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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. Maybe its my wry sense of humour - but I smiled at the 5 Euro note tip at the end. For my part I thought you handled and diffused an awkward situation well and with good grace.
  2. When I am negotiating with a lad and talking about Long Time and how much, I make it clear that I want sex at night and again in the morning. Sounds a bit clinical (although I try and do it in a light hearted way) but, particularly if its a new boy I have not been with before, this is essentially a business deal and there needs to be clear expectations on both sides - does he kiss, is he top/bottom etc. Deal concluded I can then enjoy the rest of the night with him - eating, drinking, dancing (well usually me watching him dance), etc. So I am rarely disappointed and often end up with yet another 'regular'.
  3. Certainly amongst the girl bars (yes I still have memories) there is a naturally held assumtion that you will pay more for an agogo girl for LT than a girl from a beer bar elsewhere in the town. And showgirls at an agogo even more than their sisters - that's if they will even agree to long-time. My experience to date in the boy bars suggests a similar, if less defined, distinction, in that whereas a boy from a beer bar, say in the Jomtien Complex, would be happy with 2k LT, a boy from Toy Boys in Boyztown would be looking for 2.5 or 3k. So, as with many things, how much you pay can depend heavily on where you shop LOL Others may, of course, have a different experience.
  4. Vessey


    I feel very sad for him and indeed for any family he had, It is also something of a warning to many of us of similar or older age, unfit, overweight, who head off to Pattaya to party for a week or so. For my part I tend to concentrate on getting my finances bulked-up for the trip, and spend far too little time on getting myself physically fit for the trip. The demands of trying to go from an archair office worker to a night-owling stallion often leaves me dizzy and winded. Not saying that is what happened to our friend here, I don't know of course, but a lot of us are perhaps more vulnerable to the frailties of age and weight these days than we might care to acknowledge when we are let loose amongst the boy bars of Bangkok and Pattaya. May he RIP .
  5. I am late to this so you may already have arrived? Pattaya can be quite an overwhelming place to start with until you find your feet and start to find your way around, learn the baht-bus routes etc. You dont say where you will be staying Of the three main areas of boy bars, then Boyztown is probably the easiest to find - although the drinks can be expensive in places like Toy Boys (my favourite) and BoyBoyBoy's. Sunne Plaza is fun, but can be difficult to find. The Jomtien Complex (at Home Bar is my favourite there) is a couple of miles from the centre of Pattaya, but actually just at the end of the main drag into Jomtien and also relatively easy to find. My advice would be to check out Boyztown first, and then take a motorbike taxi from the top of Boyztown to either of the other places. The drivers there will know Sunne and Jomtien Complex well and take you directly there (oh and have some small notes at hand to pay for the taxi-bikes). Enjoy.
  6. Thank you vinapu, I am loving this TR and also loving your approach to your holiday, your friends and their tips. Its your holiday and its a case of 'whatever works for you' so that you end up spending quality time with the lads of your choice. I normally find TRs without picture boring, but certainly not so in this case - you have me hooked!
  7. Tell me about it! LOL I spent far, far too much on my last trip (fun though!).
  8. Haha, the Eros boys have their own personal penis waffles available for you to lick and nibble on! Various sizes and flavours too!
  9. Oddly no picture of the ladyboy with the guy pointing at her. You are only guilty if you are being pointed-at! LOL
  10. Do you think they would accept 'mature students' there? Sounds like an interesting course to do?
  11. Personally I would be prosecuting the Peeping Tom that filmed them! LOL Honestly, what harm were they doing other than risking pneumonia, Anyhow the chances of them being positively 'identified' must surely be remote.
  12. I have just finished 3 weeks in Pattaya from mid-August to early September, and it has felt a very low, Low Season. I find it quite intimidating to wander into an agogo and find myself the only customer and the boys clambering onto the stage putting on their best winsome smiles to try and get my attention - especially when I am there just to look around. Happened several times and my instinct is just to leave quickly. There are always the one or two really cute boys who probably find less difficulty getting customers than the rest of their companions. But some really have no money at the moment and I feel so guilty ignoring them. Made up for it in Winner Boys over a couple of nights. The first time I was the only farang and I these boys were hovering looking desperate. I told the nearest boy that if he dropped his pants and showed me his cock I would buy him a drink. After a few moments hesitation he did just that and he duly got his drink. Only a flash - but he had 'earned' his drink. Over the next few minutes I was assaulted by the sight of five or six cocks being waved at me - they all got drinks. Interesting there was very definitely one 'winner boy' - although I never followed it up by taking him. A couple of days later I did the same, I was quickly recognised and the cock-flashing began again without me even having to ask LOL. Drink prices there are not huge at Winner Boys and my bins were just over 1k baht each time
  13. I agree, We all know that it is a case of cavet emptor when it comes to choosing our barfines, but why derail an otherwise interesting thread on Pattaya in Low Season by pointless speculation about the age of a boy in a photograph? And not for the first time by some either!
