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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Dave , what you meant bars don't make money from off fees ? Look at Dreamboys, off fee is 650, drink just 380, even in ABomb is 400 versus 200 if not 180. Certainly they are compensated for fact that boy is leaving a stage. Actually all my 4 offs / 3 boys , one twice / in Nov from Dreamboys were drinkless - had a drink night before, spied some cuties and next day just entered asking if boy is there and took him out, did not even sit in bar, no fuss. Although I understand your reasoning - if all boys are taken out then no reason to step inside but this doesn't happen too often and likely only in smaller bars. I recall somebody was reporting few years ago Nature Boys deserted after farang offed all boys that evening. Absolutely on your side with comparison to prices elsewhere - where I live it cost 20$ per song for boy to table dance , song lasts 5 minutes, so 15 minutes would be 60$ =1800 baht and body contact is very limited if any. Whole night encounter likely would be in thick hundreds. As for tips I go case by case , sometimes I ask up front, sometimes just tip him and ask if he is happy. I agree boys are seldom bringing it up but can imagine if under tipped they would. Good indication is when they ask for taxi money but at times this is out of greed, had boy in May, sandbag in bed, tipped going rate and still asked for taxi money, tried his luck I guess. Did not give him offering advice ' you got enough already' instead. If no tip is discussed we must prepare for out of sky quotation sometimes , again likely boys are sensing newbie of week knees clinent and trying their luck. Boy from BoyClub , formed Scandic in the Boyztown wanted 5000 for long time when we discussed possibility but immediately agreed to half of that which was over going rate anyways but I was impressed with his body and massage skills so felt generous. Clearly this was ' try and let's see case' and at times it may work fore them if client is fresh from the plane.
  2. This is very smart on their part to set this kind of insurance, most of them are far from families and are only their friends from bars they can count on. This is not laughing matter as over the years on few occasions I offed boys who were visibly hungry. Now I would not even think about taking boy to the hotel before asking him ' where you want to eat' and very seldom they tell me they eat already. / I just counted based on my notes, out of 14 offs in November only 3 skipped food part /. It never crossed my mind before somehow at one point I noticed that boy is hungry. We may be under impression that they have multiple offs every night but I doubt this is case for most if any of them. Bars are providing some food late in the evening but if one offs boy early he may not have eaten since morning if at all. Lots of merits are to be earned by offering them a supper. Anonone with this roof party earned probably enough to be upgraded unexpectedly to first class on his next trip.
  3. Bar will charge you off fee 300-400 for taking boy out. This charge is sure thing ! When in bar you will buy drink yourself , otherwise you will feel awkward and will be pestered by mamasans constantly. If boy will be sitting with you which is good idea so you can familiarize himself with him a bit it will be nice if you buy him a drink as well. It 's possible to avoid drink expenditure if you enter bar and immediately see boy you like , nothing wrong with skipping drink parts and just taking him out after paying off fee. This will be a case if you were in bar say , night before and already made your mind. No need for drink liturgy in such a case. As per thread above short time / 1-3 hrs / tip should be 1000 or may be more if you are happy or./and boy is unhappy with 1000 , long time / overnight / tip should be 1500 or more for the same reasons. There are two schools, one doesn't discuss money at all , you just pay going ratewhen boy is ready to leave. Second one is to agree on tip beforehand. Both options have good and bad sides so make your own mind what you prefer.
  4. Xiluzer, no need to be jealous, I'm not released from prison Rambo nor Conan the Barbarian by any means. Many massages were just that with healthy dose of body contact but without "drainage" at least not on my part. I like romantic BS like hand holding, stolen kisses and wandering hands here and there. More fun for me than just fast fuck ' you cum , I go' style Same goes with long time offs. Butterflying also helps fight fatigue with joy of discovery of new places and faces / and underwear contents / but is good to have consolators . In case you have stretch of crappy encounters is good to return for a night to safe and known pair of biceps, thighs, nuts and buttocks or may be just lips. Don't over do it and listen to your body, last thing you need is to be in BKK or PTY and discover one evening that you rather watch TV and drink alone than warm yourself with boy because 'too much of good thing" feeling. Not unknown to us if you read carefully posts on forums. And hope on behalf of all of us her that you will update us about your discoveries .
  5. When I was first time in LOS in 2001, Albury , then in soi11, was king of BKK massage places. It looks that move to new location did not serve them well. Did you like Uniman and their boys line up?
