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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. now we understand what boys are going through as such an option is rarely available to them due to cash shortage. It's why I have a lot of respect for them, with quite a few of their clients I would not see myself with even dressed
  2. vinapu

    airport taxi

    Resurrecting old thread but I found information useful for newcomers and new readers even if 3 years old. I rarely used taxis to get to and from airport in BKK, all 3 times in 9 trips and only on one occasion driver did not want to use meter but it was during deluge so I gladly paid requested 600 / 20$ / for trip to Swampy in the middle of the night. I would not sweat to much over meter issue as taxi fares are cheap in Bangkok, I live within walking distance / 50 minutes / from my local airport and taxi fare is exactly 20 $ so I'm no mood to haggle over fare in the middle of the night after long flight to BKK. Fondly remember my first ever arrival in Bangkok, took taxi from Don Muang and almost immediately driver asked me if I want a girl, when declined "I have boy for you " offer arrived . I knew I'm close to paradise, did not take an offer though as I like to gather those offers myself. Generally in my travels everywhere I prefer to use public transport not to save money but to get better grip of the place and local people. In BKK it's often impossible as many flights are arriving past midnight and departing too early to be there on time using first train at 6 a.m. from PhayaThai. Make sure you have small notes on you as unscrupulous driver may pretend not to have a change of 1000 baht note. All counters in the Swampy are giving the same exchange rate so no reason to shop around the airport. Only exception is one just before train platforms but that one was not open past midnight last year.
  3. Certainly you are taking good care about boys you like and rightly so. Who knows , when you return he may even greet you with his new tablet ? I like an idea of pointing out contacts for boys who did their best, why not to help them if we not around?
  4. congratulation, how much did you quote him? 7500 ? , don't be shy. Now we may have a story on some forum of how greedy Pattaya boys became, just watch
  5. I'm glad few people found it useful and entertaining perhaps, shamelessly I need to add even I read this report from time to time just to bring memories - one of benefits of posting here, travel journal is always available. As for uninformed political debate - this is what democracy is about, uninformed masses voting and still lots of good coming out of this. Bitching , if ignored dies of starvation for lack of audience. I'm looking forward to my next visit too but still long wait till December, hope Santa will co-operate with funds.
  6. I like idea although I'm of firm opinion that nothing lifts a spirit better than small shot of some spirit, 40% or so
  7. I see , I'm subject of name calling, one is calling me 'slut ' another one ' star. What a day ! It could be worse I guess LOL. Anyways I'm glad to help out but no post or thread beats personal experience so I encourage everybody to do own filed investigation and to follow here with a post
  8. Who is slut? Me? I'm man, my "Webster's " says 'slut-sexually promiscuous woman' For fun value few things beats 4 hands massage so try it but I suggest to use steps above to choose your boys wisely.
  9. Since in my reports I usually mention names of boys, my joys, I don't go into specific of our sexual activities. Neither I'm shy , nor some sex weirdo but I'm not sure other party would like me to. I use names as I hope it helps boys to get more deserved business although I understand that others may have different priorities and what bring smile to my face may be only yawn or worse for others. Not trying to dismiss your question though , so let me say that in all man to man massage places happy ending is deemed part of the package and few websites even mention this explicitly i.e. Arena website states that in minimum tip included is "shower, massage and hand job". Some places distinguish tip for 'soft ' and 'hard ' activities, soft being happy ending and hard actual deed using hard tool so to speak. So happy ending will be always offered and if offer taken , delivered to client. As for boy's happy ending very rarely they are not keen , being gentleman if I see no suitable activities I always ask them if they cum for me and recall one answer ' I don't want to' to which I answered ' you want keep it for your wife tonight ' so we finished with good laugh and a passionate kiss instead. The same is with sex, in those places is part and parcel but by no means automatic for obvious reason, if one is bottom will be looking for top or other way around unless you are using my approach by not asking any questions up front and see what happens behind the door. Downside of it are some disappointments on both sides / boy may be looking to get fucked and paid for it and lands another bottom on his table /, but I prefer upside of the thrill of discovery. Keep in mind that if boy likes you may change temporarily his preferences just for you either because he likes you, you seem to be generous tipper or like one boy told me when asked my usual question 'you king or queen ' / top or bottom / when walking to the hotel : ' king , but if you small can queen for you, no like pain '. So much for general lecture. As for 4 hands massage at Guy and everywhere as it's offered by many places. First you need to know what you want as there are few variations: just massage with happy ending only or top both of them or bottom for both of them or sandwich with 3 variations with you in the middle, being utimate top or utimate bottom or you want your private sex show as a voyeur / again two variations passive and active voyeur / Who said gay sex is boring? When you know than discuss your preferences with mamasan who in turn may consult boys, not all of them are doing everything with or in presence of their co-workers. My suggestion wold be pick up a boy you like first , explain what you want and let him to pick up his helper. This way you avoid awkward situation when boys are not comfortable with each other. Bottom line of all this would be : DON'T IMPOSE 4 HAND MASSAGE ON BOYS WHO ARE NOT COMFORTABLE with an idea , not all of them will be, one of my regulars, by no means shy guy, dismissed an idea out of hand and looked even tickled quite a bit. Finally to your original question as to what happened at Guy Spa: Told mamasan I want 4 hands, I did not state any preferences nor asked any questions as explained above. He asked me to choose boys , I picked up one handsome and smiling at me and asked him to pick up another boy. I sensed he liked an idea and decided in a flash. Other boy washed my feet at the lobby which is standard procedure at Guy and we went upstairs where I was asked to shower . They coordinated massage very well, first dividing me vertically and then switching to upper and lower half. One of them was hard all the time , another one less so which created problem for me whom to be more active with, but truly I tell you nice problem to have . As sextile on CFS use to say let hand of silence draw veil of discretion on sinful part which followed but at no time boys were interacting with each other, either by design or desire to concentrate on their client pleasure and fun it was, not sure about the soi but my laugh was definitely heard in the lobby downstairs. After we decided to behave again all 3 of us took a shower together. Cost of 1.5 hr. massage 1200+ 100 tip for mamasan+1500 for each boy . Massage value- very good, fun value - priceless, even now 8 month later I smile. Earlier that day I had massage with very muscular semi-god at FunClub and for the night I offed boy from Adonis, my longest off ever as he left at noon next day. Easily my best day in Thailand ever. Other questions? Don't be shy
  10. If you had good time with him just cherish memories, chalk 10000 off to experience and move on. Why you are still picking up phones from him it beats me but what do I know? All those sad farang / Thai stories have common denominator, boy called, farang answered, boy sold some lie, farang gladly bought it for face value and called boy back. It' s like technology is our enemy. I said 'our ' tried to be nice as no Thai boy ever got my phone # nor e-mail address , if he insisted got some fake number but may be it's just me . Not trying to outsmart anybody but I cherish my time and boys in LOS so much I'm not willing to get sour about it because some boy's scheming. I don't want to sound assholish but in a sense I don't blame boys for trying, after all we are older, more affluent so should be smarter and wiser than some boy out of Ubon Nowhere, no? I'm glad to hear you found consolator from S52 spa
  11. not long ago it was favourable report here about s52 spa in soi 52 at OnNut BTS, I think poster was "ryoyo" - just notced it was new entry to the post today so easy to find Jey spa in soi 41 has good feedback too . You are right about Urban male, just fact that boy was not that great doesn't mean anything, place may be still great and even the same boy next day may be different, (I had boy from Dreamboys two nights in row, first night he was hungry wolf, next one just a cuddly lamb and I liked and paid well for both incarnations ). Will not help you much here as so far I did not venture past sois 19 / Guy / and 12 / Uniman / but hopefully others / pong ? / will chip in. watch this space early in 2015 when I return I will be more helpful. With some experience I must say that while I like Silom area better to stay in BKK, Sukhumvit massage boys seem to be a bit better in client service department in both massages and afters at least IMNSHO.
  12. funny thing markblue, I was just about to send you link to this report of mine when your post appeared, will respond a bit later today vinapu
  13. Great you appeared again ! I remember you promised report from HERO while ago then went silent but now we know why. I like your writing style and hope for more treats like above when you will be free from work. Very good report from Bonnys and actually may serve as good guide for those who try to bottom for first time with all the right steps / having condom and lube on you just in case, top's cock size - not too big, bottom lying on stomach position /. Thai boys don't use top/ bottom designation, they say king /queen instead it's why boy possibly did not get what you want at the first time . Milk massage cream smells like cheap ice cream and no wonder you find it distasteful, I avoid at all costs preferring more natural flavour like lavender. My advice to everybody taking aroma cream or oil massage - sniff it before you order to make sure you like aroma. GREAT POST , THANK YOU !
  14. You still beat me , I want to PTY on my 9th visit / last / only and was not even that impressed but after a while I digested what i saw and I decided to like the place, definitely will visit next time although nothing beats BKK for me, even without the boys I just love the place
  15. I like well built boys as well and even if my experience with Pattaya is 2 days only you can easily find quite a few of them in ABomb and BoyzBoyzBoyz. My usual hunting ground for built boys are massage places and again in Boyztown there are several places with muscular boys. Did not look around TukCom but Magnolia has few and massage places in Jomtien too. From what I saw in 2 days I'd be occupied for 2 weeks with no waif in sight and no need to venture past Boyztown. Don't equate Pattaya with Sunee only.
  16. I have statistic sample for you. Ever since years ago I met Pom from Aqua who sported terrible accident scar on his bicep I pay attention to this detail . May 2013 , 9 boys , 3 with motorbike scars, / 33% / Nov 2013 27 boys , 8 with motorbike scars / 29.6 % / it's why I used 'every third'
  17. And you still have nerve to say that you don't like facial hair on your boys? Don't take it as critique as I don't like it either and I'm not any better / have a mustache / but shave daily.
  18. vinapu

