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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Yes, most of the mbs use social media app now...but there is no thrill 2 it, that's 4 me...and this sometimes subject 2 sickness (since they usually don't have a reg checkup unlike in the bar/massage place that its required), petty crime (since they don't work 2 any bar/massage place so they can freely do it), false identity (since you don't come face2face with the boy), among others...this are only possibilities 2 happen so its still up to the customer if they want 2 hire thru social media.
  2. U guys want to know the continuation of my report, right? Here we go...I immediately moved closer to Mr. Perfect Guy and gently lean him against the wall saying "u miss me?"...he immediately said "yes!"...to which I responded "seriously?"...he smiled and to my surprise, he kissed me on the lips, wow, I kissed both his upper and lower lips which is slightly open while I can feel his tongue, omg...I leaned closer to him feeling his muscular, hard body...while our bulges was pressing hard to each other. Then he leaned me against the wall and started kissing me on my neck...I love how it feels sending shivers to my body...I did the same to him, I really love kissing his neck and even his adam's apple. Then, I removed his shirt and when its halfway removed and his arm was raised, I paused a bit and sniff his armpits...what I also love about Mr. Perfect Guy is he smells sooo good, he is hygienic and conscious to his body. I started kissing and licking his armpits, one-at-a-time while completely removing his shirt. God I love his muscular body!!!...his arms, his abs, his chest, his back, his shoulders, his everything, actually, lol...even his exposed armpits which is shaved actually, yum!!! Time 4 muscle worship, yeah3x!!! Afterwards, I kissed and lick his hard chest before moving to his nipples which I played and run my tongue to it, while pinching the others, doing it 1-@-a-time also. Then I asked him to flex his arms which are both big and bulky with muscles, veins showing up. I then run my lips and tongue to his biceps and triceps. Then, he removed my shirt and run his tongue to my nipples, both of it...wow, it sends another shivers to my body and started to moan and groan. My m*nh**d was hard the entire time. After that, I kneel and unfasten the button of his pants, then unzip the zipper of his pants and slowly took his pants down. Wow...he's wearing the undies (or speedo) that they used during the show. I touch his bulge while looking at him. He smirk and then give me a teasing smile. His bulge is really hard now. I put it in my mouth while looking at him then slowly took his undies down. His m*nh**d was so hard it almost slap in my face, lol. I ran my hand to it, feeling its hardness and its gigantic size. Then I swallowed it while looking at him, d**pthr**t which I always do. Then I started moving it in and out my mouth, running my tongue to it, I really like to bj him. With the expression of Mr. Perfect Guy's hansome face, he also like it. Then I paused and slap it to both of my cheeks feeling its hardness. He was surprised I think when I look at him. Then, raised his m*nh**d and lick his b*lls, then carefully putting it in my mouth 1-@-a-time. Then I swallowed m*nh**d again. Afterwards, I run my lips and tongue to his legs and thigh...wow, he's really flawless!!! Then, I stand-up and Mr. Perfect Guy removed my pants and undies while saying "let's shower" to which I nod. We proceeded to the shower and he soaped my body and teasing my m*nh**d, haa haa. I also did the same to him, soaping and touching his gym-fit and muscular body. He turn me around and hugged from behind, feeling his gigantic m*nh**d in my *ss. Then he turn me around again and face-2-face, he hugged me while our m*nhood pressed at each other. Afterwards, we rinsed and dried ourselves with the towels. Mr. Perfect Guy was the first to get out of the bathroom. When I got out of the shower room, I saw Mr. Perfect Guy was already in the bed, still with a hard-on and giving me a teasing smile. I got excited and horny at the same time. I walk towards the bed then...<TO BE CONTINUED>
  3. Ur right Wynter, they know they can be easily selected bcoz of their looks...but a pretty boy performing is a plus for me!!!
  4. Ur most welcome...actually here in our country, only a few got tattoo.
  5. Been busy lately and on my trip, but I'm back, with more hot, hot, hot stories 2 share based on my experience(s)...many thanks GgoBkk!!!
  6. Yup, yup...the hottest encounters...in my report...sooner than expected!!!...and also a massage place, wait 4 it!!! Ur most welcome Vinapu!!!
  7. Yup, ur right Vinapu...guys nowadays wants 2 have tattoos in them...the downside 2 that is they could no longer donate blood...if needed or in emergency cases.
  8. He is really a stunner, that's why u know him, lol. I think he's an adventurous type of guy that's why he was able 2 do the c*ck show, you can see with the number of his tattoos how he's up 4 a challenge, haa haa...but it made him really sexy, idk why, it suited him well. Wow, thank you Jasper and more reports 2 come 4 all of u guys!!!
