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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. What's the name of the twink 2 d left??? I forgot 2 ask, yeah we have our own tastes & desires, haa haa
  2. Maybe Nicky wants to have a slight different image than most boys so Lucky does the same, or maybe, just maybe he is just shy. I think I need 2 c him in person on my next trip, he he.
  3. I like Rome better, yum with Calvin Klein's undies, I hope I can see what's inside it, haa haa
  4. Mmm, yummy, delicious, lol!!!...I mean the twink on the left...any more pics of the twinks Hank...please? Ha ha
  5. And they posted vids of drag shows/rehearsals online...I think for me its a BAD move...
  6. I think its only Moonlight who tried to be different and succeed by showing a portion of their show and displaying their boys' pics/vids online. Other bars are so traditional...they won't show what's happening inside the bar and there are limited and even no photos/videos of their boys online, with the exception of Jupiter2018, but their boys' pics/vids are few with the focus on karaoke and mamasans, lol.
  7. I hope DB Paradiso's ads are like these...
  8. Just wondering, why do some post pics in Photos section when we can post it here? To maximize using the folder of Photos or does it have something 2 do with scrolling or loading the thread? It makes me wonder, that's all.
  9. Wow, I hope I can watch that, even if its Nicky's and twink's part only, haa haa.
  10. Thank you very much for this detailed comment Hank, its like as if we're in the anniversary show of Moonlight!!!
  11. Its Moonlight's anniversary so the owner really need to spend as a thank you to all the loyal customers and besides and it only shows they are one of the highest earners among the go go bars (the other I think is Jupiter2018).
  12. I'm gonna miss this place, but moving on 2 Patpong 2...thanks a lot for this memorable pic Hank!!!
  13. I think it will still be up til end of April where all bars/massage is already closed.
  14. This leaves me breathless, wait still catching my breath...Nicky!!!
  15. The guest models are hhhooottt all right, no need 4 Jack Maitree...
  16. Wow!!! Thanks a lot 4 this info!!! Its a good thing the price are cheaper now.
  17. Plus new recruits, in DB Paradiso at least, not sure on the other go go bars/massage places since I've never been there in Soi Twilight (especially Lucky Boys, where is it located b4?).
  18. I hope you can have a report Colmx...I'm also looking 4ward for this new places on my next trip!!! Thanks in advance, if ever!!!
  19. Thank you very much for this Hank!!! Can't wait 2 go there and be with Mr. Perfect Guy again!!! So exciting!!!
  20. Might as well try also this, Lucky Boys, if I still got the time and budget, lol.
  21. I've read they will really open there Vinapu, so I can still try their massage. I hope the boys still wear a white undershirt with shorts...they all look cute while wearing those!!!
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