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Everything posted by Badboy81

  1. Maybe adjust your expectations and actually "court" the guy you are interested in for a couple of minutes to see if you get a vibe... Also, no offense but if the guy is just not that into you which definitely happens since they are WORKING, try not to want a boyfriend experience in a 30-40 minute session... Not all sessions are going to be ideal....I know this from experience but some of the things that went wrong, you would have known had you spent a little time either trying to talk or communicating beforehand.... If you pay attention enough in the saunas, you can get an idea of how the guys vibe...the ones who are clearly just there for money...the ones who are GAY...the ones who are just very hot but arent going to kiss or suck or want to hold you...etc. You being more selective is smart and if you are having so much luck on the apps and other places, just go to the saunas with no expectations...you can get laid other places in Brazil....
  2. That would lead to issues in the future when trying to go back to the sauna or possibly with other guys...what was so bad you didnt want to give the guy $25-30 dollars for his time? That doesn't seem right....
  3. I think I saw him this past weekend...there was an older short black guy...amazing body but he was obviously older than the age he told me.... Beautiful body but I tend to see guys similar to him all the time here in Atlanta I try to only pay for boys in Rio that I wouldnt be able to find easily here
  4. He still looks pretty decent... I do agree with you about the guys who never figure out a way to transition out of the saunas for a real job...Especially if they are barely holding on... The ones that still look great and maintain are fine but there are a few that I wonder WHAT THE FUCK... There is one guy in 117 that looks like an older white guy who has literally been working there since at least the early 2000s when I first started going there and he was older than me at that time...Not sure if he has a steady base of clients or what but I always see him when Im in Rio The guy above looks way better than him "There is a snag for every rag!"
  5. Sorry but not sorry that you feel some kind of a way because I made a statement... No malice was felt when I typed my personal opinions Its cool to not be bothered and not really give a care sometimes....Its never that deep bro... Definitely didn't get your point here...I may not like black guys, but you won't see me posting about in a post (I love black guys but you get the point?). ????? Feel free to keep asking me questions though....
  6. The question was not about who you met in Harlem, Brazil or Spain....it was about guys in Bangkok.... This was what was said and how I responded... On 2/28/2018 at 6:59 AM, planetime said: Most rent boys in Thailand are NOT skinny/boyish effeminate twinks.
  7. I found the apartment on booking.com but they are also on AirBnB... I dont use Jackd
  8. I put his info on another post....great older Brasiliero guy...his tent is near Rio Othon Hotel in Copa...it has lacy curtain....He is always on the beach and gives amazing massages
  9. Since when? And where? The vast majority of the ones I have seen are...tell me where they arent aside from that one place they do the live sex shows and all the guys there proclaim to be tops... Thanks
  10. 1.I stopped reading or trying to understand the content 2. I didnt think anything I said was negative but the fuck off is fine....Since I dont live off the travels of others-I travel often enough that its not considered vacationing.... 3. Again, the statement was his long, confusing response sounded like somebody else who types on long, confusing responses on here as well... Why are you so bothered?
  11. Weather was amazing as always...Beach everyday....Ipanema for the sun....Copa for a massage... All of the tourists have pretty much left so the beaches were not full like the past few months Thursday night 117 had a nice crowd...definitely less populated than when I was there at the end of December but still a good mix Didnt find anybody to connect with BUT...thanks to Grindr...I hooked up with a short, muscular Carioca at the apartment in Copa.... *New studio...very modern...nice size...comfortable for me and the snacks that came over **The building where the studio I stayed in must do rentals as well as have long term residents because I saw a mix of tourists and older people who clearly lived in the building...as I was leaving one night, I also saw a sauna boy leaving as well...Headed to the sauna After connecting with the hot muscle guys...I had a regular I met in the saunas come by....he has not moved to Rio from Bahia and lived close by...amazing session with him...performed much better in the apartment versus in the sauna 2 in one night Friday...Sauna was definitely festive and more crowded...way less tourists and more of the regular who go to 117...Still no action there but it was amazing energy compared to Thursday and had a great time....walked over to Lapa afterwards and got DRUNK and had a chicken on a stick... I had the muscle guy from Thursday come back over...Another HOT ass session...Hoping he and I can become "friends" so we can have another hot session when Im in Rio in October (unless I go back before then) Saturday the club was SUPER packed and busy....Long lines for cabins...patio and bar area all packed....guys in the hallway....great selection....NO SEX....I KNOW...I KNOW Sunday was decent...got in around 5 since I had to leave at 7 to head to the airport Hot guys....the regular that came to the apartment was there...since I wanted something new and one last bang before I left, I tried and was VERY happy with a dark skinned Bahia guy....massive dick (nice to look at) and amazing muscle ass....at first he said he was Ativo but of course that changed....there was not a huge crowd....a lot of regulars but it was still very early... Dude was amazing! Great session...totally worth the money and I left Rio with a HUGE smile and nothing else left in me...Bigger smile -Didn't check out Pointe or the new sauna -Grindr is still the SHIT...TONS of hot guys in Rio... -Prices were cheaper for the studio, food and drinks than in December -Didnt go to the WEEK...too old and was too tired for that place but I heard it was amazing on Saturday -As always, LOTS of eye candy on the metro, Ipanema (the gay beach was lacking) and Copa
  12. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!!!!
