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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. My answer would be, as temporary very short term solution to cool down hot heads, may be. As an alternative to democracy, fuck NO
  2. Since tourism to Thailand apparently is down you may wish to wait and see what happens and book your flight at end of summer. never hurts to monitor flight prices from time to time as with dwindling number of passengers prices may actually go up! due to reduced number of flights. As for hotel you may try to book without deposit/prepayment so you will be guaranteed room without outlay of money. Keep in mind nobody knows what near future holds for Thailand so it's just a guess. There are politics and military but also biology will do her thing at some time , not necessarily far away from now. I personally did not take my own advice on flight and booked mine for end of year in April but reserved hotels without deposits as advised.
  3. sorry for disappointing you but while I love Turkey for sights I was not pursuing gay scene there so can't help you much. Although I was visibly cruised on the open air market at the entry to Istanbul University but guy was not my type at all so missed that opportunity
  4. that's true but it has advantages of low pressure to choose, I prefer this to constant pestering of passersby's. While upstairs in cubicles they take good care of clients beginning with shower together, I was never disappointed there
  5. Nothing tragic with those lights other than it may be hard to cross wide Narathiwas dual street in one lights change
  6. You may also massage places along Silom, lots of places on both sides and boys are on display outside - last Nov I had massages with your type of boys in Relax / silom 64 / and Playboy massage . Actually hunting for your desired type will be half of fun. TMax is giving you a good hint too - in both places boys are sitting outside to you can comb through the offer with no pressure and enjoy the drink / meal at Maxi's across the soi from Bangkok massage or Dick's beside Bonny at the same time
  7. I don't mind prepaying or leaving deposit as long as it makes some sense, either by securing much lower rate or making sure desired hotel has space for dates I need. Prepaying for longer stay has advantage - no need to carry so much cash. I use cheaper places and would not dream of paying by credit card locally.
  8. good way of thinking, last thing you need for just 3 days is constant supervisor trying to steer you where his agenda is , not yours. hope you will update us about your adventures in BKK, you are in for a ball, curfew or not, don't worry
  9. you are walking distance from Silom where you will find plenty of moneychangers and banks, hunting for best rate may be even fun but don't overdo it as variations are not that big, check my post # 11 above as I mentioned places I usually change money
  10. Finally some decent choice ! by the way , am I only one on this board who drinks tea?
  11. if they take deposit in SGD do that for reason you already outlined. You don't need to change deposit baht back to SGD, spent it on the boy on your last day They may also just take imprint of your credit card instead of cash deposit. By the way, I'm quite surprised that hotel of such class is requiring deposit
  12. Your is voice of reason and wisdom. Hope we will be treated with trip report from time to time.
  13. I guess you don't off long time, right?
  14. Like Travellerdave I always pay cash in Thailand, if booking hotels before departure usually I pay right away in home currency using credit card or in USD using paypal. This reduces a bit amount of cash I'm taking, not much though as biggest expense are boys tips, obviously cash. Never pay with credit card with exception of big department stores-never had screwed charges there. I take cash advances from account or card only if run out of cash usually at end of stay, if that's the case usually take big amounts 9900 or 19900 in order not to be stuck with big bills only. This mitigates impact of withdrawal fees. I keep cash in hotel or room safe and exchange only once daily what I need for the day. Use only 100 USD bills as they have best rate even with double conversion / I'm not an American /. I noticed Sukhumvit has marginally better rates than Silom but not worth the trouble if you do not stay there as one may save equivalent of bottle of beer in 7/11 on exchanging 200USD. In Silom area best rates are to be found in unit between Om Yim and Silom and at jewelers shops ,one in soi Thaniya on your left coming from Silom and one beside Family Mart on Suriwong exit from Soi Twilight. Always try to have small bills to minimize chance of being shortchanged while paying with big bills. Easiest way to break big baht bill is to go to change counter at BTS station. Airport rates are uniform and worse than in the city but not dramatically so if one needs to change money for the taxi and first night at hotel, exchange booth just before train platform has better rates but closes early / about 10 p.m. /
  15. imkeev, I like your attitude, just go. It looks from feedback of members present there / Xiluzer, Tmax, Christian etc /that fun still can be had. Sure, steer away from big gatherings but don't be paranoid. Boys need our custom now more then before.
  16. thank you for bringing up this old trick of tuk tuk drivers bkkguy, chicolby , stay away from all friendly locals claiming to guide you to any government sponsored sales, jewelery sales etc. Waste your money on boys in bars or massages not on dubious deals on 'guided ' shopping
  17. I'd still go to Turkey and Vietnam, but not other two, reason - differeence in the general level of crime and violence
  18. now all your posts disapperaed
  19. Be adventurous and discover Bangkok on your own. no need for a guide IMHO. As for hotel near Silom I'd recommend Tarntawan, nice , gay friendly no problems with boy visitors, close to the action. As for tourist part Grand Palace is where you need top start, go there early to avoid crowds / opens at 8.30 / , best way to get there is by river taxi from Saphan Taksin BTS, 4 stations from Silom. Your ticket will cover Vinamek palace and nearby Throne hall, take taxi from Grand Palace / 70-80 baht / Since you are on weekend you may want to visit Chatuchak weekend market. Unique attraction near Silom is snake farm across the street from soi Twilight. Few steps from there is Wat Hualampong. Don't overload your schedule as BKK is big and sweaty city and one gets tired easily. Yes , do not miss a chance to relax in the arms of one of the go-go or massage boys at night. It looks that TMax responded at the same time with similar recommendations so you get a picture
  20. In Canada they have national tax called HST and still is not included in price but added at the register. I don't think there's any obstacle to include and advertise full , all inclusive price in prices posted and reason is not done in those 2 countries is not known to me other than prices look lower than actually paid by client.
  21. Christian, you would be driven nuts in both USA and Canada where most prices in restaurants and stores are given before tax is calculated so really you never know how much you pay for say, pack of condoms with price tag 12.99 as tax will be added at cash register. In most of the world you pay what you see but not there.
  22. you are good tipper and have a good heart. While 100 baht a day is sensible for cleaner as lots of hard work is involved, 500 just to carry a bag to and from elevator is clearly excessive. You are right , 100 baht will make cleaner happy after all I was told that 100 is what bottom gets in soi Twilight sex shows so amount its no life changing but will feed family for the evening I guess. I leave 50 baht for cleaner every morning excluding day of departure, surprisingly often money is left untouched so this habit must be unknown in cheaper hotels / I'm one who considers BBB Inn luxurious so you get an idea / but try to hunt cleaner later and force money down their pockets. In BBB often this results in bonus of stolen kiss , now you know why I like the place.
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