  6. I learned something new, I don't frequent clubs so did not have much idea about drink quota system. Go-go likely are on different quotas as I did not notice them being very pushy for drinks, mamasans sometimes are. But can envision they may have some quota of offs per month. 200 per drink is not the steep but 1000 would be hair rising. I'm happy for coyote and his two 1000 baht drinks but feel sorry for his admirer who spent 2000 and still went home alone but I think this happened to may of us too
  7. Coyote drink system sounds cruel but I hope somehow it works for them. Likely they are getting their cut from drink. When at X-size , Soi Twilight, had boy sitting with me during show, my drink 200 /they had promotion that day / , his 290. I noticed he got some paper slip with his drink so possibly this was to satisfy his quota, or to secure his cut on drink or may be both. Actually it would be quite interesting to learn was bars and massages are dealing with boys compensation. There are stories than mamasans are extorting portion of boy's tips or some boys in massages are freelancers only so if they don't get a client they go home hungry. At least boy at Playboy massage in Silom when got his tip from me told me that he is going to eat something because he did not eat yet that day and it was getting dark at the time, but it could be just his way of feeding himself- good meal late afternoon. When in tropics I usually don't eat anything after breakfast until late evening. Noticed few times when offing boys they were giving of 20 baht to mamasans - looked as their tip to them, not unreasonable . Looks that we agree on upscale dining- boys neither enjoy it nor appreciate our expense and as your BF comment shows -they are actually right. This brings us to another show we farangs are putting sometimes - few of them are dining enjoying conversation and boy or boys at the table are visibly left out and bored to death. Only place I saw this spectacle when in Nov was soi 4 and did not like it.
  8. yummy, have mercy on me with all this food, I'm hungry like hell and only now started cooking, as for 1000 baht drink I 'm suspicious that coyote would by much happier with water and 500 baht bill than that 1000 baht drink. Once treated my boy of the evening and myself with kind of upscale dinner, he finished everything but clearly was unhappy for some reason after we left. I couldn't figure out what happened until we had couple rounds of whisky in the room which loosened his tongue - he told me in no uncertain terms that he would be happier with street food and half of what his dinner there cost. Lesson learned and ever since I always ask them where they want to eat and to their credit never had a case that they steered me toward any expensive dining place. Wonder if others had similar experiences
  9. I just finished clearing snow as well, at least proper weather for a time of year, no global warming stories to hear
  10. Nice party place , where is that? Roof of Crazy Pub in Sunee ?
  11. I think optics of resident / frequent visitor and casual tourists are completely different on the show issue. I tested this on myself during my last trip. Attended Dreamboy, BKK show on the first evening and found it interesting and entertaining. Two week later on my second last night repeated visit after seeing shows in all other bars not to mention all offs and massages. While show was only little modified I did not have a fraction of original fun, lasted only because my boy of the night liked it. I guess boredom reared it's ugly head. Now , 3 weeks later I see I'd gladly go and enjoy show once again. So my advice to readers of this forum and opinions we are dispensing - read and digest it carefully but at end of day go and check for yourself as boy I found handsome you may see as ugly, show one found boring you may see as funny and massage somebody enjoyed you may find painful and delivered in the ugly setting. And nobody is lying , it just matter of optics influenced by the boredom or enthusiasm, company we are with at the moment or memories of the last night .
  12. I was in Bali last May, did not chase any gay life as had stopovers in BKK before and after that trip. Located street with Bali Joe bar in Seminayak out of curiosity but it was too early to dive in so did not stop there. There's another gay bar just next door to it, forgot name / Maxi? / . Went to explore stretch of Kuta beach where freelancers apparently are hanging in but did not see any, possibly because I was too early. If you are not beach person and looking for history and culture skip Kuta region completely and go to Ubud, less crowded, cooler at night, selection of tours as good as in Kuta and with lesser distance as Ubud is pretty much at the center of Bali, nice walks in vincinity, plenty of restaurants, good shopping and generally laid back place. My personal favourite was climbing Batur volcano at night, do not forget to try luwak coffee as well. Made 2 days detour to Yogyakarta in Java to explore temples of Prambanan and great stupa of Borobudur nearby,sights not to be missed , both from UNESCO list. Feel free to ask questions if you need more information
  13. Tired with all unfriendly changes to frequent fliers programs I treat miles as byproduct and usually pick up flight using blend of lowest price and shortest connection time. Interestingly to myself I noticed that with age and mileage flown I take better those very long flights and find them less tiring than say, 10 years ago , on another hand jet lags seem to be getting worse and worse. Wonder if it's just me or others have similar experience?
  14. An appointment over the phone problem is not endemic to Senso, few times in the past I tried this with various places and never seemed to work. Now if I need to make sure boy will be available I simply there and book in person, old fashioned way and seems to work. But generally if I book an appointment is with boys I delt previously with or at least saw them in flesh on previous visit.Boys usually are looking better in flesh than their pictures on the website show but found on few occasion than there's performance issue so now prefer to get either boys from line or book known quality.
  15. I'd suspect it's just draw of the luck, I booked Le Café directly with them as I use agoda.com and they did not offer Le Café. Since they accepted your reason for leaving without offering you another room likely hotel was booked full. I'm sick man when comes to accommodation and change it often even if staying in one city but prefer to book in advance , one less hassle. I like agoda as can pay with paypal , no credit card hassles and security of transaction questions. Booking.com has advantage too - usually you pay at the hotel so no problems if you need to change your plans, you lose deposit only.
