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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. My boy case was in Niagara Hotel, soi 9 back at end of 2002, ever since I learned about it I'm escorting boys to the hotel door if not further. As I usually take long time offs further means breakfast together somewhere.
  2. he will love you till end of his days, 20-30 would be enough but you helped with world wealth distribution
  3. For money Senso is charging they should do better. It's well known fact that condition of facility has now much to do with quality of massage - this depends on the boy and some dose of chemistry. If communication is important to you have a sit with boy in the lobby, buy him a drink perhaps and try his language abilities. Keep investigating and posting your findings
  4. vinapu

    My HERO review

    Sofitel So is one on Sathorn, you can walk to Sala Daeng BTS / overhead rail / in few minutes and then follow baobao direction. An alternative is to take MRT / underground / from Lumpini station , steps from your hotel, to Sukhumvit station, from there you can walk along Sukhumvit to mouth of soi 11 / 5 minutes if you don't stop at market stalls / or if you feel lazy it's one stop from Asok BTS to Nana / hardly worth climbing stairs to the station/ . Asok BTS is practically on top of Sukhumvit MRT, you need separate ticket though
  5. I don't think this is lack of respect. Those are mostly poor boys and even those small trinkets are of great value for them. Since they know you get them for free and consider you very rich if you stay in such a hotel probably don't even think twice about taking them although I may theorize here as raiding toiletries by my boy never happened to me . On occasion I myself take shampoo or soap with me if not sure my next hotel will provide them. Speaking tooth brushes since I like kissing I always have stock of brand news from 7/11 and invite my boys to use them and after the meeting if they want I ask them to take one they used. And carry small bottle of Listerine with me all the time as it's extremely difficult to walk along Silom without going astray to one of massage places along.
  6. Hopefully bodybuilders will return to gym and lizards find their way back to the ponds. But somebody mentioned that protesters may move to Saranrom Park and will start chasing boys from there. Hope you will be able to update us at some point as for goings there.
  7. Is not that bad as I don't speak a word in Thai and somehow manage to conduct my daily / and nightly / affairs using English only. Granted, I don't go into discussing sophisticated stuff but when I ask ' what side of bed you want sleep on' invariably boys understand what I'm asking them. People in service industry in BKK have some grasp of English and as wasanti said ' can tell farangs information they need'. bottom line advice for first time comers : don't be afraid of language barrier somehow you will be able to go around with English and wad of bahts
  8. I like General's frankness and lack of political correctness by pointing trouble making nations. Imagine some official in the West listing troublesome nations, hell would brak loose and he would be demoted to rank of sergeant in no time
  9. Tip is tip, you money , your decision. I'd not worry about overtipping and spoiling market for others, it's better if company likes you than looks for excuse to part ways ASAP after the deed.
  10. I'm happy I was right responding for you earlier, great posts on you blog recently by the way, reading them with pleasure
  11. I usually stoke fridge with my own beer and whisky and I'm not shy to tell guests what they are welcome to drink and what they are not. I rather spend 380 for whisky at 7/11 than pay hotel 700, and boy or hotel's maid will be happy to pocket difference. Less I spent on incidentals more generous with tips am I.
  12. There are 3 interesting articles about Thailand in the last THE ECONOMIST number / May10-16 /, even handed but gloomy, one is even titled "Thailand on the brink"
  13. vinapu

    My HERO review

    Imkeev , enjoy your trip and keep asking questions, it will be always somebody to jump in with answer , do not worry about repeating questions or posts , there are plenty of new readers looking for info and not all of them are combing forum for old posts. You will find somebody special as many times a day as you wish and your pocket can bear. Hero is across the letter ' y' in Sukhumvit 11 Alley" on baobao's map / great post baobao by the way /. Every motocy driver at the head of soi 11 knows HERO so it's easy but I'd still walk just to level heart beat if you going there first time. Don't worry about sweat -you will be showered by the boy
  14. Sorry ChristianPFC I was not clear , I tipped boy in the room and kissed him good bye. Met him next day again at his place / now defunct Aqua Spa / and he told me that when he retrieved his ID from reception, receptionist wanted tip from him. This is reason I always escort boys to the hotel's door. Last year I noticed at both Arena and Jupiter that my offed boys were giving 20 baht tip to the mamasans, likely this must be established practice
  15. in NOV minimum tip for 1 hr , 700 for 1.5 hr., cost of massage was the same, I doubt it changed
  16. reading last comments I just realized that riding a minibar without permission goes almost hand in hand with underperformance , the same goes with turning TV right after entry. 5 out of 6 boys I was not entirely happy on my last trip did either although the worst one actually did not , compensating for that by staying on the phone most time until I threw him out, still escorting him to the lobby as everybody else
  17. vinapu

