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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Subject of excessive tips and accusations of spoiling market for others never dries . In my opinion big tippers are spoiling sex market no more than Starbucks clients paying 5$ for a coffee are spoiling coffee market for Coffee Time clients paying 1.50 $. So I wouldn't worry if somebody is throwing mud at you for paying too much , it's friendly way of telling you that sofa-bed you purchased for 1000 could be had for 500 if you tried harder and it's your decision which one will give you better sleep.
  2. I'm glad I asked the question and feel much wiser now. Coming from the culture when one is expected to show gratitude even if not really happy with what's received I was puzzled on few occasion by lack of enthusiasm from beneficiary boys side, suspected it may be cultural thing and it seems I was right as per pongs and Alexx inputs. Got my further confirmation watching Gthai movie part 2 "Massage Boys" this morning and there's scene when boy receives 6000 baht tip from rich Thai customer and also shows very restrained reaction , smiling only after client left. / No I never tipped that much , 3000 is being my absolute maximum for long time but on few occasion doubled requested or bargained tip and did it for a good reason IMHO/ I like Michel 's system and will start using it from now on if need arises - here's your tip and here's your gift from me because you are an angel. Do not count on royalties from me though, Michael. This is better than what I was doing so far as my system could create unreasonable expectations, now I start understanding why one of my November boys out of blue demanded 5000 for long time. I tipped his co-worker over the odds few times and possibly he thought ' here's a sucker ', unfortunately for him to no avail.
  3. than would be loss but life goes on and so do we
  4. this would explain what I observed
  5. At times we are reporting on the boys requesting more money than offered but certainly reverse situations happen when we tip boy more that he could expect, either because we were happy , we offer parting bonus or we did not know what rate is. What is boy's reaction in such a case from your experiences. It happened to me quite a few times and other than higher wai on occasion I did not notice any big reaction. I wonder if that is cultural norm not to show a gratitude , shrewdness on boy's side / if I don't show I 'm happy next time he gives me even more? / or something else. I'm curious if that's just my luck or some cultural norm. And no , we are not talking about 100 baht extra tip but something substantial like 1000. To be fair my first ever Thai boy back in 2001 tipped long rate for short time / I did not know difference then, / actually jumped into air , wai me higher than would King and screamed of joy but it was first and last such reaction I saw.
  6. ....or bus back to Pattaya / Bangkok But it looks Gaybutton is right and you are in for some rural fun
  7. Likely you are correct as that was what boy I threw out Om Yim for not performing in Nov / story in my Off to Thailand thread / requested and when he called mamasan at Dreamboys she confirmed the same but I did not oblige in sync with boy.
  8. not necessarily as his pleasure will not pay for his rent and smartphone bill. If boy performs outstandingly just out of greed or need it still is memorable and pleasurable performance, his fantasy is just doubled-up tip.
  9. While Christian is perfectly capable of defending himself I need to rise to his defense. While he is not shy about advertising his frugal lifestyle which is his business and nothing wrong with that I can't recall any comment from him criticizing somebody else's spending habits. Is big difference if he says " I'd never spent that much on whatever" to statement " everybody paying more than .... for whatever is insane" , never heard from him. So may be you have different Christian in mind? But your point is valid as they were some pontificating about overtiping boys and thus spoiling market for others. So I guess we can safely assume that report you promised will materialize.
  10. My advice was sincere. Over years of travelling I learned that skipping on purchases or sightseeing because of price, down the road created only regrets on missing opportunity so now if I like something I 'd just pay as long as there's degree of reason in price requested . The same goes with haggling with locals in order to get local price only to realize later that all spectacle was about some trivial amount for us but serious for the said locals. Sometimes I haggle just for fun but end up paying what was requested or close to anyways. Is better to have fond memories to return to, even if overpriced than having to deal with the scenes and a bitterness after. At end of day is up to us to decide if a deal presents good value for money or not. I always ask new boys up front how much they want and if answer is up to you if they request more than tip offered, tough luck for them as so far I never yield to their requests for more, taxi money etc. In my eyes this is sentence , I recall 3 who dared and no way I will see them again. With boys previously engaged or ones taken from places I offed somebody just recently I assume they know what I paid last time and I don't bother asking, if they want more / happened once, 5000 for long time /, again refused. But there are precious few in BKK I have soft spot for and if they asked for more I'd pay. So far they did not luckily for both sides as I'd have second thoughts for sure, just like firecat.
