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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. From your narrative I see that all 4 are equally important-wallet, attitude, good heart and language. Like people everywhere I think boys certainly felt more disposed to hook up with somebody that communicate with in their language so don't cut yourself short. Great adventure again !
  2. I spied some blue sky on your pictures so hope weather improves soon.
  3. Michael, probably you meant , if Christian would not be able to speak Thai ? My guess is , with one guy is easy to hook up with language barrier but to do 3 at one some local language must be spoken.
  4. I second that. Thank you There 's note on another board that Coctail boys re-opened in Sunee .Poster mentioned it was "sanitized", which is good thing IMHO. But I think firecat is not a fan of Sunee anyways
  5. Gold, very interesting report, good you had good time in Thailand. Do you remember number of guy from Tawan? Make sure you return, I did not count but have an impression you hooked more with foreigners /farangs / than local Thai boys. Hope you let us know how you did in HongKong
  6. great story Christian, you are brave young men with all three strangers in one room, I'm envious you had such a good time. In the past on 2 or 3 occasions I had proposal from my motorsai drivers that they will go with me to my hotel but always declined politely / and tipped 50 baht for consideration / . Now you made me feeling more adventurous, resolved not to waste chance next time it happens.
  7. 180 baht - that's gross, its 6 $, my bank is charging me another 5$ for every foreign withdrawal so total is 11$ just for pleasure of taking my own money ! And there are people who are complaining about costs of drinks in Soi Twilight bars with all those beautiful bodies to ogle. I'd rather pay "extortionate" drink price to Dreamboy than 330 baht to fat capitalists in bank towers.
  8. I'm wishing you well but if you tell us that you were disappointed at Funny Boys because boys were too muscular I still will be happy. LOL I will be in Pattaya only 2 days so likely I stick to Boystown as per what I gathered so far and I'm following your reports closely as I know from your other posts you prefer that area over Sunee. .
  9. Some disappointment for you but this is what makes bar hopping interesting, one day disaster , next day close to paradise. I red post you mentioned about WWB and guy was really singing praises so either you had bad luck or he had good one. Keep posting about your discoveries please , I like your style, if you like something you tell us why, if you don't , reason for that follows. Obviously there are connoisseurs of BBB selection as you said bar was full, I'm kind of encouraged by your disaster as I 'm one of those who like muscled guys, not a Tawan type though. Waiting for what Funny Boys discovery as quite often there's an opinion on various boards that this is the best bar. Hope to check that by myself in few weeks anyways.
  10. Thank you firecat for finding another bright spot on the culinary map of Bangkok. I agree, with constant gridlock I doubt is slowing traffic much. Yes it's dangerous but not much more than crossing street where are no traffic lights i.e. from Soi Twilight toward Jupiter.
  11. So it looks that is lots of fun everywhere but not much in Bangkok . Pong -not a bad idea to off boy and let him to guide me to fun Krathong spots before / or after / convention in the hotel.
  12. no wonder people are complaining about lack of cute boys on the beach with all that very wet water !
  13. Just discovered Loy Krathong falls during my trip to Bangkok this November. Never had occasion to be there for that holiday as my usual trip time is either May or December. Any recommendation for good place to see festivities or any place on river bank would do? Or maybe I should not bother? How about bar situation ? red somewhere that some bars in Pattaya are letting their staff go to enjoy festivities, is this a case in BKK too?
  14. so it looks that if it's raining heavily if one is in Pattaya there's no better choice of hotels than Ambiance or Le Café Royale as it's only short jump over water from bars. The same with BBB Inn and Take-a Nap for Bangkok's Soi Twilight
  15. I remember reading in one newspapers during my trip in May that Yingluck was quoted saying that government expects floods this year and it looks that she was right on this one. Not much consolation to affected people though. Hope by mid November water levels drops and sun will shine again , can't envision bar hopping in knee deep water.
  16. Which of two boys you reported on in Gay Romeo section is one with those impressive buns ? I'm glad you off to good start in LOS
  17. I'm glad you had good time in Phuket and thank you that you found time to report your happenings to us. So it looks that in Phuket they are collecting minimum tips in advance , likely they had problems with non-paying clients. I heard that some girl bars in Pattaya are doing the same . You will not see this in Bangkok. I like that your tipped guy extra if you were happy with him, always do the same. 1000 baht for taxi from airport to the hotel in Bangkok seems steep, more than twice of meter price but classy hotel is charging classy price I guess. Enjoy your time in Bangkok and do not forget about us !
  18. If he had purchased all-inclusive vacation this plus 2000 baht he had would make it possible if one feeds on streets and forgets about bars , whoring etc. But I agree that this type of spenders will not do much to the local economy and are no use for girls and boys in the trade Pattaya is world center of.
  19. Problem with neck wallet is that is usually still visible so may attract determined thieves. If I need to carry more cash than for half day need I 'm using old fashioned money belt inside of my undergarments. Baht bus attempt seem to be quite popular as not long ago somebody else was reporting the same thing. I don't think ladyboys are worse than others but it helps to be vigilant.
  20. Did you ever have this type of problem on Thailand's streets? Sure , street theft may happen everywhere but I must say in my 8 trips I never had any situation , day or night when I felt cornered and afraid I may be robbed. On another hand to minimize chance when travelling I never use wallet and when on the streets I tend to spread money I have on me between all pockets in my shirt and trousers, for this purpose always use 2 pocket shirt and 4 pocked trousers. Sometimes when watching bulging wallets in people's back pockets I think that this is just an invitation for thieves to do their sinister deed. http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/103584/maltese-tourist-encounters-thieving-ladyboys-pattaya-beach/
  21. I'm not surprised with Bangkok position but 9 th place for Jakarta, was there in May twice and certainly did not seem busier than BKK. Another surprise are Tokyo airports, Haneda is 4 th and Narita only 42 nd ? But I guess numbers don't lie.
  22. Exactly like firect said, when travelling usually we don't need all things we are carrying with us but spend more than expected, it why I mentioned that all traveler's saying. When taking money from ATM , Thai machines are charging you 150 per withdrawal and your bank at home may charge you as well so when taking money from machine it makes sense to make one big withdrawal instead of several small ones, I 'm usually withdrawing uneven amounts i.e. 9900 instead of 10000 so my pocket is not I'm not stuffed with big bills only guy selling mango on street may not be able to give change from. Advantage of cash for me is that I found is easier to keep tab on spending when using cash but some people may be more disciplined. With sight of so many beautiful bodies in the bar I'd be tempted to get carried over so when hitting soi for the night I take max 2000 with me, enough to cover 2 my and 2 boy drinks , off fee and taxi. Usually not even half off that is spent as sitting in bar is not my thing and I tend to make my off decision fast. Nice smile, my heart melts and off we go to discuss the results of recent municipal elections in Bolivia.
  23. Advantage of Thailand, one out of many , is that everything we forget to take along can be bought cheaply and easily almost everywhere 7/24, so luggage can be really light. Gold, make sure you have ample supply of cash as at the moment none of bar/ massage boys is accepting tips by credit card payment. If you are bringing USD exchange rate for 100 $ bills is better than on smaller ones.
  24. Whatever you decided please make sure you enjoy every minute of your time there, that is no time like first time ! And when you return don't forget to report how it went , what you liked and what you did not / hope won't be a case /. Nothing strange in your path as long as you enjoy beach and sea. As with every trip , take half luggage and twice as much money.
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