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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Gaybutton's monkey story reminds me massive theft I was witness at Ulu Watu temple in Bali last May , several friendly moneys descended on Japanese tour and in less then 1 minute 4 tourists had their glasses snatched. Very wise warning
  2. joseph but did YOU actually heard those stories from boy or just heard about them from others ?
  3. Moral of this story is nothing new - you want stay out of trouble, stay away from 16 year olds, lucky you whole affair finished very fast before you run yourself into trouble. Good heart is not a substitute for oxygen in brain.
  4. You are right, let him go to BKK for Songkran, few day of break may actually be good for you , him and your relationship. Each part will have a chance to see how much he missed another ' half '
  5. What I found last May is that nothing kept me fresh than mid-day massage in one of air-conditioned places. Most massage places open between 12-3 so this is viable option . Hereforme is right about climate, I landed at 10 p.m. and it was still +33, be prepared for torrential rains , usually at night but it's not a bad time to visit, Problem with too comfortable hotel may be that you may be tempted to stay in your room most of the time and regret it later
  6. Welcome to the forum. You may wish to force yourself to go through my post about massages I placed on this forum after November trip link below http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/9350-impressions-from-nov-2013-trip-massage-places-regrets-and-waring-signs/ On top of places mentioned there are two within walking distance from your hotel : Baan Teva and Prince. Locals eat on the street. Across the Sathorn Convent Rd is my favorite place for street food in Bangkok but you are never from some food stall there. rest assured for both massage and food you are in for a treat in Thailand. Other posters with extensive massage reports from recent trips on this forum are xiluzer and bkkmfj, read what they had to say as well. Any questions-ask
  7. What to discuss? Singha is much better
  8. Dave, from responses in Dead buffalo thread so far it's clear that your suspicions about this just being a legend may hold truth
  9. welcome back, we did not hear from you for a while
  10. It may come from low self-esteem, some people are forgetting that cemeteries are full of people impossible to substitute. I'm with you being grateful that in Thailand we have such a great source of joy with all those willing , available and still smiling companions. As for your last dud- may be this way his way of showing he is faithful to his money showering farang. Sometimes nothing is wrong . it's just lack of chemistry. Boys I miss the most are neither shockingly handsome nor particularly active under the sheets / bar one / but I just feel in heaven with them beside me because chemistry seems to be right
  11. One of our Esteemed and Distinguished contributors in another thread wondered if stories of boys requesting money because family buffalo is sick or just died are truth or just legend of gay Thailand. Since I also never had such a request from boy either I'm curious what others have to say - did you have boy who wanted money for buffalo or you just heard it from your neighbor's best friend cousin?
  12. You may be right, I never had such request too, really never other than taxi money request. Butterflying has it's advantages I guess We will see what others have to say - thread started.
  13. Michael is right - leaving nothing to chance improves odds of being satisfied. So those who are more spontaneous and just curious to see what happens likely will be landing dud from time to time, I can live with that. No doubt boys have their own farang rating and while Williewillie is correct that many of us may be blaming boys for our own shortcomings , whatever they may be / hygiene, stinginess, bad treatment etc. / but no need to use pink glasses when looking at boys. Some are very skillful money extractors and like to exploit our weak points hence all those stories about taxi money , sick buffalos etc. Not that I blame them but not every farang landing dud has himself to blame. I have suspicion that cases 2-4 from OP from my November trip did not work for me because I was too generous with them or their friends previously and they thought rightly they bedded sucker farang . Not that I'm complaining, at least they all had great bodies
  14. So it looks that those of us who are more hunters, carefully picking up their prey and negotiating expectancies before closing door have minuscule chance of landing dud , whatever it means . Those who are fishers, rather than hunters, picking up whatever will show up at the hook have about 1 in 5 / Christian experience mirrors mine/ chance of not being happy. Since I belong to fisher category usually picking up boy at the flash and taking him off without any negotiations other than short/long time willingness I must say I'm content with 20 % failure rate as a price for possible nice surprise. It looks that fate treats me well since out of 5 boys I recall most fondly only 2 were my choice, other 3 were forced on me from rotation ,mamasan's mistake and by boy himself and I'm still smiling.
  15. Last train to Makkasan is around midnight so if plane lands at 11.30 p.m. train is not an option as highly unlikely 1/2 hrs will be enough to clear immigration, claim luggage and find way to the train / easy /
  16. I second Malaysia Hotel suggestion, this is not a dump but decent , clean while basic / tv and fidge in the room still / and outdated , hotel, room will be 800-900. Another basic option in the area is Niagara hotel in Silom , soi 6 , short walk for Chong Nonsi BTS., price roughly the same.
