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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Oh I c, he he...tnk u Vinapu!!! I'll look 4 Lao boy next time, ha ha
  2. Where do you usually see this Lao boys, Vinapu, in Pattaya or there are in BKK???
  3. Kev was right, its only 1/3 of DB Soi Twilight...but I'm more excited to see the new boys there!!!
  4. Anyone who knows please...DB Paradiso advertised that they're changing the price of their drinks which I hope is true and more affordable.
  5. Yup, ur right their price in DB Soi Twilight is pricey, only paid that once and my next visits are immediate offs, but I think they're still the most jampacked go go bar there before the news that the place will close based on the customers who go inside, mostly Chinese, and during the show, more customers are filling the place, that's from my personal experience (same experience with Boys Bangkok downstairs). But still you're right, with that price, its more justified in other go go bars like Jupiter2018 or Moonlight (with a bit cheaper drink/entrance). To me I enjoyed the show but did not watch again since I said, I only return to off my fave/regular there.
  6. Yeah ur right, the bar is still new and they're still trying what can attract a potential customer. But for me, they should have picked one of their hottest boy there wearing a speedo, oiled up, flexing his muscles and inviting potential customers...I think it will really attract customers, lol...or is it not allowed in BKK? Just a suggestion 2 the owner bcoz I was informed that a lot of hot new boys was in there.
  7. Why Vinapu??? He he...I hope there's Lao in Moonlight...or other go go bar like Dreamboy Paradiso or Screwboys.
  8. Idk, he looks Chinese 2 me, not sure on this tbh...
  9. I think Mr. Jack is big time so he really need 2 get paid based on his demand, lol. But still, its his loss since Moonlight can provide the right exposure for him, I think. Wow, Vietnamese...after trying out Thai, Indian, Myanmar (who looks Korean) and Cambodian, that's I want 2 try next time...and maybe Chinese (Babe) mmmmm!!!
  10. Actually I keep on asking that in this thread but I guess his disappearance is really undisclosed, no further info can be provided.
  11. Patpong 2...here I c*m, I mean come!!! Lol
  12. I guess don't mind the pic, they're really not good in marketing, but I got a feedback (many thanks 4 d info btw) that there are new boys in DB Paradiso which is the same level or better than Mr. Perfect Guy (more handsome/good looking & muscular/gym-fit I suppose), he thinks this are new hires so it still got a potential 4 a very good go go bar.
  13. All I can say with the pic shared by Hank..."Oh no...why oh why DB Paradiso???"
  14. And I also don't understand why they did not focus the show on their boys, they've got the widest selection of boys when I watched their show in DB Soi Twilight...there are boys in the show but they're only backup, lifters or worse fillers, I think it should be the other way around. Anyway, I just hope the management of DB Paradiso reads threads and forums like this so they know the feedback and violent reactions (?!).
  15. A condition where he is always HARD, all the time, haa haa
  16. Well, getting close with Arm and shaking hands is totally fine with me, for now, hmmm, I'm considering this maybe on my next trip and who knows I get to talk to him, a boy can dream, lol
  17. Wow, you mean I can get close with Arm there? I'll try it alright!!! Tnx again Hank!!!
  18. That's short time fee. With 3k long time, maybe but you need 2 be good in bargaining with the muscled boy...I tried once with a gym-fit boy 4k but not in Moonlight...
  19. You can bargain though for the boy's tips
  20. Wow so exciting 2 go back 2 BKK, so many new bars 2 explore
  21. Is their karaoke session fun after the show? Anyone tried it? It looks fun in their FB pics.
  22. @ least I can get closer with Mr. Perfect Guy there and cuddle more, lol
  23. Yup, that's a possibility, and maybe the other boys move to other go go bars, tnx again Kev 4 d info!!! I'll just visit it on my next trip.
  24. Oh no...I think the only reason I'll go 2 this place is Mr. Perfect Guy...tnx 4 d info Kev, but I'll give this new place a try on my next trip. But how are the boys in there Kev? I mean the selection of boys? B4 DB Soi Twilight got the widest selection of boys I've ever been.
  25. Actually I laugh a bit with Vinapu and Hank referring to different boys in the pic and on the video...but seriously, DB Paradiso really need boys, not ladyboys.
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