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Everything posted by thaiophilus

  1. Cue a new thread: "how do I find a trustworthy internet lawyer in Thailand?" The other kind have filled many an Andrew Drummond blog page...
  2. Maybe not if it's the local product e.g. Sangsom 🤢
  3. May not only be the thunderstorm spending itself 😉 ...
  4. Not sure about that... Depression can be insidious and the sufferer may be unaware of it, or so demotivated they don't seek help. I don't see "some guy on the internet knows better" but "some guy on the internet suggests you might consider getting professional advice".
  5. Certainly. (Probably better still to talk to a pharmacist - they are likely to have more detailed knowledge of things like drug interactions etc 😀.) But the site I linked may provide helpful basic information to answer most of the questions that have been asked above (how long does it last, what are the side-effects etc.). It's a bit more than "Dr Google" : the information is authored by a team of identifiable doctors, name-checked complete with their professional registration data.
  6. Cialis lasts longer (something like 36 hours compared with 4 for the others) which may be why it's also prescribed for BPH. Otherwise just try them and see which has fewest side-effects (headaches etc) but also note that some of them can interact with other medication and some heart conditions. You can find more useful medical information on the Doctor Fox website. (But note that as a registered and regulated online UK pharmacy they won't deliver abroad 😕)
  7. Indeed. Two phrases for anyone who thinks it's fiction: Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng. When I first visited back in the late 1990s a couple of statistics stuck in my brain. At that time the median age of the population was around 16 years, and around 1 in 250 of the population were amputees.
  8. You mentioned islands, so you might want to note that the weather in Ko Samui and the Gulf islands doesn't quite follow the same pattern as the rest of the country. November there is the wettest month.
  9. In the UK, any pharmacy can supply Viagra Connect (50mg) without a prescription. For bigger doses or alternatives to sildenafil there are online GP services where you just fill in an online self-assessment form and a real GP signs a private prescription (for a fee, naturally). Also useful (and cheaper than the high street) for getting anti-malarials and other travel medication that needs a prescription. The reputable ones don't bombard you with emails.
  10. Because "face" is not a zero-sum game, and calling someone out is not a winning strategy in Thai culture. If you make someone lose face, you are inviting trouble. You are also perceived to lose face on your own account because of your inappropriate (as they see it) behaviour. Moreover, if you make a scene, that embarrasses the onlookers and can make them lose face too. On the other hand by discreetly signalling that you have already heard all the BS (true or not) you enable everyone to save face.
  11. I think you mean "jai yen" (ใจเย็น). "jen yai" would be "Big Jane", and you really don't want to meet her 😀
  12. It was several years ago, so my recollection isn't going to be exact. I suspect some of us first came to LoS expecting to find skilled oriental courtesans tending to our every exotic need, only to find that mostly we're dealing with obliging but unskilled farmboys. If so, this might be the other side of the coin 😀. "Very modest shop" - that's the street door in the picture. More "discreet" than "modest", I think. Inside, it's as you might imagine from the pictures on the website. Lots of wood panelling, crisp linen, elegant decorations, very spa-like. How long it lasts? probably 45 minutes for each part. I imagine if you book just the tantric massage it would be an hour or more. Earth-shattering treatment? yes and no, the therapist deliberately doesn't deliver that, which is sort of the point. The aim is for you to lie back, close your eyes, relax in a meditative sort of way, and think of England while he edges you just to this side of the earthquake, and you're supposed to tell him if he's going too far (no need, he was pretty good at judging it.) After that, you get a few minutes to relax before the conventional masseur takes over, and from there on you are in control again and the earth shatters (or not) as you wish. Did I enjoy it? Yes. If you like skilled delayed gratification and the sensation of having somebody else taking care of everything, that's what you'll get. Would I go again? Not often, but I wouldn't say "never": it is expensive, and it is an impersonal sort of experience compared with the usual massage, but I don't regret having tried it. If you don't try it, you'll never know.
  13. Qatar. Two airlines, but is it one ticket? If so the delay is their responsibility and they should make some effort to get you on another flight. If not, ☹️
  14. I said "the atmosphere they are trying to create". Didn't say they succeeded 😀 BTW membership and dress code were not required.
  15. I think Macaroni21 is correct. Regardless of how long they stay, each person arrives exactly once. Number of arriving people per day, divided by number of people on a flight, gives number of arriving flights. 30,000 divided by 200 is 150.
  16. Yes, once, because if you don't try you'll never know. I went for the package with tantric followed by a regular (HE) "aroma" massage. The etiquette is interesting: You choose the regular masseur from a lineup and are expected to tip him, but you don't get to choose the tantric therapist (I think that's the most appropriate word - he dresses more like a doctor than a masseur) and you don't tip him, so the atmosphere they are trying to create is that the tantric part is more like a medical procedure than a sexual service.
  17. Two minutes on Google would tell you what's in them. They are alkyl nitrites. Used medicinally they are a treatment for angina. Some are safer than others, but when they are mislabelled as leather cleaner, who knows what's in them? The "leather cleaner" nonsense is part of the pretence that they are not for human consumption and therefore not subject to medicines legislation.
  18. On a lighter note re. poppers: Recently I was walking past a piece of waste ground near my home and saw evidence of a party of some kind. Among the discarded beer cans and laughing-gas cylinders was one solitary party popper 🎉. I wonder if someone had heard that you can get high by inhaling them? 🤣
  19. The alcohol warning should be taken seriously, because It has similar effects to disulfiram aka antabuse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metronidazole#Adverse_effects It can also interact unpleasantly with many other substances, so make sure you come clean with the doctor about anything else you might be taking.
  20. Hot air balloons (mostly - solar-powered ones are possible) rely on fossil fuels too.
  21. Agreed. Except that "crime of any kind" includes dangerous driving, of course...
  22. Is 70 the threshold "senior" age? There doesn't seem to be a consensus in other parts of LOS (TiT, after all). For example, on MRT (quoting from memory) the wording is something like "persons over 65 are entitled to discounted travel; persons over 60 have the privilege ..." regardless of nationality. On BTS the discount is for Thai nationals only.
  23. I see. But that's only half the question. According to Immanuel Kant, is a closed bar still a bar? 😕
  24. So even by your reckoning that's at least four or five functioning bars, empty or not. I hope you'll agree that a bar with no customers is still a bar? How big is "many", and is a bar that's closed still a bar? 😵
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