  9. If Paradiso still does not do well, its days are numbered, the downside? All the performers will transfer 2 New Dreamboy, oh no...
  10. Oh no...I didn't see the f*ck show, is it in the 2nd show??? After the 1st show, Mr. Perfect Guy and I hurriedly left 2 do our OWN show in the hotel, haa haa
  11. Paradiso only got a very few customer as I heard from the New Moonlight who got a lot of customers...I guess its clear the audience want boys, not ladyboys as main performers.
  12. Vinapu, u will definitely enjoy the old/mature and new/young muscular boys there!!! And to top it off, they're not just parading, they're also dancing as a go go boy should...
  13. It blocks a portion of the stage that's why I sat on the leftmost upper seat where I can see the entire stage.
  14. Actually I visited New Dreamboy last weekend and you can read my detailed report about it, lol...thank you Jasper 4 d info!!! Paradiso is still open and New Dreamboy is helping by sharing the boys in parade, haa haa
  15. Same here, its not that arousing, maybe a bit, but I was really surprised by the show, so explicit!!! Btw I put a donation or addt tip so the boy who j*rk-*off will c*m, lol Well, it depends on the tattoo, my fave and reg in Dreamboy got a big tattoo on his back but its still sexy...but you need 2 get used 2 it, idk why but Thai boys love 2 have tattoos in their body...you should try to take a look of Mr. Runner-up also of Dreamboy (in my report), he got a LOT of tattoos but he still looks HOT!!!
  16. Of course I'm still sharing my experiences 4 all of u, I'm just surprised with the downvote...
  17. Hey guys, I'm back from my recent trip in BKK, Thai and I really love to share my most exciting, wildest and romantic experience ever!!! I've had my most awaited reunion with a boy, experienced going to a new go go bar as well as visit 2 a long, overdue massage place and an encounter with a new hot boy. So what are we waiting 4? Let's begin... Of course it all started with my most anticipating go go bar which is the NEW DREAMBOY in Patpong 2 (NOT PARADISO, okay? -just 2 be clear, lol). Upon arrival, I got excited with the familiar sign with a cupid design and the place is brand new!!! Wow...its a good timing bcoz the new manager got out from the sliding door and I immediately asked if Mr. Perfect Guy is still there. He smiled 2 me and said yes, then invited me 2 come inside. And there he is...with my dreamy eyes I saw Mr. Perfect Guy, the only reason I keep on coming back 2 BKK, Thai. He immediately recognized me, smiled and waved at me as the manager call his name. I smiled and waved back in response. I admit my heart pounds faster. I've been waiting 4 this moment since he is not available on my last trip. He was practicing a dance routine with the other boys and I must say he is really dedicated on performing (just like the last time when I saw him rehearsing for their anniversary show). He smiles at me from time to time after he greet me. I was so excited as I smiled back at him, giving a thumbs-up sign as I select a seat with a very good view of him. I can say the NEW DREAMBOY is sparkling new, its bigger than PARADISO, including the stage, though there is no more 2F and harness for show (unlike in Soi Twilight), although there are opening doors for the performers. Even the audience seats area for the guests is larger, but missing from the bar b4 is the gym area, though the boys workout beside the stage in front of the mirror with their dumbells (and barbell, I think) pumping it hard (WOW) and doing crunches on the edge of the seat or stage. I think they're trying to impress me with their muscles, but my sight is fixed on Mr. Perfect Guy practicing on stage, ha ha. Its given I selected the seat near the stage and Mr. Perfect Guy suddenly seat beside me as he greet me again and asked me "How r u?". I said "I'm okay" with a smile and he immediately touched me, omg, so in response I touched his muscles, he he. But he excused himself bcoz he still need 2 practice on stage and I nod as I said "Its okay" and my smile was fixated, since I'm very much fulfilled seeing him, though I'm shy 2 admit I'm starting 2 have a h*rd-*n, lol. When his practice is over, he moved closer to me, hugged me and then kissed me, WOW...and I'm not dreaming guys, this really happened in real life, lol. I'm a bit shy bcoz there are other customers already but I thought 2 myself I should not be embarrased, right guys? He puts his arms on my shoulder and started touching my body, teasing my nipples and rubbing my legs, I admit I like it, lol. In return, I started touching his arms, chest and abs which he liked, he even flexed his muscles for me. After a while, he excused himself again bcoz he needs 2 change for the show. I slapped his butt as he stand-up, we both laughed. Btw, my position in the rightmost, upper part also gives a good view of the boys changing in the locker room, he he. When he is away, the other boys still try 2 impress me with their muscles, though I can say there's a