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Everything posted by DrimVoiz

  1. Yes, its very THICK!!! So its LONG & LARGE...and I also use * in my report on words like m*nh**d, lol
  2. Sorry but maybe I was not that wild in public...I'm not used to seeing things like that I guess...but I keep my wildness in private...
  3. Really? No hanky panky?! We had a different experience in Tawan...when I was there, I saw a boy forcing his m*nh**d 2 be touched by the customer who slips his hand inside his undies and not just touched it, but also stroked it...and from a far I saw a customer moving his head up and down beside a boy, but the view was blocked by the table and I was sooo shy 2 take a peek...the boys, crowd and audience there is as wild as Screwboys, from what I experienced, that's why I never returned there, I did not felt comfortable with the place, but I like their show, the most explicit so far, it made me blush, lol...
  4. Nope, the mamasan did not get angry, and the boy likes it, I was shocked tbh, and no, its not a typo error, 3 customers took turns on the boy, I felt so embarrased and shy with what's happening beside me, but its true...unfortunately the boy was not offed and he returned to the stage, but I think all of them give a tip to the boy.
  5. Try Screwboys...the customers beside me did not just do hj 2 the boy...but bj as well!!! Enjoy!!! Haa haa
  6. Wow, I like ur title, yeah Mekhin was still in Jupiter2018 (and be prepared with his HUGE, LARGE & LONG SIZE, okay? I seriously got hurt by it, lol)...as to my recommendation 2 boys with gigantic m*nh**d...Mr. Perfect Guy (#65) of Dreamboys and Nicky of Moonlight (though I heard he was no longer there)...good luck!!!
  7. Ur welcome...but u can also try 2 other gadget just 2 check if its okay, hopefully it will be ok asap!!!
  8. Nope Vinapu, I'm currently not having a problem...but b4 I had a problem like that, it just fix by itself after a few days, idk how, it just did, hope its okay now with u...
  9. Of course he will do good, he's my Baby Twink, lol...tnx 4 d info @Jasper!!! While boy to the left (Q) moved 2 Dreamboys, right?
  10. Same experience as mine...I very much agree 2 the artice, many tnks@vinapu 4 sharing!!!
  11. I think these rates are reasonable enough 4 me since the cost of living in BKK is more costly as compared to Pattaya which is cheaper that's why they can afford a cheaper rate there.
  12. At least its longer than shorts, less skin exposed, lol
  13. Noted Jasper...I'm only in BKK on weekend all the time and my visit in Jupiter2018 I think falls in Sun...bcoz Friday or Saturday is always reserved 2 Dreamboys, haa haa
  14. Jupiter2018 from all the bar I've been 2 got the most female audience...even those selected 2 participate on stage with the boys...but idk if the majority of the off is with girls, I didn't notice when I was there, especially on my 2nd visit bcoz Mekhin invited me back 2 my motel as soon as his part is finished, so I did not see who offed the boys. Never mind my 1st visit, my off is forgettable, lol...
  15. I think its really Jupiter2018 style to have their boys in jeans in order to set them apart to other go go bars where boys are usually in undies which I like and prefer!!! Idk but is it also possible that some boys don't want 2 be offed (since they already got a salary or share from drink)?! It makes me wonder...
  16. Maybe they're excited on what they're gonna get...there is really a portion where the boys are really dressed-up but afterwards will soon becomes shirtless then in briefs, that's exciting tbh!!!
  17. Although tbh I can't find a Ken doll among their boys, just kidding, in Moonlight there is 1, lol
  18. Their body is not yet gym-fit, I suppose...or 2 much airconditioning?!
  19. So u like Hot Twink Charlee??? He's Cambodian also...btw he transferred in Jupiter2018 then returned immediately at Moonlight, that was so fast!!!
  20. Actually, I did not notice it when I was there bcoz my eyes is set on Mr. Runner-up's big d*ck with condom on parade, lol
  21. When I was in Jupiter2018 back then, the boys paraded not in that way, but they're pausing after walking in stage, like in other bars, so their numbers can be seen clearly and most are shirtless (except 4 d twinks), idk if they changed that, maybe, just maybe that parade is just a portion of the show...
  22. There is also this energetic dancer in Dreamboy and Paradiso who is usually dressed as a cop (Paradiso) and cowboy (Dreamboy) who I think just dance and could not be offed, idk his name but he's also hot. I'm shy 2 ask Mr. Perfect Guy the name of the boy, lol
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