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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Ur right Jasper, and they even marketed DB Paradiso with new show and new style, it makes me wonder why they said such, anyway, I just hope there are still hot boys there...
  2. For me, I want the boy on the left of the ladyboy, but I'll also pick all the boys on the 2nd pic, ha ha
  3. As for me, I don't need a list of #s since I'll only write 2 boys I've like but never been with: Arm and Babe, haa haa
  4. Not to mention Moonlight got the best show since they've got all you want in a show but you're right, Jupiter2018's edge is their hunky boys who knows how to tease the audience.
  5. Patpong 2 is starting 2 look-like Soi Twilight...
  6. Wow, tnx 4 this Hank...just like Babe in the video, I also got a h*rd-*n watching it, lol
  7. I saw it Hank and now idk what's new show and new style with that...or they completely removed the boy's part, that's what they mean? Yikes!
  8. I don't think its free, as in for charity, exposing his m*nh**d comes with a HIGH price, I think haa haa. I believe go go offs is a steady income unlike photoshoots which not comes in a regular basis (though he earned HIGHER). But whatever Babe's reason, let's support him and enjoy him!!! Lol
  9. I hope their ad is like this...what do you think? Its hot that you want 2 go there, right?
  10. Very true, they maybe bad in marketing but maybe, just maybe they've got a great show or venue...and besides, I got an info that Mr. Perfect Guy is still there so I'll really check it out on my next trip!!!
  11. Me 2, I think its the same bar with the same show and same performers. I hope they just focus the ads to their boys, but I'm giving this bar a try on my next trip.
  12. Just like DJ station with the diva show???
  13. I hope I'm his doctor or nurse, lol
  14. I think the new owner is in the pic of DB Paradiso.
  15. I hope they change the pic of the boys and replace it with Mr. Perfect Guy, he he
  16. I think so 2 Hank, I thought they will go 2 the route of Jupiter2018 and Moonlight...but I need 2 see the show and visit the place 1st 2 prove if they stick 2 their old formula...
  17. The bars in Soi Twilight are relocated...mostly in Patpong 2...though some are still open til end of April (like Dream Boy)...
  18. Anyone been 2 New Dreamboy Paradiso in Patpong 2?
  19. And that will make me go back 2 Moonlight, lol
  20. Dream Boy Paradiso is already opened!!! And Dream Boys in Soi Twilight will still open until the end of April!!! My only wish is that there are MORE boys and LESS divas/ladyboys in the show (though the picture shows otherwise)
  21. Actually, in Google there is a post that DB Paradiso is now open and the DB in Soi Twilight is still open until end of April...I'll post it in DB Paradiso thread!
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