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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. By end of this year I will be able to update you if they installed safes in the rooms, they may come to the same idea about false economy. For me it's non issue and if pressed I have more confidence in reception safes than room ones for no particular reason since I never had anything stolen from the room anywhere although I know unfortunates who had.
  2. I'm also salivating in hope of getting new trip reports from you, always good read and cute boys. As for planning do what you are comfortable with, I'm on both sides of fence , If I start planning trip usually it doesn't work as I'm easily distracted. If I try to go with the flow I finish up booking appointments with boys right after arrival, at times even days in advance. Gearing for my next trip I know only one thing, my first place I visit will be Arena as usual and then I will see. Good luck firecat !
  3. this would explain why both 'visitors" I had there last Nov turned to be duds, need to repeat an experiment coming Dec and than we can attempt to construct some theory But really I guess visiting boys are busy sizing bulge of your wallet and even don't notice graveyard
  4. Tikal in Guatemala is crown of those IMHO nice alternative but don't forget that at the moment Honduras with t's Copan ruins is most murderous country in the world
  5. No problem and no charge for joiners at Nantra Silom , safes on reception. I personally don't check reviews on Trip Advisor so can't relate. While BBB Inn is not for everybody I like it big time for fun factor and location, no need to cross street to go to soi Twilight and it's joys. Massage boys available 7\24 if one feels lonely or cold or whatever, rooms may be tired but they are clean and a bit spacier than ones at Om Yim. Considering that it doubles as short time hotel is also surprisingly quiet, I usually stay there 2-3 nights at beginning and at end of trip / I change hotels every 2- 3 days wherever I am / Tarntawan is more upscale than others mentioned but also twice as costly, I'm not big fan of overspending on taxis and hotels when travelling but make exception for Tarntawan for it's gay friendliness. Overall of 4 places you mentioned above Om Yim is the best value for money , Malaysia even better but a bit too far
  6. firecat, your post helped me to realize that I should count my blessings because I already chalked off list all my 10 childhood travel dreams , never thought about this , thank you
  7. pyramids aren't going anywhere but we are, I'd go Michael, firecat is right about troubles here and there but tourists are still coming to Egypt and in lower number it means lots of 5 star attractions can be seen without usual crowds. I still fondly remember my flight from LAX to BKK in Nov 2001 when everybody was afraid to fly and I had whole row of seats at my disposal. Troubles in Middle East may mean also that may will become worse and for a while some places may become inaccessible. After all some of us recall times when visiting Angkor was impossible dream when Pol Pot closed Cambodia to the outside world. Not only pyramides but Luxor and Karnak temples, Valley of Kings and Abu Simbel temple are a must in Egypt
  8. Sure bet is not only you feel Swampy is a gateway to some of very good times
  9. I always start with Arena but you go to Hero as it looks your heart is already on it and you will not regret As for bars I'd start with Dreamboys, last time I was there in Nov 2013 out of whole selection it was only one boy I wouldn't off and he was offed very soon so you should find somebody you like
  10. I second Om Yim / 1000 baht / at lower end and Tarntawan / 2000 baht / a bit more classy, other budget option is Nantra Silom in Silom soi 8 / 1000 baht / and BBB Inn / 1320 baht / - where not only you will not have problem with visitors but you don't need any as they have quite a few in-house massage boys, skilled and willing. Other than Hero /Arena/ Senso I'd recommend Adonis and Fan Club in Convent and Banana Club in the same soi where Hero is as well as both Bonny and Bangkok Massage in soi Twilight where most go-go bars are located. Walking along Silom as plenty massage shops are presenting their boys outside and you are spoiled for a choice make sure you visit some Go-go bars in soi Twilight, you have 7 to choose from as well as Jupiter across the street and Screwboys in Patpong itself. Don't miss Tawan if you are into muscle and I guess you are. As for touristy stuff Grand Palace and Vinamek with vincinities are a must, get there by the boat from Saphan Taksin BTS / elevater rail /station, closer to Silom you have Red Cross Snake farm across from BBB INN, one of two such institutions in the world, 2 different shows daily, save a ticket. If you are into shopping, upscale countless malls along Sukhumvit stretch of BTS between Siam and Asok, Chatuchak market on weekends only and street markets along Silom and in Patpong at night but really whole Bangkok is one huge shopping center. For fun try fish massage either in Patpong 1 or Suriwong, 150 baht / 15 mins Other questions ask and we will chip in.
  11. do you remember name of that establishment ? Can you elaborate what made it horrible / selection , massage , cleanliness. etc / use private message if you dont want to go public with your grievances
  12. we can start with continents we are residents of
  13. don't worry, obviously some of members did not bother to vote or if they did, they lied as I know at least 5 quite active contributors are still in their younger years so we have better age mix that pool would suggest
  14. According to last week's THE ECONOMIST, Bangkok airport was only big airport in Asia with declining number of passengers last year, I hope there are signs visitors returned.
  15. actually it must be something with those last day encounters as it seems from various post that those dream boy sightings few hours before taking off are quite common, happened to me last Nov with boy from Uniman as well. May be last day we should be spending packing and doing touristy stuff not to stress ourselves out with missed opportunities. Eric certainly is not wasting his extended vacations
  16. if somebody is itchy for personal attack he can use private message, still hidden behind the nick. Mercifully attacks are very rare here . it's why I like this forum
  17. it looks that between 40 and 70 we are pretty evenly distributed, at least those who responded
  18. about using condom you better be in ' I do ' camp , not " I don't care"
  19. why , you are under 30 and your boyfriend over 85 ?
  20. Overweight men can do their part covering too , we also tend to forget that our 18th birthday was many years and kilograms ago
  21. I was there with boy from Adsonis already so mamasans left us alone
  22. you are correct about remarks being insensitive but he has a point generally speaking about looking at tourists behavior, sometimes watching in various countries how tourists dress and behave I can't stop thinking that they are asking for a trouble. Some people think if they have money they can do whatever they want and forget that they are still guests in other country. My comments are general, not related to the case above. Only thing which cause me to rise a eyelid was almost immediate suspicion by Thai police that murder was job of migrant workers-some things are the same all around the world, blame outsiders.
  23. Now you know why in my oppinion best beach in Thailand is Fresh Beach Boys bar in soi Twilight
  24. I just got e-mail from friend who is in BKK right now settled in Narathiwas area and he says that tourists are present in great numbers to a point that is difficult to walk along Silom so it looks that low season is not that low at least in BKK
  25. Next round of dance will come when people of say , Hebrides or Shetlands decide they still want be part of UK , not an independent Scotland, see examples of Transnistria and Moldova or South Ossetia and Georgia in former USSR. those things tend to snowball and if somebody thinks this is possible only in wild east look no further than Northern Ireland. ( Hi Nirish ! )
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