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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. sorry for being stupid but what exactly "modern concept hotel room " is , I'm asking serious question not pulling anybody's leg
  2. another one to steal few kisses from. small twinks at times deliver surprisingly strong massage as they are not afraid to use their physical strength in full while big boys are too gently at times , like afraid to use their strength, at least this is my theory This is understandable that massage places wants kick back from boys if they are leaving during business hours as they could land a paying client if they did not leave. Usually they charge off fee equivalent of 1 1/2 - 2 hour massage. Arena on two occasions let me take boy off without fee but it was late during day and I already had massage on premises that day, once with the same boy , second time with different one. ,
  3. This I do not quite believe - if this is a case why you tormenting yourself living in Pattaya?. You see this scene 8 days a week , 25 hours a day there. What about not that skinny, grey haired with bald spot on the top of head , not yet retired, neither retarded, men with boy in mid-twenties? Just making sure I'd not disgust you.
  4. Which one, OP, chicolby's or mine ? Be kind to fellow posters, no need to like posts but no need to name calling them either. I found OP pretty close to reality. Once in the bed with boy exclaiming " I lub you" I pointed at his soft at the time dick and told him ' liar" - we both had a good laugh. On another hand when in the middle of the night boy waked up, kissed me with " I like you" , turned back to his sleep in previous position I took it for a face value and rewarded him nicely with extra tip and quite a few off in the future even if I generally butterfly.
  5. We know what we are coming for to Thailand and boys know why we are coming as well, rest is just a game. Farang on 2-3 weeks vacations claiming he is in search of long time boyfriend is kidding himself only providing he believes this illusion and should not expect boy to believe such claims. No wonder boys are not falling into it and trying to mine situation as long as it lasts. Not that I think milking farang out of his money is right but are farangs allowing themselves to be fleeced out of their money really good material for long term commitment?
  6. I like his hairstyle. Thanks God he found you as he is in great need to his jeans LOL
  7. vinapu

    Bangkok Shutdown

    Are you sure you don't overreacting?
  8. Usually it is us who invite them for drink , not other way around, so why they should pay ?. When we meet out nephew or niece in the mall who buys ice cream? Likely us, right because we are older and considered more affluent? One of my boys in November on our way to hotel stopped at Family Mart to buy smokes and picked up also 2 bottles of Chang for us. It was nice. Sure some cynic may say that he knew what his tip will be so could afford it but I don't look at this that way.
  9. No reason for them to worry as they grow older, as soon as you stop liking them at mid-twenties me and few others here will gladly pick up the baton or whatever this thing is called.
  10. Here too, we pay our taxes and deserve to have proper weather in winter
  11. In defense of SpermAholic I need to say that none on those laboriously collected quotations from his advances indicates in any way that he has in mind young Thais or young boys at all , I was under impression he is not picky at all as of age and race of his prospective entertainers. If convicted thief tells to all who listen that theft is immoral and criminal it's still valuable moral guidance albeit we may doubt it's sincerity. As for boys, personally subject of this thread is pure theory for me as I like them visibly older and meatier than recent high school graduates
  12. Don't look for compassion from me, -21 Celcius at this moment here
  13. vinapu

    Bangkok Shutdown

    enjoy your trip and don't forget to report a bit here
  14. Easy but very unpleasant to all involved, probably better idea is to fleece them deeper and closer to skin explaining that this is a price of avoidance such unpleasantries. It worked for most of 20 century , after all it was not communists who established in public health service in England, worker compensation in Canada or Social Security pensions in the USA.
  15. Possibly because tipping boy 1000 for having a coffee is act of charity and is not much harm in drinking coffee with stranger. Having sex with the same stranger bears possibility of harm / STC , unwanted pregnacy in case of girls / which requires an assessment by mature person , hence age restriction by law , common sense, cultural norms and moral obligations. I don't think SpermAholic is alone in his oppinion
  16. pretty common affliction, most famous directionally challenged person in history is Columbus, set-off for India, forgot his GPS and landed in Bahamas instead
  17. I'd gladly pay 1000 baht just to steal few kisses from him, lucky you
  18. If we are so smart and others are so stupid why we are asking for directions, wouldn't be easier to find things for ourselves? On more serious note inability to read map comes from lack of education on the subject as beermaker noted and is quite common everywhere, test your aunt like Alexx did and you will discover. But thank you for creating thread as it brought very interesting responses
  19. vinapu

    Bangkok Shutdown

    hopefully firecat or travellerdave will respond as they are in PATTAYA right now I believe
  20. exactly, exactly, chances somebody fall for our beauty aren't that big unless supported by the bulge of wallet
  21. Morality and law aside, do people realize how child molesters are treated by prison population :? It's like standing whole sentence with firing squad in the back.
  22. so you are saying that having a coffee and having a sex are the same or similar things? forget about age, if we re-phrase this question : so "old men 'having a coffee with his sister / mother is OK but sex is not ? how we answer? do we really need to seek guidance on such a question, in Thailand or elsewhere. I'm not sure I understood quoted statement correctly
  23. That's right and some have guts to ask if Thais are smart people, right?
  24. Christian, missing but not forgotten. Thank you for bringing it up. In May I spied very handsome masseur at Lomchoey and In November tried to go there but cute Kao from Magic Hands , few steps before Lomchoey stole the show, could not resist and never regretted. For those not familiar with BKK soi Ngham Duplee is where famous Malaysia Hotel is.
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