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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I was there in November , liked bar, boys and show and what I noticed is that during show all those older and out of shape boys were sitting with farangs so obviously there's market for them as well. I agree , they must be doing something right as two nights in row they were packed and those were Monday and Tuesday night, not even weekends. Michael, we did not hear from you for a while, hope all is good.
  2. My apologies for resurrecting old thread but we are kind of quiet lately As long as I'm concerned there are 3 kinds of bars-host bars, go-go with show and without. Host bars - easy , I do not frequent them at all although I suspect I'm missing something but not my scene. Go-go without show, if I enter, always order beer. If see boy I'm interested in and he shows he may be interested in me I call him over or ask mamasan to bring him, ask him if he will go with me, he says yes , by time he gets dressed my beer will be finished and off we go. I don't buy him a drink but on our way home always ask if he is hungry and feed him whenever he wants. If no boy takes my fancy which happened may be twice only than I finished beer fast and left in order not to torment myself and boys. Go-go with show, as I usually enjoy not as much shows itself but rather boys performing I always plan to attend full length entering bar may be 10 minutes before scheduled start. If I have already boy in tow which is often a case as I prefer massage boys over go-gos we will stay full length of show. I will treat him and myself with one drink each, if he wants another one I'll tell him that it's too expensive and I rather spend money on him that his drink, always appreciated. I will tip 100 baht one big cock performer & fuck show performers if they will be soliciting audience. On departure almost right after the show will tip another 100 baht one boy from the stage who took my or my boy fancy / I ask boy only if I'm undecided /. If I don't have boy with me almost always invite one of boys from the stage to sit with me , rest tipping liturgy is the same , boy companion will get 100-200 depending on my mood and length of time he spent with me. If at any point I decide to off my companion than I will not tip him for time spent in bar. At times I enter bar with sole intention of offing particular boy- if he is in the attendance I don't bother with any drinks , sitting etc, just motion to come , question if he wants to go with me and off we go. Usually this is a case when I offed this boy before or he was my sitting companion previously. So my answer to original question will be as long as it takes to watch the show or to finish my drink, whatever is longer. Despite quitting smoking in grade 5 smoke, noise, smells and light don't bother me at all likely because I do not spent much time in bars anyways. I rotate BKK bars and rarely visit bar more than once per trip unless I 'm hunting for particular boy which may be thing of the past and recently all this hunting for a prince did not work for me at all.
  3. for them we all are rich because we can afford to fly there and it makes sense from their point if view, time to count our blessings
  4. t0oL. I did not mean to be sarcastic, similar thing happened to me not long go, promised boy to tip him extra but did not have enough money in the room . In the morning I was leaving for the airport so he walked with me to the machine and my card was declined. I felt stupid and boy clearly cheated. But I had happy ending to the debacle as week later returned / it was side trip to Laos / and managed to return his smile to him. So send postcard to your boy to show him you still care , should cheer him up at least
  5. now I understand what my grandmother used to say ' one who gives fast , gives twice '
  6. that's not my point, simple business arrangement may be smart or stupid either depending of point of view. When offing boy, say long time , I'm buying night of pleasure in my view but somebody may be looking at it as purchase of whole night of sleep deprivation, even some of our fellow members don't do long time for that very reason. And the same goes with money invested in fake Thai BF, for some it will be wasted expense at cost of money and bitterness for others just price for getting smarter with fond memories of time together thrown in as a bonus. That's why I'd not call people stupid, naive yes, low self-esteemed yes, excessively pink-glassed yes, but stupid no.
  7. we humans are doing stupid things not because we are stupid, rather in such a cases like discussed above because of illusion that hope, mother of stupid this time will take care about her children. And sometimes she does as there are few , even on this forum clearly happy with their Thai BF. At end of day, aren't we all, spending tons of hard earned money on few hours of pleasure a day for week or two a year while on vacation in LOS stupid in eyes of many?
  8. this is what I thought when I found Foodland supermarket in middle of the Patpong, what a amazing location, just beside a bar advertising ' more than 50 beautiful girls and few ugly ones". Thank to this Patpong is place where I shop for groceries and have a breakfast / 59 baht special before 9 am at Foodland / Soi Thaniya, where Japanese are whoring for me is a place to go to exchange money as jeweler there usually has the best rates. so yes, Patpong is more than just girls and fake Rolexes, after all we have bar there too -Screwboys, right under Pavillion Hotel.
  9. I'd say business is about providing what customers want, location is important but businesses on main street are folding too. Dreamboys is in the same location like other bars , charges much more than tem and somehow manages to pull bigger crowds than most of neighbors. Hero's location is disaster at end of soi , not even well posted and without advertising and website remains most popular gay massage place in the whole BKK by far.
  10. I second your comments on Adonis, they have a nice selection of mostly hunky boys. It's kind of hidden in the alley but well posted. As for duds, they can't be found everywhere and class of establishment has nothing to do with that as can be found in various comments over the years. My worst dud in history and one of the best boys ever are coming from the same place / Dreamboys /, sometimes even the same boy turns out to be both, excellent in the massage place and dud in your room / I had two such cases with boys from massages in Pattaya on my last trip /
  11. coming from Silom soi 6 forks out at Mango restaurant, short stretch leading straight to Suriwong houses Tawan, Sun massage and Indra massage , left , longer fork is home to Super A and Golden Cock on your left and Nature Boy on your right
  12. enjoy every minute and let us know how did you find it
  13. First see who is available, try to pick up one whom you like but also who looks like may be interested in you, smiling or just nailing you with his eyes. Than you may enlist help of mamasan to see it your pick is top , bottom or versatile. I personally depend on my guts much ,more than on staff recommendation, after all you are looking for chemistry with a boy, not mamasan. You hard earned cash entitles you to be brave with questions , don't be shy , they heard it all and more but boys still may be reluctant or flat refuse to do certain things. As you are looking for new experience I'd succumb to boy's massage and see where it leads, sooner or later during course he will became frisky, some may ask you up front what you up to, some will wait until very end and than indicate willingness for second stage. For first time massage you may want to try Bangkok Massage or Bonny in Soi Twilight or Sun Massage beside Tawan as boys are outside so you can see who is on offer - Bangkok Massage is safest bet as is across the soi from Maxi where you can dine or drink while ogling boys watching porn on their smartphones, you will be less intimidated than in places where you have boys just in front of you in the lobby and you kind of pressed to make decision. In any case u you are in for a ball so enjoy and tip your boys well if you are happy.
  14. Problem with this approach may be to convince estranged BF actually to go with unwilling ' donor ' to the land registry
  15. unless I'd sense that boy speed up and shorten session deliberately I pay normal tip , after all we want them to be occupied with us , not with their watch or clock on the wall.
  16. vinapu

