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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Don't be too nosy, lol. This thread developed nice as mine of information for prospective Pattaya first timers and well illustrated at that. Next time some newbie asks for advice before trip I think we can just direct him to study it.
  2. Great photos and great community service ! You have a good heart ! Will go to ABomb in Nov and extract back 200 bht boys made you paying !. Curious -did they requested that or you just thought it's fair? Is first boy Thai ? it looks like Russian to me but it may be just photo. Second one I'd off in a fash ,bar would be deprived chance to sell me a drink. I like spark in his eyes but both are stunners in my eyes and well worth the sin / and a generous tip /. Nice line up at BBB , they look more man than boy so you're right I'd be happy in BT likely. On more serious note I personally do not see anything wrong if strangers are demanding fee for posing for us, when travelling I hate sight tourists pushing their cameras in everybody's face. What you guys think? As for bar assessments nothing wrong with conflicting opinions, likely both jomtien and firecat are right about that bar as we all look through our own lenses-good example above, I'd off boy in a second , firecat was happy to take a picture and move on. So everybody can register their opinion and prospective visitors will make their own based on what they heard, or rather read.
  3. vacation after all should be vacation from everything, penny pinching included. Often in my travels I met and felt sorry for people who spent fortune to travel somewhere and after arrival they seem to deprive themselves even cheapest pleasantries in order not to overpay or haggle with locals over equivalent of 30 cents just for sake of haggling. Personally I do not see need for fancy hotels but understand that some travelers may get fun living few days in luxury and splurging on it. The same goes for taxis and fancy restaurants. On another hand I spend silly amounts on luxury massage treatments I don't even have need for other than for sake of sheer indulgence , why not ? I enjoyed Gold's posts immensely and my favorite part was his encounter with Tawan boy-brilliant idea instead of getting massage from boy why not to reverse roles. Gee , getting hot in here ! Lol
  4. yes, thank you, I stand corrected
  5. In comparison to girl bars, gay ones are minuscule minority so straight have much , much bigger variety of venues and escorts available. Hence biggest price range. Even for us one can imagine ugly street urchin from Nature Boy agreeing to go long-time for much less than 1000 if desperate while stunner from Tawan or Jupiter can easily try to extract 4000 or more for the same time
  6. Smart guy you ! And likely boys would feel better if they sense one waded in there by mistake instead seeing him grimacing with disappointment .
  7. Gold , don't worry about this. Every board will have inflamers who will be trying derail thread , gay forums are not exception. Don't get discouraged by this, it's price we need to pay for anonymity of participation. You do not need to justify your spending habits to anybody as it's nobody's business. Some people are driving fancy cars, wearing expensive jewelry, why others can't spent their money on expensive hotels, clothes , drinks e.t.c. as for point 3: it's possible that people with lots of time in their hands and good imagination and writing skills would invent and post stories just to entertain themselves and possibly others, may be to improve their self-esteem as well to show everybody how worldly they are . Again, gay boards are not immune to this. Like Italians say " si non e vero, e ben trovato" - "even if not true at least is well invented". This summer I was confined home for several weeks and being stuck , among other things entertained myself by combing through 3 most popular Thai gay forums and definitely some stories were in this category. Sample I remember: in 2006 poster is commenting as eye witness on some recent goings in Tawan bar, in 2011 the same poster is asking some questions claiming is coming back for vacation after 20 years absence in Thailand . But really where's harm IMHO? Not that I condone fiction, just trying to state that it can't be avoided so why bother to worry. Thank you for great reports and keep posting without worry what trolls will say. You should be commended as many people are looking for information and won't even bother to thank , not to mention to repay posters with even shortest trip report we so love to read.
  8. You are right about tendency of the elite to keep those positions in the family . While percentage in US is lower . as per article, than in other nepotic countries their position on the list along with Thailand, Argentina, Phillippines and Japan is more worrying as USA are seemingly old and entrenched democracy as opposite to former autocracies, fresh to the democratic principles. Eventually this will lead to erosion of democracy there and it will not be pretty if human history has any lessons for contemporaries. As for monarchic issues HM King is currently the world's longest serving monarch but world longest currently serving dynasty is in Denmark, with their uninterrupted rule stretching back to A.D. 950 with Gorm The Old enthroned.
