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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. is chuck away and chuck wow the same? just curious
  2. This is what I'm doing but having more idle time on Sunday I just got curious if others have the same tribulations , glad to see that's the case Thank all three of you for your help, I'm not worried anymore as long as it works somehow. It has advantages as i can read the board on Chrome and bid on e-bay on IE
  3. Mine experience is exactly the same, I have Windows 7 so it must be latest version of IE. It's always nice to learn that others have the same issues, as it must be wider problem and bigger chance Microsoft will do something with it.
  4. When browsing forum using Google Chrome works perfect, when switched to Internet Explorer11 'Quote' function doesn't work, it's just the same like 'reply ' function and is not showing post I'm quoting. Any idea what is wrong with me or my computer? Worked perfect before upgrade
  5. Who said that hedonistic experience will be cheap? Don't worry , you are not alone with mainstream "conventions". Somehow boys I like the most always reject an idea of having third party involved so doesn't make sense for me to upset known quality for the sake of unknown.
  6. I did not sit there as sworn beach hater but tried their food offerings and everything was cheap and delicious. It's easy to find - Tui's place on your right and you will see rainbow flags. On your way back stop at Derby massage close to Jomtien Complex and have massage with Wat, almost 40 with body of 22
  7. wrong , at least in my case, only travel business class when upgraded / only twice in my life, on long trips thanks God/, sometimes 1 class by train if price still cheap. Travelling lower classes is better if one wants to meet local people and get a grip of how they live. As one flight attendant put it neatly- all classes will depart and arrive at the same time
  8. Bob, I don't believe you wanted to say that Like all of us he can, he should and he must distinguish between those two. Well trained professionals, well meaning friends and street wise strangers can only do and tell us that much . At end of day it is us who will be living with our choices, either made under influence of others or made solely by us because we did not want to hear what others have to say.
  9. get if off your chest, this alone will bring some relief, there were stories like yours before , zombie is right. This forum is not famous for insensitive remarks and comments - it's why lots of us are here so raise your head and not be afraid
  10. He used to be very active here but I just realized he is silent for a good while. Anybody has an idea what happened ?
  11. vinapu

    Adding an avatar

    Blame me , not kokopelli, I put avatar to make sure instruction given to you works, it worked so he commented on my new avatar, I responded and conversation kept rolling - threads are derailed from time to time , the same as every other conversation. You kind of overreacting I guess but my apologies we made you upset vinapu
  12. vinapu

    Unread posts

    all normal for me as well, all unread posts are showing in bold print, after opened it's back to normal font
  13. don't you worry , boys at Hero will wait patiently for you
  14. nice report Nikom, , how you compare price levels to both Thailand and Burma? Have you ever been to Laos? reason I ask is that in May I tossed a coin between Laos and Sri Lanka and Laos won, I went there , wonder if coin decived me or directed me to more attractive of two
  15. it means we are gearing for next round of sexy trip reports, this time from TMax !
  16. I agree, great photo, telling yet discreet
  17. don't worry about us and enjoy your holidays as much as you can
  18. Hi xiluzer, how things are going? hopefully you did not switch your visiting focus from bars to wats and churches
  19. what a contrast to depressing firecat's report from Sunee for the same night.
  20. When I was there in Nov, my first visit in Pattaya but far from first in LOS so treated myself as casual visitor to PTY had this impression : place is out of way and unless has loyal following who would bother to go there having more attractive BTown option, this is what I thought to myself like Louis Armstrong would say.
  21. Whatever happens you are in for a time of your life. boys from the same bar may work together on you but also may be inhibited to do so, in such a case you may visit more than one bar to assembly collection for your hedonistic treatment- explain to boy with possible help of mamasans what you want and if he will be reluctant to do this with his bar friends go with him to another bar to pick up boys from there . don't be shy explaining what you want , they saw and heard it all . make sure though they understand you to avoid disappointment in your room another option is 4 hands / 2 boys / massage , ahem, again be specific of what you want
  22. I think Sunee is too hidden from main circuit for wandering tourist to drop by and relies too much on residents and returning visitors, both groups possibly became bored with the places or migrated to internet sex sphere, some also to comfort of their lonely beds. Some careful readers of reports on various boards may be put off by the sleaze as public groping etc. may not be everybody's piece of cake, some people may leave that part to the hotel rooms For casual visitors and first timers Boyztown is easier to find and may be more interesting as well. from firecat's report above is clear that quality of boys is not impressive at all - everything adds up. On top of that bars may be temporarily short staffed as boys went home for New Year. Anonone's boyfriend must be gorgeous considering how often he puts himself through those grueling 24 hours flights to see him.
  23. it's likely easier to find dick experts here than Thai language ones but Bob's suggestion is very sensible one - consult local , particularly if obscenities may be involved . This is true in any language, Thai is tonal language so knowing word and when to use it may not be enough is pronunciation is incorrect.
  24. my aunt always said she had two dicks - her first husband and her second one, God let them all three rest in peace
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