    Dear Mr. ATM

    I'd not blame them for trying as rightly they think if we can afford air fare to fly there 7000 baht should be pocket money and then it starts snowballing.
  17. Such thing exists so don't give up and remember that often road there is more exciting than destination.
  18. vinapu

    Dear Mr. ATM

    I noticed than my Thai boys are not getting my jokes but somehow they always get my money. No, I don't do sick buffalo, not even taxi money stuff and extremely rarely I'm asked for it, I guess cold blue eyes and tipping at upper end of scale help to fend off unwanted requests.
  19. vinapu

    Dear Mr. ATM

    wise words, in life we need healthy dose of selfishness, otherwise we may became burden to somebody
  20. I asked boy from Hero where his nickname "O ' is coming from and what it means and he told me that this is how his family is always calling him.
  21. Sometimes I think this is the best part and reason I go usually for long time when offing and longer courses when taking massage during day
  22. vinapu

    My HERO review

    Your boy is quite my taste as well, I also noticed on may occasion that Thai boys are looking better and younger in person than in photos . It must be their type of beauty which is not taking pictures well. Thank you for great report
  23. You are right about area being quiet but somehow those three remaining bars in the soi survive and hope they will until my next visit .
  24. I guess it comes with territory, affordable fees means skimping on maintenance. On another end we have luxurious and clean Senso with fees twice of Arena's. But I agree , boys there deserve better, never was disappointed
  25. I'm not sure it's shame not throwing long standing employees with the garbage as promsak suggested, may be they did the job after all ? Anyways is good to know Golden Cock is upgraded and still in the business, soi 6 always was an alternative to soi Twilight and it always good to have a choice with a bonus of cheaper drink and off prices.
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