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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. certainly He felt deeply connected to forums he participated and moderated since arranged for all those e-mails to be sent after his death. RIP jinks
  2. jealousy I guess, love tends to be imperialistic
  3. enjoy while it lasts ! nothing wrong in being old , look at the alternative -dying young
  4. that's very uplifting hope somebody will update us of how stabbed boy is doing and reports in near future that he recovered
  5. Mikkes69, look at bright side, sex was great and by your own admission money given to him was not that much to you, I'd say lucky you on both accounts. You are not first one taken for a ride and will be many more, may be that's the price some people need to pay for buying nice illusions, cherish memories of bed activities with him and move on. Nice revenge you took by posting his review in he GR section. At least you contributed a bit to more just distribution of world's wealth I agree with williewillie, it seems nobody learns, everybody thinks his boy / girlfriend is different.
  6. vinapu

    LOS visit

    yes , some report would be nice as we did not have one for a while
  7. I'd say I rather die old with shrinked dick than young with full sized, thanks God, dying young option no longer being available for me. What I find amusing is that ChristianPFC initiated discussion about dick size while by his own admission size is not important to him when selecting boys, I belong to the same sect by the way. nevertheless I found bkkmfj's findings interesting, thank you
  8. vinapu

    Bangkok Shutdown

    I hope last three members will post some reports of their adventures as we did not have any trip reports recently
  9. I collect miles but actual accrual was never reason for me to fly particular airline. While flying to Thailand I'm looking for best connection and then price, if I get some miles, good, if not - I'm not worried. In 9 trips there used 8 different airlines, only Thai Air repeated.
  10. Exactly, it's why i told my friend just to shrug it off
  11. no, if tempted to try , do that. If you don't try you will never know . Yes, I was disappointed at Jupiter too but I suggest go with your guts. It took me 9 trips to finally enter Tawan beacuse of mixede feedbacks, now neither very impressed nor disappointed at least now I know what I was missing and definitely will pay them visit next time, God willing.
  12. In Pattaya yes but in Bangkok kissing , groping and testing dick's hardness in the bar is rarely if ever done other then in Nature Boys. As for rushing to beat others to a hot boy I wouldn't cry if on loosing end - had my share of disappointments with hotties and like my rules - catch eye contact and generate smile, if not I tip hot boy 100 baht and move on. / I have habit of tipping hottest boy who was not sitting with me 100 bht on departure from the bar/. Instead of testing everything I like a bit of adventure - to see how it turns out. Who said that all money must be well spent
  13. I'm neither one of three above but slowly and surely getting there. It's why I like my boys as they skilfully overlook those shortcomings and for small consideration are providing me with their cheerful company. What they think and what their preferences are is unknown to me but never ever one of them showed that he is at pains being in my arms or whatever. And if sometimes they are lazy sandbags they are still there for me. As long as they like my tip even now , far away I think about them and still smile
  14. 1. make your choice of boy on stage or in the audience / sometimes they circulate among patrons or are sitting somewhere in the bar 2. make sure you made eye conctat with him and generated smile / step not necessary but will help / 3. motion boy to come over or call mamasan to bring him to you 4. mamasan will be looking for a tip / 50-100 / 5. talk to the boy, see if there's some chemistry, ask him if he will go with you, ask him if he wants drink, clarify of what you expect him to do, and how long. If planning long time / overnight ask if he is available, some boys don't do overnighters / You may wish also to clarify his expectancy of tip although some of us are not discussing that leaving to market forces. If he says ' up to you ' quite possible means he expects going rate, may ask for taxi money at end. 6. pay for drinks and the off fee , grab boy and go to your hotel or if you are looking for short time room , they are right there in Suriwongse hotel, boy will know. On my way I usually ask boy if they want something to eat and if they do ask them where they want to eat / not necessary but will show you have a good heart / 7.Close the door and enjoy your encounter 8. Tip the boy , kiss him good bye 9. if boy stays overnight and I liked him I always offer them breakfast in the morning, if they decline I escort them to the street anyways, I think is nice not to leave them alone to stares of another guests when they retrieve their ID from reception /again not necessary but if you like boy gives you chance to enjoy his company over meal with your knee toughing his /
  15. Guy could safely assume that my friend is whoring and lady is just temporary companion as they could see each other at breakfast few days in row with different companions each time. Is pissed off because he completely ignored him in this situation. I think Christian's approach would be the best, wait until they part ways or at least excuse himself if in such a great hour of need and than slip a number. If in his shoes I'd console myself with thought that others are sharing my taste in companions / I was very pleased when lady sitting in X-boys beside me told me she likes boy I was with /
  16. Them may have preferences like everybody else but still will go with ugly farangs for reason Alexx outlined. The same like us, most would be rather on vacations but still we are waking in the morning and going to work. We can only speculate what their preferences are if any, my guess would be young and busty ladies are their preferences.
  17. Welcome to the forum. My experience from may last year is the same like Firecat's, attractive looking boy of sandbag quality.Good body and good conversation but other than that he was not even pretending he is enjoying my company, after 40 minutes announced that he is tired, collected his tip and wanted taxi money. I don't ever pay taxi money but tipped him as agreed even if completely dissatisfied just because he made himself available for shower together and at least was undressed all the time. Yes his expected tip was 2000, off fee 400. Despite that I will try another boy in future as body wise Jupiter boys are my type, ever optimist hope for better next time, Had one 6 or 7 years ago, no complains then but he was new to the game. I'd follow firecat advice - talk to mamasan and boy , be clear about what you expect. I'd also make clear about what tip boy expects. But my first and foremost advice is : before you pick up boy make sure you make eye contact with him and watch reaction. If he seems disinterested, be prepared for disappointmnet -this was my fault last time. If he seems interested making eye contact or even better - smiling at you either motion him to come to you or enlist help of mamasan who will expect 50-100 baht tip. You will tip boy at end of encounter in your room as this is signal for him he can go. Don't be discouraged by both firecat's and my comments as you may be looking for something different, as I said despite last time failure I'd try Jupiter again. In my opinion their show is best of all BKK bars and boys most handsome. If meeting will not turn out as you expect just chalk it off to experience. Move on across the street to soi Twilight where your have 7 go-go bars at your disposal . Dreamboys have selection quite close to one at Jupiter but is also most expensive. Good luck and have fun.
  18. vinapu