    Thais Smell

    You are not making it up, remember you mentioned it before on some occasion. This is what Napoleon was writing to Josephine ' do not take a bath , I'm returning in a week' In my opinion durian neither smells as bad nor is as tasty as legend has it. Enlighten me what is Tom Kha Gai / I guess some dish ? /
  19. I'd say less space in the shower more pleasant showering together would be but what do I know? (By the way , no shower this morning , water was cut of my building at night, nightmare) .
  20. there's noting critical in my quoted statement , just stating obvious fact like that Thursday is day after Wednesday. Did not General announce he is taking charge of the country from government?. I will still sleep well / if one can sleep well without Thai boy beside /
  21. interesting indeed, another case when good intentions are paving road to hell. But I would not dismiss America's efforts , at least they are trying bringing light to the problem. Human trafficking is one of those problems which can be effectively tackled only from within society in question and people will go to great lengths of suffering for hope to better their lives. People from rich countries don't understand that what is inhumane condition to them may be considered comfort for others, sleeping 10 people on beds on one room with water available in corridor beats many times sleeping same number on the floor with water available in the river 1 hour away. So probably conclusion is right - improve general labor conditions at source and problem will start shrinking.
  22. most likely not, they saw it all and more. This is what I like them for - they make us feeling young and attractive for that hour or two
  23. Gee, I started this thread not expecting to be in visible minority by showering together with them. Not inclined to mend my ways but next time I will pay more attention as to what their preferences will be.
  24. this is whole thread about adding an avatar http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/9387-adding-an-avatar/?hl=avatar
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