lot of hot boys, I lose count, lol. In fact, there is this one hot guy who I've never seen b4 in DB Soi Twilight. He looks like a model actually, with his chiseled body, gorgeous face with expressive eyes, long eyelashes, pointed nose and kissable lips...and he got a LOT of tattoos, only the ABS part had no tattoo, but he looks hot with a nice smile. I call him Mr. Runner-Up (2 Mr. Perfect Guy, haa haa). Then, as my cola was served by the long-haired mamasan (she's nice actually), Mr. Perfect Guy sat beside me with a very skimpy boxers, omg...and its cuddling time again!!! The mamasan told me the show starts @ 10:30PM and its fine by me, I can have more time with Mr. Perfect Guy, woohoo!!! We talk a lot of things and along with it is touching our bodies, I really love touching his muscles (even counting his abs, which is of course six-pack) and looking at his handsome face as we speak. God I really missed him!!! I asked him to flex his biceps and triceps for me to which he agreed with a smile, tickling the back of his neck and ears, touching his chest, shoulders and back, and a bit of his legs, I'm shy 2 do it, ha ha...though he really press hard when he touched me. I think he gets bigger everytime I saw him bcoz he is really a regular in gym and it shows to his very muscular body. I asked what he's gonna wear on the show but he won't tell me, hmmm, it makes me wonder, lol. And after an hour and a lot of minutes of cuddling (and bonding) time, lol, the show begins and Mr. Perfect Guy needs 2 leave 4 a moment. The boys paraded for the audience on stage. My only comment is the post (or pillar?) in the middle blocks a portion of the stage but got stairs and platform where the boys can also walk/dance. Also, to assist PARADISO which only got a few audience, the boys also paraded there, meaning, passerbys can also saw the hot boys as they switch from the two bars. Meanwhile, Dreamboys is already jampacked as the show begins, and more guests are coming. I can say the show is really hot, my fave is the part of Mr. Perfect Guy together with the other boys dancing on stage and on the platform in the middle wearing very skimpy white undies, OMG, and I saw his very masculine dance again, the hot move which got my attention!!! My other fave is the staple for go go bar shows where the boys with raging hard-on wearing condoms and parading...Mr. Runner-up was there (ahem, haa haa)...woah, he's also GIGANTIC!!! Of course I won't spoil the other part of the show so you will all be surprised guys, ha ha...all-in-all, I really like it...a bit similar to DB Soi Twilight's minus the classy, big production numbers and I prefer this since I can see more of Mr. Perfect Guy performing whereas b4, he only lifts the ladyboys or act as the leading man on the show, he he. When the show is over, we toasted our drinks and finish drinking as Mr. Perfect Guy already changed his clothes. Then I paid to the counter, btw, the pricing is as follows: Entrance Fee with Drink: 450 Drink for the Boy: 350 Off Fee: 500 Then, I give the long-haired mamasan 100 as she said thank you. After that, Mr. Perfect Guy and I walked holding hands 2 my hotel, then placing his arms on my shoulder while I hold on his other arm or placing my hands on his waist, sometimes embracing me and kissing me, WOW!!! He's really romantic, that's all I can say!!! As we go inside my room and the door was closed, I immediately...<TO BE CONTINUED>
  18. Since I got a downvote from my comment, I think its time 4 me 2 log-off 4 now. Peace everyone!
  19. Does downvoting got an effect on the community reputation?...that's so harsh, that's only 4 me...but oh well, we are entitled 2 our own opinion, no offense meant.
  20. Sorry Jasper, changed my plan 4 d next trip!
  21. Penetration...censored version, hahaha...you got better chances on Mr. Smart, I believe...good luck!
  22. Sorry, I only read it...but I want 2 find-out myself. I only had a (s)experience with Nicky and he's very good bed and really satisfied me. I'm having doubts if I can have that same experience with Babe. Unfortunately, my NEW super mega ultra hot crush (with 100% sex satisfaction) already messaged me so I'm not sure if I can still off Babe (50% 4 me? I think, if j*rk-*ff ONLY) on my next trip.
  23. No, no its not 1am, its their 1st show @ 10pm...and that was the finale...after that, I wondered among the boys who is the bottom bcoz he wears a mask during the show, haa haa. Tawan closes after that but I offed this rough-looking but cute boy and he's not as big as the other, but has the right muscles, and got a lot of tattoos all over his body. We had sex (bj and hj only) but I forgot 2 ask his name and #, lol.
  24. Seriously??? I was there on Fri night last yr and there is...the b*tt*m wears a mask and he was f*ck*d in different positions by the bodybuilder-type guy, even helicopter style...I'm not sure if its seasonal though, but their show is tooo explicit...maybe they've toned it down? Idk...
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