  16. Visited BoyzBoyzBoyz 2 night in row in November for the shows with boys special, actually at their suggestion in both cases. Bar crowded for the show even if it was early during week , Mon and Tue. Quite a few Asian ladies present. Good selection of boys, as indicated above usually on older , more muscly side. My type in fact but did not utilize as I was already in company. Few boys seemed past expiry date but during show on both days they were sitting with customers so obviously there's demand for their presence and their attributes were prominently utilized during more adventurous parts of the show as well. I liked show and so did my boys particularly very energetic gyrations by b-boys troupe including Pat and Pong twins. I'd say, when in Pattaya place is not to be missed.
  17. When arrived in Boyztown and I was marching through the soi friendly masseurs at Copa recommended their services with call "sexy men here", no exaggeration as they were sexy with nice bulges and biceps. Visited then just before departure, massage rooms are actually in the hotel section on one side of corridor. Shower inside room, great massage and happy endings so left Pattaya happy. They open early like 10 a.m if you are on loose end with muscles in need of rub after breakfast or not entirely excellent last night's encounter as it was my case. I actually like idea of hotel with massage boys like Copa or BBB Inn as it's easy to fill empty mid-day hours or get consolator if your off did not work out as desired or left earlier than you wished.
  18. As planned visited Magnolia when in Pattaya in November. Walked from Boyztown, all 21 minutes, did not bother with their free shuttle and gladly walked as it was my first time ever in PTY. I found it easily although place is not posted on South Pattaya Rd. Big rainbow flag at front is giveaway for location. Great , classy place would be shining even in BKK as it can be compared with places like SENSO with much lower prices. Used VIP room , exactly the same as on picture above. It's like hotel room as you can see with massage and regular bed for your world peace discussions with boy. I-pad type selection, good for those who don't like line-up. Recommended Wow was not available so picked up next boy shown, Nam. Showered alone before, together after. Great , no rush massage, did not bother with special activities offer as decided to off boy long time for the night but this is another story . After massage boss himself offered me to drop me back at hotel but opted for drop-off at Tukcom area instead so first class service through and through. I suspect if longer in Pattaya I would be daily customer / I big fan of massages and like them daily , preferably twice daily/ Recommended with whole heart and I wish them well.
  19. vinapu


    Will watch Pink Butterflies on my next day off, thank you for suggestion and all hard work to maintain your blog
  20. Spent 2 nights there in November, glad I did. Room quiet , no bar noises at all, safe in the room working perfect. Room not big but well appointed. Only thing I did not like was partition like sliding door to the washroom - not much privacy if you have company and need to take a dump, sorry for being brutal, fortunately it was not my problem neither my guests. Friendly staff. Good food in restaurant with view on all soi's goings. Will be happy to return as hotel is in the middle of Boyztown action and good value at 1100 +7.5% tax per night. Breakfast not included , I was breakfasting in Boat Bakery just across 2nd Road, steps from hotel.
  21. vinapu


    Just this morning watched Philippine movie "Heavenly Tough " like you provided in your blog. Quite interesting and both boys are hot ! Selection process in spa quite similar to one at HERO Recommended to all / somehow can't paste link here / allow 1 1/2 hr. of your time for whole movie
  22. No wonder some people are calling United "Untied airlines"
  23. Keep toiling , stop complaining. Somehow you need to make some money to lift Pattaya economy again when you'll be back.
  24. This is high class, high price place according to old rule you get what you pay for at least as far as quality of place and looks of boys on offer is concerned. Massage room looked a like hotel room with spacious coach in case you want to skip massage part or treat yourself to hand holding session before or after massage. Soft music played during massage to put you in the mood I guess. No boys loitering outside, lobby pretty small so boys may be too close to comfort of some, was there early afternoon and only 6 boys available and absolutely all of them top class looks wise. All muscly hunks so I went with tallest one. Great session, great massage by Chai and lots of fun, I suspect my laughs were heard on the street. All of this comes at price , 1 hr. massage is 900 if not 990 , don't remember exactly as I took 1 1/2 hr. session but if you want your body to be mutilated by handsome hunk in the place with classy ambiance this will be money well spent. I will be back as I had eye on three boys from their website, none was available when I was there. Coming down Sala Daeng from Silom place will be on your left, easy short walk from Sala Daeng BTS.
  25. You will pass Banana on your way to or from HERO as it is in the same fork of Soi 11 and you may wish to stop there. Very informative sympathetic owner with good attitude toward his boys, on one occasion explained to me that higher minimum tip for longer session is fair for everybody, on another when praised his boy I was with two times he suggested I should try also others. Big lobby so boys are not as close which makes selection less intimidating for those who do not like in-line type of selection. Went there twice in November, first time only few boys available, second time three times more so it may be draw of luck as everywhere. All good looking Great massage, great boy , great experience, returned week later to see the same boy / Tau /, showers outside so at times you may wait in the locker area for available shower. Out of more than 20 massages I had during my trip in many places one by Tau there I consider probably the best and this is saying plenty as not even one was disappointing. If HERO is king of massage places in BKK , Banana is close to the regent.
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