready to c*m. Hot Twink is the first to release while Baby Twink and I were kissing deeply while waiting to c*m. I really, really love kissing him. Then he asked "Are you gonna cum now?", I said "Not yet" to which he responded "Why not?" and I just replied "Later, later". Actually, when I felt I was about to c*m, I stop j*rk*ng-*ff so I can still kiss him, lol. When I can no longer hold it, I c*m which sprayed like a fountain. Baby Twink did not c*m which is totally okay with me. Then we all showered again and then I paid them, of course I gave an extra/additional tip for a very, very memorable experience. I kiss and hug Hot Twink then Baby Twink and said to him "I'm gonna miss you". Then they exit the door of my room, but Baby Twink came back and then hug and kiss me again. Oh I'm really gonna miss him but I promised to myself that I'm gonna see him again real soon!!! I'm actually planning to go to Screwboys after that, but bcoz of the best experience I ever had, I'm already very much contented and fulfilled that I just decided to get a rest since I got an early flight tomorrow. See you soon Baby Twink!!! END OF REPORT
  14. Yeah Vinapu, that makes my report exciting, there's a cliffhanger, lol...but I'll continue the hottest part of my report later, promise!!!
  15. As we continue...The three of us proceed to shower...Hot Twink refuse at first, but Baby Twink and I encourage him to join us in the shower so it will be more fun, he he. Under the hot shower, I was able to hold their m*nh**d and compare their size, ha ha. While the two of them holds my *ss and even my h*l*...I think they're both obsessing to enter me from b*h*nd, lol. The two of them even pretends that they're f*ck*ng me violently, which I said "Please no, I'm still a virgin", but they p*mp*d even harder as I said that. I really like this boys. I soaped Hot Twink feeling every inch of his body as well as his pr*v*t* p*rt. Baby Twink then soaped me which really tickles me and makes mine harder, lol. Hot Twink at all time is fully *r*ct while Baby Twink is half *r*ct, I love touching theirs, haa haa. When we're about to finish, I pressed Baby Twink against the wall and pretended f*ck*ng him, its my turn. I said "You like it, huh?" while p*mp*ng him on his back. He nods and I like the expression on his face. Meanwhile, I felt Hot Twink from my behind pretending also to p*n*tr*t* me. Wow, this is what it felt when you are sandwiched by two boys, so exciting!!! Then, I slapped Baby Twink's butt, yum3x. After a while, they dried theirselves with the towel as they go to the bed. I was left in the shower while I heard they're adjusting the lights of the room to make it more romantic. Afterwards, I dried myself with the towel and gargle with mouthwash. I asked the boys to use the mouthwash and Baby Twink immediately get the mouthwash to gargle while Hot Twink refused and immediately jumped to the bed. After that, Baby Twink and I moved the other bed closer to make one queen size bed. Then we both jumped to the bed joining Hot Twink. TO BE CONTINUED
  16. Hi hello Vinapu!!! There's always a next time for Senso, maybe on my next trips, its just that maybe I'm so tired at that time and the weather is so hot that I did not notice it or could not locate it. The good thing is that I was able to save my budget for Moonlight's 3some, haa haa. The encounter with Moonlight boys is surely hot3x and the report is not yet on the actual s*x, its still on the foreplay, lol. So its just an appetizer, and the main course and dessert is c*mm*ng, I mean coming up!!! Ha ha Nope, the long-haired mamasan arranged it for me since I really want two boys this time. Of course Baby Twink is my personal choice and the mamasan suggested Hot Twink, maybe they're friends since they're seems to be close to each other, idk, they even tell horny jokes, I think, in Thai which I don't understand, they seem to be comfortable in the 3some but its their 1st time, for both of them when I asked them. Baby Twink even mentioned to me he's gonna be shy but he's totally okay with it. So we are all virgins to 3some at that time, he he. Tnk u Vinapu!!!
