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Everything posted by steveboy

  1. LOL! Cannot stay in a place without daily cleaning because too many boys in bed cause too much trashing to linens and the room in general, which needs to be impeccable when boyfriend arrives the next day! Speaking of a complicated life...
  2. Numazu, reading your songkran report I had a mixture of nostalgia and satisfaction. Nostalgia for last year's songkran which I enjoyed very much with a fraction of your activities, and satisfaction for being content at home just reading about your doings. My head got a little winded reading all your coming and going, place hooping, foods and friends gluttony, endless water battles. I have the endurance for all that, but I would be a 50, 30, 20. 50% of the time enjoyable, 30% of it with a neutral feeling of having an experience, and 20% with desires for all that to end soon. Given the choice, I prefer to be a little under-entertained or under-celebrated than over-entertained, over-celebrated. Hopefully on return you could explain to your BF the disfavor of leaving a relationship issue in suspense... "will leave it for when you come back"... Perhaps he should either not have mentioned it at all, or have discussed it right there to completion. After all, in today's world you can have video talks for hours, and this time lost to sleep but with the issue resolved would have let you sleep much better thereafter.
  3. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Your suspicion may also come from a befuddled reading of my writing.
  4. steveboy

    Belly fat

    I rather have the sky fall on my food than my plane fall off the sky.
  5. steveboy

    Belly fat

    LOL! You would have to eat a lot of lithium and grow some internal wiring for that to work! If being driven to eat by hunger works well with you, this is fine, it can be a matter of habit. Should I carry a can of gas and let my car run out of fuel and then add it from the can? I rather refill the tank when it is half empty (or half full, depending on ideology). I also usually yield to the eating desires of my companions, since I care little where to eat outside home. A place can be as clean as an operating room, and still the cook may have scratched his itching scalp or his hemorrhoids before putting his hand in the food...
  6. I don't understand his objection either. That verse is very fitting. He might not have ever read "Don Quixote de la Mancha."
  7. I wonder if you have been born yesterday... or was it today? Why you cringe at what Christian goes through? Many of us have similar situations and we don't find much bad about them. It is a way to acquire useful experience. And then here you come, ready to step into an unknown country and meet an unknown guy who in your mind is the perfect prince. Oh, it surely is so in your mind. You may be lucky and I wish you are, but what is baffling is that you are so convinced and don't see the odds. You don't have any experience with Thai boys. Unless you are terminally ill and in desperation, you may want to set up a learning period of several years to interact with these boys before you think of anything serious.
  8. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Genes define what we are at birth. As time passes, our doing has more influence and could eventually surpass the genetic predisposition. As a skinny boy I always envied my peers with perfect bodies. Today I have good muscles and I'm satisfied with my body, while many of my former beautiful peers are deformed by fat, have chronic diseases, and many are dead. You are doing very well by going from hungry to just satisfied, without ever feeling full. One day when you are older you may want to also skip the hungry. I rarely feel real hunger anymore, and I go from some appetite to satisfied. I only get full on social celebrations with big meals (and also in all-you-can-eat buffets when I like the food and want to take advantage). My eating is not driven by hunger anymore, but by the clock. Four or five times spread over the day comes the task to eat moderate meals. So I have no reason to get hungry, unless I am out of town. I am the happiest because my eating is a NON ISSUE, and I hope it stays this way forever.
  9. There are here some who are enchanted with riding a tuk-tuk, but I would prefer to have sex with a MB even if the odds were the same...
  10. Don't they need to have their pants off to be shown in full?
  11. You are right. And after marriage, if they choose the right relationship, they won't get out of circulation either.
  12. steveboy

    Belly fat

    I only drink home-filtered marijuana.
  13. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Wine is the name of water when it has added some small quantities of organic materials. For the real connoisseurs, these little materials can make the water worth thousands of dollars.
  14. steveboy

