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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. E - Vasilievskij Ostrov / Island / , Naval Museum, Sankt Petersburg , former Leningrad , Russia, rest I don't know , wouldn't be surprised if B and C is somewhere in Great Britain, Have mercy and stop tormenting us and give us answer ChristianPFC
  2. Do I read this correctly-second night in row and you going back to your room alone? This is Christmas, not Lent. LOL But still interesting story about Saranrom exploits, hope Christian will post his report too, this is his hunting ground I gather. Today is Christmas Day so treat yourself with somebody nice. If you on Suriwong at night you may check street trade there- in November I saw couple handsome freelancers on Patpong side near Greek temple-like building, I agree with you, compact size of Soi Twilight makes comparison shopping enjoyable and easy
  3. vinapu


    Pink Butterflies video - message shows that it was removed due to violation YoiuTube policy, Heavenly Tough, -no problem , it works at 11.44 a. m. BKK time
  4. It does not, may be this is how they do things. What is important is that justice arrived ,too late , yes, but at least it did
  5. too bad he was not there on Nov 17th / possibly was offed before I arrived at 10 p.m./
  6. Finally right thing done but too late
  7. Big question mark hanging is political situation as protests may go out of hand and either HM or army may decide to venture in
  8. I agree with your assessment of HERO, those boys are truly professional entertainers in their field and leave no stone unturned in order to find what pleases their client. And it not need to be that expensive , 1 hr massage is 700 with minimum tip 1000 but like everywhere I'd rather go with longer course and of course pay more. Only warning with longer courses / 1.5 or 2 hrs. / in any massage place - watch your paid time as sometimes they finish earlier than you paid for , in such a case I point it to them that we still have some time left and use time for quiet feeling of each other body. Getting my money worth. Nothing wrong with feeling that people paying too much or too little, we can express our opinions as lond as we are prepared that we can be challenged and accept it with grace. I , for one, thing many people are paying too much for restaurants meals and fancy hotels but it's their problem and money. Merry Christmas to all reading this post !
  9. Were your boys at Fanclub Chai and Man by any chance? Don't feel intimidated by posters claiming you paid too much - your money, your pleasure, nobody's business. And I think contrary to what impression we may have people understand this, when I reported on few occasion that I paid 3000 for long time whees seems over the odds not a single voice suggested I'm stupid or something. Chasing boys on Christmas Eve with Christian in Saranrom - certainly this is as non-standard Christmas Eve as it can be, good for both of you , I'm jealous like hell. Hope Christian will make sure you don't drink too much, I believe he is water , rather than whisky, drinker. Merry Christmas to both of you !
  10. enjoy your trip, can we expect another trip report then?
  11. When communism died and communist propaganda with it vacuum was filled with capitalistic propaganda American people people succumbed to the same way like Soviet people to communist one. Soviets were sniffing for imperialists everywhere , now Americans and not only them are seeing potential terrorist in everybody with shoes on his feet.
  12. I think is fear of travel to places with different culture and language. Most people are comfortable only in places they know and if they venture abroad it's for organized trips - not an option for somebody planning on whoring. And to go to developing country - they may have impression they will be sleeping on floor , eating fried insects and taking shower only once a week for lack of running water. So porn and hand seems more secure and comfortable for them
  13. I'm glad I can second your opinion about Dreamboys, great show, great line up of boys and friendly servers/mamasans. Said this already that unfortunately I see reason why their prices are higher than other bars in soi. So you are a saying you rather treat yourself with extra drink than a boy day before Christmas Eve? I'm shocked,must have a drink ! . LOL
  14. Congratulations, he looks like a gem. Mistake likely was made by those who offed other boys and overlooked this one. This is what I call joy of discovery, I do not ask any questions about performance and preferences, just go with my guts and see what happens. Not always works but experience counts too. If you say you never get less and enjoyed more reason for that is one : CHEMISTRY and this is much scarcer that good sexual compatibility. Merry Christmas firecat! PS. I see boy is one of those who already had motorbike accident /scar on his back /
  15. As you said , 57 soup varieties and there's something for everybody. I used to give bar wide miss and in few trips in row did not visit them even once. Recently somehow I noticed I like visit them not as much for shows , more for an atmosphere , just sitting with boy I brought with me or one picked up from the line and watching bar goings makes for good fun. May be age shows? As a source of boys massage places are where my companions are coming from by far and success rate is much higher than for bar boys . In November I noticed few very handsome freelancers offering their services on Patpong side of Suriwong, did not explore this "soup" but likely will try next time.
  16. It looks that we will have another great thread about your Thailand's exploits. Waiting for your Classic bar impression because I was not that impressed in Nov as well and wonder if it was bad luck, bad eyesight or I'm just too focused on bigger boys.
  17. As much as mood may be festive I'd stay away from all big political gatherings in any country of the world, Thailand included. Crowd is crowd and it's mood may swing out of control. So you are trying to tell me that white hair looks ugly ? Where's my baseball bat? Who has body of death? Nop or his maestro? Most important , you are off to good start so enjoy your Christmas time in BKK !
  18. He must be on and off, I visited both bars in November and did not see him in any, not that I specifically looked for him but would notice if he was present as he is muscled man and all boys were twinks and next door type. Keep visiting bars and posting your findings like you promised please
  19. As long as I'm concerned 100% agree. Making direct contact helps to fish out those who may appeal to us but we don't appeal to them - lack of smile or eye contact is good indicator encounter will not work if only one side is interested and another is doing it just for money. Exception will be real professionals , usually I see them in massage places and they are straights. They do not show much interest while in line but when chosen they know how to search for right button to make client happy. But bottom line is the same - you have a chance to see boy face to face / and a bit more / before making decision.
  20. I already mentioned it somewhere on this forum but I suspect that Thai beauty shows better in the flesh than on the photos. I'm not on GR and likes but happen to know few boys from massages websites and all of them look better in person. Wonder it others have the same impression ? I'm one of those who think that nothing helps to decide if boy is the right one better than being in bar ,had him sitting with me and placing hand on his knee or thigh. Yes it cost price of drink but who said that sin must be cheap?
  21. You are right, at not time I'd say that crossing other side of border is any better. Once I was charged duty on half full bottle of vodka on basis that I did not spent 48 hours outside of country which is required for duty free import of alcohol. I'm pretty sure that Europeans reading this thread are puzzled what we are talking about as most of them are crossing, say Germany to Poland the same way like New Yorkers crossing 42th street from Grand Central
  22. On my way from work I was thinking about PM to you as I was worried about few days silence since you arrived but now we know - 2 months , this will be long Christmas in Thailand! Enjoy every second there and spoil all the boys as much as you can afford. Your Vassa comment reminded me what I missed / where's my a rope ? / Merry Christmas to you and your boys ! I don't expect Christmas Day but is New Year day public holiday in Thailand?
  23. Best way to skip all the hassle of questions and search is to pick up another country to visit unless one is an American , than there's no choice , everybody needs to come home at times. Sorry if I sound bitter but read my post # 83 to find why
  24. My father used to say 'prostitution is work like any other but at least is not dusty'. As for effort you are not entirely right , I recall quite a few who tried pretty hard plus we need to consider that not all clients are as nice as we , posters here, are and boys need to put up with some nasties too
  25. third picture -Petrodvorets near St Petersburg, Russia?
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