    Bangkok Shutdown

    I agree with you, don't want to sound argumentative though but I'm pretty sure that quite a few backpacking types seen camping at night in airports world over are ones waiting for cheaper options in the morning. Usually more money at disposal means shorter vacations so we don't want to waste precious holiday time waiting for transport to save few bucks but younger and older crowd may calculate quite differently. And location matters too, its easy to splurge in Thailand but if one is landing late in say, London , UK may be more inclined to wait for train / bus however long it may take in order to save 100 pounds if not more I was told.
  19. An interesting case was presented to me by straight friend whoring in the Sukhumvit area. In the morning during breakfast with his last night's lady another patron of hotel's restaurant came and slipped her piece of paper with phone number , presumably his, without excusing himself and no words were exchanged. My friend saw this guy in a the same hotel entertaining ladies in preceding days so motive is obvious and kettle is calling pot black as guy saw him in different company every day but he still is incensed by this behavior. I told him to calm down and shrug it off as he did not have an intention to keep lady past breakfast and should be happy for her. 1. What do you guys think? 2. Did something similar ever happened to you at either end? To answer my own question, I wouldn't have any problem if in my friend shoes but wouldn't dare to intercept somebody's meeting in a way other guy did, would be rather waiting for moment when they part ways. Did not have a case like that personally but have two cases of snatching boys, both at BBB Inn. One in the lobby last Nov when typing report for this forum saw farang picking up boy for massage, hour later he left grinning so I decided to hire the same boy still warm so to speak. Second one few years back saw boy visibly distraught leaving room on my floor with big slam of door, since he was attractive I decided to be immediate consolation and invited him to my room. Never learned what happened other then ' no good farang him"
  20. In sex business like in any other most of the job is done by the average people. And top performers like in any other business tend to be demanding knowing their worth and at times pricing themselves out of market - circulating opinions about Jupiter boys seem to belong to this category, which I can personally attest to , granted , based on one encounter only. Used the same to be said about Tawan boys but recently for at least a year all feedback about them is excellent. And on top of this sometimes unattractive face is attached to very attractive body / top in X-Boyz Twilight sex show for example / and average looker is very good and willing bed performer. So looks are important but only when light are on, after we dim them other attributes are coming to play good heart included.
  21. I wouldn't reject place when you don't have a choice as one of my most favorite boys of all times was assigned to me from rotation at Bangkok Massage, saw him 5 times total which is my personal best with one boy. So really we never know what happens but I agree with Christian that best way is to have a choice, not fool proof though . My worst encounter ever by far was with boy I was salivating over 2 days before I managed to hire him.
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