  14. Yes according to a couple of the boys there this last weekend, you can still fuck in the bar at Eros if you want to. Not that I ever have - well not yet anyway. Goodboys have no problems with you getting your own cock out and having a wank - in fact they will often lend you a hand to help you finish. I have done that several times - but not in 'company' - which was my point. My confidence seems to be improving though - this time next year - with a few drinks inside me, I shall probably be dancing naked around the bar! hahaha
  15. Well I duly turned up on the 23rd - things hadn't really started when I first got there, but I returned pretty promptly at 8pm and went in with two lads. So there were two of us and a spectator and a room full of lads - most keeping Mr Jackmatthew happy! LOL One of mine cum fairly quickly, and although the other took more time he got there in the end. Both seemed happy for a little mouth to cock resuscitation/encouragement every now and then (between slurps of beer). They both had a good aim and I am pleased to report that hardly a drop of cum from either was wasted! LOL So three drinks, two 300 baht tips and still change (well a little) from a 1k baht note. My cock had stayed in my pants (I am still a bit shy), but I headed off soon afterwards to Eros to remedy that and let my cock breath the free air, although several of the lads there were keen enough to give it the kiss of life. For some reason I still feel more comfortable with these public antics in Eros than I do in Goodboys. Mr Jackmatthew arrived in Eros to spectate - and show his appreciation! Haha. It was good night sir! thank you for the invite!
  16. Lets face it we each fell in love with our own cocks at puberty, but now we just can't wait to get our hands on other people's cocks, preferably cute Thai boys. We look at a boy dancing in his pants or even just walking down the soi in his jeans and we wonder - just what is he hiding down there? Will he be a grower or a shower? Will it be long or short?, wide or thin?. Will it be pretty and smooth?, or will it be all rough and vein-ey? Will it be straight, curved or even bent to one side? Is a small cock a deal breaker?, does a large cock scare you - or don't you care? Just how important is the size/shape/appearance of a boys cock to you when you are choosing a boy for the night? The only certain thing is that there is an infinite variety out there. Personally I have a horrible fascination with big cocks, ones I need both hands to wank-off, ones that almost make you choke when you try and get the head in your mouth. But only to play with, not for penetrative sex. If I am looking for a bottom I don't worry so much about the length, but width is absolutely a deciding factor. Anything too wide and I know its going to hurt too much. Otherwise I have a totally nonchalant approach. One or two lads this trip had quite small cocks - but no matter - I am happy to make the very best of whatever they have. So for me cock size is important, but not as important as the 'total package' of the boy attached to it.
  17. Vessey


    I have just returned from 20 nights in Pattaya -calling into Toy Boys almost every night - its far and away the most lively boy bar in Boyztown IMHO with some really lovely lads in there. It was absolutely my favourite bar once again for this holiday. Some nights, at the times I went in, I/we was/were almost the only customers - but more often than not there was a fair sprinkling of others. And yes, although most of the customers were the 'more mature' gay farang, there were often ladies in there - and they were spending money are barfining as well. It would seem the staff and the boys are quick to spot the potential of customers - favoured ones get plenty of staff attention and the boys are lining-up facing them and putting on their most winsome smiles and flirting away. Others seemingly just get ignored to nurse their beers alone.
  18. Meanwhile - back in the sauna - the boys are waiting! LOL
  19. Haha, we could have every THai boy in the place with their pants around their ankles at the same time LOL That would invite comparisons and no doubt some competition, I would need quite a few drinks for 'Dutch Courage' though LOL
  20. Well spotted, you were paying attention and I wasn't - my mind must have been elsewhere hahaha I shall hopefully be in town on that day - so do I call in at Goodboys at 8pm or not? LOL
  21. The Goodboys and indeed Eros are right for you. I have never been (yet) to Sansuk Sauna off the road out to Jomtien - but that also sounds perfect for your needs.
  22. Haha, enjoy, I shall not be back for a couple of weeks yet, Oddly I don't mind how many of the other boys watch or want to join in, but I would be shy of other farang watching yet alone joining in.
  23. For every Thai boy out there trying to get the maximum they can for ST/LT there is a Farang trying to pay as little as possible for the same. For me I wouldn't dream of paying less than 1k baht for a ST and 2k baht for a LT, even when (actually particularly when) a boy is desperate for cash. But conversely I would be reluctant to pay more than 2k for ST or 3k for LT. Some farang don't like to negotiate - they just pay the lad afterwards and expect them to be grateful with what they are given. I never do; I like to to agree upfront on their tip, or at least their basic tip, and indicate how they might earn a 'bonus' on that. I like the lad to walk away afterwards feeling that, at the very least, he has been treated fairly.
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