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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Certainly this helps you to keep proper level of sanity, as it was said here before there's not much USA can lecture other countries when comes to politics. I like your dignified response above but not your longing for military to bring 'order', this would be justified only if demonstrators would start killing each other IMHO. Bob's last sentence is a prophecy
  2. All my life I did not realize I'm analog device, thank you for opening my eyes and brief but very handy article
  3. Thread it's well titled so those uninterested like me can easily avoid it, wouldn't worry about moving. Let Americans to have their day !
  4. Because there's no guarantee military would be any better at governing lacking legitimacy at the same time. World had it's share of rescuers in uniforms and rarely they have anything to show for it, yes they are exceptions but exceptions they are only.
  5. You guys are probably right unless he is just an sarcastic asshole. It's why we have our eyes and guts, those may be misleading too but at least in such a case we have only ourselves to blame. In fairness I must say that I have very little to complain about mamasans over the years other than occasional pushiness for a tip. Bangkokbois is right as you could see at Hero but it's like every work, boss' s ass must be kissed from time to time.
  6. 1 1/2 hr. massage I paid 900 for the house, minimum tip is 1000 per hour / which I usually tip anyways if extras are included whatever it may be /. I tipped 2000 on all three occasion last year as I was extremely happy with boy's bodies and massages If you like muscular boys I recommend Man or Chai but they have a nice selection
  7. I usually place watch on my wrist after shower so boys can see I may monitor time and I do. If there's time left over I enjoy some cuddling and mutual feeling , in fact it's why I always go for longer courses. In most cases with longer course boys are rushing less and massage is more thorough. Very rarely masseur was trying to chase me out and always gave up idea as soon as I pointed out that I purchased more time. At Hero I never felt rushed by the boy, this is high standard place although recent report from xiluzer signalizes that one of mamasans may be bullshitting.
  8. Nuwara Eliya tea is one of the best in the world, in the same league with Indian Darjeeling considered 'champagne of the teas"
  9. for you it's easy as you have private tutor in your bed, at least when in LOS
  10. I really did not have anybody particular in mind , just verbalized what I strongly believe in - stereotyping is stupid. Good you brought this subject so we could discuss politics a bit, itself subject as contentious as boys tips.
  11. I'm kind of shocked with all that BS gay mamasan at Hero was trying to sell you. It's like he wanted to discourage you from taking boys you guys fancied. May be he gets cut from some boys and is trying to discourage hiring those who refused? Once at Arena mamasan was trying to steer me from 2 hour massage using the same 'logic' , what if boy is not good etc. Just to piss him off I took 2 hours and booked boy for off next day. Never regretted It's why I usually trust my eyes and guts more than mamasan's recommendations. Usually mamasans at Hero are very helpfull. As for Senso this is what I noticed too - ladyboy mamasan was not particularly friendly but fortunately boys were. May be this is resason our favourite Man left Senso for FanClub ? This is second time you are frustrating your boys - first in the holel, not at V-Club, better work on your karma. Boy from last picture is absolute gem ! There's lots of truth in your observation that good looking boys are more interested in themselves than clients but it was rather flaw of go-gos , not a massage boys. Great report and I'm glad you have great time there
  12. which is good thing as it's sign new people are coming in
  13. may be there is some truth in saying that biggest homophobes are closeted gays
  14. Enjoy your trip home, post what you can, we are interested and need to keep forum running. Who will lift Pattaya economy now when you left? If somebody requests picture of your BF ask them when was last time they posted their BF picture. On another hand it's tickling a bit that people are jealous, right?
  15. using foul language if one does not know local culture in a minefield to be avoided. What may be mildly offensive for our ears can be big deal for locals. Head Bob's advice from his last paragraph
  16. the same way Indonesia runs on Bintang and Thailand on Singha
  17. This is much better analysis than resorting to calling Thais stupid and I agree with most of what you just said. as for coup military must take into consideration that times when coups were in fashion are long gone and it's why they are showing some restraint so far . They must weight world's opinion a bit. Amnesty plan not only irritated yellow shirts , but red shirts too as people guilty of massacres of their people would be part of amnesty as well, this miscalculation backfired unexpectedly for Yingluck and her brother , but this is just politics.
  18. exactly , did not want to say this in order not to be offensive but we need to remember that few weeks ago USA government was shut down for lack of funds to pay its way to astonishment to whole world. Will we be calling America people stupid because they tolerate this?
  19. stupid people are one making stupid remarks and stereotyping others, if we take deep look at our own societies , don't you think that others may see us and our countries as stupid ? Each country and society has flaws in eyes of others. Thailand is one of those 50/50 societies , the same like USA at the moment for example. They are many countries where politicians wrecked them to applause of general population - look at European history of XX century and figures like Hitler or Milosevic and their legacy, both were greatly supported by their own people
  20. see shyatfirst, consolations are flowing from right, left and center
  21. Likely he wants to keep his BKK post without getting acquainted with penal system like happened to few others in not so distant past.
  22. Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Indonesia are cheap countries to travel but I have no idea about process of obtaining Thai visa from there. Vietnam visa may be expensive, other 4 is 20 -25 $, check if you need visa for Indonesia as German. I'd pick up Cambodia out of those 5 but all of them are worth trouble and expense Hope others on the forum will be more helpful.
  23. no, prefer one on one intimacies specially with boys of Hero quality / I'm not much into twinks / but had lots of fun and I mean literally fun with 4 hands massage I had at GuySpa, Sukhumvit soi 19, acting on bkkmfj advice during my recent trip
  24. I look at it as quite dangerous job, going with strangers of unknown health status to unknown places in order to conduct business. Will never forget terror in eyes of diminutive boy offed by farang five times his weight from one of soi Twilight bars few years ago. It turned out well though, next day I saw boy happy back in his bar, bought him a drink and asked how farang was- it turned he just wanted sleep companion. But that look of boy's face night before stays with my memory.
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