  13. Both countries are inexpensive compared to the states or Europe...Bangkok and those other Asian countries you named are just unbelievably inexpensive....Like unbelievable for food, shopping and lodging but Rio is not crazy expensive Sex in both countries is cheap and easy to come by...Im just not interested small Asian twinks... And you are right...the massages in Bangkok CAN NOT BE BEAT!!!!
  14. From what I could make up from the overly long (extremely detailed) and somewhat confusing encounter...you had a good time...Happy to hear (read) that Your writing/typing sounds like somebody else who also writes long, hard to follow encounters with boys in Brazil... FYI...Most of the guys donĀ“t steal especially if they know they have the opportunity to make more money with you and also if they know they may run into you again... Glad that you were able to entertain so many guys on here..
  15. Thanks...Ill just check them out in April when Im in Rio... Will report on 117 and the rest of the scene in Rio...
  16. Tom are they having a party for the grand opening this weekend...Ill be in Rio and would go to check it out since it is new... Any details are appreciated about the opening this week...
  17. Will this be the furthest sauna North at this time? This will be the largest sauna? Or have the most suites?
  18. $50 per night in Copa will be a DUMP if you even find that...thats really, really low, even for Rio Depending on the season and how high up the apartment is, noise should not be a problem... Also, when researching look at reviews and make sure it is not just based on location... My apartment during New Years had a great location, steps away from the beach and the metro but NOISY as fuck and I was on the 5th floor but facing the street Black out curtains...Good luck A/C and wifi shouldnt be an issue... AirBnB has some great deals going on right now... I booked for early March, October and New Years week
  19. No idea what that was but thanks to good old google...Im going to get some of that and bring it back to the states...I have some boys that would LOVE that for numbing... Thanks
  20. He looks like a little kid but I notice that a lot of Thais look young...very very young As much as love the shopping and food, went to BKK 3 times last year and will be there next month, I do not find the vast majority of Thais sexually attractive.... Last year I had sex with ONE and a half...I just cant get into how young they look OR how they are built... I prefer a man built like a man....I need someone with public hair and prefer facial hair (or the ability to at least grow it) To each his own...
  21. ROUNDS (303 E. 53rd Street)Before the Internet, grandpa types had to grab their walkers and track down hustlers in person. So they went to this faux-swellegant place--which opened in 1979--and amid the tasteful trappings and floral displays, they found love on a one-way street, and paid for it.
  22. What exactly do you mean with "pure exotic interests"....
  23. This would be a no brainer since Brazilians came from Germany, Portugal, Spain and other parts of Europe...Aside from having the largest number of African slaves coming to the shores... Mexico did have Spanish influence but depending on where you travel to, you will see more native looking people... If you are looking for muscular white men, why not just go to Europe or Canada or pretty much any state in the US, they are there in large numbers....
  24. I found this interesting article for the older gents who remember those hustler bars bars...The only one that I remember was Stellas which closed in the early 2000s Those clubs closed for more than just the mayor wanting to change the view of certain areas in NYC... http://www.papermag.com/10-sleazy-gay-places-from-nycs-glory-days-1427524835.html
  25. The only thing I kept thinking is what the hell is taking coals to Newcastle about..thank God for google I do know the saying of bringing sand to the beach though.... Since you are a seasoned veteran and know the game....I dont even have to say, enjoy the guy for what it is or whatever you he is offering you that is making you extremely happy...ing fo I am looking forward to my trip in about 3 weeks... And searching for flights for April....
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