  11. firecat , is he 34 years old ?
  12. I missed his blog as well. Just curious, may be somebody from this forum has access to his blog. Is he still active or just felled silent completely ? I wish him well whenever he is
  13. great looking boy and evidently knows his worth, hence request for more money. My advice - pay up and enjoy, if you don't , you will really sick thinking about missing opportunity. His smile on the second picture disarming / and disrobing /
  14. You are very right but often in our societies even money is beaten by much stronger prejudices. Is not only Western disease though , look at Middle Eastern , or Indian subcontinent societies as well. My theory is that Thais are less uptight about those things because their relaxed attitude to sex, not being sexually repressed makes them relaxed in all life matters.
  15. I can't advise you as never been there but nee to express hope that we can expect some report from the place in few weeks, right?
  16. It would be nice if you sentenced yourself to the community service and report on Golden Cock please
  17. Again great thread you created about your trip, thank you. Good thing you noticed that occasional, 2 weeks, once a year vacationers may look at attractiveness of bars from different angle than those who are living in LOS or being there frequently and for prolonged time. I, for one, am making sure to visit at least one go-go bar daily and if with a boy usually drag them into it as well as long as they agree and usually they do. There are few places in the world when we can have this type of entertainment and it doesn't cost that much also when done daily it adds up ! Somehow I'm never bored with them although I don't off bar boys that much. I agree with your assessment of how "attractive" we are in boys eyes and always have this moment of appreciation of their availability when in the room both of us are facing mirror. I guess your boy is one from Cupidol you mentioned in post #6, congratulations on finding such a gem and I'm sure he appreciated steady stream of income for a while as well. Often best looking specimens know it and their performance shows that they somehow think that good look gives them excuse of slacking on their side of bargains, so as you noticed , not looks but chemistry is what makes those encounters enjoyable. Have a nice time in Bangkok !
  18. vinapu

    My HERO review

    You promised and is now July 10
  19. Welcome to the forum and we hope you post some of you discoveries from the road here. I, for one don't drive when vacationing there main reason being my diet of Singha and Chang.
  20. Great words of wisdom and encouragement. Members should not worry about being repetitive and posting about the same boys and bars , just tell us what you saw, what you liked and didn't like as every trip report seems to en-live forum big time. Most of us gladly will read about A-bomb or Eros bars to no end, some out of curiosity and some to bring warm memories or to learn that their disappointment at the place was not that unique. What we are neglecting are experiences from particular venues and still when we look at number of times post were opened even most popular threads have less openings than say , Tarntawan /9019 openings / or Screwboys / 4796 openings / threads in Gay Bangkok section. so there's obviously interest in this type of posts as well.
  21. it could be something else than stale mould as few people reported visit at Lucky 777 after re-opening and nobody mentioned stench
  22. Earlier this week my friend told me the same about New York, I wonder i world is coming to an end?
  23. dual citizenship can produce substantial savings when traveling as prices of visas sometimes vary enormously depending on nationality, i.e. most European passport holders enter Brazil visa free but Americans pay 160 apparently , the same goes with Colombians vs. Brazilians access to the USA
  24. very interesting chart as well as discussion underneath. I found it amazing how may Americans think they are prohibited from going to Cuba by Cuban government while in fact it's their own who prohibits them from going to while it can be easily done through Mexico or Canada and Cubans are not even stamping their passports so trip remains discreet.
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