  9. Devint, any comments on your recent Pattaya visit ? And Happy Thansksgiving / I think you mentioned somewhere you are Canadian /
  10. Even if boys type may be different type tourist in me says I have to go and see. What about GUY bar in Walking street? Any comments? Don't want to seem to nosy but did you manage to hook up with Amazing from GR , your all time favorite?
  11. which 3 bars you'd recommend firecat ? I will be staying in Boystown / Le Café / , shortlisted Funny Boys and Toyboys as must visits plus outside BT Magnolia massage recommended by "anyone" on this forum and KrazyDragon + CityBoys bars in Sunee I'm not bar hopping type , usually enter bar and find somebody smiling at me I consider offable and off we go. I love energy of big cities and do a lot of touristy stuff beside manhunting, it's why I'm enamored with BKK and never ventured further away in 8 trips, always there 5 or 7 days only in between of other places in Asia / Australia. Always skipped Pattaya as long time ago somebody judgment I trust and who knows me well told me that I would not like PTY but this time with longer trip and solely to Thailand decided to see if it's true by myself, feel energized and curious by few reports presented here recently.
  12. actually I had a good laugh at your suggestion that somebody would be contemplating stealing ladyboy and certainly tittle could be red that way, now I see it too
  13. I thought the same, I just decided to include Pattaya in my incoming November trip. So far was exclusively BKK devotee but time to expand horizons
  14. Not necessarily firecat, I like them little older and better built but I can be easily sold to smiling face. Body can be deceiving but smile usually indicates chance for nice encounter Is one of your favourites from GR Max still working at City Boys? I remember his picture with friend Donut. 5 weeks and counting for me. Great thread you started here as I mentioned before.
  15. on every Thailand gay forum you should find very animated discussion about tipping practices. below is the fairly recent sample http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/how-much-for-tips-for-short-time-and-all-night-bangkok-t29344.html
  16. sometimes we wonder what our hetero brothers are paying for their companions in LOS, this is what I found, hope some find it interesting http://www.godsofthailand.com/how-much-does-a-hooker-cost-in-thailand/
  17. This is what happens when illiterates whose English is only third language dare to start a thread. LOL
  18. On many occasions I noticed that bad weather speeds decision process considerably so it' may be why boys were flying off the shelf and good for them in the low season. What's exactly wrong with older and more muscled ? Great post within equally great thread !
  19. Take MRT / underground / to Hualampong / railway station / and just dive in maze of Chinatown streets
  20. I don't think so, writing style different IMHO. GoldMember, just ignore Beachlower motive if you still read this thread.
  21. speaking about the flood -what is the situation now ? it seems that there's much less talk about high waters recently , did rains relented a bit or simply subject lost it's novelty value. I agree with your witch hunt assessment of Thaksin case but ultimately it's up to Thais to decide in the matter, hopefully by electoral means
  22. How gay can gay out of the gay bar ? Only straight can IMHO
  23. Devint I hope you will write about your experiences in Pattaya and Boystown. I will be there in November for first time and staying in the same hotel so counting on your feedback. On CFS board somebody is raving about new crop of boys in Krazy Dragon in Sunee Plaza, you may be interested to check for yourself as well.
  24. Thank you for HongKong / Macau update . Great readings. It looks that in manscapade department those are poor cousins to Thailand and it's confirmation of well known fact. There are no boys like Thai boys. Better shopping may be but I second firecat's opinion about BKK malls-try next time. It looks that you got hooked on Thailand and it's good for both you and Thai boys. LOL Definitely will check Tawan in next trip thanks to your notes. Somehow always skipped that bar and looks it's the shame even if I'm not into bodybuilders. Safe arrival home!
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