  17. Let's continue...the next day, I planned 2 go 2 Fake Club and checked its location. Oh no...that's all I said when I found out its far from Red Planet, and I may not even use the train going back to my hotel since it will already be closed if I stayed to watch their late night show, riding on a taxi is not an option for me since I'm really saving for the massage that afternoon and go go bars that night, he he...so I decided to just go to Senso for a massage late afternoon. I don't know about massage / spa places, but they seems to be a treasure hunt for me, ha ha, like Babylon and Prince before, I really find it hard to locate Senso, I followed the map and I know its easy to find but I'm still lost on finding it, I may not be really good in directions, haa haa. When I got tired, I just returned to Red Planet to rest. But I believe its a blessing in disguise though. Early evening, I'm on my way to Dream Boys for Mr. Perfect Guy and I carry my gifts for him. Upon arrival, going up, I asked a mamasan (or staff?) there if Mr. Perfect Guy is already there. Unfortunately, he informed me that he was with a customer for days now and he checks in the locker room, I think, for his schedule to return and it will still be next week. Oh, that confirms it when I saw him with a young man going to Holiday Inn Express. I just find it odd that he was not romantic with the young man, unlike with me, he always puts his arms around my neck or we hold hands while walking and even kisses me when we got a chance, maybe bcoz its still afternoon when I saw them? Lol... I asked the the mamasan if he can just give my gifts to him since tomorrow is my flight and I could no longer see him. He asked me to write a (love) note for him, which I did, and attached it to my gifts placed in a paper bag. I said thank you and hurriedly go down. I think there is a reason why this happened and I will soon find out. From Soi Twilight, I walked to Moonlight with plans already in mind. I was so excited for this!!! At the entrance, I asked for the long-haired mamasan who btw arranged me to table Nicky on my last trip. It makes me wonder why I was always associated with long-haired mamasans, just like in Jupiter and now in Moonlight, he he. He greeted me when he saw me and I immediately show him the pics of the boy I want and asked if he's available. He asked me to seat in a chair near the entrance and said to me he's available and told his name. Wow, I was so excited!!! Let's call him Baby Twink...why I call him baby? Bcoz that's my term of endearment to him, haa haa, and also bcoz I really, really find him cute!!! I asked if I off another boy will there be a discount? He laughed and he said its same, same which I know the answer, ha ha. I asked the mamasan if he can recommend a boy since I have a full trust on him and he shows me a photo of this very hot boy in bday suit (with full h*rd-*n) on his smartphone (which he also shows me before on my last trip though I'm so focused on Nicky at that time) and said his name. I said okay and let's call him Hot Twink. I paid the off fees and he ask me to wait while he calls the boys inside. I can't wait!!! Then after a while, I saw Baby Twink going out the entrance which made my heart skips faster followed by Hot Twink and the long-haired mamasan pointed me to them with a smile. I introduced myself to Baby Twink and reach my hand for a handshake. His hand was so cold. Is he nervous or is it just too cold in Moonlight? Ha ha...he also introduced himself to me, he was really, really cuter up close, I hope I'm not blushing at that time, haa haa. I also introduced myself to Hot Twink and he just smile when we handshake. Then I handed a tip to the long-haired mamasan which made him grateful and he hug me as thank you, then said take care like a mother asking me to take care his children. Of course I'll handle them with care and we're all gonna have a good time!!! Then I put my arms to Baby Twink and Hot Twink while saying "Are you boys ready for me?". Baby Twink immediately answered "Yes" with a smile, oh he's really, really cute and Hot Twink just smile again. On our way to Red Planet, Baby Twink and I really had a lot to talk about, he was really interested to know me better and likewise the same with him. I noticed he perspires a lot, I can see on his head, he said its really hot. Mmmmm, can't wait to smell him in my room, lol. We've talked a lot and there is already a connection (though I'm more excited with the connection later, haa haa) with us. I really, really love having a conversation with Baby Twink...while Hot Twink is so quiet, I asked if he's shy with me, he just said he is not that good in English, oh that's why. @ last we arrived in Red Planet, go up the elevator and enter my room. My excitement is intense now!!! I