  17. I was asked this question in a private conversation today and when answering thought it may be topic interesting to some of us here. From time to time we are finishing our encounters with boys on the sour note feeling we did not receive full value for money or from boy's perspective- he did not receive enough money for a value offered. Somebody or both of us is leaving feeling unhappy and at times relieved it's over. How often it happens and what is the reason things did not work out ? I was kind of surprised to note that almost 1 in 5 'meetings ' aren't full value and I don't consider myself too picky, honest. Since I was in LOS twice last year and gathered quite a statistic sample here's my answer May trip : 7 boys, 2 out of 7 meetings / 28 % / did not result in disapointment: 1. boy's body excellent , massage great but his dick deformed / pear shaped / by silicone injection so whole time I spent being careful not even to look in that direction not enjoying his effort and presence at all 2. boy lazy , typical sandbag, trying to leave as soon as possible and asking for taxi money on departure, my last night. November trip : 28 boys, 37 meetings / with some more than once, one 4 hand massage / 7 sour meetings / 25% of boys , 19% of meetings /, reasons: 1. drama queen , not even undressed, sent away 2-4. long time offs interested in sleeping only at other end of bed, two of them gave me excellent massage earlier during day so obviously long time off is not their calling 5.massage great, boy interested in more but A/C level too low so I was dreaming only to leave ASAP before I freeze 6.my fault entirely - picked up young skinny twink ,not my type , wanted to try but felt I'm naked with somebody's grandson and did not feel comfortable 7. all great - evening, night, boy, body , appendage, you name it but on departure it turned out his expected tip was much more than I offered / 3000- above going rate, he genuinely expected 5000 / , no scene , we left room together but both clearly very unhappy, my last night. So as you see there are many reasons , not always boy's a fault. Another observation - on 4 out of 9 trips my last nights turned out bad , two mentioned above , earlier years - 1 boy had terrible bad breath , another was dud as well. Wonder it other's have the same experience or I have bad luck or I'm being plaint stupid and don't consider my choice of companions carefully enough
  18. We are spoilt for choice in most of those places but my experience is very different from Travellerdave above. If I have problem deciding right away it means likely I will not be happy with my choice, it's why I use wallet excuse to leave in massages. In bars is easier as you always can tell them you are for show or just for drink and you can leave as soon as you empty glass. I give myself 3 mins max to decide if there's something for me or not but not being very picky as soon as I see smile going my way usually my heart melts and service contact is sealed.
  19. in such a case I always use excuse " O my God, I forgot my wallet" while patting my pocket / which I never have on me as I don't use wallets/
  20. z909 Kuang Si comment goes with all popular tourist attractions - wake up early and arrive before bus hordes. If you think about it 'early bird catches the worm phrase " works even in go-go bar, arrive late most attractive boys may be taken or sitting with ugly farang who offs boy at first sign you show you may be interested in him as well. Returning to Luang Prabang subject another side trip are 1000 Buddha caves accessible by the boat up Mekong easy to organize, boat operators will find you. Very pleasant half day trip. If you are planning to visit Plain of Jars / recommended / taking day trip from Luang by hiring a car with driver while possible is expensive and sheer idiocy - vistas are spectacular but drive is very long and on way back my driver was falling asleep behind the wheel, with all my prayers car felt like a church. Since I'm typing that obviously they were answered to. Round trip flight for Vientiane would cost roughly the same like my taxi / 200 USD / are there are tourist minibuses available from Luang for 70000 kip / 9 usd / couple times a week
  21. Go with your guts, I personally would not trade Myanmar and Laos for Philippines or Taiwan but that's me, I like ruins , big cities and mountains, hate beaches so obviously have different preferences. Investigate option that one of hotels in Indonesia may act as sponsor. I forgot about Preah Vihar temple on Cambodia-Thai border , below is the link to thread from this forum http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/8502-preah-vihear-temple/?hl=vihar&do=findComment&comment=70484
  22. Bagan in Burma / Myanmar / , Angkor Vat in Cambodia, Luang Prabang in Laos, Halong Bay in Vietnam, Bali and temples of Prambanan and Borubudur on Java , Indonesia are world class sites not to be missed and worth a trip from even remotest corner of the world. None of those countries will ruin your budget. You need to consider visa situation but you know that already. If you pick Burma do not miss Mandalay, Rangoon and Inle lake. In Rangoon you will want visit also old synagogue, not a gem but this is not a country usually we think about Jewish presence in so you may find it interesting. In Laos Vientiane, Plain of Jars, Van Vieng and Vat Phu near Champasak are worthy secondary sites. In Cambodia Phnom Penh and Ratnakiri province are also worthy detours. In Vietnam Sapa, Hanoi, Royal tombs near Hue , Hoi An, Dalat , Nha Trang for a beaches and Saigon are recommended . All those countries are not expensive and possibly best value for money in the whole world. Do not try to rush things up as 45 day trip is long and if you are packing too much it may wear you out, weather wise is not a best time to visit but you are not coming from exactly cold country so you should be OK. Make Bkk your hub so after each country you can return , entertain boys for few days and fly away again to next destination.
  23. they have it quite often, never lasts long , sometimes they call it off even later the same evening but repeat it in few days
  24. drinks at BoyzBoyzBoyz were 200 baht in November last year
  25. this warrants another questions - are you guys getting touchy with boy on the street? I'd not hold him by any part after leaving my seat in the bar until door to my room would be closed, personal moments I leave for personal space , am I too prudish? Only once went to hotel holding hands with boy on the street but it was his incentive and distance was minuscule- Classic Boys to BBBInn, whole 50 meters or so.
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