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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I would not worry at all about posting his picture being appropriate or not , this is gay forum and we should help ourselves by pointing out who hates us. He is not worrying if what he is doing is politically correct , why should we?
  2. those flying from Europe or Australia have it easy, North Americans suffer badly, either you leave mid-day and arrive around mid-night or other way around so not really day / night choice and depending on departure time one may lose whole day ie. departure at 3 p.m. on Monday, arrive in BKK 1 a.m. on Wednesday and we are talking fast connections. Going back is the same headache but the same day becomes veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long, depart at midnight and after 20 hours in the air plus connection you are home in the morning the same day. Sometimes it becomes fun ie depart Sydney in the morning and after 10 hours flight you are in Honolulu in the evening OF THE PREVIOUS DAY
  3. no , I even can't believe how backward I'm and still read / and own / books in paper format.
  4. I don't laugh, I envy you like hell as I generally don't sleep on the plane. But few years ago flying from Casablanca to Frankfurt, at night this happened to me, it was like closing eyes in Casablanca and waking 5 seconds later in Frankfurt , still cherish that memory
  5. Usually this segregation is done by economical means. Noisy youngsters rarely have enough money for better hotels and even if they have their friends don't so they stay in different places then us good sleep loving folks. In better hotels you can always enlist help of staff to quiet them down, not always works though. I have soft spot for those noisy youngsters as in days past I was one of them and whenever they throw party i feel kind of nostalgic and suffer in silence. Last November noises coming from room 314 in BBB Inn not only screw whole floor but provided us with hard porn movie quality soundtrack but this somehow corresponded with our bit quieter activities at the same time so no complain from me neither my boy.
  6. Actually I miss him too, looks that he did not find enough support from forum in his debacle with his boyfrend and took off from us
  7. Imkeev , don't get discouraged by remarks above, full moon is coming so we are getting cranky at times. Keep posting and enjoy your time in BKK. vinapu
  8. unfortunately I can't sleep too much on the plane and watching movies makes my eyes tired so I need to resort to old fashioned reading books and magazines and internet would be nice addition. What I find surprising as age progresses I'm taking those long flights better and better but jet lags becoming problem more and more.
  9. welcome to the forum anyways
  10. Unfortunately I'm not good at stocks but still gladly have a coffee with you
  11. this is what my grandfather used to say when he farted at diner. Would you consider some input about your Thai adventures ?
  12. This is exactly what I think , On another hand bar is not public space but private business so it's up to owner and clients to decide who is welcomed and who is not. After all we often have complains that our bars are invaded by noisy girls and on more than one occasion I saw guys backing up from door when they spot busty contingent occupying prime space. So we can't be too sanctimonious when comes to not being welcomed here and there. Bottom line - find gay friendly businesses and spent your money there. Second bottom line, welcome ladies in our bars, I was against until black lady sitting beside me in X-boys complemented me " You have a handsome boyfriend", we both , boy and me left happy .
  13. no doubt price will go down with time, and even at 49 $ it works to 4$ / hour, not cheap but not prohibitive either.
  14. he looks great in shirt and not ladyboyish at all. best way to cure bad feeling it any exists is to bring him over once more. as for myself I have poor judgement of boys attractiveness based on pictures and need to see them in flesh, likely reason I'm not on those sites and need to spend money in bars just to have a look.
  15. this is exactly what I witnessed in Dreamboys and reported last year, I liked all boys on stage with one exception and before one could say "Hail Mary " , farang sitting beside me called that boy over and off they went
  16. even Hitchcock would not keep us waiting that long ! Just kidding, first enjoy your holiday , than when you find time type reports but remember , if you report here , no need to keep travel journal, it's already here.
  17. vinapu

    My HERO review

    I thought you changed your plans and skipped Thailand altogether, good thing you went
  18. at least you have company in that minority, me. But often pictures are not telling the truth or we go for boys not because their looks but chemistry- we just feel good in their company. As for tattoos I don't mind them at all and tend not even notice them. I know why - my father was tattooed so it's kind of natural for me.
  19. You are as good as Hitchcock in keeping suspense. As for last sentence, did not I tell you before that you are coming to paradise? Enjoy every minute while it lasts you will be missing BKK when you go home, you'll see.
  20. Are you trying to get back at my friend ChristianPFC ? I don't think it's necessary, strive for the world's and forum's peace. Christian is not cheap prick, I am. At least he takes buses, I walk everywhere.
  21. Shakespeare wouldn't put it in the better sentence Bkkmfj, certainly it's my case as well, still 6 months to go. Imkeev , you may consider taking 4 hands massage in the Guy Spa , Sukhumvit soi 19, bkkmfj recommended it to me and I had as much fun as him, laughing all the way back to Asok station.
  22. No problem , I can live with being wrong, it was my suggestion that 3000 is very generous long time tip, not Christian's . I feel guilty of creating this controversy since it was me who asked you how much you paid for airport transfer but for the record I was also surprised by use word "only" in this controversial sentence but don't get discouraged and keep posting. I like your report of Tawan , found it interesting and refreshing. I'm not big fan of bodybuilders either although I like some meat on my boys. Drinks in go-go bars are pretty steep priced but in reality it works that you are paying for the show ticket and getting drink as part of admission.
  23. I believe whatever we post here becomes all readers business. They have 4 choices : don't notice a post, ignore it, agree and disagree to a various degrees. At times we need to suffer negative comments even if not warranted as long as no name calling is involved. If somebody doesn't agree with us it doesn't mean he is our enemy or is picking up a fight.
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