    Belly fat

    Don't worry, no damage was done It gives me a nostalgic feeling of earlier times when to be "cool" one had to do the harmful things and be bad. How would I not smoke marijuana when everyone else was? And so I did. And I can still be cool if the situation warrants it. Fortunately I don't have to hang out with buddies every night, and instead live my disciplined sour life which I like. I just should not talk about it...
  15. Most probably your vision got subconsciously blurred to avoid seeing all the nude fat women they painted in those days.
  16. Don't worry, I did it for you. You're welcome. Interestingly, your humorous comment is easy to take seriously in a gay forum.
  17. steveboy

    Belly fat

    No. And thanks for insinuate that I have a sour face. I don't drink water from bottles. Instead I have a good filter at home. Your criticism of my life style (the very little you can know about it) tells me that you haven't found happiness yet. If you had, you would not criticize someone who gives good advice to a fellow person who can use it.
  18. steveboy

    Belly fat

    There is a lot of fun in that.
  19. steveboy

    Belly fat

    I'm sorry for your situation. I hope you don't mind that I comment about it. (it's not a morbid obsession). We all are born lacking willpower. Like happiness, willpower must be built up laboriously. The way to do this is to frequently apply small amounts of willpower, and the feeling of satisfaction from this will bootstrap this power into major accomplishments. At 63 you have plenty of time to take control of yourself, and you may need it to live 11 more years and reach my age. I have an experience I want to share: several years ago I started practicing a martial art, and one important requirement is to be flexible. This seems difficult for an old man. Another necessity is to sit on one's heels, and this is hard when one starts having some arthritis of the toes. I HATED stretching. And the pain in my big toe and knee was strong. Then I called to mind the idea of an extreme act of will. I was on top of a high rise on fire, and the only way to save my life was to walk over a narrow board to a high rise nearby, making equilibrium over the precipice. Would I be able to have the will to do this? maybe yes, if my life depends on it. So then, why not make the infinitely less act of will with zero risk, and... and do this damn stretching and other exercises? And so I did. The next day I confronted the stretching with the same idea: what is this compared to walking over a precipice? and I stretched. And so the next day and days thereafter. Today I can stretch without even thinking it twice. Now I make progress in a martial art where the other guys half my age can't believe that an old man can keep up with them... Your commitment to change your body for the better can surely be subdivided into many partial goals, like for example, change from beer to a non-alcoholic beverage with little calories (water ??). Another one is to learn to like simple food that can be easily prepared at 9PM, therefore staying out of fast-food places. Compare in your mind such act of will with an extreme act of will to save your life, and the act will become small and well within reach. A small act of will, done every day, can build up to amazing results over the years.
  20. Maybe if a tuk tuk hits something you fly out 100 meters, while with a minivan you remain trapped inside? Years ago the objection to the use of seat belts was raised with a similar scenario.
  21. Brilliant idea! A "Fantasy Island" for homosexual inhabitants and visitors (let's extend this to lesbians too). Like the Vatican was made into an independent state, this island could also have autonomy, with its own rules and regulations...
  22. Maybe they took off the fig leaves to make the following photo of the Sistine chapel: I agree that this is DISGUSTING. An uncle full of muscles but with a mini-penis. No wonder you could not see it! I know that small cocks is in the tradition of the ancient Greek, maybe this is why they died out. But in my "gay naturalist place" all the photos of the boys will be taken with their cocks big and hard.
  23. What a good idea! To promote "gay naturalism"... Maybe my inspiration comes from many visits I did years ago to the place "hippy hollow" on Lake Travis in Austin, a clothing-optional place in Texas with a beach and nearby forest to socialize, which is precisely now on Memorial day holiday celebrating the "splash day" event.
  24. I am so pleased! Years ago I had to drink plenty of beer in bars and clubs and get high to overcome my shyness and fear. Today I can write tons of conscious gibberish without one drop of alcohol or drugs. And in places where others are desperate for poppers I function well without them. Isn't it all in the eye of the beholder? I made a mental association of the model gay city with Babylon sauna, and, if you have ever been in this sauna you will find that it is built with much artistic sense. And the gay city could come closer to the Vatican if it has plenty of pictures of nude angels (or mortal boys) like Michelangelo's frescoes in the Sistine chapel.
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