    My HERO review

    you will like it, it amazing how place which never advertises popular is despite being in remote end od soi with no passing traffic. Start preparing template for your review for us already
  18. I' not an American but in Third World countries I always tip regardless of local custom. In Thailand I have flat rate tip system : bill up 300 - tip 20, 301-600, tip 40, 601-999, tip 60, 1000 and above -100, always have change on me and give tip directly to the waiter, if more then 1 person served, leave tip under the plate. In bars I tip 20 per serving / if with the boy and order drinks for both of us still tip 20 only. if invite boy later to sit with me it will be 20 for my drink and later 20 for boy's/. Like luvthai I don't reduce tip because did not like food, after all who is to blame for that, cook or me , not a waiter.
  19. you pointed to valid problem, cute and handsome does not equate great performance but finding how it will work is what makes boy hunting so exciting. In sex service like in every other job lots of good work is done by the average people, star are shining but not always with warm light.
  20. vinapu

    My HERO review

    Don't be too nervous , puzzle will fit together nicely. First if you are bit nervous instead of taxi just walk down the soi, this gives you a chance to cool down a bit. Mid way through the soi it forks, take left fork and keep going almost to the end, Hero will be on your left. There is neon sign. Go inside and you will know how gay section of heaven looks like. Mamasan is the guy in charge of helping you to pick up the right boy, don't look for him , he will find you. Have a sit and keep glancing boys behind the glass making your choice, ask mamasan questions if you have preferences / top, bottom, dick size, quality of massage etc / but use you own eyes and brain first . No shortage of lean muscular boys there. If mamasan helps you you can slips him 50-100 baht tip, if you are making your own choice without his help don't bother, minimum tip for 1 hr course at Hero is 1000 but if you take longer course and /or you are happy with boy tip him more. Last time there I took longer treatment / 2 hr, / in the VIP room, it cost 1500, minimum tip was also 1500, regular room is 700 for 1 hr course. Tipped boy 2500, 2000 for performance +500 for being hard already when undressing / my habitual bonus/ , probably spoiled him and a market with the tip but felt spoiled by his performance too. IF you not into muscular boys don't bother , no twinks at Hero. If for some reason you are not fully happy or just need one more there's Banana club on your way , on the same side of soi. Boys are less hunky , more swimmers built type but massage I had was of superior quality . Let us know how it went at Hero, king of massage places in BKK in opinion of many myself included although is not my first choice, Arena is for historical reason.
  21. take advance of less competition to get access to boys you like but don't skip on tips as boys need them now more then ever with thinner crowds
  22. Since Travellerdave mentioned it I must add that never ever I had anything missing from the room after boys' visit , neither noticed any unwanted activity around my possessions. Not that I create opportunities but always have some money in the pockets and it's always safe. I know not everybody was so lucky but I so far was. Thing I don't like and this creates guarantee that boy will not be offed again is when they help themselves to a contents of minibar without being invited or at least asking it they can. I'm not cheap but believe no thing which is closed in the room should be opened by anybody else than host, window, A/c, Tv and refrigerator included. Yes, tip always in the room and I make sure they know how much they are getting. Talking about feeding them, on the way to the hotel I always ask them if they are hungry and if they are buy them a meal . Never suggest place with other food than they are familiar with. If I don't like their choice just tell them I'm not hungry which is true since I hate heat and loose an appetite in it. It looks from responses that everybody developed some kind of etiquette to deal with our offs.
  23. I'm glad to hear that at least Arena is busy. This is sad observation Michael, I was there exactly at the same time of year to the day and soi was fairly busy all few day I was in BKK. If night market is dead it means not only sex tourists are staying away but conventional crowd as well. Too bad family affairs kept me from visiting in May but hope for December, hell or high water .
  24. While Up2you is on correct side of equation I would not be so sure that service charges are actually sipping into waiters pockets. Depending on size of bill and waiter's smile I'd probably still tip 20-40 baht from time to time but don't feel pressured to do that. Since ChristianPFC is busy settling in the new place I will help him and answer your question for him : no way, never.
  25. I wouldn't be too fast to cross them out just because of negative feedback from others even if warranted as per kalabao post. I visit them on every trip and never was disappointed with boys and service, I like their décor too. I like their boys selection and fact that they present themselves at front which is much less intimidating than going inside and having to make in face decision like in most other places. Even fact that boys seem to be more interested in their phones than passing traffic had advantages as one can pass by without being pestered for accustom like in other places down the soi. But I guess we all have our preferences. Fact that boy was crap doesn't make whole place bad, my worst boy by far and one of the best ever are coming from the same place / Dreamboys / and were offed only few day apart. No I'm not on commission from Bangkok massage but genuinely like the place
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