asked if they needed anything. Baby Twink immediately asked for a bottled water which I gave to him from the personal ref while Hot Twink just shake his head. I asked innocently "What exactly are we going to do boys?" and Baby Twink was very quick to reply "Anything you want". Wow, that's music to the ear. Baby Twink then suddenly said if we can already shower and Hot Twink already starts to remove his shirt. I said "Not yet boys, we're gonna have a romance first" and I told Hot Twink to put back his shirt while I hold the hand of Baby Twink. Tbh, I booked a room with twin bed bcoz I really intended a threesome for this trip. I guided Baby Twink to one of the bed and Hot Twink to the other bed. Afterwards, I said "Let's start with a kiss and I'll begin with <name of Baby Twink> since he is my personal choice". I moved to the bed of Baby Twink and started kissing him on the upper then lower lips. Wow, he got a soft, kissable lips. Omg, he surely knows how to respond to a kiss, and he knows how to use his tongue, I've never been kissed this passionately in my entire trips. Wow, this is one of the most memorable kiss I ever had. We both really gasping for breath. Then, I moved to the bed of Hot Twink and said "Okay let's try your kiss"...then started kissing his soft lips...he is also a good kisser but I think Baby Twink's kiss is more erotic. I laughed when Hot Twink was already fully *r*ct when I touched his bulge. Baby Twink also laughed and said something in Thai, which made Hot Twink laugh. He is horny all right! I jumped back to Baby Twink and kiss him again on the lips, and he even opened his mouth so I can reach his tongue. This is so intense and we're just starting!!! I saw Hot Twink moving to our bed but I said to him "No, go back to your bed" and he smiled. Then, I begin kissing the neck of Baby Twink which he also does to me, then to his ears, and also cheeks while my hands are roaming all over his body. He smells sooo good, and he does not even shower yet!!! He touched the bulge of my pants and I smiled to him. I also touched the bulge on his pants while kissing him again. Then, I removed his shirt and licked his nipples. He breathes harder. Then I kissed his chest hairs and said to him "I love this, it makes you sexy". He smiled and then kiss him again on the lips. Then, I removed his pants and sniff his undies, mmmmm, smells really good. I gently bite his bulge and started kissing and licking it. Then I run my hands on his legs and thighs while kissing and licking it at the same time. Afterwards, I got up, he removed my shirt and my pants and then gently lay me on the bed. He licked and played my nipples which sends shiver to me. I moaned and groaned at the same time. I saw Hot Twink jokingly covering his eyes with his hands, he he. Then he kissed again my lips-to-lips, tongue-to-tongue, then my neck, if only I can have a kiss mark. He is very romantic! Then I jumped back to Hot Twink now on his back and said "You miss me?". I saw Baby Twink about to follow me on the bed but I said "Not yet, go back to your bed" to which he smiles. I kissed the back of the neck of Hot Twink then removed his shirt and then kissed his shoulders. I saw Baby Twink jokingly covering his self with the bed sheets but peeking, ha ha. I run my tongue on his back, slowly licking it and then removed his pants. I gently slap his butt while still wearing his undies. I sniffed his undies and gently licked and kissed his *sscheeks and b*ttcrack. Time to move to Baby Twink again and I was about to pull down his undies when he said if we can shower first. I said okay and pulled down his undies. Wow! I love his m*nh**d. Baby Twink also removed my undies and I can't hide my hardness, lol. I also pulled down Hot Twink's undies and slap his butt. Then we proceed to the shower. TO BE CONTINUED
  18. Me 2 Jason, can't wait 2 share it later so I have more time to write it, lol
  19. Tnk u Peter!!! With Mekhin, he is not overpriced, its only slight above the standard tip, but I added an extra tip bcoz I really, really like the whole experience, really worth it!!! I'll PM u...
  20. So he is Spaii (#43)...hhhmmm...probably my next target in Jupiter2018, lol...
  21. I can't believe its on Facebook, one of Jupiter2018's hottest performance!!!
  22. Btw since some members are asking how Mehkin looks like or where they can find photos of him, I've attached some of his hot pics for those who are still not familiar with him...
  23. Tnk u very much Hank!!! I really enjoy sharing my BKK experiences in full details, ha ha. I prefer to be an erotic real life writer
  24. You're welcome...I definitely had a good time with Mekhin, both in watching him perform in Jupiter2018 and being with him in Red Planet, he he!!!
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