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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I always wait for him to make first move , if touches me here and there I follow with z909 advice and brush his whatever is close . Do not get discouraged it he is dressed , sometimes you think all is done and then explicit question or gesture arrives, it seems it depends on place's policy as koko noticed. Rest assured if boy is in for more action he will make sure to let you know somehow. Do not rush things even if you are horny - massage itself is very good so let him mutilate you a bit. Some boys who are more alpha -males may be naked from the start and still will not allow you to tough them until very late in the session. It's just teasing to warm you up.l In more mainstream places he may not allow you to tough him but to me it's pure theory - heard about it but never happened to me . In all places described in this thread you will have happy ending and as you see there's plenty of them to keep you occupied
  2. best guide available: http://bangkokbois-gay-thailand-blog.com/2011/02/26/first-timers-guide-to-bangkok-gay-gogo-bars/
  3. do they offer oil or cream massage? hard to be done without undressing for fear of soiling undergarments with greasy residue. It would be nice if somebody with first hand experience from both NYC and BKK would do some comparison report here
  4. You are right, this I missed, Christian don't cut yourself short
  5. I'm may be to soft hearted but just chalk duds off to experience and tip them what I usually tip unless there's total disaster which happened only once. But I don't negotiate anything preferring just to swim with the flow and see what happens so can use missed promise point to cut tip.
  6. If you coming from USA your plane likely lads around midnight, keep in mind last trains from airport are leaving at midnight too so you may resign to taking taxi to whatever your destination is. Malaysia hotel is very good value choice but it may be too late to book at such a short notice-check Agoda. Colmx is right, hotels offer better value than hostels in BKK. If you are stuck try Niagara Hotel in Silom soi 9, should be less than 800 / night, Om Yim at 1100 is dearer but better value , both walking distance to Silom
  7. Not that it's important but I never visited that Board, should I regret I miss something or rather not?
  8. Can you really have 1 -1 1/2 hr massage with 2 naked guys for 90$ in NYC? Just asking Yes 1500 tip per guy will include full monty providing chemistry will be right
  9. don't worry about transportation at night, Bangkok is one of those cities who never sleep Public transport stops around midnight but taxis are available round clock and don't cost a fortune, jus make sure they turn meter on or if they refuse wait for next one. In May during torrential rain at 4 a.m. it took only 2 minutes for taxi to appear, go figure
  10. one boy is fucking girl while another boy is watching TV I guess that's mixed threesome
  11. I failed to recognize female but console myself that in any case my choice would be number 1 , one in dark glasses. thank you z909 for very entertaining thread
  12. enjoy your trip whenever you are going, why anybody can get heated about such a subject like changing ownership of Ambiance beats me
  13. I had it too, short of baht at night tipped boy 100 USD, Week later offed him again and he was still holding to that bill and asked it I can exchange for 3000 baht, rate then was close to 32 so it was loss to him of almost 200 bht. I'm not aware about any restrictions for Thais to change money and we me twice before so I doubt he suspected me on passing him fake bill but I was new type of 100 $ so may be he thought is not genuine or not American.
  14. Right, we don't even know how our own ass looks like
  15. So which hotel you finally picked up? Planning vacation is almost as exciting like vacations itself but don't over do it , whatever you will do in Bangkok you will never be bored Chatuchak is only worth visiting on weekend and idea of going there early is very sensible as it becaomes hot and crowded as day goes. A must in Bankgok is Grand Palace and Wat Po nearby, Vinamek and Throne Hall, taking boat from SAphan Taksin BTS to Grand Palace. I also suggest Snake Farm , right opposite of Soi Twilight. Patpong is great night market and I like it at deep night when they start winding it down - lots of shirtless boys working on dis-assembly of stalls,Has only one gay bar -Screwboys. Soi Twilight across the Suriwong from Patpong is the center of gay entertainment with 7 bars and I suggest you try to visit all of them plus Jupiter and Tawan.
  16. Alexx, somebody on reception probably thought that is market for every age / I guess it's a while since you got your first driving license /
  17. I think I know who owns Ambiance now, it's owner. And I'm sure he / she likes this thread as it gives some exposure to that friendly hotel's name
  18. If memory serves me well xiluzer from this board stayed there over Christmas and reported no problems with joiners - you may consider PM / private message / him just to make sure
  19. cost of four hands massage 1000-1200 for the house plus tip for each boy 1000-1500, Guy Spa in Sukhumvit soi 19 and Hero had very good comments abouth the event recently on this forum
  20. joseph44, no need to get offended, all of us by virtue of publishing here are inviting comments without any guarantee that others will share our view of the world affairs. Inviting unrelated 16 years old to live with you is like kissing lion's ass - doubtful pleasure but BIG danger. Since when we offer our bedroom to guests if we have spare one? Thin ice indeed
  21. Unless one has some interest in property why exactly we should care who is the owner? Wheteher he is cigar smoking fat guy from Kansas or skinny wrinkled lady from Macao who cares and why? If sheets are clean and room swept daily this is what we need.
  22. imkeev, stick to taxis and public transport, if you new to Bkk chance are tuk-tuk drivers will take you for a ride either by overcharging you or driving you to places where they can get some commission on purchases you may make.
  23. only time I go for vacations with somebody is when I go for an organized trip where everything is pre-arranged and need for quarrels of what to do is thus eliminated. If you go alone you're free to do what and when you want and meet whoever you like. Particularly in Bkk when you certainly will be meeting some companions you would be rather discreet about. Few years ago I was in Bangkok with a straight friend for a week but we had an arrangements that we part our ways after breakfast and none of us will bring any companions to hotel room we shared. He was whoring at Nana Plaza and soi Cowboy, I was at Patpong and to this day he doesn't know what side of Patpong I was frequenting.
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